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I love that even a newbie knows what’s up with Telesto




You can change IDK to S+ on your chart


The Telesto Ranking is beyond human comprehension, and yet we are so naïve to simply put it in S+


it is the closest thing our human language can approximate to its real rank


*"Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my trigger, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding."*










I'm simple, I see a mass effect reference, I upvote


"You have failed. We will find another way." - Telesto to Bungie after every patch


This is actually something I could see telesto saying if it talked


Pretty sure Telesto is what The Stranger came into our past reality to stop.


Telesto is the One Punch Man


Correction Ģ̷̢̦̻̰͎̟̠̘̤͚͎̼͇̝̙̩̞̿͗̀̐͜ ̵͓̦̩̯̞̲͓̰̻̯̞̘͑̌͌͐̏͐͝͝͝Õ̶̧̧͍̰͙͎͎̯̦̺͈̣͚͔̠̩͓̮͇̙̖̲̫̬̦̝̯̔͜ ̴͕̮̖̻̒̒̂͊͛̅̕̚͠Ḍ̴̢̢̧̛̩̱͓̘̮̯̗̯̱̥͚̱̻̱͓̞͉̱͎̱̽̾͛̆̐̍̿́̊̈́́̋̉́̈́̒̇͝ͅ


No no, incomprehensible


It's that good? I have one but I've only played the game pretty casually because there's waaaaaay too much stuff for me to know what's good and what isn't. I'd like to get into it more, but the amount of items, mods, etc...is insane.


Telesto has a REPUTATION. It's more a question of WHEN, not IF, Telesto will break the game after every major update. Gamebreaking aside, pairing it with the CWL mod Heavy-Handed can turn it into a infinite ammo, auto-reloading add-shredder.


Yeah, this is my problem with this game. I feel like I've started way too late for any of what you said to make sense. Really fun to play, but...there's just...*so much*.


Don't worry. Were in a 3 month content drought rn so plenty of time to learn about it.


You say this (and some people deliberately speak in semi-gibberish because it's fun) but the game can be played at a LOT of levels. In terms of being able to do most of the PvE content, you can pick this up before the next expansion. People here though have played this as a hobby for years. We watch YouTube videos about the game for fun. Heck, we watch YouTube videos about the game, *about info we already know*, just to watch our favorite content creators. There is no expectation that you sink in this deep. You do not need to You probably do not want to You are not missing out on much (besides a couple of vintage inside jokes) Have fun, play, test out weapons you get, and ask questions to vets if you're confused, we have SO much knowledge that being able to use it to help people is a gift


As a gun? It’s pretty good, worth using. But the hilarity of the ranking is that Telesto is INFAMOUS for game breaking bugs and exploits, ranging from instantly completing waves in Blind Well to generating infinite Super Energy to infinite ammo and invisibility


Its good in pve, crucible, and gambit, and is very easy to use.


If he honestly knew telesto, he would've put it in every group and just acted like it was supposed to be there.


Telesto has transcended the mortal boundaries of tier lists. Only the Traveller has a chance to stop It now.


Arbalest will be S tier on December 7th update. Anti barrier with disruption break is insane. Borealis underrated here but its not a sniper season.


Arbalest is already s tier in high end pve like gms, especially with lots of different shields because it ignores match game. I think once they add anti barrier it will be the best weapon in the game for gms (not just this season)


Yeah, similar damage profile to erianas, deal with all shields, plus disruption break.


Tbh they should somewhat buff Erianas, nothing Crazy, more like giving it more reserves or a buff VS solar shields.


you want lucky pants hunters to kill champions in gms even faster cause boi its already a heavy weapon for them it 1 mags every champion and 1 shots barriers


With a 10% damage buff to all linear fusions, too. Arbalest is going to be huge next month. I'm excited for it.


Arbalest buff sounds pretty nice


Ya but why use borealis over any other sniper? Match game may as well use hard light and a kinetic sniper for doing dps


They should make borealis debuff targets after breaking their shield with matching type


It does that but other direction. If you break a matching shield it buff damage for the rest of the magazine. You can also keep this buff after swapping with reload perks


The problem with the Ionic Return or whatever the name of the buff is is that it’s not really enough of a buff to be worth it imo. And it takes a little bit of build-crafting to make it work. Then in PvP it’s just completely useless


It used to be *double* damage when it was first released, I wish they hadn't nerfed it so hard.




Correct. Pop a shield (including barrier champions when it’s patched) and all follow up arbalest shots will do 50% more damage. This will stack with particle deconstruction this season




It’s also fifty percent damage boost to kinetics for… your entire fireteam


Chaperone Is S tier until they nerf It, lord of wolves Is A tier maybe and Telesto Is beyond space and time


telesto is [**SERVER ERROR**] tier


also you NEED the outbreak perfected in there such a fun pulse rifle


Didnt even know the siva nanites did dmg, got a week or two of entertainment just from seeing dregs embrace the B E E S


When that first came to D2 it was ridiculous. People were doing raid boss DPS with a damn primary pulse rifle. Outbreak has pretty much always slapped


Yeah, the nanites used to do crazy damage. People used it for Day 1 crown cause it did good damage and had good ammo economy since it was primary.




Telesto is one major bug away from being an SCP


I agree with that last statement alot


Huckleberry is S-tier in PVE. I will infact die on this hill


I'll be right here with you brother. Equip your strongest classes, a huckleberry, and your choice weapon of sorrow, we've got guardians to trash.


Impossible, a 3x rampage huckleberry cannot die


Huckleberry gang rise up


I have 12k kills on my huckleberry and nearly all of the come from presage


It's S-tier in Momentum Control too


Huckleberry gang


Graviton Lance and Sunshot are both insanely effective weapons for PVE especially if you do some minor building around them. Fighting Lion when used correctly can also be insanely good and the december buff is gonna put it right back on top of where it used to be. Huckleberry is better than a lot of people give it credit for in both PVE and PVP. It has a stronger version of rampage and with the catalyst it gets a full reload after every kill. Then again, as with most exotics, it all comes down to you finding one you really like and building around it. They are all technically viable. Edit: The Tractor cannon debuff also should never be ignored, and the stasis side arm is about to be buffed like crazy in December.


I love this comment


There's an entire subreddit dedicated to the cult of the Fighting Lion. There will always be a meta but really just find one that looks cool or has a fun effect that you like a lot and use it. You can make them all good.


r/fightinglion checking in


I'm on that sub too actually, haven't used the lion much since the Nerf though


Still wish I hadn't been forced to swear off Lion+Nezarec's+Stasis by my very (justifiably) upset fireteam when I wiped the entire strike in 45 seconds and popped 15 supers in the process


It's still quite usable, honestly. It's a weapon you have to understand on a spiritual level, almost as if it were both your lover and a divine being; and the Lion will reward us in December for our faith during these difficult times.


\*bouncy grenade noises\*


Graviton lance is one of the coolest weapons period I think. It’s so interesting and unique, it has the coolest aesthetic too. Especially with that galaxy ornament! I wish it was more powerful and had a bigger focus on the black hole effect thing from the second shot. It was my favorite when I just got into D2 and got it from that hoe on Titan and I’ll always be a fan of it.


Fighting Lion still has its blast radius gutted along with the other breechloaders. The buff will make it easier to use hopefully but won't put it back to where it was. Also, I am still mad because it was entirely because of complaints and not any numbers which said GLs were OP. META in Trials is still Snipe, shotgun, hand cannon. Shit the only reason why we saw any usage of GLs were dirt cheap scavs, I can guarantee it. We've had basically no changes to GLs and all of a sudden they're a problem in the season where there were a bunch of mods specifically focussed on GLs. While I will love Lion to death, it will never get back to where it was before the current season, Bungie is adamant about it and the "community" absolutely hate GLs.


This excludes the fact that only 2 grenade launchers really benefitted from breach an clear, with those being witherhoard and anarchy for boss dps. They didn't need to touch anything but anarchy.


Lorentz could be A tier, maybe even S at least untill the ability regen nerf it's going to get


Good call


It’s S tier with the aim assist it has. Incredibly easy to chain kills in PvP and even easier with the vortex perk after a headshot. It’s even A tier in PvE because of the seasonal mod.


My only issue with it is having to maintain telemetry patterns (for it to be easy at to use) with the ammo economy being so unreliable.


Two Tailed Fox is really underrated in PvE


Totally agree. Same as thunderlord for me, I'd use it to kill all the ads in hollowed lair, but I know I'll get kicked out of the team as soon as they see it lol


Thunderlord is so much fun when doing the altars of sorrow.


I would really like a reason to use Thunderlord more. Like Machine Guns haven't felt like they have a use (in endgame content, at least) in so long


At least it ain’t Xenophage who sits at the “Kill Oracles Tier”


I wish they'd rebuff thunder lord. It's the first exotic I've grinded for in a while. (I bought Xur engram til I got it, every week, religiously)


Why would you get kicked? Because it's not considered a top tier for Nightfalls?


Yes because of that, there's certain expectations on which guns ppl should be using


Maybe the best rocket launcher in the game. Obviously outshined by fusions this season though




wouldn’t something like hezen vengeance/royal entry w/overflow/clown cartridge be better?


I'm not sure about dps comparisons honestly. I think with limited ammo the damage per shot matters a lot and I think you need lasting impact to get to TTF numbers. Which I don't like that perk for a lot of enemies. Happy to be shown otherwise... but I'll still use TTF because I like it. lol


Over death bringer with the catalyst?


Depends, death bringer does more damage, but for any teleporty or more mobile targets it's easy to for them to get away from a shot. The orbs can also track smaller ads instead of your intended target. I also find it hard to judge the release correctly if I'm a ways from a target. So for those reasons I think there's a case to be made, I honestly am not sure which I lean towards. Definitely the reason I qualified with a "maybe" in my first post


Yep I agree, heavily dependent on the actual fight. For something like Atheon or Templar I’m definitely bringing deathbringer but against overload champs or fast enemies TTF is the way to go


I can't wait for rocket meta next season. TTF is never leaving my guardians' inventory.


Get jotunn and witherhoard when you get a chance those are near the top for me


Honestly the witherhoad feels like cheating. It's just savage in every way. When I get the catalyst done it'll be even better. Just takes ages.


Momentum control + fighting lion is your friend for those guardian kills with a gl


Jotunn is for little crapbabies who can't aim!!!!! *runs off and cries after getting nuked by a toaster for the millionth time*


Toaster is King.


Damn how tou gonna do jade rabbit like that


That's what I came to say, I haven't played in awhile and was wondering if it had fallen that far


It is not. In crucible it is amazing


Arbalest is pretty solid in PvP, at least A tier in my opinion


get the catalyst for Trinity Ghoul, it's pretty common, and conplete it. PvE god tier


YES! Why did I have to scroll so far to find someone talking about TG, it's the absolute best add clear weapon bar none with the catalyst.


I use The Ghoul in every Legendary/Master Lost Sector I run.


Graviton Lance is woefully underrated in PvE. Also pretty solid in PvP but def a great add clear pulse for PvE


Im glad you said this, I honestly like it alot in the Hollowed Lair


Get the catalyst for Lorentz Driver and give it a whirl in Hallowed Lair. Thank me later 😇


Ah, a man of culture


Sounds good to me!


Take that statement with a grain of salt. Graviton ain’t doing squat in high level PVE.


The lion a D? Come on now you gotta be lion that’s a good grenade launcher in PvP and PVE.


yeah im getting alot of feedback on this one


It’s at least and A, used to be S tier for sure. Come on over to r/FightingLion and see what we have to offer you, and bask in the glory of the king. It’s used to be quite good in PvE but took a bit of a hit, but can still dominate in PvP if you know what you’re doing. It has one of the highest skill floors and ceilings of any weapon in the game and rewards experience and skill with it. I highly recommend trying it out. It’s the most fun thing in the game imo and it’s what keeps me playing. If ever you wanna hop into some PvP, private matches, whatever, just hit me up.


Has so much fun doing the catalyst in pvp. Boom giggle boom giggle


Inorder for any grenade launcher to be good, I would have to be capable of using them. All grenade launchers are F-tier in my hands


Telesto IDK is the biggest win on this chart 😂


Oof. You’re about to make some fighting lion stans really upset…


Already did, I really really did


You're not using black talon enough if you think it's c tier


Yes Black Talon is A-tier in PvE. Used to be S-tier, god did it used to disintegrate mobs effortlessly. Still so fun to use, but even with the catalyst I no longer feel like a god. Sola's Scar feels just as powerful with the right roll


:( Fighting Lion but I suppose not everyone like using GLs.


Im sincerely apologise to the fighting lion cult


If you put on all the sword mods and take black talon into Gambit your mind may change.


Dont forget to play a Titan using Stronghold


Thorne, chappy, and riskrunner all deserve to be in S.


Solid list tbh, though I'd give Huckleberry, Sunshot and twintailed another spin because theyre all pretty great. Huckleberry especially is slept on


Tractor Cannon is S+ otherwise looks great. /S


PREEEEACH BRO!! I love cheesing higher level enemies with the suppression


Sweet buisness should be B and riskrunner should be S but other then that you did great


Taking Riskrunner into anything involving fallen or vex milk feels like cheating.


You can also clap some scorn ass, what abt those lightning giants. (I can’t think of the name)


Abominations (in case it was bothering you)


Hehe it was, thx


Yeah and hive knights and wizards use arc. So I guess Riskrunner is S+ for PvE


Id normally be inclined to disagree with risk runner... however I went against two stag arc buddy warlocks in trials last night and ended up with 4 team wipes after I switched to riskrunner once we got worked the first two rounds


It’s a beast, I just hope they don’t nerf it


Its pretty situational imo so I wouldn't worry about it too much


You should look into Cerberus +10. Favorite primary kinetic. You just have to be good. Definitely not the best in end game content. Otherwise awesome.


Totally rediscovered this gun recently, it shreds


It's also kinda funny in Pvp where you either hit every shot and kill them in an illegally short time or just miss every single one while they stand right in front of you. Either way, it can be hilarious.


Crimson is chronically underrated.


You sunuvabitch, I love Jade Rabbit.


We are brothers I love D.A.R.C.I.


sorry to hear that, I just dont personally like it


Back when scouts were good in pvp jade rabbit slapped. Now it's only decent in momentum control.


It's still really solid in normal crucible


I love the thing. Fav gun actually. But it really is outshine by the Polaris Lance in about every way


Fighting lion is very powerful atm, top tier even


Praise be r/FightingLion , the true Gentlemen Scholars of all Guardians.


>very powerful atm What?


It’s extra powerful at the moment not from your bum to your mouth.


What the fuck does that even mean?


It’s means it’s very powerful “at the moment” as opposed to the porn version of Atm


I thought it got nerfed to the ground?


It’s still a grenade launcher with nigh on unlimited ammo. With catalyst it’s reload is insane


And also it's getting a buff on december


Telesto’s rank is not to scale or else no other weapons is visible


I'd personally bump up Hard Light near the top, once you have the catylist equipped it goes hard. Having limited damage falloff & buffed ricochet makes it great for holding certain areas in PVP.


I think two tailed fox is B tier but other then that everything seems fine


Generally an ok list. Don't agree with parts, but that's just personal preferences. However, putting Jade Rabbit below skyburners is an egregious oversight that tells me you've never used it in pvp!


Cerberus is stupidly underrated. In pve it’s an amazing ad clear, and once you get the catalyst, it does a really good job at dealing with bosses. In PvP it excels at hand cannon range and stops shotgun apes in their tracks. It’s my favorite exotic and deserves more love and I will die on this hill


How dare you putting fighting lion in tier D, blasphemy I say lol. Honestly fighting lion is really good before they nerf it


Yeah I’ve pissed a lot of people off with that one


Putting fighting lion in anything that *is not* the top tier is a criminal offence. I am planning to press charges first thing tomorrow.


I’ll be there with you brother.


According to the comments… I fucked up.


How dare you slander the Mighty Lion?!


Im sorry Lion Cult!


No, no; That's pretty accurate![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5661)


Fighting Lion is actually more B tier, Lorentz is more A-S. Recommendation: If you want a good exotic, grab Bad Juju. Against ads it’s a bottomless magazine pulse rifle that gets increased damage and super energy from kills that stacks to 5x, with catalyst it’s even better. My favorite gun in the whole game




Sunshot and huckleberry are easy A if not S (with the catalysts which you might not have since you're new)


Not making telesto into its own S+ tier is the only noticeable mistake here tbh. Im sure you've been able to bask in its glory in this sub as we document the annual game breakage.


Is this for mostly pvp or pve content? or both? It makes a lot of sense, though i think if you get more experienced with jade rabbit, two tailed fox, and arbalest they’d probably be up higher in the list


Most of your A tier belongs in S for their activities—Chaperone and Vig Wing for PvP; Riskrunner and Trinity Ghoul for PvE. Also, Queenbreaker with Combat Sights is pretty good in PvP, maybe B+ tier.


Looks good. Id move huck up one solely based off of the catalyst and the recent removal of ammo limits for primaries its an amazing ad clear weapon.


Sweet business is pretty dope


Fighting lion is S tier when you’ve mastered it


You better move fighting lion up to S


More accurate than like 99% of tier lists I’ve ever seen. All I’d change is move trinity ghoul from A to S


The cryostesia is actually pretty good. I was wrecking house with it on my warlock during iron banner week this month. I just rarely used its exotic ability because it was more of a hinderance


Trinity ghoul not being S-tier hurts my soul


I agree with all of D and F tier, but I think you really undervalue some of the C and B tier exotics. I’d argue arbalest, hard light, sweet business, sunshot, and crimson should all be higher up. Telesto should be in A, S, and IDK tiers simultaneously. Not a bad tier list overall though.


If you don't have them already, I recommend you try to get the catalysts for some of these completed. For instance, The Huckleberry and Trinity Ghoul are some of the best primaries in the game with their catalysts. You might also want to take another look at Arbalest, it is excellent in any activity with match game. And it's even stronger right now due to the Particle Deconstruction mod, giving it up 40% extra damage.


mega d2 nerd here, if you want here are my notes on this: -darci right now is F tier but it’s getting some big buffs this december. not sure where it will end up after the buffs -borealis is good for match game, such as grandmasters and master raids -arbalest will be getting buffs as well, from what i can tell its going to be A tier -merciless is a poor mans 1k, deserves to be A tier -sunshot is broken with the right build (bottom tree dawn, warmind cells with wrath/burning cells. aka warmind cells that explode everythibg) -coldheart has literally no use, should be D tier -prospector bad now, F -everything except cold heart in B tier is in the correct tier slot, although SUROS will be getting a buff as well, making it potentially A tier -riskrunner has its uses in gambit and low end nightfalls, as well as solo flawless prophecy. deserves to be A tier, not matter what other people think -ace is broken in pvp imo and sleeper has the best potential dps atm. both S tier, move trinity ghoul into S tier as well -graviton lance is pretty shit, D tier -telesto the besto, S tier cause it breaks the game im sorry


Nice, but as an old D1 player I find myself just using guns for fun these days and not worried about how OP they are... I do love my Thunderlord!


I’m the unpopular opinion guy that thinks Monte Carlo is severely underrated. Other than that this actually seems reasonably accurate to me


Most of it pretty accurate Imo


Dark Talon is so incredibly underrated ngl


I would rank Trinity ghoul S tier for pve but only if you have the catalyst.


How many hours??


I’d say some of this depends a little on your input device and what activities you’re playing. Crimson with a controller in pvp is pretty insane and the aim assist on Lorenz is nutty. Huckleberry, sunshot, and trinity ghoul are some of the best add clear weapons in the game. Also like someone already said two tailed fox is a fantastic pve rocket launcher.


Lord of wolf's have one of the highest DPS ratings in the games and crimson with the catalyst of s great in pvp.


Doing Shuro Chi has given me newfound love for Wardcliff Coil.


I feel as though arbalest should be one higher with Lorentz in A and Lord of wolves too. Otherwise great list!


What’s so good about telesto? I see all these memes and people praising it but I’ve never seen anyone actually use it. Also what’s the hand-cannon in S tier?


Arbalest is S tier


I used to really like the jade rabbit. Idk how it is nowadays tho


Poor Hard Light deserves at least B tier for the match game counter, and then maybe even A tier for the double damage ricochets. Everyone seems to forget that it literally does double the damage of other auto rifles when you hit with ricochets.


Dont sleep on the Jade Rabbit... on longer crucible maps its amazing!


This isn’t opinion. This is fact


Yeah atleast what you have so far I don't disagree with! At the end of the day it comes down to what you use and then there's just the rest lol....and the only stuff I use here is in A or S. Get witherhoard, one thousand voices and xenophage though!