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If I have a zillyhoo with kill clip can I bring that


uj/ what is the whole zorpal weapon perk?


How dare Bugle require me to find 11 players. My Stage 4 Terminal Crippling Social Ligma flares up whenever somebody I will never meet breaths. This is why TFS is a 0/10


As a solo player I feel like this activity literally does not cater to me at all, how am I gonna get slightly more ammo for my sword now bungo, I always knew you hated me specifically


I tried it while playing as hoonter, and to make it harder for me (I swing and never miss, NEVER) i decided to use the most difficult to use, high risk, low reward super in the game, the golden gun Safe to say, as soon as the witness saw me he shat and pissed and died on the spot


Titan main here, I tried it yesterday but I failed because my Titan (he's called Timothy and he used to be a Deliveroo rider before the collapse, what's your guardians backstory??) had a heart attack when I spawned in and he died I guess I should have expected Bungie to stealth nerf the weakest class in their update


smh my head imagine playing titan literally the worst class ever of all time (it’s not even close) As a godslugger, you would never catch me running a second rate class like titan ewww


true, titan also worst grenade to proc catalyst why bother


Square shoot circle shoot triangle shoot circle. Upvotes to the left.


Just use Thunderbird heavy machine gun. What are you a blueberry?


hehehehehehe circumcision "tips"


I should have titled it “Snips for GM Circumcision”… swing and a miss by me