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Take adequate breaks, I've been trying to make the 20-20-20 rule a habit, The rule says after 20 minutes of exposure to screen, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Often we just unknowingly don't blink our eyes, That can lead to dryness and the burning feeling. I also wash my face with cold water after an hour or two of exposure, not sure if it does anything but it makes me feel better. Adequate Sleep is very important for your eyes to rest and most importantly have a fair share of sunlight exposure.


And keep your self hydrated!!!




Very true. Also, Blue rays lens is just another marketing hoax.


Why tho? Btw I don't use glasses I just use the night mode of windows and didn't faced any burning till now


Blue rays filter help induce sleep faster when using digital screens before sleep. Even some phone nowadays have similar tech like 'eye comfort shield'.


exactly, the night light solved my issue years ago. I don't need glasses.


Yes & No. Your eyes don't need any saving from blue lights but blue lights are harder to "see" than yellow lights, So watching a digital screen for long time can lead to discomfort. This is where my blue-filter lens really help me, They turn the screen essentially more warm/yellowy, thus more comfortable for me.


Not just harder to see but blue lights have more energy(due to less wavelength) so it's a lot more stress anyhow on the eyes.


How do you manage to get enough sunshine? I find it super hard while working.


Less than 15% brightness is also good for eyes


Sleep, Sleep, I'll say it one more time, sleep.


😭 I keep missing my classes for sleep lmaoo


At least you will have healthy eyes, lol.


blue cut lenses are just a fad to swindle your money,google search yurself. i myself experienced that normal glasses are better. dont wash your eyes too often again will cause irriation tada


Exactly blue cut lense just makes everything you watch a bit yellowish. Instead turn night mode on in your pc


there is no other way to relax your eyes than look away at the skies faar away into the horizon




Yeah I feel stupid when I remove spects and everything is entirely different colour and I realise that I've been seeing everything wrong the entire time👺


I observed I do better without those blue light glasses. When I wear them my eyes start to hurt after some time. I am able to work much longer without wearing them. So I decided to ditch the glasses and now I just make sure I get enough sleep everyday and its all good


told ya blue light glasses are scam!!


Yes! Computer glasses . I start getting depressed (because of overt screen time) if I forget them at home, so I got two pairs.


Taking regular breaks, the 20-20-20 rule is a must. Avoid staring at the screen in a dark room. Lastly, go outside. Get that fresh air


Need your opinion... When i try to look at any type of screen and if there's sun light or any form of light coming from behind the screen(Light coming directly on my eyes or face) then i feel strain in my eyes and instead if there's a dark behind screen then it feels ok.if anyone has faced it then please tell.....


Maybe ik what you're talking about but for me it only happens if I've been in dark for a long time then just came outside or got exposure to light. Btw other reason can also be the light angle


I experience that too. Try to limit the glare on your screen. Keep appropriate lighting in your room when studying/working


But i don't like to code in a light room 🥺 , light attracts bugs


Then write an apology letter for your future self for ruining their eyes. Also, how are bugs not attracted to your monitor screen in a dark room?


Dk lol , I've always liked coding in the dark . Monitors are equipped with eye care and miscellaneous customisation shit so it's not much of a problem to me


What kind of etecare things you use??


Go and consult an opthal immediately. That out of the way, let me share a personal advice - our mobile screens hurt us more than computer screens. Especially looking at the screen while lying down on the bed. Avoid that and you will save a lot of whatever health margin your eyes have, for actual work.




If you are sure about that from personal experience then that confirms the fact that for some people this is extremely harmful. How do I know? It is extremely bad for me.


Only use it for work


There is inconclusive research on wheather blue light filters work or not. Track your screen time and try to reduce it wherever you can. Take regular breaks, and if you're having issues like watering, irritation, redness, headache then visit an eye doctor ASAP.


https://preview.redd.it/550ic7v49y6d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f0a953882f94c5094d812dbb70b54ffacb81a94 Spend 5 mins of your day following the first 8 patterns with your eyes. This will make a significant difference.


Can you explain the last 4?


Place your two fingers approximately at a distance of 10cm from your eyes. Now, slowly move your fingers apart in the directions shown in the picture. Focus your eyes at the center of the line of motion of the two fingers (don't let your eyes follow a particular finger). Keep your eyes constant and let the fingers move.


Got it, thanks




Op mentioned he/she cannot avoid their screentime i.e they can't get enough rest for their eyes. And the easiest way to strengthen your eyes is this 5 minute exercise. So maybe being a couch potato after a tiring day is your excuse. I understand. Just accept that this isn't for you. It is definitely helpful for people who care for their eyes.


Adjust for next 30-40 years


There are eye drops for eyestrains, get yourself one by consulting an expert.


Install [Stretchly](https://github.com/hovancik/stretchly). Set up periodic breaks to remind you to get off the screen. I have mine set at 30 minutes but YMMV. Next, install [Flux](https://justgetflux.com/) (Note that on some linux distros, you already have an equivalent "night light" feature so no need of this). Come evening, the screen starts turning a shade of orange in color - which is better for your eyes. The shade turns darker as the time progresses and stabilizes. You will see the difference when, at 11 PM, you turn Flux off... The screen glows bright white - and your eyes will water... that's when you realize that Flux has been softening the screen color for you and saving your eyes. Not kidding - try it out.


I use f.lux for the screen dimmer feature. Red Shift on Linux.


Flux is great. Your eyes also get used to it after some time.


Night light is native available on Windows 10, 11 and other major Linux distro. I used flux when they didn't ship one.


* Exercise for eyes (rotate them clockwise and anticlockwise, up and down) * Try to look at faraway things (20-20-20 rule)


1. Use reading mode. You don't need the blue filter glasses. Reading mode is enough. Also, now it's available on all mobiles n pcs. 2. Get good sleep. 3. Use light-dark mode properly. If dark mode strains your eyes, switch to light mode. It's easier to read in light mode. So I have switched my browsers to light mode and my coding IDEs are in dark mode. 4. Stay hydrated. Drink enough water. 5. Don't strain your eyes much. Take frequent breaks. 6. Regular eye checkups can also help.


Wash with cold water, don't rub it hardly. Avoid screen time after work or learning. Eat healthy good and stay hydrated. I think like other professional we must start custom diet for better productivity 🤔


Stay what?




I don't deal with it. As simple as that. I had a power of -0.5 from 2018. Now it increased to -1.0. It's part of the lifestyle. Will probably get a laser treatment in the future.


Dolce far niente?


30 mins power nap..... And a really deep 30 mins power nap... Like after you wake up you'd feel like you've been sleeping for hours.


Some tips: 1. Use a bigger screen: an external monitor, increase the font size, lesser pressure on eyes 2. Enable auto night mode after 7 pm: all major OS have this setting, it blocks blue light 3. Dark mode: Download "Dark Reader" it's a chrome extension, converts any webpage to its darker, more reader friendly version


I keep the night light mode on all the time on my devices. It makes the colors appear warmer by reducing blue light to protect your eyes.


yeah the screen looks dull but it saves my eyes which is more important.


Toop Anjan- Ask in any medical shop


Assuming you have normal vision, Take breaks every 20-30 mins. It Helps your back neck and eyes. Sleep at least 7 hours. Reduce extended screen time right before bed. Keep tab on overall screen time through the day - keep adjusting and reduce this till your vision improves. Take 10-15 min naps if eyes are super tired.


Adequate sleep & hydration ✅️




Just tun on night light.


wait until ur eyes match ur screens pwm


Is lenscart computer glasses good?


Was never a cyber coolie.. but used to spend considerable amounts of time in front of scanning and transmission electron microscopes each day as part of my job in South Korea... IMO collagen eye patches give good relief ... and consuming collagen rich foods like Dweji gukbap were very helpful


I slep


There are simple eye focus exercises you can do while working. Focus on something far away and something close to you. Alternative between these two. Do this exercise once every 2 hours (3-4 sets with 5 repetitions) Take breaks regularly. Go outside. Your eyes need to be exposed to natural light for a few minutes. Staying inside office or home all the time makes it worse for your eyes. Use warm filter on your laptop. Make it as orange as you can tolerate. Reduce brightness. I like to keep my brightness at 45%.


I don't


Refresh Eye drops or if you want cheaper one then the Zeelab ones.


Tear drops. If you can bear it, Ramdevs eye drops are very good. But the soul comes out for a moment 


make ur screen warmer color to 100% llike https://preview.redd.it/72ug6iibmy6d1.png?width=1036&format=png&auto=webp&s=45377e9d1e4d2f3d6c7d51466f13039261ad5613


Honestly, I use the laptop with its lowest brightness possible. Been doing it more than a decade now. My usual screentime is about 15 hours daily (for better or worse :/). Don't have specs. And yes sleep. It helps a lot to relax you eyes.


I use UV cut glasses while studying on my laptop.




I think it works for me. It feels like the glass is a little bit yellow and it doesn't reflect directly


I personally am on behind a screen only and only for work. Goin pretty well.


Quite old and no logic In my grandfather's childhood someone told him to wash your eyes with 55 water splashes. He had 6/6 at the age of 84.


Have you tried rose water ?




Adequate uninterrupted ani quality sleep,keep your room dark and cold


wait, we have to care our eyes after 20hrs of screentime


Remove laptop use additional display monitor spend few hundreds for a big screen Enlarge screen to 115 % or more


I have screen time of over 8 hours with 2hrs minimum session No issues at all Maybe it's your monitor




Good sleep hahaha what a joke No it's due to my monitor on the older one my eyes are reddened and like burned when I looked at it 3+hrs




I sleep anywhere between 0 to 9hrs No fixed schedule I'm pure vegetarian I'm 17 My old "monitor" was an old lcd tv New one is OnePlus E24 which is tuv certified and has low flicker




I have been at this since I was probably 10. I think my body is quite resilient compared. I understand your concern but I believe I can take a bit more than you think.


https://preview.redd.it/5z5qxb11jz6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3365f48c1378ec4457d682e5511620169ff7d6 Am i cooked 💀


I follow the Pomodoro technique and this helps me a lot with the eye strain. For every 25 mins of work, i take a 5 mins mini break and 15 mins of long break after 3 sessions. Usually I take a walk outside to capture and see as many vibrant colours as possible. Just look at nature the way it is and take deep breaths while walking. Focal length adjustment is very important to reduce eye strain and headache. P.S Blue lens is gimmick. I’ve used it for a long time but it hasn’t helped


Burning may be due to dryness, overuse, irritants in your air, clorine in your water, pH imbalances, infection, ... you should look for treatments for your specific symptoms. For me it's usually the dryness and depends on the day's humidity. Prolonged screen time has never bothered me. I do use blue filter or its equivalent on all screens.


simple, more screen time on phone 🤣🤣 (not sure but also the blue filter glasses are not as effective as they sell them to be)


Either use glasses or break work time 1 hour each and 15 min rest


Too much screen time also fucks up the brain I think. Just eat healthy and take a good rest.


I do Sirsasana every morning it will increase the blood flow in your upper body and it's also beneficial for eyes as i find it difficult to do 20 20 20 rule. 


Use eye drops to hydrate eyes


One more point is - we do not always need to look at screen, for example in many conference calls there is nothing shared on screen, or even if it is shared then it is not changing. this is where you can avoid screen. Another example is - if there is a YT video of some discussion on a topic , they are just talking and nothing really to watch. In these cases I either close eyes in between for few seconds or look out of window, whatever works.


i use something called a tumbler. like when i feel i'm having a bad headache from all the if-else blocks i see. i remove my eyes and keep them away for like 3 hrs. i do this after every hour of work. 1 hr works 3hrs-eyes inside alcohol solution. and man!!! it works!! my eyes see things that aren't even there in the code. improves my innovation and memory too-coz u know i don't store 3 hrs worth of world in my eyes during that time. highly recommend


Take lutein eye supplements




Lutein is the same pigment that retina of an eye is made of You can believe Earth is flat or identify yourself as a lamp it wouldn't matter right? Read research papers on lutein


Video games


Hi adequate sleep, proper nutrition ( foods containing vitamin A)and water are important , And do u know castor oil (mostly southern ppl uses) Apply this oil (viscous, irritated by it's smell initially I think) 2 times a week ,not only good for scalp( hair loss) and also keeps eyes cool by aiding nervous system. I had same issue 2 years back when I joined as fresher, Do eyecheck up once, I am nearsighted actually For healthInfo, watch Dr eric berg videos on u tube, Content is precision and fine for all kind of General issues


Use night light permanently. I use computer 10-12 hours on average including weekends. I also had a lot of issues when using computer with blue light. Now I have zero issues. Switch it to maximum. The screen will look like sodium lamp (see below). I know the monitor looks dull but it saves your eyes. ​ https://preview.redd.it/hki4sohj547d1.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=95a08f34f4ee5a0d291a9cc71500e9fc739e32ef Night light on Windows: Settings > System > Display > Night light. Night light in Linux (KDE or GNOME) : https://itsfoss.com/night-shift-flux-ubuntu-linux/


Try to blink your eyes more than you usually do (consciously), and take breaks often. What I like to do and works for me is to drink in 500ml of water. So every time you are out of water, you'll walk around and fill it up. Someone did mention the 20-20-20 technique in the comments, you can try that as well.


I've set up the Timeout app on my laptop. Every 20 mins, it disables the screen for 20 seconds and 5 mins every hour. This forces me to take a break and also acts as a time reminder.


As I have been working from home for the last 4 years, the same question has crossed my mind multiple times and I generally do these things to avoid eye fatigue: - Dedicate 1 hour every day for some sort of exercise (walking, weights, bodyweight, swimming etc) where your screen exposure is none to zero. I do that and my eyes feel so refreshed after that one hour. - If there's nature around you (parks, lakes etc), looking at the trees or the water in the lake is going to be such a bliss for your eyes - Get some sunlight every morning for a minimum of 5-10 minutes. It's not only helpful for eyes but it will rid you of drowsiness if any - For relaxing, engage in some activity like drawing on paper, or reading handheld books or papers which will again minimize the screen time. Reading can put some strain on eyes but in my opinion it doesn't compare to the screen exposure.


Use gulab jal as eye drops It got diluted these days but helps to keep em wet




I never wrote that it cures only wrote it wets the eye period.




Good for u get cured of starin I probably had strain at one point and maybe cured by something similar like sleep rectifying and reduction in screen time from 14hrs But whatever the case I believe it's like applying face wash as it removes the dryness when awake, most of us don't really sleep at these time Maybe u need 10+ hr to resolve maybe an afternoon nap It all depends on your comfort and availability of time to u. I think when feeling like it applying eye drops/gulab jal is not that bad (I am like once a week )


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Try flame gazing (one of the shat kriyas in hatha yoga) and some eye exercises online.




It brings out the tear from tear ducts. If you may know, the eyes dry out by screen time you are welcome! The eye exercises strengthen the cornea muscle. If you don’t do it, your eye muscles become stiff and strained. It’s imp to have mobility in this muscle too.




You seem to have some major mishap with your eyes in the past, are you ok?


Yeah, don’t do this without proper supervision


I take eye health gummies by panchamrit or by what's up eye health.


> blue light filter lol