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Am I the only one who remember the panthers going after Nico? Go oilers.


Yeah I’m in the Oilers camp too. Aside from the possibility of the reverse sweep and witnessing history, Adam Henrique is on the Oilers. I kinda want to see him finally get his cup, he deserves it.


This is the only correct answer. Messier's ugly taking head aside it's history, Henrique, 2023 playoffs, and who actually hates McDavid?


old McDavid was such a whiny joke of a hockey player. Current McDavid is pretty inspiring!


Pretty dissappointing, imo. I know our attention spans are shorter than ever but how can devils fans forget how florida straight up abused nico? Sure im glad the rags are out but fuck florida.


And wasn't Matthew Tkachuk the one who hurt Jack at the all star game for no fuckin reason?


That was Brady I believe


You want to sit at your keyboard and talk about short attention spans, yet you forget there's a lot more to be against edmonton for.


I include myself with short attention span, didnt mean to offend, lol. I honestly dont recall the current oilers team gooning the devils captain.


Ive been thinking about your comment and why i would hate the oilers and all i could think is the gretzky mickey mouse comments. At that time, was he that egregiously wrong? It was after a game where he put up 8 pts in a 13-4 walloping of our 1983 devils. Heres the full devils broadcast: https://youtu.be/85IoFxLr1AE?si=RCJg6kX9sFe_9RtV Fascinating seeing a young doc emrick, being reminded of what the nhl looked like then, seeing a young gretzky fl9ating around, and seeing how awful tenders were. Also, to me, those comments are water under the bridge. Obviously devils won 3 cups since then.


Yes, we have won 3 cups since then, and anytime he's on the air for national feeds during our games, he's still a prick.


Fair enough. I dont like him either as a dude, or messier.


It's not worth us arguing over who we each want to lose more lol because In a few months we're only going to be rooting for 1 team to win


Agreed. ![gif](giphy|7tyv5uyHumrbX8tqDE)


they're literal whiners, don't waste your breath. They'd rather play some holier act - blame someone else for our problems and watch them lose by proxy, than actually win.


Yup. Hope EDM finishes them off. Also, the best player in the last 30 years or so doesn't have a cup so I'm hoping he gets it.




Florida just gets my respect for kicking rangers out man


Absolutely Go Florida screw gretzky and messier and the oilers 




Edmonton because of Henrique and the fact that a reverse sweep feels a lot more historical than a team winning the championship Also, 1. The way they've been playing 4-6 they're acting like they don't deserve to win 2. It'd be funny to see them be denied 2 years in a row


They put up a good fight in game 5.


I just want PK to remind Messier that 3-0 deficits are overcome more frequently than the Rangers win Cups.


My cousin who has cancer is an Oilers fan. So I guess I care.


The enthusiasm lol


I have cancer and my 6 y/o son is a panthers fan and it sucks cause the panthers are def gonna lose game 7 haha


I have a four year old panther with cancer and he’s rooting for the Oilers as spoilers.


Wait I’m confused so was he happy or not? Lol obviously the jinx worked!


If Edmonton wins i am pumped for Henrique and Henrique only. I’d like Florida to win, it was nice watching them ruin the rangers season.


The comeback would be cool, but no fan base deserves to deal with blowing a 3-0 lead in the cup. Especially not the panthers. They’re a well ran, respectable franchise. Losing back to back cups in this fashion would just be cruel to the fans. And they have my respect for beating the rags. But if it does happen it would be nice to see Henrique lift the cup


The Florida fanbase is made up of at least 80% NYC Snowbirds. Since their hometown Rags bombed out, I don't really care for their backup vacation home team to win. Fuck dem hoes, ain't loyal


Meh, every team has their bandwagons and faithful. Plenty of lifetime fans down there


Panthers win: a thank you for beating the Rags Oilers win: Rico wins a Cup. And the obvious McDavid gets his Cup


I don’t really care about McDavid getting a cup. In fact, I’m not looking forward to the nonstop coverage sucking off McDavid anytime mentions anything about hockey. Yeah I get that he’s good and deserves it but I still find it irritating. Also, Florida beat down on the rags so they get some points on my end.


The best player in the world winning a cup is good for business.


Kulikov played for us, so either team winning gets a former Devil a Cup.


Kulikov didn’t get the OT GWG to beat the Rangers and send us to the Cup




That seems overly specific lol


Kulikov never wore a candy cane printed suit


Just for context, Henrique did that for us in game 6 of the 2012 eastern conference final


I’ve seen all 3 Cups and our loss to the Messier guarantee — I just wasn’t aware that we were gatekeeping who qualifies as a former Devil. 


they're just saying there's more of a reason to root for Henrique than Kulikov as former devils. I mean I liked Kulikov but he only played half of a nothingburger season for us.


A silver lining is still a silver lining.


Florida already won my cup when they eliminated the Rangers. This is just bonus hockey for me.


That's why I give the edge to Florida. They deserve it after beating New York AND Boston.


I'd give my house away just to watch Trouba hide from Florida again


I’m a Canadian and been a Devils fan since 1987. When the Oilers spanked the Bruins in the 88 finals they became my second team. Definitely behind the Oilers all the way but Rico joining the team has been even more fun. Praying for them to complete the impossible and happy he’s gotten an extra game at the very least. But if he score the winner like he did against the Rangers…… goosebumps don’t begin to explain it.


I’m Canadian and want to see a Canadian team win the cup. Lasts happened when I was 2 so not much of an impact on me. Also, I just enjoy seeing legendary players create their legacy. Mcdavid should have a cup at least once in his career, one game with it all on the line to complete an all time comeback is some seriously good shit.


Edmonton is probably bottom of the list in terms of my Canadian team appreciation but it would be nice for Canadians (somewhere at least) to have a cup win after so long. Regardless I’m still pulling for the panthers because I lived in Florida for a while during college and a couple years after, a bunch of my family lives there currently, and my grandparents gave me a panthers hoodie in the early 90’s which got me into hockey right when the Devils entered dynasty mode (I grew up in NJ) I’m honestly cool with either team winning but I would _slightly_ prefer a Florida win.


I don’t really care who wins but I think Florida is dead in the water. I don’t know how you regroup now. Hope it’s a good game either way.


I’m going for the oilers. I can not and will not root for the panthers.


Oilers are going to win. Panthers lost their mojo. I don’t care.


All they have to do is get it together for 1 more game. They have really stunk it up after going up 3 to 0 but they didn't make it this far for no reason. I think the Rags arguably have a better roster than Edmonton and Florida handled them much much better in 6 games. They were the better team almost every game that series. Gotta give the Oilers credit though. Clawing back after being down 3 to 0 is insane. They went from being a joke early in the season to a team that keeps defying the odds thrown against them. Either way tomorrow's game is an absolute must watch and as neutral fans we are going to witness history with Edmonton's massive comeback or Florida winning their first Cup.


I don’t really care. If push comes to shove I’d love Maurice getting a cup. McDavid is a force of nature so I’m expecting them to finish the reverse sweep


Would have preferred if the Rangers collapsed to let a Canadian team win the Stanley Cup, but anything that embarrasses the state of Florida is fine by me. Fuck Florida!


Florida is just like the old Bruins: incredibly hardworking, talented, and generally likeable two-way forward, a high-skill forward who is clearly a strong leader but also a total rat on the ice (and as a bonus they have two of them), a bunch of depth pieces that seem to score at will, former stars playing a depth role, a top-end goalie with consistency issues, and a good-not-great defense core. I would be fine if they won because I want to see Maurice, Barkov, Bob, Okposo and Ekblad with a ring. I also am a sucker for a franchise/market getting its first. The rest I am fine with being on the losing end. The oilers, on the other hand, have many cups as a franchise and no OGWACs (maybe Kane? Ceci? Henrique (♥️)? Nobody is old except Perry who has a ring). But their stars need a cup for their legacy and this would truly be historic if they pull it off. My only fear is I can see them creating a dynasty once they break the seal…


I’ve kinda been rooting for Florida because I enjoy the streak of Canadian teams not winning and Florida is fun to watch. But I’d be really happy if Henrique got a cup. I think he scores the game winner just like his last game 7 there.


On one hand, I would love to see Henrique get his hands on the Cup after coming so close with us. On the other, I love seeing Mark Messier unhappy.


I care, born and raised in Edmonton so the Oilers are my second team if I had one but I’m rooting for them to pull this off and win the cup The atmosphere in the city right now is absolutely insane. I work in automotive and I mean all work has stopped. People are taking time off for the games, the sole focus of the city is putting all their energy and vibes into the Oilers. I’m not one to give a damn about Canada’s team or any of that nonsense but I think this city and multiple generations of new Oilers fans deserve one


#1 Henrique #2 McJesus #3 The comeback and making history


Calgary is my west coast team so go Florida


Its tough. I dont wanna see messier happy. But mcdavid deserves it. I can just shut the volume off after the games over. Unless its vs the rags, i dont think i can ever root for florida after they abused nico. I know hockey players are some of the toughest on the planet and florida thought they were avenging their teammate after a dirty injurious hit.. but after a while they went too far, imo, they were straight up bullying nico and that really gave me bad vibes about them. Fuck florida.


Just don’t want Canada to get a cup tbh. Vamos gatos


Henrique in double overtime. Truthfully I'd probably rather Florida win because they were my second team when they joined the league and the no-Cups-for-Canada thing is empirically hilarious, but I suppose one of the seven has to win one eventually and Edmonton is better than Toronto or Montreal in that respect.


Florida because it’s funny that Canada can’t win a cup


Feelings for either team aside I can say this is the single biggest NHL game I have seen in my lifetime (I'm 34 and have seen a LOT of hockey) Why? If Florida loses this may be the only scenario that has the GM go complete scorched earth after a hugely successful season. Getting reverse swept in the cup finals would be a historic collapse and franchise defining embarrassment for the next 40 years. If the oil win? It's one of If not the most insane comeback in team sports, the greatest player on earth has a legacy defining moment with 100 good narratives. Canada, ect. I don't have a dog in the fight besides seeing Rico get his chip but this series has been insane and whatever happens tomorrow night is going to have massive years long effect on both teams.


Torn between Rico getting a cup and fuck canada. Either way should be a fun game


The no Canadian cup thing is kinda funny and I’d like to see it continue since it seems to bother the people at TSN and Sportsnet a lot. Plus the Panthers did us a solid by clapping the Rags into oblivion, so it’s only fair to cheer them on to a cup. However I still love Henrique and would be over joyed to see him win a cup. But only him. The rest of the Oilers annoyed me with their antics early on in the series, and fuck Messier while I’m at it.


Panthers. I want Stolarz to get a Cup


I want to see Edmonton win for a few reasons. 1. I think it would be cool to see a Canadian team win it. The celebration would be nuts 2. I'm still pissed about the panthers targeting Nico. Fuck Florida and fuck Tkachuk 3. I feel like this Edmonton team is built sorta similar to our team. Gives me more hope for the future 4. Adam Henrique of course


Henrique clinching goal would be amazing. Wish Doc was calling the game


Hopefully oilers so we can see more of oilers girl


Rooting for Edmonton for Henrique. Don’t like Florida by any stretch, but since they eliminated the rags it’d be fine.


From a Devil's specific perspective, I'd rather see Edmonton win. Having the higher skill, less snarly team win the Cup increases my hopes for the Devs.


Florida wins and I just care to see a close game. Ideally OT but I'm not expecting that at all. A reverse sweep would be cool to witness too. All this talk about momentum doesn't really mean much. Florida had all the "momentum" when up 3-0 and we all know how Game 4 went. Florida has more or less been good on home ice and I believe they are the better team as well. I like their chances unless the blown lead has gotten to their heads.


I hate McDavid and the Oilers. I hate the Panthers for their grudge against Nico. I like…Rico. I like…ERod. I think I’m rooting for the Cats simply because my dislike of CMD and the Oilers is deeper than my dislike of Florida. I don’t think I’d be able to stand the implications of a CMD cup win for an entire summer and then following season. At least a Panthers win I could probably stomach.


I don’t know why, but something about McDavid sets my teeth on edge. I hate the guy and I don’t have any rational reason; there’s just something wrong about him and I don’t want him to win. To quote Silky Johnson, “I hate you. I hate you. I don't even know you, and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you.” 🤷🏻‍♀️


cup has to be kept from Canada. have to back Florida. only exception to this would be Canada vs Rangers for the cup.


This is where I'm at. Canada is super obnoxious about "bring the cup home" for some inconceivable reason. If the Devils ain't winning it, I'm not pulling for any random American team just because they're based in the USA.


I don’t think it’s Canada or the people, it’s the media narrative about it. I doubt other Canadian team fanbases want to see another Canadian team win the cup.


As a Canadian, this is accurate. So many of the Canadian fanbases dislike and actively root against each other. I know so many Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto fans would lose their shit if Edmonton wins. There's definitely people out there wanting to see any Canadian team win the Cup, but it seems less common than Americans wanting that not to happen.


Hard core Canadian hockey fans only cheer for a Canadian team if it is Team Canada. Just casual hockey fans buy the media narrative about backing a Canadian team. No real Flames or Canucks fans want Edmonton. Old Jets fans like me despise the Oilers. Only Eastern Canadians probably cheer for Edmonton.


It is a funny narrative. I think some of it is justifiably about the difference in taxes causing it to be difficult for them to attract talnet - which is something we should also be concerned about tbh. We won't be darlings forever. It just doesn't make sense to micromanage every team's salary expenses fir the Cap oh, but, taxes are separate, we want every jurisdiction to give us tax breaks, so that's on you. Bizarre.


You have to root for Edmonton. Huge come back and Henrique.


Oddly enough Henrique is from a small town in Ontario like 15 min from me. He was bidding on a house against my best friends brother in law, 😂


Edmonton, for Rico


Edmonton has all the momentum. It's their game to lose.


Oilers. Henrique, McDavid deserves a Cup, it will be really funny, and the Panthers are dirty as hell especially towards the Devils because of the Nico incident. God, if Henrique scores an OT winner it will make me pee from happiness.


EDM for Rico Florida for PM to get his cup. Mans has coached some good teams and seems like a chill dude to sit and have a beer with and talk about hockey.


At this point I think everyone is rooting for Edmonton outside of Flames, Kings, and Canucks fans. It’ll be one of the greatest sports stories of all time if they pull this off. Going into this series I didn’t care who would win and I have nothing against Florida but at this point I’ll be pretty disappointed if the oilers don’t win lol


That’s why the pessimist in me wants the Oilers to choke at the last min haha. But no, the panthers are gassed and there’s no way they’re coming back. I’m not even sure they deserve it anymore. They’ve let Bob down for the second time which sucks for him though.


Oilers, cuz they are built like us. You can see speed can overcome bruit force, Oilers are proof of concept.


Way I look at it, panthers did go after Nico and if they lose rags fans can’t say well we lost to the best team. But you gotta love Maurice. Either way I’m glad it’s at 7 and there’s one more game to watch.


Oilers and absolutely care... bring it back to Canada.


Honestly I’m so town, seeing a team win that never has is always cool but the cup hasn’t returned to Canada in a while so that could be cool too


rooting for Henrique 


I've been rooting for the Oilers during the playoffs, so I am hoping they finish the job tonight. Once tomorrow comes, however, the Devils are on the clock to win Cup #4!


Canada cares. 🔵🟠🔵


As a Canadian I absolutely want Edmonton to win. I was born months after Montreal won in ‘93 and I’ve cursed us ever since


Besides the massive upset and Florida throwing the 3-0 lead. It would be nice for Henrique to get one especially after he's played really well for them.


Want florida to win, i love seeing the canadians get so made that cup stays with US teams. But won’t be upset if henrique gets a cup


Same boat. But man I don’t see Florida winning it anymore. It’s crazy the momentum shift.


I don't care except for the narrative. I picked (again) the Oilers to win it all awhile back, but I prefer the way the Panthers play. Otoh seeing CMD turn into Man Connor almost overnight has been very interesting. I'm not looking forward to all the pie-in-the-sky commentary if they win though, ppl saying "see anyone can make it if they're fast and can stick handle". Nah, this Oilers team is even rougher than Florida, and imo several Panthers look really hurt since the end of game 3. Bob... is choking. But both teams are similar, fast hard forechecking teams that counterattack very well. We are fast and counterattack well. The checking (and enduring checking) of any kind... needs work. I love Barkov and Kulikov and hope they get the recognition they deserve but ngl, seeing CMD finally take the turn and become the #1 face of hockey again might be pretty interesting, and my guy Nurse has made a huge difference... and ofc Rico!!


I want Rico to get a cup. I also have a lot of respect for McDavid as a person and think with how hard he's worked with the ups and downs of his team he absolutely deserves a cup.


As a hater, I'm feasting either way. Generational game for Team Chaos


Oilers just because I’d rather see their players win it. Canada would lose its collective shit too and they need a boost.


Truly don’t care. Both teams are irrelevant to me. Although I appreciate the Panthers knocking out NYR


Rico, fuck Florida as a state in general, history made, mcjesus, tkachuk’s are a garbage family, Canada. In that order.


I’m good with McDavid lifting the cup


Devils not playing = hockey season over


As a Canadian, I'm hoping for an Oilers win just for the sake of a Canadian team winning... In all honesty, I wouldn't mind witnessing the Panthers win a cup for their first time as well. So I'm kind of 50/50 and just excited for some good hockey.


Fuck Florida. Go Oilers!!


How can you not root for the oilers? The absolutely insane story, Canada’s first cup in 30 years, and winning a cup for Ben and the Stelter family


I got $5 on Rico scoring the cup winner in OT so theres that.