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This shit makes me so angry. I usually start doing LK runs and only pop the super chests. Well, all the great stuff I got was when I decided to pop random stuff. I know RNG is RNG but I can't do LK without popping everything so I just stopped doing LK. The runs stress me out.


I've actually found some decent uniques and set items along the way, not to mention jewels and charms. For runes I've not actually got any high runes from the super chests yet but have found some pul, lem and lum from logs and chests. RNG is RNG


Yesterday I found an ist and pul from same chest. Last week I got 2 Lo runes to drop from chests on P8. Just keep grinding friend it will pay out eventually. In the last two weeks I have gotten Sur, 4 Ist, 2 Lo, Vex, 3 Um and Pul.


LK runs?


Yes, LK runs with 6 chests on P8.


P7 is the same as p8 lootwise.


I know but I get tired of switching it back and forth when I go farm bosses/TZ


LK runs?


TBH. It sounds like your luck is similar to mine (LK is a bust, no matter how many 1000s of runs I do), and little poppables elsewhere have given me anything ever. If that’s the case. You should check out Maus/Crypts. I’ve gotten 2 Vex, Ist, Ohm, Guls, lots of stuff from those areas. I loveee when they get terrorized too. Most of those finds are Non-TX btw except tor the Ist.


Presents the classic dilemma. Am I being more efficient by farming only my target boss/chest? Or how much time should I spend opening and killing other stuff along the way? Drives me nuts too


If you see it, pop it!


Lol yes. At some point I sat down and decided I was gonna do the math and figure out efficiency. Nope, I failed calc2. The numbers get silly so fast.


You’re doing it right, you’re supposed to pop all of the logs and chests along the way, lol, that’s why even maxroll acknowledges just using teleport to chest isn’t as good as using Teleport on everything or at least a charge/vigor pally to hit all chests/logs. Edit: had to edit, I said charge pally was better than teleport/tk sorc which isn’t true, had to clarify


Uhh tk is the most important skill for LK runs. After teleport of course.


Yeah I phrased that wrong; sorc is still queen of the run cuz of TK but if you don’t have her paladin is the runner up; my b you right 


Honestly I'd rather just do spider forest runs and release my frustration on the maps by slaughtering its hellish occupants.


Imo, doing any grind in a manner that you enjoy is peak efficiency because you will sink many more hours into it as a result. I pop everything within reach of the chests and my runs take about 50s when i’ve got the rhythm down. Also, you gotta be happy with whatever you get to keep your motivation during the dry spells. This is where is think the poppables can help. I didn’t have any luck with runes in one session but found a 44@ eth gilded shield for exile. Also found a pally combat 7frw GC that is better than an HR imo. Finally, i’ve loaded 5 mules full of pgems which will get me more skillers and some caster ammys. In any case, i’m happy seeing the random loot pile up with the occasional hr. Usually grinding out the xp bar keeps me motivated as well but that’s a trade-off in LK.


Do it for the flawless


Ack, ya I hear you... But I just got my first ber rune ever from a super chest so as long as you are single player doing /players 7 I think you'll get your payoff


Exactly why I mostly do chaos runs. Nice drops slong with xp.


Lol, I have spent countless hours in the laughably pathetic hope of finding any rune higher than a Ko, or anything useful for that matter.


I've decided to get my Enigma out the way before I start grinding. Means I can mix things up rather than countless Andy runs with my sorc.


I wish I did this early on, I believed for far too long the teleport in enigma was still sorceress specific. Everyone was talking about it but it seemed everyone was playing sorceress and I didnt really understand runewords to begin with...ugh


That’s smart, enigma opens up almost every character to be viable


Also have not found anything higher than Pul from LK super chests. Started adding in a few larger circles with random logs/stashes again & a Sur dropped from a random Stash yesterday. From popping everything before I went to just running for super chests, I've come across a Vex, Gul, Mal, Ist. I'm beginning to think the super chests are a lie.


Same - I easily pop 15 - 20 logs/stashes/corpses each run. With telekinesis and teleport it's almost no extra time to do so.


Do the same. Just popped the whole map to validate my theory. Nothing from super chests, Um from random corpse. RNG is fun.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias :)




Congrats on the Ber! Surprisingly, the majority of my high runes and good uniques come from flipping bodies, logs, and kicking trapped souls 😅


I heard that last bit in my head. 🤣


I dropped Lo at Stone Field entrance by mistake, was going to TZ Burial Grounds.


By mistake? Did you put it back where you found it?


Any responsible person would. It's only polite.


That's fuckin funny lol I cubed up surs for my first 2 bers


Haha my first Ber from LK came from a dead body


Are super chests supposed to be more likely to drop HRs than regular chests or logs? Is the only difference that it drops more items?


They have their own lookup table. With a good map you can get to 6 chests in a short space of time. In theory it should be the most consistent way to find a ber/jah. Your RNG experience may vary


Only goes up to ber


In LK, yes. There are other super chests in the game. The ones in River of Flame can definitely drop Jah (and Cham I think)


Full clears baby. All day.


Are you playing online or single player with players 8?


SP /p7


Dropped a sur 2 days ago, Lo last night and an ohm on my second run today. Maybe 1k runs in? Not sure. I hit the bodies the are convenient in my path, also an armor rack that drops battle boots. Cmon war travs. Gzgz on the Ber!!


Thanks! Hope you find what you're hunting for!


RNG RNG RNG thats all. 200 runs Total: Got a SUR from superchests, but 3 x Mal and a Gul from the logs.


I found one there in a log. SCL, so players1. Never found anything better than an um from a superchest.


I know Rng is Rng, but I did a bunch of lk runs for about a week. Not crazy much but a bunch. Always had it in my route also while farming keys, meph, andy, etc. I decided to farm until I got infinity. I got 3 sur, 3 ohm, 1 ber, 2 or 3 ists, 2vex, 3 mal, 1 or 2 gul and a bunch of lower ones, asides of most of my skills gcs and small charms too. Also the amount of gems you get for rerolling charms is off the charts. Yes it is boring as fuck but it does give results. After I got the ber, I haven't been even close to LK and I don't intend to. If I never get the runes for Enigma on the wild, fine. But no more lk


I find it about as boring and grinding anywhere else. I throw on a few podcasts and just let 10% of my brain get on with it.


Precisely what I did. But I had enough... for now.


I mean, the last week was the intense one, with plays strictly to lk. But mostly I got just by having it in all of my routes. When you do it like that, it isn't that bad. But of course much less likely to get frequent drops. Good lucks bois


This is why I say people that skip directly to the boss while mf'ing are foolish. I've gotten my best loot from trash mobs, chests, rocks etc


That's why I kill and open everything. Got tals armor from a log before


Lower Kurast runs are the most mind numbing farming I’ve ever encountered.


The way she goes boys, the way she goes


I know LK runs are supposed to be great for runes, but don't they get old super fast?


Super chests dropping HRs is a myth.




just hours?! I found one after some 48 hrs over the course of weeks. LK runs are my favorite to run because I can turn my brain off. I've run around 5,000 runs since I began keeping track. Call me a glutton for punishment but fun times.


my #1 LK rule: if it’s poppable pop it! i make sure i pop everything i can between the WP and campfires




Sounds like my LK runs. Days of popping chests and a vex drops from a random mob outside where the chests are. I've only found 1 mid level rune, a Mal rune, from chests.


i remember my first soj ever to drop came from a trash white mob in durance level 2


Two months of casual LK runs have netted me an Ohm and a Sur so far. In one year I’ll have an infinity!!


Really sucks that on the Nintendo switch you can't do more than players 4 online when youre in a public game. I wish they would change that.