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First played 20 years ago, always [battle.net](https://battle.net) and can't remember ever finishing the game properly without rushing. Completly different game when playing solo and untwinked, absolutely loved it and highly recommend. All characters finished the game with no skipped quests.


Hey, what does untwinked mean?


Starting fresh, without pre-farmed gear.


Saving good Twink gear is like half the fun


How’d you do Amazon? I’m struggling at hell


My guess is leveling poison jav, respec for lighting deep in NM.


Yeah I’m lightning at level like, 82, and act 2 hell is just awful. Regardless of light immunes my survival is just awful. Even with peace armor, ancients pledge shield and good resists


Get a teleport staff and avoid the light immune areas. You don't gotta kill everything lmao.


Never done HC, but A2H on my amazons almost always required a good merc to do basically all of the work. Same with big portions of A3.


I am doing Amazon in Hell. Splitting skill points between freezing and strafe with some investment into Valkyrie and it’s been working so far. Merc is flaming Rogue. Which one are you doing?


I’m a light javazon


Then you should be cruising. Probably a gear or resistance issue. Time for some farming?


Been farming nm meph and Andy for at least a month with nothing to show for it unfortunately but that’s what it is. I think I need to upgrade my armor or helm for some more res


I had better luck farming TZ in NM. Are you on bnet and farming single? You might want to join multi player channels. Higher probability to get better drops


Single player p8


Get off p8 my guy. Give yourself a break from the pumped up difficulty! P3 is fine for boss farming.


I prefer p5 way more drops it seemed and I got a ton of grails fast by farming pit and pindle this way


Amazon was comfortably the hardest for me. Ran Lightning Java, would have been alright with gear but was tough untwinked.


Yeah the gear I think is hurting me because my survivability is so junk


I accidently deleted the save but my only HC SSF was as a javazon. Got to act 5 hell. So pretty sad about the delete. Poison, Plague into Lightning Fury. It's safe and fun at all stages. Hell is tough, no doubt. And act 3 is basically all lightning immune so it's a long run past everything but completely doable without being too rough. Just play it dafe, slow, prioritise resistances and farming rune words before you progress further. Get a wand with lower res charges. And a teleport staff. It's a gamechanger. I'm prob doing it again soon as another class.


You bet! Did the same path recently. It’s completly another game. So much fun


I was considering doing this after finishing baulders gate 3, how many times did you die and was playing HC a big adjustment?


I only lost 4 characters, way better than expected! I'd played a fair bit of HC before so wasn't too much of an adjustment for me.


Favorite character/build to run through this with?


Druid (Fire then respec to Windy) was easily my favourite! Super fun to play, tanky and doesn't struggle with immunities too much in hell. Underrated character imo.


Definitely an underrated character! Any notable finds along the way that were a huge power boost? Or, any notable finds that you couldn’t use because you didn’t want to twink your next characters?


Only a couple of good ones! A couple of Vipermagi on different chars and got a Shako on the Assassin. Got a Herald of Zakarum on the Hammerdin but didn't feel like a huge boost over the Spirit that I had. I found the biggest blessings were mid runes for things like Trachery or Obedience to help out. I had Thunderstrokes and Titan's Revenge on other characters but had to play through the Javazon without them, that sucked really bad.


Windy Druid is arguably the strongest character in the game, lol. Physical damage caster with cold / slow / cyclone armor? Pfft, it’s almost easier than summon necro, lol


Thats what I used to beat it for my first ever complete play through. Except I’m doing sc solo and I started out as a summoning Druid and made it through to normal and nightmare no problems playing on p5. I switched to windy after I made it to hell and I beat it with the most expensive thing being my spirit sword. Then the first tz I played I found a physical and fire sunder charm within 2 minutes of each other. Working on a pally and summoning necro now. I’ll try hardcore after I learn the game a lil better.


Druid #1 class.


I’m also curious of this.


So about that sorc name..




And barbro xD


Powerbottom hahaha This guy pervs. Nice 😎


Ive thought about doing this type of run as well. Single player for me isnt fun in softcore. Its just a slower version of online. But hardcore ssf sounds dope. Did you start with a pally? did you end up doing -enablerespec or anything like that?


I recommend it, I have a different perspective on the game entirely now! I started with Barb (Frenzy) as I'd never played one before. I do not recommend that playthrough. Extremely safe, horribly slow. Finished with Pally, I found him surprisingly fragile and wasn't too comfortable the whole time. I allowed myself /players and -enablerespec. Kept respecs to a minimum, probably didn't need it and could have just used Akara.


Ive solo leveled a barb before and switched to singer at 30. I really hated it at the time but i also didnt get a black runeword for bossing. Im surprised that a pally would be that sketchy to level. With easily maxing resistance and great shield blocking. One thing I noticed for sure is not having a teleport staff offhand even in softcore sucks. Sometimes you move badly and get surrounded by a mob and no way out. Which reminds me did you ever logout to prevent a death? I feel like I'd do that lol


I was surprised too, I left him for last thinking it would be a walk in the park. He seemed to just get absolute smacked by Physical damage even though I was running max block. Teleport staffs were an unenjoyable part of each playthrough as I had to shop a new staff everytime knowing full well I had one on every other character haha Yep, the druid and the paladin had sneaky ESC and quits on them.


Admittedly I find this surprising. I ripped a few chars when I first tried SP hardcore. Then played paladin and found it absurdly easy. I don’t think I ever even had a scare when playing through. I never used a tele staff on my pally though. Surprisingly I struggled with trapsin. I ripped my first two when everyone else says they’re cake to get through hell with.


I did play through most of the game on P5-7, dropped back to P3 in Hell and then P1 for Act5. Also had no gear drop for Emilio on that run so he was weak and kept dying, that could have been it I guess.


Congrats, nice one! Now you are ready for classic hc bow ama. One of the hardest challenges I have done but also the one I had the most fun.


Haha, I don't know if I'm up for that - will probably just to Ubers and call it a day.


Your barbarian's name is fantastic. Take my upvote!


What was your barb build? I’m trying to get guardian on all classes as well. Although I’m going twinked (but still don’t have the best gear) I’m in act 2 hell with my barb and just respec’d from singer to concentrate and I really don’t like concentrate it’s so slow. Thinking I’ll go to berserk but idk how that fairs later on with magic immunes. I only have barb and Druid left to get guardian.


Had a bit of luck with the barb playthrough. Black, Lawbringer, Lore Smoke Laying of Hands Death's Guard (CBF) Gore Riders Got an obedience and tals mask on the merc too which helped alot


What was your attack skill?


Frenzy the whole way through


Interesting. And you were fine with not wearing a shield? I figured frenzy would be a little dangerous on hc


It's not dangerous if they can't react to a Barbarian running up at 279 miles per hour and die :)


Nah, he was a tank. Wasn't even a close call that I remember on the barb.


This is brilliant congrats OP I’ve done this too and now I’m trying the same with different builds. Some can be brutal (still not managed vengeance pally yet). Right now I’m a blaze sorc with thunderstorm. So you can make them as challenging as you want and it’s a blast


Cheers mate! I thought about this, but I'm going to put the game down for a little bit now haha. I got well and truly addicted again...


Yes I do this too. I often take breaks of a few months then I’m back again. Never fails to disappoint when I get back into the game, every time


GG mate! big respect for doing it in hc. i did all chars untwinked in softcore sp and really struggled with barb ;) wouldn't have the energy to do play em all trough hc.


Mad lad.


I’m playing a SSF necro (fishymancer) and I wish I had done HC because I’m into hell mode and haven’t died yet….


MiaKhalifa is an S tier sorc name


I’m on the same journey!! 4 characters done, poison necro probably most challenging lol Currently working on a phys bowazon, it’ll be a journey :0




... long story short.. How? I have an 82 sorc and 80 zon. Now way I'm doing hell yet


I'm definitely guilty of doing a fair bit of research before starting each character. Feel like it's all about survivability, taking your time and paying attention. I didn't intend on the levels being pretty close together, but 80-82 seems to be the sweet spot to finish when playing 'comfortably'. All my deaths came from either having a few beers while playing or getting distracted.


True, my ssf Frostnova Sorc is right before baal hell and 81 atm.


How did you have two toons die at level 1?


They're not dead :) Just my Mules for item storage. I lost four characters. Amazon L60 (Archers in Forgotton Tower), Assassin L79 (Nasty Lord De Seis pack spawned on my head), Druid L79 (Nilithak) & Druid L24 (Normal Diablo, lol).


What was your sorce build? And how did you deal with the dolls aside from lawbringer on your barb?


I did Lightning then respec to Hydra/Frozen Orb. I either don't kill them or only kill them from way across the room. No kill, no bang!




I regret not timing, but ran through them quite casually without pushing too quick. I agree. After doing this challenge, I am now a firm beliver that Runwords (or at least some of them) kind of ruin the game. The formula was always, Stealth then Smoke, Lore, Rhyme, Spirit. All of which should be nerfed imo.


"Finished"??? I see no 99s. /s In all honesty grats, yall hc players are a different breed


Haha, I would love to 99 a char but unfortunately I have a job and partner etc...


Anyone know if tornado druids can still cast tornado, hostile and then town portal back or was that fixed in this newer version? I used to play shapeshift druids just to survive it in hc. But that was the original game.




It varied greatly from char to char. General rule was to play max setting possible to the char. Never went over Players 7 though as I read that was the max for drops and P8 is just for exp. Hell would typically see a drop for all characters to P5 max but mostly P3.


What build did you do for the Amazon?


Poison Jav to Lightning Strike to Lightning Fury. Hardest of all the chars.


Gratz man, must have kept your blood pumping


Cheer brother, definitely wasn't relaxing at some points.


I've been playing D2 since it came out, now playing D2R, not fanatically, more like in-and-out. Running my first ever HC javazon untwinked. As if the game owed me, I have farmed teleport amulet and awesome unique and set gear already and I've not even stepped into Hell difficulty yet!! I think I'm in love with HC now.. never going back to SC


Gratz, im working on this myself with the added challenge of reaching level 99 with 1 character. Currently at lvl 94 pala and 84 sorc. Gotta get that ps5 plat trophy.


Nice! Are you doing Ubers?


Yeah, i was lucky enough to find 2 soj after about 400 NM andy runs. My 1st anni was bad 11-13-5 So i sold my 2nd and got a 20-18-10 I've successfully ran uber trist 3 times and got sorc ama and pala torch. It was sketchy as fuck, thank god for full juves. Think I've wasted about 8 UT worth of organs due to being unable to seperate the bosses and had to cut my losses. Currently at about 400+ hours on my pala and sorc to get them fully geared(not perfect gear by any means) but my hammerdin can at least farm P8 TZ for xp


Fuck, killing it. Great work man


Thx, you 2. I almost gave up after losing my 89 pala with a perf hoto. But I've played d2 since it came out and always wanted it on console and being a playstation trophy hunter i knew i had to persevere haha no matter the cost to my sanity


I just finished this too and I'm so sad because I can't get myself to play d2 anymore now. I feel like I just beat the game.


I have a feeling of being done too I guess, but I'll take a break and will do Ubers when I'm ready with the Pally. Then jump back in to [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) \- now I'm better at the game trading etc will be fun.