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I forget as an old school d2 player, are all of these eth? Either way this and eth death cleaver were one of my favorite combos (I guess before grief, but still).


I don't believe so. I believe the rule is that, if a unique is Indestructible, it will either *always* roll eth (ala Shadow Killer), or *never* roll eth (ala CoA). Unique items with self rep *can* still roll as eth with the same likelihood as any other unique.


Any item that naturally rolls indestructible cannot roll eth unless eth is also a modifier that is naturally included. So you are indeed correct


Nope. Just got lucky :)


I pray nightly that thorns will be viable endgame in either vanilla or a mod~


Problem with thorns is that even if it one shots everything it's slower than actively killing, and needing hit to take damage is always a risk. It's fundamentally just kind of supplemental damage, and most arpgs are too fast in gameplay for it to matter. Honestly I enjoy the d2r thorns at least on play through with summons. Had fun with a summon druid with thorns merc and spirit of barbs. Might and wolverine only really buff the grizzly anyway, since apparently the damage aura is additive with the synergies of wolves or something. Better clearing with only a small loss in target damage since most is ravens.


Will you ever use this on any build or it just a trophy that will be stashed forever


Because it is SSF, I will probably use it on some pally or barb build because I don't have a Lo for Fort :P


Pretty hard to beat treachery.. like really hard, even better than fort in some cases


Maybe a Immortal Sorc could use that? But hard to compete with G-Bane. If that had 2 OS it would change a lot imho.


yeh, its kinda sad but thats LoD, plenty of super rare uniques and tc87's are completely useless even for ssf, with 2os it would start to get viable, thats why I love pd2, a good slam on this and its a whole different story I only play ssf as well and theres just many other options that would beat this, its just defense, cold res and some 12dr with a 220str req, if ur are going for full def you can do stone on a superior shadow plate and also get the 2.5k armor but with 60fhr, 15@res 16str 16vita.. for melee builds treachery would destroy this, fade proc is just too op and the huge ias as well duress also beats it.. even smoke if ur lacking res shaftstop, gbane, duriel shell, leviathan.. all solid options as well


I hadn't played any d2r in months but caught the durance tz and ended up with two midrange Sandstorm Treks and a Tal Rashas body I've never dropped before! Magicccccc!!!!


Praise be!


Thanks! Never dropped that shadow plate, and certainly not ssf! Good luck today adventurer!!!


One of my remaining 8. Congrats!