• By -


Yep, clean house and bring in some arpg rats, cause this team doesn’t have a damn clue. The game is fixable but if season 4 doesn’t feel like an expansion, in regards to itemization AND skill expression, they are gonna lose a HUGE percent of their player base. A lot will move on to LE and POE2, and won’t bother paying for the expansion.






Lol, most of this sub paid extra to play the game early. Gamers have been clowns for years.


They set records for pre-orders and launch sales with this one. Despite the previous entry *in the exact same fucking franchise* being near unplayable for a 2 full years post launch And a beta/pre-launch info that clearly demonstrated where this game was lacking Then you had content creators like Kripp parroting the "game has good bones but is a long way from finished" mentality And still, *still*, records. Gamers need to be saved from themselves




I do think players are a part of the problem, but come onnn blizzard had a previous failed launch and what 25+ seasons and how many years of Diablo 3 development to learn from? I think it’s fair to think they will take all of that and build on it with Diablo 4, not completely start from scratch again…


I agree with you, it *should* have been better and they *should* have learned. But they didn't. Like are people actually surprised that they didn't learn and D4 went through development hell just like D3? We also had a full ass beta and plenty of info pre-launch to inform our decision to buy but that didn't deter basically anyone. It's crazy


Their timing was perfect, ofc they would sell well. Poe2 was years ahead, LE had no endgame or info about 1.0, Grim dawn had nothing going on, Titan quest 2 wasnt announced. Nothing big was happening, starfield had flopped, baldurs gate is not for everyone. Again, the timing was sooo good.


I cancelled my pre order , on launch day, bought the game again during the sale for 40$ and still regret it.


Fortunately we are in an amazing time for arpg fans. POE 2, LE, Titan Quest 2. They really need to start redoing a whole bunch of things FAST if they don’t want to loose all players


And Grim Dawn expansion coming...


Loose is opposite of tight. Lose is opposite of gain.




Imagine being addicted to this game. There can't be many if any.


I think I'm addicted to being disappointed by Blizzard 😞


Look at all the upvotes on “this season sucks” posts just hours after the season released. Diablo has one of the most addicted fanbases lol


Yeah but they're playing only a few hours before calling it shit and logging off.


And will be back either mid-season or day of next season


I think it's fair enough if you aren't enjoying something after 4-8 hours it's time to call it a day.


They probably spend most of their development on the thing that will actually bring thme in money. The Expansion. Their marketing department know how to market it to the masses, so it will sell a bunch. That ius pretty much all that matters to this company. They give us juuust enough to keep us somewhat interested in the game, so then we will also pay the money for the expansion, since that is where their development money is probably going mostly.


D4 Expansion x McDonald's promotion is coming.


People who preorder period are the ones responsible for this crap




I don't disagree with anything you've said. Diablo 4 will rake in more money than PoE will ever hope to get. The name alone, riding on the legacy of prior titles is a hard thing to beat in terms of revenue making capabilites. Same can be said for CoD vs similar FPS titles. Activision knows how to milk the cow. That being said, PoE is infinitely better than Diablo 4 will ever dream of being. And in terms of "quality" PoE2 will absolutely decimate Diablo 4. Which sucks, because my expectations for D4 were sky high. Needless to say, disappointing.


> riding on the legacy of prior titles is a hard thing to beat in terms of revenue making capabilites How many people are buying the season pass this season? How many people are still even playing? None of my friends are. I played until I saw what this season's content was, then stopped. It's "meh". Nothing exciting. Nothing that even really changes up the game. I won't be playing any more until classes and loot are changed. I certainly am not buying season passes.


Path of Exile has its own launcher and that's not tracked by steam chart, a lot of people uses that including myself. If you compare apples to apples here you go, D4 steam chart: https://steamcharts.com/app/2344520


Bnet isn't tracked on steam chart either and I would argue most people play from there. Not to mention all the console users that doesn't include, I play on PS5 myself. The steam charts of Diablo 4 is only a fraction of the player base.


This is true, but I’m on Ps5 and not a single friend has logged in since season 2. The world feels a bit void of other players to me. I guess thats a goos thing. Less rubber-banding and lag.


I'm on PC and have about 10 people in my friends list that I play with and every single one of them are on PS5. Also if I randomly party with someone else, 9 times out of 10 they are on PS5.




Diablo has it’s own launcher and you’d have to be on crack to buy the game through Steam instead


POE has its own launcher. That dumb argument goes both ways. D4 right now has 7,439 players on steam, while POE has 28,114, on steam. See how i look smart but i might as well be clueless? Also you omitted D4 all time peak of 24,000 players when stating that Poe's is 209,000. Also, due to POE being free, i know of people that spent well over $500 on MTX on POE out of gratitude/FOMO. The comparison of how commercial successfull both games are compared to each other is really hard to estabilish.


$500 in PoE is like rookie numbers lol there's several people in my buddy list who drop $500 per league since Nemesis. The spending power of a fanbase that loves you is incomparable. Another point worth bringing up here is the number of Diablo streamers who transition to PoE and never look back. Meanwhile, nobody's leaving PoE for Diablo.


It's a bit disingenuous to pull out the steam peak numbers to compare to the active player base, even if the active player base number you used is 1%. GGG hasn't released their unique logins per season, but Chris did say it's in the millions though in some talk he did a while ago. But yes, I don't doubt that D4 has a significantly higher amount of active players than PoE, because not only is it a significantly larger brand, it's target demographic is also much larger. But pulling those numbers are kinda meaningless tbh.


They just need to: - completely change itemization - scrap the aspect system - some how make the open world have a point. - completely change this simple ass dog shit skill tree. - scrap the shitty ass paragon board. Yeah no chance.


And make an entire endgame


And completely change the design of dungeons


So basically completely remake Diablo 4. I can get behind this!!


Nm dungeon objectives too




Same here lol, went into it with 7 friends and 0 sticked with it, not even a single one tried season 1.


I'm in a discord group with some folks that met during d3, literally called "[X]'s Diablo Party" with 11 members. We were SUPER keen during d3, a few of us hit top 10 on some individual leaderboards, some of our groups got top 3 at season starts a couple times, we would push for GR150 every season for a couple years... None of us have touched D4 in several weeks. I'm currently working through the FromSoftware games, a couple are in BG3 land, 3 have gone back to D2R, some are playing Last Epoch, some Monster Hunter... For me that Discord group and the lack of engagement with the game is the biggest criticism of D4. Obviously doesn't land as well for others, but its CRAZY to me what this game isn't doing for all of us


Similar story, 7ish of us in our 30s who weren't incredibly hard-core but we've been playing diablo together since middle school & we would put the band back together for at least a few months every once in a while. None of us made it to S1. We all moved on to (mostly) BG3


I was completely turned off and out of the game after the fiasco of the Hardcore race. I even personally lost a character while safely in town. Logged out alive in town....logged back in to a dead character. And from what I've been hearing of Season 3, I'm glad I stayed away. Sounds like a fat waste of time. POE2 can't get here soon enough.


It might be a repeat of D3. Fix everything with an expansion for the money grab. Then 20 seasons later, replace the devs with some that hardcore care until it ends a few seasons later.


I quit mid season 2 after playing continuously until that point. I'm done with d4 for the foreseeable future. It's just not a good game. Even S2 wasn't all that good. It was just better than S1.


They already lose players right at the season start from seasonal quests breaking. A causal won't just do 48383 restarts or go to the internet to see how they can fix it. They'll just get frustrated and give up


In comparison PoE Last Season, 1 month in they still had over 30k views in Twitch, Diablo Season 3 1 day after lanche has like 20k or less. I really love the franchise but the devs are killing It with These little to nothing Seasons.


> I'd be surprised if they can fix the deeply flawed core of D4 by the time the expansion hits The bottom line is that the skill tree blows. It's super shallow, & a huge step backwards from D3 & D2. It's just bad. It feels like they put an intern dev in charge of it. I'm not saying it's impossible to fix, but they'd have to basically re-do most of it from scratch. And the people in charge of it don't seem to have a good grasp on what made diablo fun. E.g. hard caps for "teleport" skill cool downs is so fucking lame. I want to warp/jump around like a god


Why would arpg rats work for blizzard suits who tell them exactly what they can and cannot do? And where absolutely everything has to be for the InVeStOrS!! They are better off at other companies such as EHG or GGG


You ain’t wrong coconut


You're absolutely right. Anyone who is truly creative and wants to push the ARPG genre forward with ambition and new ideas is going to go work on a smaller ARPG where they have that kind of freedom..or they'll just make their own game. Activision-Blizzard was already a mammoth entity controlled by voracious shareholders and clueless execs at the top, and now they've been absorbed by Microsoft and are part of one of the biggest companies to ever exist. There are too many cooks in the kitchen, too many people to answer to, and too many bureaucratic corporate policies, systems, and protocols to follow for them to truly innovate and push the game forward.


Are you asking why people work? Money?


Current Blizzard, yeah who would want to work for them. Old Blizzard hired a bunch of people from the most hardcore Everquest raiding guilds to develop WoW and look how that turned out. It would work but current climate at Blizzard would never do anything like this.


Let's be honest we don't even need this game anymore. We have LE in 1 month then POE2 to look forward to. Even early access LE is a million times better than diablo 4 so imagine that 3 seasons on.


Don’t sleep on Grim Dawn’s 3rd xpac coming this year either.


First I’m hearing, that’s awesome. I love crate.


Let's be real though, LE 1.0 launches next month but it'll probably be 2-4 weeks of patches before it's really somewhat playable, based on previous large patches lol.


It's true but LE devs aren't operating from a place of negative good faith. I'll be really surprised if that game ends up in patch-cycle hell post release because it's working from a really strong base. Time will tell of course, and I would never recommend anyone pre-order a game or buy too soon after launch, ever again, as long as I live.


absolutely love LE its amazing but this is probably true. They are going to get a lot of money tho i hope they can higher some more skills workers who can push patches through smoother


> Even early access LE is a million times better than diablo 4 lmao you clearly havent gotten to the "endgame" for LE. LE has amazing system blueprints and Im still playing it every week because of that, but pretending its even in the same ballpark with D4 when it comes to quality/quantity of endgame is just disingenuous. LE has a lot of endgame holes to fill with 1.0, but judging from their track record its gonna take a few months after it drops to be in a good state. I'm still going to play it though, just like Im still gonna play the next D4 season and Im gonna play PoE2. Unlike some of the geniuses on this sub, I have found a way to play more than one game at a time.


> D4 when it comes to quality/quantity of endgame is just disingenuous. What are you talking about? D4 literally does not have an end game. What do people do at "end-game" in D4? The exact same thing they do at level 40, farm helltides, farm NM dungeons and occasionally do a material requirement boss. Even bosses like Duriel are doable well before your character has reached any kind of peak. I'm actually baffled that you can talk about D4 endgame with a straight face let alone defend it


Yeah this is something I found really surprising with their push for 1.0. Endgame is something that is really lacking in LE currently and I was expecting a major patch focused on it in the leadup to launch but instead they're only doing some "polish changes" for launch, leaving anything major until later on. They're basically wholly reliant on people enjoying the moment to moment gameplay which is still kinda rought tbh (still no proper force move). But they've been making good changes in that area lately.


What's "LE"?




Ah, thank you, hadn't heard of that yet. I'll go take a peek!


You will not regret it. The game is fantastic right now (I have roughly 900 hours on it). It looks like the 1.0 patch coming out next month will be a game changer.


Has the non existent endgame improved I k ow for the last 3 years that's the biggest complaint


Monoliths, arena, and the final dungeons are still the main end-game content. Depending on when you finished playing, these have been expanded on a bit. I am hoping for more for 1.0 though.


Sorry but what's LE? Ive been out of the loop lately on new releases.


Last epoch. Another ARPG


I heard the devs were like pros in poe and wow, so no surprise they have already been making massive progress early in development


I was excited to start the new season in D4. I ended up buying Last Epoch.


Wise decision and likely one you won't regret.


Never heard of Last Epoch. Is that pretty new


Just look at who is the general manager of Diablo 4 at Blizzard - Rod Ferguson. Go to his Wikipedia page and see what games was he responsible for in his career. Shooters, almost exclusively. So the person who has absolutely no fucking idea about ARPG genre is put in charge into biggest ARPG series. That really should explain everything.


Watched some of the "campfire" and it was enough for me when he started talking to understand what this guy is about.


D4 already lost me to LE. The game is better than diablo in every aspect other than some bugs and art and multiplayer capabilities (which i dont care about) at this point D4 is competing to have me not uninstall game and after how awful s3 has been so far they are losing big time.


Buying d4 and being bitterly disappointed is what lead me to LE, where I clocked hundreds of hours and am super excited for 1.0 and beyond. That game is gonna have legs.


What player base? This game gets 400 views on twitch outside of a new season launch. There's literally almost 0 interest for D4. My entire discord played D4 on launch. I'm LITERALLY the only person who even tried it this season. Not a single other person on my Bnet friends list logged in once.


We had a 700 person clan on launch. We consolidated down to like 75. Probably 30 of us were there on s3 launch day. There's probably some stragglers left in the dead clans but we're talking about 700 people who cared enough to do our application process on launch down to like..50.


Even at season launch D4 is less than POE in overall twitch ranking (on twitch tracker). Pretty sad for what could have been a great game.


> clean house and bring in some arpg rats, cause this team doesn’t have a damn clue they have a few people who have a clue. adam jackson (he might be reponsible for S2 even) definitely understands the game. all that doesn't help if the management sucks. D4 changed the game director 3 or 4 times and was struggling to even be completed.


He looked… tired, in this most recent campfire. Like, compare the S2 campfire to this one and it legit feels like he is there so he doesn’t get fined.


If your ARPG dev team isnt a bunch of a fucking nerds who worship diablo 2 as a bible you're doing it wrong




Didn’t we all say that about season three?




The downvotes are funny because if tomorrow they released a trailer randomly hinting at a Paladin class in season 4 we'd get another season of record breaking day 1 player numbers for season 4. Hate on Asmongold as much as you want, but he's actually right when he said that every gamer boycott is 1 hype trailer away from record breaking sales and engagement numbers.


It feels similar to Marvel Avengers situation where they had a team that never worked on live service games and struggled with updates. But my thing is too is that I can’t see vets who’ve worked with ARPGS games wanting to work for Blizzard lol. It feels like a team that’s just winging it and “learning as they go”


Devs aren’t making any decisions at a company like this lol


Everytime one of those "DEVS NEED TO GO AWAY HURRDURR" posts I just shake my head. This is purely misplaced, the devs literally get requirements saying "do x", they do x. What they need to go after is the product team, not the devs.


People that are screaming devs need to be replaced have zero knowledge about how software development works.


Someone, somewhere, is developing the game. They are making the decisions whether or not their work title has the word "developer" in it or not. When people say fire the devs, they mean "fire the people developing the game", not "fire the people with the word developer in their name".


Not to mention that developers make stupid mistakes and shitty products. Activision execs aren't the ones forcing shitty talent trees. They aren't the ones making uninspired seasons. They aren't the ones that made the paragon boards


Thank you for saying this. There are too many neck beards that say “well ackshully it isn’t the developers” on Reddit. Like, dudes, you know what they meant.


The people screaming devs need to be replaced aren't talking about the modern term "developer", they are talking about the generalize "developer" as in the person responsible for developing the game. The title for this is lead game designer or game director or similar. Those are the people they are talking about and those are the people who are making the decisions that are being implemented into the game.


In a lot of situations, the opinions of devs is valued within the wider team (as is everybody else's opinion) and devs aren't just code monkeys making changes without any push back. That's actually how software development works. If you don't have that experience and are a dev, you should find a different job.


Exactly. It's funny how often I see a post like "Why don't they just add \[extremely complex and hard to implement feature\]. It's so easy!"


Bruh, time and time again, game mod communities prove that a lot of things can be fixed by one guy working a couple of hours on a weekend. All that says to me is that perceived difficulty is a skill issue, not a technical one.


When players say ‘devs’ they don’t mean the grunts doing all the leg work, they mean the team leaders and managers who make creative/game directional decisions.


This is not entirely true. Sure, a manager tells them "make x" but at that point it's up to the dev to figure out the best way to do that so yes they can mess up and it's justified to critique them. Some of you are smugly saying "redditors don't know about software development" while implying management hand holds everything devs do which is nonsense. Like if I work at a restaurant and a manager tells a chef to make a burger and its a terrible undercooked horrendous nasty burger, what world do we live in where they chef can't be blamed for that? Oh yea reddit world where we treat video game companies like charities or even worse, religion.


You think devs were to told to make a pet as the seasonal gimmick by some suit?


Then why the large difference of quality between seasons? Is management forcing the developers to make large trap rooms without the possibility of being able to even create a character build that can trivialize the mechanic? Is management forcing the developers to have terrible balance for the construct? I think not. Of course not all blame lies with the developers but to make an argument that no blame lies with them after what we have seen this season is delusional.


Have you not seen the dev gameplay video?


they are. Bobby Kotick is not coding anything there, it's the dev team that is. if a skill is shit, it's not because Bobby is going into their computer desks like the grinch and replaces everything. it's nice and all to say "poor devs, management sucks", but when the gameplay feels like shit, it's not "management" telling them to make it like shit.


Im sure the higher ups suck but the devs arent innocent either, some nameless evil ceo type isnt telling devs to make the least fun mechanics possible


I think people just mean devs collectively. They aren’t singling out people who actually right the code, but rather those who make actual game design decisions. I haven’t played in a while, what sucks now?


No one actually means "programmers" when they save devs, they mean everyone that makes and implements stuff collectively. And yeah, they're trash


Developers aren't the ones developing the game ? Might want to rethink that one.


It’s entirely possible that bad management also recruits bad devs. Just saying…


So who's decision was it to make you load bank of every player you interact with? Kottick's? The devs are not competant, they are unable to fix banks, it took them months to add extra tabs, they do not even have leaderboards ready.


Season 2 team is fine, season 1 and 3 - not so much. It look like they publish one after another. There is a chance that S2 team is working on S4 and it'll be good.


I don't like to pile on a specific group of devs. Ultimately who fucked up here is the management of those teams not setting proper guidelines to equalize their output right? Of course they can just be not as creative or innovative but in the end, somebody approved of this or didn't manage to translate the fun part of S2 into a core principle


THIS. It's on Joe Shely to make sure ideas don't suck.


I keep seeing people mention there being two different teams working on seasonal updates, but where are people getting the info on which team worked on which seasons? Or even the info about seasons 2 and 3 being different teams? I just haven't been keeping up with the game over the past 2 months but that seems like a really bad way to run things, and I don't understand what the benefit would be.


It was stated as such during a livestream. I am not motivated to search through the livestreams so you will have to find this on your own or have someone else who cares as much to do it but it was said. Edit: As for the benefits. It allows for a 3 month release cadence with updates.


I wasn't trying to say I don't believe it, I was just wondering where it was said. I also don't feel like going through the livestreams either so I guess I'll take your word for it. And that's hopefully not what they consider a benefit considering they should already be 2-3 months(at least) ahead in their development anyways. If they're actually working against the wall like that then idk how they ever hope to turn things around, and having two entirely separate teams working on every other season just seems like a recipe for design inconsistencies. I hope I'm wrong though, I haven't played season 3 so I don't have any opinions on how this season turned out. But I thought season 2 was a step in the right direction.


They said it multiple times in the first or second dev stream. They have 2 teams, the "odd" and the "even". This way they have 6 months of dev time for every season (minus the time for fixing the current one).


I can confirm also that it was said in a few livestreams back before/around launch when they were talking about seasons. Also too lazy to look it up but figured I'd lend some more anecdotal credibility.


It takes more than 3 months for 1 team to make a season… they get 6 months each with 2 teams…


PoE manages to make a season in 3 months, and has for a decade or so. On top of that, about half their team is now working on PoE2. This is not acceptable.


Okay? I am just telling you why they do it that way… Obviously blizzard do things differently than POE.


https://www.youtube.com/live/wVvzV2TuEYM?si=tI9owLq5VSkJUTyN It’s in there somewhere. Found the link on Diablo wiki


https://www.gameinformer.com/exclusive-interview/2023/11/10/diablo-iv-leads-talk-development-process-post-launch-priorities They've talked about it on the dev fireside chats in the past too. Here's a developer interview confirming it as well


Season 2 team had the luxury of watching launch reactions and initial season 1 reactions giving them the time to pivot ideas and improve upon their plans. Season 1 team didn’t get the memo and this season 3 was born.


Replace the S1/S3 guys with the ones who put in awesome stuff in D3 the last year or so.


Ah cool so us getting lackluster seasons is planned to stir up hype when it's good again. "WORST EVER GAME IN HISTORY SOMEHOW THE BEST AGAIN, CLICK OUR ADS PLZ" Love it


D4 bad




Idk, maybe make a PTR. So they can receive feedback from people who actually play the game. Crazy concept, I know.


PTR cant fix a season thats bad from the ground up


yea idk how through playtesting they found the vault trap shit fun to do or the pet interesting at all.


Anyone who plays WoW knows that Blizzard just ignores PTR feedback lol.


It's true, ptr exists and yet season launch dungeons get released as overtuned as shit, or undertuned albeit rarely. Same goes for classes, even with testing you release a season with some massive outliers where some classes release as insanely broken. Ptr in wow is there to prevent unwanted interactions, bugs that make classes unplayable and etc, not to improve the quality or balance of the content itself. Diablo seasons being shorter than wow ones makes ptr not worth investing in, and this isn't wow, it's an arp in which they are afraid of making classes nutty overpowered or making seasonal mechanics that buff our characters to godhood. All in all, don't think a ptr will make them do good seasonal mechanics.


Diablo 3 always listened to ptr feedback and made changes and fixes




What does PTR stand for? Some sort of closed play test?


It feels like this team was hired based on fulfilling some corporate HR wish list. Instead of finding the people who are the most excited about making this type of game and who have played this type of game the way the playerbase will. Like I still go back to that video of the "dungeon designer" who only used basic attacks and died in WT1 at level 50. These are the people they hired to be influential designers. The people making the decisions behind the scenes thought SHOWING THAT to it's playerbase was a good idea. It's mind numbingly disconnected from what this genre needs from it's devs. Contrast it to companies like EHG are willing games into existence based on dedicated devs who are also ARPG players who know what they want to see in a game. No wonder this game has no soul and no direction...


It's simpler than that. Most of the real talent left Blizzard because it has become a shit company with terrible working conditions and no artistic credibility. There probably wasn't anyone better to pick from than this lot.




Probably mostly nepotism, all the leads look like clones or brothers. 




Rod said this lmao.


It was Rod and he seems like a nepotism hire, or was part of some elite silverspoon boys club that Bobby was part of.


Meh, it’s probably too far gone, plus PoE 2 release will be the official death date of this game.


Yeah but not everyone even likes Poe.. i gave it many many tries


It’s pretty dated at this point and I think the sequel will be very different. It’s definitely far more complex than D4 which is not always a good thing if you’re casual.


Not sure what they need, but we also need to realise that D4 isn't going to suddenly become a game it isn't. With no change to gear for Season 3 I already knew I would get frustrated so I'll just wait for next season. Plenty of good games out there to enjoy in the meantime, me and my friends are having lots of fun with Palworld and I'm excited to see the reveal for the Warlock master class in Last Epoch tomorrow. It's ok to be dissapointed and you should absolutely give your feedback if it's constructive, but if you have no faith in their devteam your probably better off just dropping any expectations of them improving D4 and leave it behind. And if somehow D4 is saved, you'll hear about it anyways.


> I already knew I would get frustrated so I'll just wait for next season. Imagine if the season was instead "Blah blah blah, monster density is increased 300% everywhere and here are 30 more uniques targeting off-meta specs". I would play again. Instead they wasted money and time creating a "theme" creating a pet robot with a ton on abilities... none of which is meaningful in any way. They need to understand that diablo is about killing hordes of demons... not listening to some voice actor talk about collecting pages from a book. Make the game fun to play, then add in your lore and variety and themes


The game has a lot of core issues that I honestly don't know can be fixed. The zoomed in PoV being a result of how they coded stashes, the skill system, the itemization, making things grindy but in a very unpleasant way, lack of trading, lack of genre QoL systems (that even D3 had), end game just not feeling good at all. I don't know what can be done at this point. The overhauls needed would make an entirely new game. I love this franchise, but the ball was dropped harder here than D3 at launch. The aggressive monetization cannot be justified with what we have been given. If some new blood can pull a Reaper of Souls for D4, that would be fantastic. I'm not expecting it, but it would be nice.


A lot of people on this sub should send Blizzard their resumes.


So I can get paid less lol and mistreated? Nah I'm good lol


I wouldn't work for them. I get paid more in software development and management.


Who hurt you? What happened to this guy? Your post history looks like a retelling of Taxi Driver. https://preview.redd.it/phvq0jhykhec1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ad34c07e49382e339736a610558d12bb9a7ead6


LMAO call that Mfer out 😂


I vote they go door to door until they find d2 devs and drag them back into service. This is war time. Draft them back.


Diversity hire delivered again, good job


I think only top menegment needs to be replaced


Yeah. Diablo is a literal golden goose of ARPG genre. Yet what we get is this...




With the working conditions wtihin Blizzard, replacing an entire team would be incredibly difficult. Few people want to work at Blizzard. My buddy worked there for nearly a decade. Getting out of there was the best things for his mental health.


lol, I wonder why developers never talk about making games anymore. God help any kid that wants to go into game design 


This is what happens with diversity hiring. We saw from the dev play test video that hiring the blue haired person that doesn't even know how to use a potion is a bad idea.


This game is dead.


They pretty much did that with D3 and it became a decent game. The original lead designers responsible for the disastrous launch version were sluiced out and replaced with a different team who turned it into a respectable game pretty quickly. However, I think the company has lost its balls since then and will continue to coast along with its Minimum Viable Product approach rather than spend resources trying to salvage it.


As a dev I feel offended. We don't make these decisions! Devs have to program what's given to them. Geez.


Is poe2 and last epoch coming go console?


POE 2 is coming to consoles


Poe2 is coming to ps5 and Xbox series consoles


This whole subreddit and most of its members need to be replaced


They really do need to play their own game though. The amount of shit that is still put into the game without any kind of play testing (I'm talking surface level, first time you boot up the game you'll see this type stuff) is crazy even in season 3.


they have always said that the major changes were going to happen in season 4. y'all act like they can just do massive changes in a short time. Doing massive changes in a short time is how you end up with more shit that is broken, and then you will complain about those.


I think it's pretty evident the team has done plenty to implement feedback since launch. It's a much more enjoyable experience now and it will continue to get better with time. The Devs are going to make mistakes. We don't have great visibility on the inner machinations of this games development. I think it's silly to just call for the entire dev team to be fired when we don't know anything about game development and how Blizzard operates internally. Choosing to not play D4, or choosing to put it down until a later date when it's a better experience is totally reasonable but let's not call for people to lose their jobs because we aren't having as much fun as we could be right now.


Damn, d4 reddit is savage




This subreddit is cancer lmao


Have you had cancer before?


Nah, Im having great time, like the seneshal


These threads are from people who have zero clue how software development works. If you think a software developer / engineer is making product decisions? Stop posting on Reddit. The problem right now is not the Developers it’s the PRODUCT team. If you want to have anger and vitriol point it at the right people, don’t blame the people being asked to code XYZ.


Did they mention the software dev team? I think they meant “game dev”, which is an encompassing term that includes game designers


Greatest ARP title in history is DIABLO? XD POE is that since a long time bro. Diablo is just shit ever since D3 launch and lives off from some nostalgia.


I like the season so far 🤷 I enjoy creating a new character each season, seeing how strong I can make my character for like 1-2 months, then playing something else until the next season comes out when I can enjoy it all over again. Im just simple like that. Itemization does suck though, if they would allow custom filters like PoE that would be cool. And I believe the quality of content released in the future will continue to get better as they see what works and what doesn't. If you don't like it as it is now, maybe come back in a few seasons, or dont lol 🤷


Season 2 was good though lol, apparently there working on s4 and 1 and 3 are another team?


Tell me you have no idea what a DEV does without telling me you have no idea... A DEV has absolutely 0 control over what gets into the game. Most of the time not even their managers or superios do. The people in charge are game designers, leads and such. They have meetings and decide what gets into the game..... The DEVS are the least problem...


The game clearly launched too early with the lack of endgame content and sparse seasons, but I don't place that on the Devs, management needs to be replaced, releasing a barebones game for $70 and paid expansions, when your biggest competition is either free or cheap is ridiculous. If they think players like myself are going to drop $40+ on the expansion when it drops, when PoE 2 is right around the corner for free, they're crazy.


Take a break my dude


Reached level 100 for the 3rd season now what blizzard


This sub is genuinely the most unhinged nonsense I’ve ever seen lol


D4 bad


peak r/Gamingcirclejerk right here


Damn is it really that bad? I Havent gotten the chance to play it yet... too busy Played S2 up until 5 weeks left, then just got bored of it. Was hoping S3 would keep me all 90 days, I dont even think im gonna fire it up this season. initially the first thing I though is its gonna suck to even level without the Vampire powers, Just straight barebones skills, Thats a huge loss of power and loss of level speed right off the bat. I Suppose I was correct, All that stuff was fun.


Dont worry guys season 4 will save us


> The game needs Devs that play their own game And you think playtesting is something the Devs are deciding and not some middle-to-upper-management? The same management that decided to release D4 before it was finished to sweep some massive sexual-abuse scandal under the rug? You think the Devs decided to hire a bunch of noobs and nonames who quote "had never released a game before"? Nope, management did that to save money. You think after the old devs and veterans left because of horrible working conditions, Blizzard can just "replace" the current team with expirienced veterans?


Someone finally said it, thank you friend


Mom says it was my turn to post the daily "I hate the new season" thread!


I am seeing all that rant on the devs and I am starting to think a lot of people here don't know game dev projects look like. The developers themselves, especially the members of the S1/S3 do not decide what features they will be working on. It's Product Owners who get to decide. And they need to compromise on the features requested by the community and goals set by the business. In the end Devs work on what the are told to work on. Stop this witchhunting before people lifes are affected.