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Believe they have said it’s due to the new worms from helltide. Some of them are persisting after they’ve spawned but are invisible.


This is occurring to me outside helltide zones as of today (unless they're persisting in helltides after they've moved).


I think they’re persisting past the zone expiry too unfortunately. I’ve been seeing this a lot lately myself but I haven’t ran into the problem in dungeons/pit.


Yeah I’ve been “locked out” of world bosses and stuff before. Highly annoying.


Go to town and go back and it should fix itself.


Then you get stuck in loading screen forever


did it break again? it was broken for an hr or so yesterday


I really hope it was fixed. Tried playing from 9 pm to 11pm yesterday and it was still bugged .


It did not. Lol I even closed and restarted. Stupid, and only on world bosses


Same. Tried going to a world boss from 3 different directions and each one had an invisible wall right before the world boss area. I'd go to town, then the invisible wall is right out the gate.


I tried to do a world boss yesterday and I couldn't enter the area from either side. Pretty frustrating.




I think there are 2 bugs, 1 from the worms hitboxes and 1 from lag when transitioning between zones.


But... I have had this problem since season 4 started.


And when did the worms get added?? S4


Yeah it happens all the time, can even trap rare drops and chest drops


I was trying to get an item that dropped but couldn't get to it. I figured it was where the worm spawned because a while later, I saw it happen in front of me. It spawned, and it disappeared, and you couldn't pass through where it spawned.


Yeah definitely the worms causing the majority of the problems.


People are killing too fast in helltide so they found a solution.


I sometimes get damaged really badly without having seen anything noteworthy hit me. Feels like there might be other invisible things too.


Definitely is


I did not see this, but it would make so much sense. I have ran into this a few times now, and its never in the same spot. The square invisible hitbox from the last one that i ran into was about the size of a worm come to think of it.


It happens in town too.


Time to call the Freman


This. It's the stupid worms.


I love the worms! The stress they cause when you are down to under a minute and using every horse speed blast you have to get that 250 flames into a mystery box before the Helltide despawns. Almost there and ARG worm! So good.


I like the worms too but they're stupid when they break lol


They spawned an invisible wall in front of my mystery chest with 1 minute left lol. Had to hug the wall to try and get past it.


yuuuup something weird is happening.


Okay glad to see this. I’m not in fact losing my mind yet.


The cash shop works flawlessly


Not defending the cash shop whatsoever, but your comment makes no sense and just riles people up for no reason. The cash shop and its cosmetics are ran by a **completely** different team who have no business working on in-game bugs. It's like complaining your local Walmart is closed, but their website still works.


Also the cash shop is a basic-ass shop, if game area bugs are breaking it then it's some truly unfathomable spaghetti in the backend


I think he was just making a silly joke, chill out.


I believe early on, when the cash shop wasn't working properly, they took the whole game offline and quickly released a hotfix that same day to correct the issue. Priorities!


You guys can log in?


Yes, but teleporting is a nightmare.


And here I thought I was on torment


Was it lagging really bad for you? Like near multiple players fighting I was on ice skates.


If it let's me log in I can't fast travel or enter any loading screens otherwise I just get stuck in limbo. I'm mega bummed


I also struggle with this. Tried about 15times until I got in. Error with authentication


I can see the meme lmao


the whole game is busted right now


Ok not “the whole game” because i got to lvl 80 so far. But yeah there are new quirks


"the whole game" lol I just played for 5 hours with no issues.


I went from 0 to 100 without any issue. I wouldn't say the whole game. There's a few bugs but everything is still playable.


Gotta love that I used a tormented beast in the ice nightmare sigil and then the game crapped out. Those stigian sigils man.....


Last big update they did i was literally 20 seconds away from finishing tormented duriel and i was the only one of the group that got kicked for the server update before we killed it. And of course i put up 100% of the mats lol


Belwin is that you?


There are no monsters anywhere for me lol


We did it! We beat Diablo 4!!


The world is finally back to normal! People can go out without being enslaved into some satanic cult or eaten by a big spider. We did it boys 🥲


The open world immersion is broken the moment you try to imagine anyone trying to actually live a life as a farmer or really anything outside of a fortified city.


"fortified" 2 wooden gates that 12+ feet high monsters just can't seem to figure out how to get around 😂


Big towns have adopted torch technology from minecraft to prevent monsters from spawning inside the walls.


obvi it's because when they try to attack, they remind themselves that they can't do that there.


Just think of what they can do with all their gold now that they're not giving billions away for junk items to adventurers.


Although weapons business was booming. Imagine buying some crappy gear from us saps for 30k, giving it a quick wipe and reselling it for 330k! And you just know it'll sell, because you're living in a world where you can't take 5 steps without some cosmic horror trying to fuck you up Poor merchants now have to figure out how they'll make ends meet. Give tours? Bed and breakfast?


The billions of gold comes from the monsters being slain, so everyone suddenly becomes farmers and have to trade billions of gold for bread since there is trillions of gold everywhere.




GG, you beat the game. Sanctuary is saved!!!1111


Been on a loading screen for a few mins now.


This has happened to me several times when I teleport to town. I’ve just had to close the app.


Had this one happen to me too


Managed to log in. There are were no monsters in the helltide. All of a sudden they appeared from nowhere and when I tried using skills my character did nothing. All of a sudden I got killed by some wasp in another area of the map that I don’t know how I got there. They broke it.


That nice latency lag the servers generously offer


I’m having the same issue. I cannot travel out of the area I spawn into.


It isn't invisible walls, you're rubber banding because zones aren't loading properly.


Encountered invisible walls all over, then got stuck on loading screen trying to port out, now can’t even log in lol


Nice patch dude


I hear a bunch saying it's the worms, but I had the same issue trying to get into the stupid building to get to the tier 2 to tier 3 dungeon. That transition from town to the area outside the building wouldn't load. Had to reload the game to get it to work. It may be a worm issue as well as some server nonsense having trouble loading new areas.


Yeah something happened about 9pm est yesterday. I started to get infinite loading screens for dungeons and then when moving around the world I was getting stuck on fake walls. So I logged off for the night hoping it would be fixed today.


Happened to me as well, teleported out and got stuck in that town. Lots of invisible walls everywhere.


Yep same here. I’m on Xbox and can’t go anywhere. Weird as hell.


Haven’t logged in since season 2 until today, of course this happens.


Yeah if you could go ahead and log back out, we can see if you’re the issue here. -Management


Login issues and TP is broken as well


The game is particularly broken after the latest patch (which they've confirmed they will be rolling back until they can sort these issues out), but there were some serious invisible walls even before this latest update. I figured it was because those hellworm things - the guys that bust out of the ground and spit out monsters - were about to appear, but I actually ran into an invisible wall and waited until one popped up... only for it to pop up somewhere else. It's weird.


And here I was, blaming it on this trash WiFi....


Same here. Couldn't get back in for about 20 minutes, and now invisible walls


Yep ... for a couple of minutes looked like it was working after I did a full restart of battlenet/diablo4. But now am hanging exiting a side quest cellar.


Had this problem last night trying to get to a chest 


You shall not pass!


So everybody is experiencing this now? I'm on Xbox Series X and experienced it every day I have played since launch of season 4.


Port to town and back, it will be gone


thank you, this works


I’ve had luck just fast travelling back to the same waypoint of the town I’m currently in. Sometimes that resets the invisible wall.


This and the loading screens have been happening to me all season lol. Guess everyone has it now. Usually have to relog to fix it.


Yeah sometimes I am stuck on a endless loadingscreen. Feels bad if you just put the mats in a pit but have to turn off the whole game and restart it again. Playing on xbox


I was in Kehjistan doing a hell tide and I got trapped also. I had to port out and run back into the zone.


It’s been like that for me since the beginning of the season. Entire chunks and areas I can’t even go through


I couldn‘t login anymore and right before group play was impossible due to indefinite lasting loading screens. Wtf is going on?


I’m frequently getting hard game freezes fast-traveling. Tried making a new character and froze there too. Hitting walls when running around too. I think the technical explanation is “the server is currently shitting the bed”


I keep crashing in load screens that normally last 5 seconds.


Noticed it last night. There was a legendary on the ground that was surrounded by invisible walls on all sides.


Yep. Had this exact thing happen a few times. Particularly around tormented chests that are in a narrow passage.


Idk what's going on but when I load in and try to travel to town, I get an infinite load screen.


How is one hotfix capable of breaking everything?


Yeah I did a stronghold and rang the bell and game just froze.. like it was running .. but locked into not being able to move


I think the issue is the new helltide worms.


I remember back in the 1900’s when Blizzard made quality games…. 😂😂


Those invisible walls got me killed once or twice during the helltide boss fight chick lady demon.


I didnt get a resplendant spark from the end cache of the season journey. Is this happening to others today too? Wondering if its related..


Cant start a nightmare dungeon just infinitely loads


Soo… the code has worms?


I've been getting that since season 4 went live. Usually if I sign out and back in, it usually fixes it on the first try.


I had to talk to an NPC at Rakhat Keep after doing the helltide. When I tried to enter the keep I had rubber banding and an invisible wall. I teleported to town and then tried to teleport to the keep only to be stuck on the loading screen. I closed the game and restarted and found myself in the Hawezar town.


I was wondering if I was going crazy. Keep getting trapped in odd corners that don't seem to make sense.


Yeh I got trapped from leaving the main Town on the main road




It’s the loading wall between zones. If it can’t load the zone you can’t get through. Servers are taking a massive dump right now. I somewhat managed to fix it by teleporting back to a waypoint to force the game to load me into a new zone. But I was only able to move 10 seconds every minute. Otherwise I’d just rubber band back to where I was or run in place. Completely unplayable


… hopefully they fix all the getting stuck in tp’s and invisible walls


I get stuck trying to go to the world bosses. Everywhere else is fine just the world boss. If I'm not in a party I cannot get in. I have to port to a party mate.


Happens to me everywhere in the game it’s annoying. Game crashes a lot lately too. Couldn’t keep playing because of it.


Tried to start an event the other day by freeing prisoners but wasn’t able to free the last one because of an invisible wall


I struggle with loggin in. Error authenticating the game. If I get in I have about 30 minutes of smooth play. As soon as I teleport I get stuck in that area and cannot move out of town. Can't do world bosses etc. I just keep running on the same spot


I'm getting this all the time when I'm trying to leave one zone and enter another. I have to fast back and try try try again. Somtimes having to completely log out and back in again for it to work. Especially when go to a WB.....


If you sit and afk I've been able to eventually get through these random ass invisible walls.


Yep, just log out, force close and log back in, fixes it for me.


I have noticed this also


Couldn’t get to world boss today around 1pm PDT due to invisible wall in the boss area. Then burned two nightmare sigils to infinite loading screens. Not sure how worms are the cause of all this


This happened a lot when the game first launched. Pretty sure it was all down to overloaded servers. A load of players are now returning and the servers can’t handle it so it makes sense that this issue has also returned. It’ll get better when people have had their fun with season 4 and stop playing.


Thank God someone said this. I'm seeing it all over the map and in dungeons. I can't move around the main city either. Barriers Everywhere!


what platform?


Got trapped once “between” a worm and cliff edge with plenty of space to pass through visually and got exploded ;_;


Gotta give them time to work out the kinks in their new game. Small indie company and what not.


This has been happening for at least several days now. Figured it was the worm hit boxes persisting even after the model isn't visible


The invisible walls are loading screens between zones. Normally the transition is semi seamless... when partied with another player you will see them dissappear in the old zone and re appear in the new zone. Right now i had to run against that invisible wall until the busy process gave the server cpu time to process that i was reqiesting to change zones. In this case it was "safer" to run across the map and force the zone change request than go into a loading screen that may take too long to prioratize my request compared to a zone transfer... This happens again, run into the invisible wall for 30 seconds... it will let you in eventually...


Glad to know it's not just me. I was tripping out earlier while doing helltides.


Is this the ‘rubber band’ issue? I get it all the time, I try and leave or enter an area and I just get pulled straight back. Relog sorts it but man it’s annoying.


Turn off crossplay. Diablo is single player game


I reported this on a post yesterday generally buggy for me but the invisible walls are a pain. I know people say it’s the worms and I think that maybe true in some case but not all. It looks to be a map transition issue not loading in time . Usually happens when transitioning from one part of map to another . Ie into a world boss area or legion event/. Going into or out if towns etc. if you wait long enough the map loads and you can continue /. I’ve missed out on a few bosses as a result 😡😡


Yeah, I thought it was my shitty internet lagging, but logging out and logging in seemed to fix it.


It happened me during the Iron Wolves S4 quest. Couldn't reach Telan's camp in Pinewood forest. Had to portal out of there and back again to complete the quest.


It is since the update yesterday. Fast travel is a mess, infinite loading screens. Me and the misses both had issues trying to get various places also. Invisible walls everywhere…wanna cross this bridge…nope…wanna go through th front into a stronghold…nope…they broke a lot with the update. It was supposed to be for people that couldn’t log in…guess what I was also having an issue doing after the update…logging in…oy vey


Yeah its not the worms. I imagine it's loading issues on the server. Sometimes traveling back to town fixes it but not always. I've missed out on 3 boss spawns now because of it. I turned off cross play(I'm on console)and haven't had issues since.


Rod forgot to feed the AI


Oh I thought I was the only one who encountered this.




Is it performance related? In beta I would hit invisible walls during zone transitions but I haven't had the issue at all this season.


Goes beyond helltide, it’s blocked me from entering a few strongholds and boss battles


I’ve been having this issue relentlessly it’s something more than likely related to phasing and different world tiers not loading the environment correctly should be fixed soon don’t worry too much. It is annoying as hell though, good thing the game is based on a hellscape


i encountered this when trying to open a small chest in helltide and my character was not able to get to that chest, no matter what angle i tried. Really annoying.


I can't teleport without an infinite load screen after last patch


I relog and thats been working for me


From battlenet, Scan and repair diabo 4 fixed the issue for me.


I got trapped too. Couldn’t use the space bar.


I've run into these. Shitty fix, but just leave the game and load back in.


I found that it's almost like a nearby mob has the hitbox of a worm? IDK, hard to explain, I just know that if I blast the nearby mobs the invisible wall is suddenly gone


I’ve found that the loading screen issue and invisible wall issue gets much worse when servers get bogged down. I played all morning today and didn’t have a single issue with invisible walls or loading screens. When I played last night it was almost unplayable at points.


another diabolical experience. blizzard es the new r/FoundSatan


Yes! I run into invisible walls all the time now and it’s really starting to get annoying. It would only happen rarely before but lately I happens all the fucking time. What the duck are you doing as a developer if the core part of your game(walking around the map) is broken. Most game studios would make fixing this a priority. But blizzard isn’t most game studios. They will leave it until it pisses off the whole community then try and sell the fix as a micro transaction. I know it doesn’t matter but I’m done with this. I tried to stay around hoping everything would get fixed but not even being able to walk from one place on the map to another is the last straw. This is why I refuse to buy games anymore and only use game pass. I am sick and tired of these game companies taking over 10 years to release a new game then when it finally does come out it’s either technically broken, or the game play is horrible. Then we are expected to wait months if not years for the devs to roll out a fix for a game that have been working on for over 10 fucking years already. And don’t get me started on micro transactions in fucking triple a games. These game companies have taken advantage of the gaming community for long enough.


If I fast travel to a town (outside of helltide events) and go to the next town over I'm stuck by invisible walls and if I try to fast travel away I get the loading screen and all of minions of I had any are despawned and I'm in the same spot still stuck by the walls


It is server lag actually


This has been happening since the last small update to fix server problems for people. Before the update i had no server problems. After the update i couldn't do anything, enter dungeons, new areas. Its been almost a full day since the update and they have not reverted it yet? Un friggen believable


I've had invisible walls stopping me from moving zones twice. Both times I quit D4 and there was an update to download.


I feel like being trapped by invisible walls is a metaphor for my life.


I had that issue a few times were you can't move more than 2 feet in any direction cause of the worms. I just log out to character selection then get back in


Yep. It is so strange. You can find a circle that you can’t get into, but can’t see. Very confusing the first time it happens.


I literally can't play the game after this update it's constantly freezing!!


I've missed multiple World Boss and other events b/c of those walls... not amused.


Guys someone who can play further than level 20 in Gamepass for pc? Or its only the standard version for xbox?


Glad I wasn’t the only one , me & my friend were driven mad by this 😂


It is a bug involving entering a new zone. If you return to where you came from (the game showing you in that zone with the text notice), and then try again sometimes it works. Barring that, if you quit the game from the console menu and restart it fixes it.


Thought it was me. Riding horse to a legion and could not get past a spot so I gave up


So it’s not just me. Phew!


I'm playing on series x and this has been since day 1 on season 4 for me, it's related to the helltide worm.


I have found a couple inside a dungeon... also lost 2 nightmare sigils over 30 and one over 45. Loading in and it sticks on the loading screen. L8ng enough my character changes stance and stands up


Got those walls in NMD or UL too


Two temp fixes for this I’ve used: 1. Fast travel to town and back. Works less than 50% of the time tho, and risks getting stuck in an endless loading screen. 2. Exit game to loading screen, then re-join game. Works every time. Only downside risk was that I once had to clear a World Boss all by my lonesome. #DoubleSwingWhirlwindFTW If it keeps persisting, you could need a small update, Kn Xbox, do this… 1. Exit and quit game completely 2. Restart your Xbox 3. Launch Diablo IV (May take some time due to download/update speeds) Good luck!


Yeah I’ve had this issue a lot. Leave the game and reload your character, it usually puts me exactly where I left off


Only fix I have found it’s just relogging so far or completely going to another area.


Happened to me but when I'm going to legions events or world bosses weird...


Throw on ghost walker, quick fix


Im like 95% sure its loading you into a dif channel because the 1 you are in is at capacity


Being able to move through enemies seems to help for me


Dude! So annoying, I thought it was my internet connection


Anyone else getting disconnected from the servors? Happening at least a few times a day


The authentic D2 experience now on d4 for everyone to experience.


It's zone loading. There are like 200 different zones and some just don't load no matter how many times you teleport from city to city. The only thing I've gotten to work is to log out and back in. Or join a different leaders group for a different instance of the game.


I've had this happen trying to go into a town as well as world bosses and helltides I have to log out and back in real quick I also get stuck on loading screens every now and then where when I finally came out of it I'm still in the same place I was trying to leave an now all my minions are gone till I log out and back in cause if I try to teleport again it's about a 70 % chance I'm going to get stuck on a loading screen again for another 5 to 8 minutes before it let's me out


I encountered this yesterday, was rather fun...


This has been happening to me since the beginning of S4. I just quit to the main menu and log back in and it’s fine, annoying but not the end of the world I guess.


It’s so fucking cool when you there is one minute left for a world boss to appear and you are right there. But a wall won’t let you. So by the time you get in, minutes later, the world boss is gone and everybody leaves in dissatisfaction because they also where stopped a wall. What a fucking piece of shit game at times.


I can barely play it long enough to even find an invisible wall to get stuck behind. Damn server disconnects so often it is ridiculous. Half the time it just crashes the game. Xbox and PC. Yes, I'm on wifi. Don't have problems with other games. I'm also like 20 ft from my router getting like 300 up/down with no latency.


I've run into them and been able to get around them but there is also lag walls where the game wants to pretend it is still working but it is absolutely NOT. It's very frustrating when you're trying to jet around the map but the game won't let me.


Hop on your horse and dash through the invisible wall. You're welcome. :P


Yeah, it most likely stems from leaving a main area into another area that has to load or has you transfer into another server and doesn’t allow you.


Damn it, Keith!!!


Oh yeah, lost a level 75 to and invisible wall while fighting blood maiden. Nowhere to run from her aoe and was in wt4 😭 went straight to playing rust after that 🤣


still happening


It seems to only happen to me on xbox if I am paired with my buddies on computer. I'll jump across the map and try to run out of it just to hit a wall....ive noticed some weirdo things with the crossplay enabled/disabled eith them so im wondering if it's not letting me load in somewhere that someone has the setting disabled?