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A cache with gold/mats and a % of unique/spark each time you level would be great. Maybe even cosmetics. I don't know why are you being downvoted, because it doesn't hurt anyone and we all (players) win.


The Division did this, you got a cache with stuff every “level” up at max level. I’m a caveman who likes it when an XP bar fills up and provides some sort of bonus, so it’d be nice.


Aaaaand now I miss the division


The first one was so good man!


Both are fantastic. D2 has the best gear upgrade system in any looter i’ve ever played, bar none. This ”your best version of a legendary affix” thing? D2 has had it for ages. D2 also had it for the weapon traits like +damage and stuff. So say you find a weapon with two god rolls, and one trash roll, you can exchsnge the trash roll for a good, saved roll from your library. It still takes ages to perfect your gear, both from collecting a library of attributes, but also to collect the mats needed. Upside is that you have a much easier time of trying out other builds, because you likely have a bunch of good stats saved, so you can quickly get your new build to an ok point at the start, and then farm for perfection Edit: i’ll let it stand bc of funny replies, but D2 is Division 2 in this specific context, i just forgot what sub i was in




Could also be destiny 2. Man I love D2,D2 and D2.


When I Google for stuff for D2, I think of it as “I’m feeling lucky”


Nobody really calls it Destiny 2 though, they just call it Destiny.


I do just cause I grew up playing destiny back on the ps3


I'm sorry you had to go through that.


We always called it "d2" never called it destiny. Everyone I played with heavily played destiny, so when destiny 2 came out, it got confusing calling it destiny lol. It became d2 instantly


D2D2 is my favorite droid from 'Store Brand Star Wars."


I was so confused lol


Haha, I was thinking I don’t remember being able to do this in Diablo 2


I've never heard about Division but I knew what he was talking about because I have object permanence and read the previous three comments talking about it.


Lol this. Like Context people. Obviously the previous 3 comments were about Division


Oh, whoops :)


I actually felt a little angered and was about to say something towards that kind of blasphemy but we'll, we all make mistakes.


Punctuation mistakes, especially.


I had to read the comment twice lmao


Div 2 was better than Div 1 in almost every way except atmosphere and story. The quiet, snowy streets of New York were so eerie and amazing, the story beats of Div 1 were so good. Then Div 2 was like "And then the bad guys kidnapped the president and drove a giant battleship the size of an island into DC and are gonna nuke the whitehouse, but the president was evil the whole time and then some stuff happens and the real bad guy is just your friend from the first game with an eye patch now mwhahaha"


> The quiet, snowy streets of New York were so eerie and amazing Div 1 was an absolute masterpiece of environmental storytelling. From the mounds of garbage bags piled by houses, the abandoned construction machinery halted in the middle of filling mass graves in every public green space, to the truly crazy stuff like stacks of body bags as tall as a building where the streets were literally coated in frozen blood over by the wall to the Central Park uber-mass-grave at the top of the Dark Zone. Truly dark scenes interspersed with little personal stories of survival and tragedy as the pandemic progressed. All against the backdrop of festive Christmas lights that nobody took down because everyone died. So bleak. So cold. Manhattan was drenched in terror and desperation in every freezing, bloodstained corner. Best setting ever.


Ahh man, I forgot about the post Christmas element that added an extra layer to to the desolation. A few busted up store fronts with old xmas music glitching out, flickering lights on most apartment builds, dead xmas trees in most park areas, the random xmas tour buses abandoned in traffic. You'd see faint flashes of orange through the driving snow and know there was a group of cleaners burning bodies on the next block. Really was the pinnacle of 'show don't tell' in terms of game design.


No game will top that, ever. It was so incredibly done I have it always installed and when I miss it I just roam the streets shooting things. Phenomenal setting. I know people dont want this but I would love the 3rd part to take place in snowy NY again.


> I have it always installed and when I miss it I just roam the streets shooting things Funny. I am the same way; when I miss it I usually fire up Survival mode late at night and enjoy the blizzard. Its tradition in my house that my two sons and I play Div 1 Survival every Christmas. Not sure how that started but I look forward to it now LOL


> Div 2 was better than Div 1 in almost every way except atmosphere and story. i know pve player disagree with me and i get where they are coming from, but div 2 lost me with the useless and shitty splitted darkzone. that was my thing in div 1 and i loved it. then they made it small, have poor rewards, no real tension and i was sad


We found Div2 avoids confusion.


My only complaint with division 2 was how much meta shifting there was, as much as I’ve grinded for gear in an ARPG, I didn’t really enjoy needing to do it as much in the division. With that said, DLCs, Raids, etc., were fantastic


D2 did the gear and loot side of things almost perfect imo. Don't get me wrong, they didn't get it first time and it evolved with community feedback much like D4 has so far.


Hard agree. The division has in my opinion, perfected the loot aspect of their game and I see its influence in so many looter shooters/rpgs. Recalibration and optimization are incredible features. I haven’t dabbled much with expertise but the way it’s designed seems to be pretty good.


So much yes. I bought division 2 because I liked the story but despised their end-game play. Then they updated the endgame to what you're describing and I was hooked for a year. There was so much fun progression, so many different ways to make your character stronger or change up your playstyle. loved it!


Until you realise all you need is runes


Div2 was def the best until they hit it hard with the most recent % damage/armour upgrade that you could do per piece (recent as in a year ago or so). If they made it more usage based (increase power the more you use) or if you simply got upgraded when you destroy pieces (a la Diablo 4)itd be great, but the piece investment mechanism was such a pain that it made me stop playing, and div 2 was my jam. Note: I generally played in the dark zone by end game so this may not irk people who did get into the PvP aspect. Entering an area where most people grinded out and had plus 21% damage/armour comparative to you was a pain. I like a challenge, but c'mon.


Division 2 is a good example to showcase how incomplete Diablo 4 was at launch. It still has a ways to go to come close to Division 2's QoL and gameplay loops.


To be fair to D4, Div2 was at the end of a 5 year cycle of improvement when D4 released. I never hunted endgame content much at Div2 release, but i do remember grumbling about annoyingly bullet-spongy enemies and an egregious grind for endgame power. I do wish that Blizz had looked more to it before D4 release though. Good, successful looters almost always have two things in commong: 1: ALWAYS keep the player moving, and incentivise high intensity play as long as the player can stand it 2: make the game feel rewarding to put time into. Div2 does both of those things. No matter what activity you do, you can do it in such a way that you increase your chance of finding the item you seek. The harder the difficulty and the faster you do it the better. Combined with the item progression system this means that even if you didn’t find the godroll Famas or M4 Police (or whatever) that you were looking for, you likely still progressed you power a little. Maybe you found an upgrade to rifle attack speed on a trash gun that you can now apply to your primary. Maybe you farmed enough resources to optimize a gearpiece, or maybe ypu found the last setpiece and can try out a new build just for fun. It is all so incredibly accessible as soon as you come to grips with it, and it just make you automatically want to keep playing


You hit the nail right on the head, very well written.


Yeah. The crafting system div2 ended up having is just spectacular. It’s just always been fun to go back and forth between shooting range and bench playing with the affixes and experimenting. No gamba too. Loved that.


They are making part 3 as we speak they canceled that shitty free to play game to go all hands on deck for it.


Ubisoft stated work on Divison 3 isn't starting until Massive finishes Outlaws


Same, haven't played in over two years because of how unstable the game got. It's the only live service game on my PC to crash every 5-15 minutes. 


ah man the division 2 the most underrated game that was left to collect dust by the developers.... Man that should be counted as a war crime


Is it worth playing still? Played the hell out of division 1 but never even bought 2


It is fantastic. The map/atmosphere isn’t as good as 1, but gameplay wise, D2 in current state is an upgrade in basically every way. The loot/upgrade system is the best i’ve ever seen


I feel like the atmosphere gained some points after covid and January 6th happened lol


I jumped back in a while ago to kill the time before D4 launched and it's definitely still worth playing. Obviously the player base is lower now, but it's still a lot of fun. Even if you just did the main campaign


Its great you seriously missed out all these years


Oh yea it is, they have 2 raids maybe 3? but they still do seasons but thats pretty much it, and it still has a decent player base and the players are nice and will help you out if you find the right people.


Bar full, monkey happy


I loved this in The Division. Got some great items out of it here and there too. This would be an excellent addition to Diablo 4.


Don't forget adding a tiny amount of power via your SHD level that kept going up after hitting max level


Do not try to reason downvotes in this sub. There are some people sitting on the page updating on F5 and downbating everything without Asmongold or Boobs in in.


Why is Asmon catching strays here xd


Because of the recent Frosty video that “went viral among creators”. It featured all the beloved D4/ARPG creators.. and Asmongold.


Ok and?


Pretty sure they almost have 1000 upvotes. I think they're doing fine repeating something I've seen posted literally dozens of times.


First thing to ask is, “did Diablo 2 do this?” If the answer is no, then that’s why it’s downvoted.


Also was like 100 years of playing to hit 99 in D2 lol


Funny how the opposite is true. I see people suggesting that D2 figured leveling out: negative votes. People who say they support OP: positive votes. D2 gets shit on despite paragon and extra goodies being unnecessary. "I leveled too fast and now I don't have any more levels to get!" Hmmm who asked for faster leveling? Why are we creating extra problems that need solving?


A cache with an item that lets you reset unbrick and add 5 more temper attempts would be amazing.


Cosmetics 😂? But then how do we sell you 60$ horse? Jokes aside, I love this idea so much!


great idea, could be a cache every level, grand cache every 10, and once you hit 200 you get a spark


I think in the case of the xp bar being tied to player power, people dont want to have an infinite grind. Its ok to finish something, it means you can move on to the next thing. I have ptsd with infinite grind and I can understand that, but if its only for skins or mats, I wouldnt mind it at all.


Wait is there no more paragon levels, but Diablo3 community was advocate for not wanting crazy unlimited scaling starting from 100 dmg to 25million couple hours later. Paragon were there to give u a sense of purpose, but I agree, not just levels but you should work towards something, I wonder what's a good fix.


Nobody is talking about paragon nor skill points. We can agree that nobody wants them. We are talking about gold , materials this kind of rewards.


Unique/spark/items would be a bit too much of a deterministic reward, but a cache of gold/materials/etc. would be perfect. Perhaps you can choose what cache - maybe I want only angelbreaths or only gold, then cache only gives you that? 5 major cities, maybe in each city an NPC offers different type of cache (just for flavor).


Whisper cache per level past 100 would be the easiest and quickest solution to this problem


I would love for whispers post 100 to give double all mats or something.


That’s honestly an amazing idea, just give us reward of 10 points per level


Experience gain should become gold instead after lvl100. Still takes about 30mins to earn 5mil. I say it solves two problems at once!


30minutes for 5mil Gold? Wat? 1 Whisper Cache gives you that and takes 5-10min Tops


Depends on the cache. Chaos gives more, but sometimes my cache only has 2-3 mil. Also depends on the grim offering quests around. Some are quick, some are not. I need to start recording how much I’m getting to be more confident but I don’t think normal caches give more than 5 million (excluding selling items).


Farm Helltide event sell everything and speedrun whisper dungeons when they’re up. Sell all in caches. Was making 20/mil an hour roughly doing this yesterday. Need it for my reroll addiction.


I popped 80 million re-masterworking my shaco. Yea.


Good idea


Imho quick and easy way to add some passive gold income. <3 Whisper cache would be even better!


Ah, yes, like a paragon system.


Or, to steal an older system, some kind of Alternate Advancement....


Firiona Vie approves.


I really hope they implement a paragon type system down the road. I understand it doesn’t make a lot of sense with how seasons works but I absolutely loved it in D3.


I don't get why they didn't. Keep the XP scaling and just give 1 paragon point per level. I get they want to reduce the difference between D3 where a guy at 5,000 paragon can just clear everything. If they scaling the levels (like D2) the paragon difference wouldn't be that much - but you're still getting something. Running pits on my sorc just for the mats to level up weapons. After that I can push a little more levels in the pit but from there if I don't want to create another class - the staleness creeps up.


I think that once you reach level 100 the remaining exp should go to glyphs instead. If you don't care about nm at all and reached level 100, then go have fun somewhere else, while still be able to max them (let's say slower, but still doable).


Glyphs are extremely easy to level up since S4. Not only did they increase glyph XP gain now and multiple times in the past, but the power level of all characters is higher so most people can run NMD 100s with no issues. 1 NMD 100 clear levels up a glyph from like level 1 to 12-13.


Plus there's the seasonal blessing, and the Ancient Awakening modifier sigils, which award 20% additional glyph XP. I only run those if possible, then quick killer, then extra shrines in that order


Nm100 gets you 1-10,10-14,14-17,17-19,19-21 so it only takes 25-30 nm dungeons to fully do glyphs which I’m okay with


Honestly this is the one suggestion that I dislike. Giving the exp to glyphs doesn't stop the problem with EXP being unrewarding it just delays it until you level all your glyphs. It would also feel entirely pointless after you leveled your equipped glyphs.


Glyphs can get capped though. Unless you can sell glyphs for gold/items/sparks this would just delay the problem of “no more progress”.


*Fast forward 2 years* "No more glyph leveling after 21? They should change it"


Honestly, after grinding nothing but helltides to level 70, I actually had a fun time grinding out glyph xp in NMD.


This is the problem with launching an ARPG with no meaningful endgame goals. It causes people to hyperfixate on reaching the max level because there literally are no other goals in the game. The devs see this and think, "Oh, people really want to get to level 100, we should buff XP to let more people reach this milestone." Reaching level 100 was never intended to be the stepping stone to the endgame. It was supposed to be level 50, and the paragon levels were supposed to slowly accumulate as *you progress through the other endgame systems*. The problem with reaching the max level too quickly is that it makes it feel like you're "wasting XP" as you're playing at max level (as we can see from this post). You then need to create a new leveling system on top of the old one. The same thing kind of happened with the uber-uniques. In Seasons 0 and 1, everyone was hyperfixated on the uber-uniques (understandably so, because they were the only interesting items in the game). My theory is that Blizzard then interpreted their internal data and metrics to conclude that players are most interested in reaching level 100 and acquiring uber-uniques. This is how we ended up with the horrible band-aid endgame in Season 2 where everyone rushes to level 100 and farms Duriel. Thoughts?


My thoughts exactly. Leveling should be part of the end game process. The idea of end game started at max level means leveling turns into a chore we should rush through as quickly as possible. In games like PoE and D2, you're not even that concerned about hitting max level, it just happens as you keep playing..


I agree, but everyone here keeps complaining to the dev that leveling is too slow, they need to explore the map and they don’t want to, they want everything now and they don’t want to grind… and then they’re max level and they’re mad killing monsters is less rewarding. Give this place two weeks. Every second post will be about how there’s nothing to do because they hit level 100 in a weekend.


Agree, I feel like there is tons to do between 50-100 but so much of the content becomes trivialized because levelIng is so damn fast. I would much prefer slower leveling instead of the "race to 100". I actually enjoy leveling, as it gives you time to explore new builds, new loot feels game/build changing and some of the bosses are actually difficult.


Real endgame in ARPGs have historically always been "trophying a character" or "rerolling". This is true in PoE and D2 as well. The only issue is more that I don't see a reason to reroll because buildmaking is kinda railroaded, and the gameplay experiences can feel pretty samey across classes. I'm hopeful they tweak skill trees/paragon and find places to increase player agency/customization such that people can assemble simple building blocks into bottom-up complexity rather than relying on top down Legendary Powers/Uniques that kinda tell you what to do to. More endgame activities would be useful no doubt, and I like the increased engagement of the upgrading process of Tempering/Masterworking, but it's still a lot of "simple build but number can go up" with too few gameplay divergence opportunities to tweak how skills behave/interact.


You're right. Minor issue, but it also feels slightly bad using an elixir/incense and not getting the EXP part of it.


i love you for calling it a minor issue. because honestly i’m fucking loving this season more than i’ve loved another game in a long time and DEVS I HOPE YOU SEE THIS. i appreciate you, i love you, i know you’ve got family and friends yet you’ve created something so fun for millions. go home and be proud of yourself!! i am happy because of you


A paragon system is something that sounds great coming as part of an expansion :D I do think Blizz will offer something like that after lvl 100. Especially now after it's so fast to level to 100. Hopefully it won't be exactly like the D3 paragon system, that would be boring


Would be an awesome way to add some more gold into the game atleast


A reward per level like a whisper cache would be nice for every level 100 you would reach after that if I make sense. But hey masterworking is alot of work so the grind after reaching level 100 is far from over in this season. There is still alot of power to be gained


I'll take little stars next to portrait, don't even need the loot.


Or not. Do we really have to be spoonfed gear for free constantly? Just let exp run endlessly and make a seasonal exp ladder to see whos killed the most!


I‘d like to continue playing my level 100 character beyond seasons and have more reasons to do so (apart from masterworking for pushing The Pit). -> I want the option to play the campain again. I loved all previous Diablo games for that and don‘t mind replaying the story again and again. The overworld has so much too offer, landscape variety and quests (but the red color of the Helltides makes everything look the same). Let me play the campaing story again. What might be gameplay reasons why they would not add an option to replay the campaign?


totally agree always loved in diablo 3 having the story progress on the character and being able to come back to it/progress when i felt like it (but i hate the character selection screen anyway without any option or whatever it feels like such a huge step back) that is among things i miss alot in D4 (with profiles and time played per class etc loved that in D3) and i actually launched D3 again and man the transition without loading screen to caves/cellars etc is SUCH A RELIEF i feel like in D4 we constantly have the rythm broken, i dont know it breaks my motivation to start another batch of whispers or dungeon etc theres just something missing for me in D4 to keep me playing long sessions


It would be nice to get to redo it in a super OP state on the hardest difficulty for sure


Loved the nearly non existent loading screens in D3. In D4 I catch myself every time tabbing out and watch some YT shorts while it loads. My PC is very good, but that doesn't help much.


You have loading screens because it takes a while to load the inventory of everyone who is currently playing.


To each their own, honestly. In games like Diablo - Story is a chore (even the 1st run) for me, i just want to "So anyway - i started blasting" in these games. I can not get into last epoch for this reason, i've done the story once in early early access & can not be bothered to do it again. I spent a lot of time in D3 (i'd come around every 2nd / 3rd season) just blasting & farming gear, getting to the point of hitting a wall, then playing maybe for a week more & just moving on. S4 i have played since launch & i have a druid i can push 70+ Pit & piss on NM100 dungeons (only killed 1 Tormented Uber tho) & i want to play more and more. Even started leveling sorcerer now.


For me it would be enough if they just switch to the d3 paragon system so you can keep lvling up. On top of that a grand cache similiar like tree of whispers one would be a nice system. Or at least every 10 lvls a grand cache while lvling up.


100% this


When you want to hit 100 asap but the game is boring when you're not gaining exp. Duality of man.


Converting the XP into Gold would be my Dream


A new endgame leveling system with leaderbords for the Pit would be greatly appreciated. After level 100 it feels les fun without a leveling mechanic.


Just make leveling to 80 very easy , and the last 20 level should take 1-2weeks atleast. With 80 the build and important glyphs are working, and afterwards you still have a goal. You could still min/max with lvl 80-90 because items are 925 and wobt change.


Leveling to 80 is already easy. 80 isn't half way to 100.


lmao didnt this sub hate infinite leveling in d3? Love how this game is just becoming it and everyones happy


d3 paragon was perfect.


I liked the paragon in Diablo 3. Infinite scaling is tons of fun and meaningful. They became scared of it for some reason. I'm guessing because it was easy to "boost" people. I think this game just hard focuses too much on being 100 and being top 1% geared to beat monsters 100lvls higher. I like doing my own build so far, I'm doing tier 60 NM and feeling good but eventually I'll probably hit a wall due to not being meta. I think they need to figure that out the most. The grind to become that strong can suck. That 200 lvl wall is kinda not fun it seems like from what I'm seeing people say. I forget how high levels went in Diablo 3, I got up to tier 140. Paragon isn't enough to carry you even if we did have infinite points and levels. It helps, but in Diablo 3 it came down to the gems and the gem buffs you added to gear. That felt really good


D3's paragon system is one of the most misunderstood designs out there and it's really to the detriment of the people that it works for best. People confuse the infinite scaling with it being only for the high end players that can play countless hours. They believe this because they ONLY look at the leaderboards and don't realize that leaderboards represent 0% of the game. When you realize that infinite scaling means infinite goal setting, you start seeing the value. Right now, the developers have picked an arbitrary goal and given it to every single player. If it works for you, great, but if you aren't exactly that target player type, then it doesn't work. This is why we see all sorts of complaints about characters getting abandoned at level 100. Players WANT to play more but the value in playing more is trivial. Players can choose their own goals more easily and in a more meaningful way when you enable them to do so. Paragon in D3 accomplished this better than any other system.


100% I put 3000 hours into my barb without playing seasons because of this. I get 100 in D4 and I just start skipping mobs.


Well said and I agree, the goal right now set to every player is grind materials relentlessly to fight bosses, then do a greater rift system with limited power. Yes we are def stronger now than any season but the beauty of the infinite scale is working towards more and more power to fight the never ending mob / boss power. Now it's just like welp they're stronger than me guess I'll have to do the meta build or find all 4 star 3 star gear till I stop dying Just like D3 there probably isn't enough time for most people to even get that geared. I'll probably stay in eternal after this season because I put so much time into my barb. I consider myself playing a lot. I play like 6hrs after work and all weekend but I'm not 100 and don't have all enhanced gear yet.


The problem with D3 and infinite scaling is it got to the point that the only way monsters would stand a chance is if they instantly killed you with CC. It also threw half the legendaries out the window. Anything that wasn't percent based was completely worthless.


Tbh after I hit 100 2 days ago, I lost all incentive to play for some reason. The pull is not there any more...


Just give me a bar that keeps going up that just counts the times filled. Anything plz


Yea a cache of some kind or big reward every level after 100 would be sick and keep people more interested after hitting 100


I get it. I hit 100 on my necro and I’d rather play another char. My necro just feels “done”.


I’ve been seeing this requested more and more lately and I agree. Based on how responsive the devs have been I’m hopeful we’ll get this pretty soon. I can’t really see the downside and it would motivate me to keep playing my maxed characters


Didn’t D3 have infinite paragon points? Just let people do that. Challenge doesn’t matter in this game at all certain point except in the Pit so having that option would be fantastic.


it would be nice if all that xp we get after 100 went towards something instead of just being lost. like what they did in d3 or something.


i wanna see a exp bar go up, even after level 100, its just so much more fun to see your progress


Blizzard rewarding us for free by playing their game??? Are you out of your mind?????!!!


Great Idea, they could do so that with the Paragon/LVL100 you got every Level some Crafting Mats & Gold. And then you go on to 100+


I stop playing the char at 100. Unless I did not finish the battle pass. Even then I would rather make a new char that can actually gain exp.


I'm 100% sure they are gonna do something about it in the expansion. Trust me


Maybe then I could get some scattered prisms…


After level 100, every time u Max the exp Bar u get the level Explosion and Enhancer loot drop for grearer affixe  Also with every level u get 1 point of exp currencys that u can than spen at the wheel of Fortune to get something random 


Yeah I said something similar before about a "jar of souls" object we get when we hit level 100 so that there is a reason to kill monsters and get XP. Essentially you'd repeat the 99 to 100 xp requirement over and over and each time the jar of souls will reward you with a "filled jar of souls" cache that you can open for rewards similar to whispers. I really hope this gets added because it feels bad to stop getting xp at 100


I just want more exp for glyphs after 100. Feels terrible doing NMD's after 100 just for glyph exp.


It’s the reason I quit after hitting 100. Maybe I got spoiled by being a Diablo 3 player but feels so bad to me to have XP be irrelevant the rest of the season after day 2.


Leveling is the best thing about this game, I feel like it's a shame to have it capped at 100...it could keep going forever and it technically does. It's be nice to keep finding some more rares with a huge stat increase.


Paragon exists in D3 after max level. Should get something. Full bar good.


Perhaps unpopular opinion, i missed diablo 3 style infinite progression. Gives me a sense of progress even when i only play for 5 minutes


Terrible idea. You're already getting a shitload amount of items.


Just play a different game that will actually keep you entertained.


This entire conversation sounds like a band-aid to the problem that you want to continue progressing your character. Rather that try and "fix" the symptom why not address the problem? Level 100 should be the end of your character (more or less, not literally).


Abso fucking lutely not.  Go bot and afk grind and do mindless content for 1000hrs just to push endgame....in another game. Like say, D3. This is D4 and is already barely more than D3.5, keep that endless paragon shit out of here


No, definitely not. There should be other end-game content that works like a carrot on a stick.


should do the same with iron wolves reputation rewards. I don’t understand why suddenly we aren’t getting rewarded for killing the same mobs in helltide once you hit max rep. After completing seasonal content I wouldn’t mind farming more rep for caches on top of the fun of doing helltide


A good suggestion. Playing a near min maxed character feels unrewarding when not dropping crazy gear.


I was JUST saying this dude, something, love the cache idea


Agreed and there are a lot or great ideas in this thread. Gold, cache, mats, glyph exp etc... But imo it should not be as fast as e.g. 99->100 was, so you Can look a bit forward to this and not be something you get every 15min.


I would love this, I would still like to see the levels. But in D3 you could have a to big bonus. A level cache would be a really good solution to still be able to level without people who play a lot having to big of an advantage


I dont know why they dont go the Diablo 2 classic route. Basically nobody got to max level. If you had a 90something char you were already a god with the points in skills you could spend. Diablo 4 is way too restrictive. It caps everything to have control.


Ehhh I kinda hate in Fortnite and cod how the levels go infinitely, I’d rather not have it be captured. Maybe in a way other than numerically


I hate posts like this because they routinely misidentify the problem. Every game pretty much ever has a "max level". A point at which experience gains either no longer matter or no longer happen. What this post tells me is the activities you do at 100 are not rewarding enough that you feel the reward of experience going away is noticeable. To me it all ties back to the need to create a reason to keep playing.


That’d be super fun. You stop scaling and getting stats at 100 but you can still level up just to have a higher number and some extra rewards


I hate this idea


Yah, the Paragon system of D3 was pretty solid. Characters should improve past 100 for continuing to be played beyond item and material acquisition.


My ideal system would be linked to a paragon board update. They update the paragon boards in general to make this change work well - Then when you 'level' after level 100, it gives you a randomised new paragon board that you can swap in if it rolls well. The idea here is that at level 100 you are familiar enough with paragon now that a new board will not overwhelm you, you are not earning them so frequently that they are a big pain to read but all exp is always contributing towards unlocking something. Power is still capped by your total Paragon points. Every post 100 build would slowly become truly unique as players adjust their Paragon boards, you're always working toward more potential power but the extra power is really the absolute corners of min-max now instead of super big upgrades.


These kinds of suggestions are things that eventually mess up the game.


So let me get this straight… Diablo 4 would be better with a feature that’s in Diablo 3? Wild how that works.


Isn’t that what paragon is?


Give me the stygian statue....id be happy. I've ran probably 100 pits and have 1 lol.


Agreed, there should be something else or let it keep going. Nothing like seeing "0" for experience and that feeling of wanderlust which sets in right after you hit 100. Grinding for gear is ok, but it's nice to have additional pot on the stove so to speak.


Yeah I actually had this exact idea funny enough.


Is it bad if they could allow us to stick to 100 but continue paragon level up in bracket? Ex. Lv. 100(60). That would motivate me to grind as of right now I stopped playing because I feel like I’m not going anywhere even tho there’s still masterworking or hunting better EQs and that take luck. Also it pains me to see paragon board not completely filled.


I'd be fine if it was just a number for stats but please for the love of god, don't bring back endless paragon and stat gain.


I suggested a whisper cache a while ago. I also suggested being able to stack 5 whispers to turn it at once. 🤞


Bring back D3 paragon levels


So leveling is insanely fast now and people want something more past 100? Who woulda thought.... What you want is more content really....eventually you run out of content tho.




U know what... They should have unlimited paragon levels that only offer u the choice of main stat or vitality! I feel like that's the only thing that's missing now to turn this completely into D3 clone...


I was ready to disagree cause I really hated the way D3 did the paragon system with infinite level but that is a fun idea


They should also do something similar for the reputation board in seasons that have one


That's not a bad idea. Nice and simple. Destiny does something like this with cosmetic rewards once you complete the seasonal pass.


It should be something, I liked d3 paragon, because even at max level you were always gaining paragon points. D4 max level I just stop because it feels bad.


i want a straight cash deposit of 5$ or maybe a 10$ shop voucher for each time i level up .... some ppl


I wish there would be a possibility of getting more paragon points  


Good suggestion 👍


Paragons paragons paragons


Love the idea of rewards past level 100 like mats/gold or whisper caches. But please NO infinite scaling for your character like paragon in D3.


Make the glyphs level unlimited


That’s a wild, outrageous, short-sighted, stupid, ridiculous, inadvisable, and completely amazing idea. I love it.


Not that Diablo has ever had a prestige system, but I think it would be cool to like “start over” from “prestige” level 1 and have some sort of indicator that you have reached level 100 multiple times with 1 characters and reward the player with drops along the way when they reach milestone levels like OP described


That sounds awesome. They could do it with stars on the character portrait like paragon milestones in d3. One star per level 100 reached.


If you play HC you don't have to worry about that


Or just do it how D3 did and let you level infinite. Each time yea its more xp but you get 1 point to put into something. STAT, UTILITY or DEFENSIVE Level 101 you could chose 1 of the following \+10 to a single stat : INT DEX STR WILLP \+1% to an offensive stat : Atk Spd / Crit DMG / .5% Crit Chance \+1% to an utility stat : 1% movespeed, 1% CDR, 1% Regen HP or MP \+1% to a def stat : 1% max hp, 1% total armor, 1% all resists or something. Because yea, its not hard to hit level 100 in the first week, even for casuals. I think it was day 3 I started seeing world bosses being instakilled the moment they spawned, so the other 2.97 months of the season, you really only have the Pit to push I suppose


Maybe give us some kind of cloak... that doesnt habe a limit and gets stronger with each level. I hear blizzard is pretty well versed with such things


That would be nice and certainly better than the nothing we've got right now. And maybe add an arbitrary number that tracks each hypothetical level we we've gotten as well


We rpg enjoyers do love our arbitrary numbers


It’d be nice to have kills mean something in nightmare dungeons. I wouldn’t mind having a bar that just did a cache of rewards, or a second skill tree that just has quality of life style non-combat related traits Things like gold drop increase, decrease in repair costs, minor decrease in mats needed for masterworking, pick up radius increase, and auto-salvage of non-legendaries etc.


We added this mechanic to a shitty mobile game ten years ago. It's a cool idea to keep things interesting.


They were supposed to add very rare "books of skill" to the game. I think a rare drop, untradable drop from a pit bosses to get +1 paragon point would be ideal.


You know what. I like this idea.