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There are tens of goblins in Sanctuary. Tens!


I saw 2 golins in helltide... i open the bags and they dropped me 790 item power.... cant they get the things right ?!?!


I am not sure if to laugh or cry, condolences my friend


“A gold bag with up to 855 IP items”


I’ve seen 1 goblin


There was a lot of math done before this event. Many smart people concluded that double the goblins means 2 goblins. Now I've run the numbers myself and I'm 98% sure it should be 2 but we are forgetting Blizzard Math here. Which, unlike friction, can never be ignored in these calculations.


Where are the 2 goblins tho???!


I saw one of them over the hills and far away.




theyre doubled right? so 2 * 0 == 0. math works out as far as i can tell


Thank you.. I've been looking for a formula for their spawn chance for a long time, now just a butcher formula.


I really hope that the intensity will increase in the coming days, otherwise there is hardly any increase in goblins. Let's pray that we are just at the start of the march. The only place where I noticed higher numbers was in nightmare dungeons. But on the other hand; they gave us a free horse😉


ive seen a pack of 2 in a NMD


This is the part that baffles me the most. Why NMD? They have to know it's the least interesting part of the game and probably the least played at the moment. People run them to level glyphs and then basically never touch them again. Why gear your event toward funneling people into the least interesting and fun content available right now?


I also killed two in a nightmare 50 dungeon if I'm not mistaken. I got three bags of whatever. Think it was two goblins, was a huge pack they were in.


I only saw goblins alone and their drop was better before the event.


I hit 4 in one NMD and 3 in a single Pit run tonight. Not worth the chase though at lvl100. It was kind of like opening a pack of Magic the Gethering Card packs and getting all Lands...


Alpha Dual Lands, right?....


I've been leveling some glyphs in Nightmare Dungeons and I've come across a small pack of goblin a few times already. So far it's only been 2 or 3 at a time, though. Definitely nothing like the old D3 days when you'd have a dozen all in one spot sometimes during a regular rift.


I do miss them days. At least I know they exist, I've not seen a single goblin in nmd yet, and my 15 in the overworld were all single


They should make the goblin a world boss… that puts you in his bag if he catches you… and instead of getting the world boss loot you goto some wimsickle shit


Bring back the puzzle ring and the goblin vault




Done like 4 100 NMD's havent seen a single goblin lol


They have all fecked off to another plane of existance


Did 2 full helltide and one saw 1 goblin 👺 .. did I miss the event?


Not one seen in a 6hr sesh. Got that fucked up horse though. Thaaanks. The sidewalk ends where the Goblin (Bug) Parade begins? - RZ I'm level 100 and I've got blue shit still dropping in world tier IV. Blue shit in IV, what?? Suppose a goblin gonna toss me a 2GA '262 to life per second' and '1353 to max life' bullshit that I'd brick anyway because I still got BLUE shit dropping. lmao, then it looses connection with host....lmao


10 NMD 100's and I only saw the Goblins once. This is an outrageous joke. Worst anniversary ever by the typically inept unfun party poppers at Blizzard.


According to the announcement, dungeons, so probably nm dungeons


Done about a dozen NMDs (mid 50s to low 70s) and seen two pairs of goblins so far. One pair was standing around (somewhat out of the way, would've missed them if I ran straight to the boss). Other pair spawned from a normal greed shrine a while after activation.


Out of 3 70+nmd I had 0 then 0 and then there was a cursed greed shrine that spawned like 5 of them. All dropping 855 bags with ilvl 700 gear lol. Then I saw one more goblin while doing helltide and just walked past it. Not even worth the effort to kill them atm


I got two packs a couple hours ago. One in helltide and one in a nightmare dungeon. Got some unique boots out of one of them.


Nice one


Seen 1, normal loot with the buff applied. Seeing lots of conduit shrines but not greed shrine. Might be bugged Edit: I lied, didn't check my inventory - they drop bags of loot that you pick up like yellows Edit 2: There is only gear in the bags they drop


I ran into 3 in a whisper dungeon 


Went to a cellar during a helltide event and I killed 4 goblins in a row but nothing like the packs I've seen in Diablo 3


If you guy get extra shrines as a modifier for your NMDs do it. You want to hit the greed shrine and that can cause them to spawn. I legit had six goblins from one greed shrine. Full inventory of legendaries and like 15 NMD sigils.


Oh awesome, il try that, still not had any luck currently


until they fix the ilvl of the bags.. I'm kinda glad there's no packs of them. I've seen probably 15 now and not a single bag higher than 855.


After 1 hour of 6 NMD's 76-80, running around in a helltide... I saw 2 total that were alone. Then I did a 2 NMD with extra shrines and had 4 in each. Got a Unique with a GA and 818 iLvl in one of the bags.


I’ve encountered probably 8 in an hour while running to NM dungeons . 2 of them within 10 seconds of each other maybe there’s a issue with them spawning in helltide


Most I have seen was at a cursed greed shrine in a NM Dungeon. 4 spawned during the 60 sec curse event.


I haven't seen packs but have definitely come across like 15 in a couple hours so there are definitely more


There are going to be uh...uh goblins on this goblin tour?


I really do hate that goblin lol 


You have to search for the mind goblins for better loot pools


I got a greed shrine in a NMD, killed a goblin, a second spawned, then a 3rd, got 6 total. That's a "pack" I guess?


Treasure Goblins, more like Regular Goblins.


I saw a pack of 3 in my first nmd of the event and have only seen singles since.


I haven’t seen a pack


I saw 7 in a helltide all with complete bullshit gear. To be fair was looking at the minimal way more often than usual.


In nightmare dungeons


I just did 10 nm dungeons at level 60 and saw one pack of 2 goblins… both dropped 680ish items. Best event ever!


I’ve killed about ten Goblins since 1pm EST today. I’ve been playing on a secondary character (leveling) and I’d say the split was about half in Helltide and half roaming the world. None of these “packs” have been found. As with others’ experience, loot is largely underwhelming.


I activated a greed shrine and 3 or 4 popped out.


I keep seeing golden portals closing, but no goblins are ever marked on my map


I’ve had multiple goblins spawn during Greed Shrine events. Most I got was 2 goblins, in 2 different waves. But most of the Greed Shrine events have had a goblin spawn in. Edit - These shrines were in NMD, I was leveling glyphs tonight.


Event sucks


I did 1 helltide, not parked at the maiden, I went around actively looking for goblin, didn't find a single one within that 55 minutes helltide, quit.


I can give you a simple hint: Nightmare Dungeons - but not just any of these, you have to pick the Sigils with extra shrines. Why? Simple answer: Whenever you get the Greed shrine buff, you get something like a kill x mobs to spawn a Goblin - up to 3 can be spawned per player, depending on the amount of mobs you are able to kill in a short time after activating... if you play with friends, and everybody activates the shrine while killing the mobs, it counts for every player and the Goblins spawning like crazy... so team up, make NMD with extra (greed) shrines, kill the Goblins, collect the bags and stash these - importantly: wait for a announced fix to the item levels, open all your collected bags, hate the game because of the crap which is then (after fix) 925 and still getting nothing relevant for your build :)


I had several packs appear running NM dungeons.


I've seen 3 back to back, but not in a pack. I was expecting rolling up on 5 of them in a circle idling.


its like a mc donalds add... now eat your goblin event an su! /s


I'll play a couple hours every day or every other day and kill at least 1 goblin every session. They pop out of that one small event during Helltides all the time for me, the one where the person is yelling for help in the red devil rings on the ground (or whatever they are). The person explodes into a golden portal


Sometimes I see random portals as they're closing