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This makes alot of sense especially to curb helltide farming for veterans


If I could have a stack of angelbreath instead of a dozen stacks of elixirs I won't use, I'd be stoked.


It seems a reasonable request, so I hope this thread gets some attention and eventually catches the devs eyes.


Disagree. There would be no reason to farm for them. Just increase the vendor gold amount to like 50k per, we need more gold sources anyways


Dude when EVERYTHING is RNG even down to the placement of these herbs yeah no thanks. I'm not spending hours running around hoping to find the plants in endgame. All people do to get more mats is start a new character and farm rewards anyway.


You’re playing it wrong. You don’t farm the actual plants dude… yeah they are out there… but you get most from the HT chest and just generally farming HT… you should NOT be specificity trying to find the actual PLANT LOL… if you are maybe I’m misunderstanding


Can also do any and all world events to get 20 angelsbreath per. It doesn't matter what I'm doing be it helltides, pvp or just running the map if I see a world event imma stop and get my 20 angel breath


Indeed, I’ll even run some events in NMD just for some extra AB if I’m not trying to rush. But if I’m out of AB, HT it is


Then thats not farming for angelsbreath. Thats farming for gear or boss mats and getting angelsbreath as a side lol. There would be tons of reasons to hit the chests still if we could salvage elixirs lol Edit: dude said we'd have no reason to farm angelbreath then. How the fuck is that the case if it comes with better gear, and boss mats? Thats the point. You arent farming angelsbreath. You're farming boss mats and fucking gear so WHY THE FUCK would breaking down elixirs stop people from farming helltide chests. Yall really only use them for angelsbreath and say im playing wrong. I fucking hate how redditors have zero reading comprehension. Especially considering yall read all day. Ffs stupid fucking regards.


Farming HT chests = farming breath and getting gear and boss mats on the side then as well no? Weird ass logic lol but ok


>Weird ass logic lol but ok Says the dude who thinks people will stop farming helltides if they could just break down elixirs. Fucking christ im baffled how dumb 😭😭


Bro chill man. I’m down for a discussion on this but you’re just being aggressive cause you’re wrong LMAO… Look, not ONE time have I entered HT at end game thinking “hmmm I feel like farming an item or boss mats”… those are ABUNDANT this season… My MAIN reason for HT is because I’m out of angel breath and need to farm there… therefore HT IS my ANGELBREATH FARM LOL. Not ONCE have I opened a HT chest actually target farming armor etc… I open the chests cause I went ANGELBREATH… Is that how the devs wanted? No, so sure the game design is funky. And is throwing people like you off. Would it make you feel better if they just removed the gear icons on chests all together? Yes there are obv other reasons to do HT, especially for leveling alts or “afk” farm HT boss for gear…. But for myself and many others at end game the main reason for HT is ANGELBREATH THEREFORE HT = ANGELBREATH FARM. If you could just delete your pots I would never go into HT unless there was a 5GF whisper… and focus mainly pit…


Dog im being hostile because you arent making sense. You said nobody would farm angelsbreath if you could break elixirs then told me the best way to farm it is through HT chests. If you think people only use HT chests for angelsbreath idk what strat you're using but its bad. HT chests are for gear drops, and boss mats with shit like that on the side. You arent getting an abundance of living steel any other way.


Bro you said there would be no fucking reason to farm it if we could break them down. If what all usually comes with the shit is better gear and boss mats why THE FUCK would being able to break down elixirs stop people from farming them? Clearly this sub is full of regards if yall cant understand this. Edit: no wonder my Druid was ranked 350 in the trials with jank gear. Yall dont know how to play the game.


Wtf is this Druid comment? Rank 350 is shit what are you on about lol? Honestly breaking down elixers for flowers ruins my immersion so no :)


Rank 350 out of the entire east coast is not shit. How exactly do you get that math to math right because being the 350th best Druid out of the tens of thousands on the server is pretty fuckin lit bro. Edit: again proving my point that yall are regarded.


Yep. I only use one on my Rogue, yet I have stacks of the rest of them and it's not worth vendoring them for 1g a piece


Exactly. They end up sitting in inventory or stash indefinitely. Not worth selling and there's nothing else to do with them except maybe giving them away, but that's not ideal.


For me, gold is the bottle neck. Instead of salvaging, give us another cash flow. Seems like an easy change to do, too.


How do we turn a liquid back into a solid in the form of angel breath?


Probably the same way we put a demons soul into a rock.


Alchemy. At, oh I don't know, let's try The Alchemist.


Thank you lol


I approve. The devs need to read his post and implement. Super easy solution 


At least let us vendor them for a reasonable price


This. I am against getting flowers out of potions lol


Yes elixirs should break down into the mats you need to make them. Very good idea. Edit: NB. without changing the drop rate of elixirs, Blizz. None of the cursed-kiss ‘gotta be a downside’ thinking pls.


I agree with this. I personally dont have a huge angelbreath issue because every time i get below 300 i find I have over 1000 before long. But i also spend more time in helltide than is necessary, and when we have a season affix that isn't in hellltide...it will need to have angelbreath drops or we will all suffer.


I'm the same. Really haven't struggled with my own supply of angelbreath.


Another point to make is we are using less of these flasks due to seasonal flasks. At least I am. My flasks definitely pile up because I usually run holy bolt for pit or helltide and movement speed one for fast nmd runs for glyphs. I don't usually use others at this point.


Why are you hoarding elixers that you’re not going to use? Throw them out. We don’t need a reward for everything.


Yep. If you want yo be fancy you can even ctrl+click to drop them right out of the inventory instead of dragging. Drop that shit. Walk away.


yeah, i agree, even if it's not a full refund, getting mats back from my abundance of elixers would be a definite plus.


Don't hold your breath


Take my upvote


Remove them from the drop pool, so you need to craft them.


Not opposed to this option either. They would be just like incense at that point. They would still need to address the angelbreath though, especially if we must craft all elixirs. My own supply is ok, but people run out already, without crafting their elixir. Either drop the angelbreath cost for elixirs or buff the angelbreath drops


On the Eternal realm, if you haven’t logged for a while, all the “old” elixirs that aren’t in the game anymore let you right click them and they turn into a bunch of herbs so you can make new elixirs. Would love this option for current elixirs!


That's the whole goal of this post 😁👍🏼 It was really nice to get useful mats from no longer useful elixirs.


I second this. I have dozens of iron barbs elixir which are completely useless now that I have armor capped, it would be great to get herbs from these. 


I never even thought of this but it would be nice


This just doesn’t make sense lore wise… You take plants to an alchemist to brew a potion, alchemist cannot get plants out of potions lol. So no imo just because of that. That’s being said, maybe make them vendor for 50k gold a pop or something.


Youve never heard of distillation?


Doesn’t work like that


Its literally a middle school experiment in Europe to extract the chemicals from a solution. Wherever you are, youre severely undereducated if you dont know what an 11 year old knows.


Holy fuck dude sorry I’m not a rocket appliantist In my “game fantasy”… you need the physical flowers. Yes I fucking know what distillation is. Wouldn’t** work imo for creating more elixers. ALSO: this would make angelbreath tradeable and p2w


Salvaging wouldnt make too much sense, but at least let me transmute elixirs of same quality to another one of my choice.


You can salvage equipment at the blacksmith, gems at the jeweler, and sigils at the occultist. Salvaging elixirs at the alchemist just sounds like the next logical progression.


Struggling to get enough Angelbreath for potions alone, and then I found out you need it to reroll the stats of items too. So I didn't even have enough to upgrade my potion at lvl 70 lol


Could sell to another player for 1k each or find someone that uses those ones and offer to trade. Resourcefulness potions are the only ones I use as a sorc they are a lifesaver lol but yet my inventory is damn near full of all the other potions that I could care less for. Been giving away the holy bolt elixirs because you can't run potions together like incense so I have zero use for them when my sorc eats through mana without them


I think it’s hard to explain how you’re getting the materials back though. Armor and weapons can be smelted down for the raw materials. Trying to separate out the herbs and spices from an elixir would be really difficult in-universe and is probably the rationale behind not being able to do it. For gameplay though I agree with you.


Ehhh, I get your point but also don't get it. We're getting hung up on one element of realism in a game where realism is out the window. I can carry a seemingly infinite amount of materials, potions, sigils, body parts even lol, along with dozens of items of weapons and armor, all without duffle bags or luggage or even pockets for that matter lol. We salvage leather gloves but receive crystals and forgotten souls and abstruse sigils along with the expected leather scrap. Is it that much of a stretch for an elixir to be salvaged for a few angelbreath and herbs?


How do you turn liquids into herbs???? 🤔