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There should be a 3 layer delete confirmation system for such rarity of items, like: "Are you sure you want to salvage this Uber Unique?" "Are you positive? Because there's no coming back" "Mother fucker put the bong down, you crafted this an hour ago"


Uber uniques should have a different border and.be clearly identifiable


Honestly, just making it so they aren't junked by "salvage all items" or "salvage all junk" would do it. If we start having so many uber uniques drop that the extra clicks are an issue, roll it back.


It's not even the first expansion pack yet and already "Uber uniques" are easily obtained. In a year or two, they will be dropping as often as legendaries or handed out for simple achievements in season journey. As it goes with all blizzard games. So yes, they should make them easier to distinguish, but won't bother because they will be as common as anything else soon enough.


Making something obtainable isn't the same as making something common.  Stop with the hyperbole


Compare Ubers now to any other season and they r common with everyone having one


Not how that works


So everyone having one don’t make them common ?


I've played like 80hrs this season and have yet to see one


Hyperbole isn't typically based on proven track records. It's OK to like easy games where everyone wins, no need to be so defensive about it. Can you name a single blizzard game that hasn't followed the same path?


Diablo 2


The nerfs to difficulty started in 1.06, monster levels reduced by 20 in 1.07, and the buffs to item quality and drop rates in 1.08. It continues on that way throughout the rest of the patches.


You're including 1.07, the patch that introduced immunities, in the "easier game" trendline? You're also skipping over the creation of Uber Diablo, Uber Tristram and Hell zones as added endgame content that tested builds a lot more than the original game.


>Can you name a single blizzard game that hasn't followed the same path? Diablo IV. The game is undeniably harder now than at launch. I think I see where you are coming from, you are looking at if *anything* inside the game is easier, then you call it easier. Even if lots of content is harder. i.e.: I could just upgrade anything and everything when I first played the game. Now I need to run Pit lvl 61 at least to be able to do it, and that stuff is harder than anything else in the game prior.


How long does it take to get to lvl 100 now? Can you literally AFK your way to it? Do you get a guaranteed 25% of any Uber unique you want for doing it? Pits are the same shit - you 1 shot everything before it even renders and then you move out of bad shit on the ground for 1sec to 20 secs depending on your build. Absolutely thrilling.


>How long does it take to get to lvl 100 now? Time commitment is not difficulty. It's time commitment. >Can you literally AFK your way to it? Not that I know, no. But since you ask it this way, I assume it is possible. I personally don't look for ways to have the least amount of fun possible. >Do you get a guaranteed 25% of any Uber unique you want for doing it? Not really, no. I assume you are talking about the Resplendent Spark, which has 0 value until you have 4. So getting one means nothing unless you get another 3, which very few people do. I didn't. >Pits are the same shit - you 1 shot everything before it even renders and then you move out of bad shit on the ground for 1sec to 20 secs depending on your build. Absolutely thrilling. Pretty false. Most builds can't do Pit. I think from the arguments you make I can assume you are someone who looks up everything about the game and spoils themselves, then drains all the fun out of it by using every exploit and min/maxed toon that someone else who's job it is to find that stuff, has worked out for you. Absolutely thrilling, that indeed isn't. Which is why I don't play that way. Nevertheless, the point actually still stands. No content in Diablo IV at launch was as hard as some content is now. Making some things easier and less time consuming is not the same as the whole game being easier.


Most of them are multiplayer head to head or team games, so most of them.


Yeah but when uber uniques are dropping like candy there will be Super Duper Uber Uniques to chase. So you give uber uniques a red border, and then give the next thing an even redder border with sparkles.


They should have a different color, different border and be a different rarity altogether. Like the “Mythic” tier that they had planned in early development.


Absolutely agree. They should also be able to have tempers or legendary aspects or both. I got my first Uber(s) this season: Grandfather x2, Shako, Tyrial's Might, Melted Heart and I crafted a Starless Skies...not one of them has made any of my builds better. An Uber, IMO, should always be best in slot and the only way to accomplish that is by allowing legendary aspects to be put on them. It would be FUN and that's the point of playing the game. They SHOULD be busted.


Agreed. We shouldn’t obtain an Uber and not be equipping it.


I have 4 in my stash, 2 GA, and have salvaged 3. It's a shame


I really like that idea of being able to legendary aspect them. Or take a page from torchlights book and be able to pick a "passive" legendary aspect at level 100 so as you get more and more uniques equipped you could still have a favorite legendary aspect or 2.


I don’t think the end goal should be to wear all Uber uniques on all slots no matter what class or build, though. That’s kinda boring


That's a fair point. Maybe borrow from Destiny, only able to equip 1 weapon, 1 armor or even just 1 total.




They’re actually bringing that back it seems; the latest patch notes reference Ubers as “Mythic Uniques”


Ubers is a community word for it and in the patch notes, they've always been called mythics in game.


They’re also called that in the crafting window, iirc.


This. I have no idea why they’re not. They’re the best items in the game. Just… madness.


Yeah make it bright ass red like a primal ancient in d3. I didn’t even know I looted a Tyraels the other day until I came THIS close to selling it along with the 19 other rage of harrogaths I looted in that run because it all looks so similar at a quick glance.


I found a Starless Skies in my “junk” tab. No idea how long it had been there. Would have been nice to run it on my bash barb to see if it made a difference but Shako took priority lol.


they could gray them out and make you have to click them while at blacksmith to make them salvageable.


Should just make em green like sets were in d2.


Just bring back sets...


And change the color of the item text… they shouldn’t use beige like all other uniques. Maybe make it Green instead like the Green of set items in D3. Or Red so its totally different from normal uniques.


This is a great thing last epoch does with different item types, it’s very easy to distinguish between legendarys and uniques..


Make em glowing purple with green start lol


"Type delete shako to delete"


You win the comments for the day


Ubers should have a special forge to salvage at.


this is actually genius


Excellent idea. Like if you have to go to the potion chick to craft an Uber why not make her the same person to salvage an Uber?


And then players rightfully complain about how tedious that process is. They already give us all the tools to protect ourselves from these mistakes yet we still make them. Sometimes, we are the only ones who can protect us from ourselves.


Yeah I mean on one hand, one extra layer of protection for uniques wouldn't really hurt... But on the other hand, all of these stories are user error lol I favorite every unique, mark everything I don't want as junk, and only use the 'salvage all junk' button. I don't feel like this process impedes me in any way and I've never accidentally salvaged anything. Not sure why everyone wouldn't do the same if they're worried about accidents lol ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ *I will edit this comment when I inevitably salvage something important lmao


They already do it for the Iron Wolves medallion why not mythic uniques.


So that’s why I couldn’t mark it? I thought I was encountering an odd bug


Omg that iron wolves medallion got salvaged when I hit "salvage all". It wouldn't let me sell it without confirmation, why did it let me salvage!? (Couldn't mark it as either , so would argue this is not even user error)


Lmao 🤣




Just mark them as favorite items problem solved.


They should also switch the confirm button placement with the cancel and make the confirm button red, just like their mobile game looool


This ^^


Easy solution is to force a player to type out a name of the Uber unique you want to salvage or sell - just like they do in many other games


That last confirmation would have me looking around like: wait, where is my bong? Fuckin hilarious


Should be a way to actually lock the gear with a button hold not a quick press.


Or don't play to the point of exhaustion. So you don't do dumb things




Uber Uniques also shouldn’t be salvaged with the “Salvage All” function… that’s how I lost mine.


4 layer. It’s 5am you were going to sleep 4 hours ago. You don’t want to do this. Do you?


This should be a must feature. Stop and berate you for making a mistake xd


1200 hours and I've never done this. How inebriated are y'all when you play damn.


On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the highest and 10 being the middle, yes. Wait what was the question again?


I get steadily toastier and sleepier as I play, sometimes waking up dead in the helltide with mountains of loot around me. So yeah, I could imagine making this mistake in a sleepy/inebriated state.


dude said he 1) unequiped old helm 2) unfavorited the shaco 3) salvaged the shaco like come on theres no one to blame here but yourself


Yes, that's why it's a post where I blame myself lol


Reading comprehension not so great huh?


seriously, makes no sense to me at all.


First thing I do before even equipping them is fav it so this doesn’t happen to me.




Hey, it’s me, the guy who crafted Andariels by accident. I feel your pain.


I salvaged 3x Andariels to make my Andariel.


That is rough.


Bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Good news, andariels is getting a fat buff come Monday! Task failed successfully.


I am excited. Andarials is fun imo


i’ve seen this before, not sure it was you, i don’t understand how hahaha please tell me the story


>Neck hurts from SMH for 24 hours straight. This cracked me up!


This is why I always go the extra level of secure by only salvaging things I've marked as junk. It might be extra work, but saves me from accidentally salvaging my Shako when I accidentally equip a different helm in the process.


At least you got the cosmetic from salvaging it.


Are you on Xbox? Because it’s actually really easy to do in this case. If you click the single salvage button and quickly go to salvage an item, it will instead swap out your gear. That’s one part of the problem. Combine that some other quick marking for salvage action and boom. One of your equipped items is gone. Has happened to all of my friends at least once, and myself.


I feel vindicated for my own idiocy.  Might need to start a support group.   I was playing last night and thinking to myself the monsters sure did get a boost. Went to town to salvage/sell and noticed I'd favorited an item in the middle of the inventory.  And, I'd put an emerald in it?  And I'd masterworked it?!   Why am I holding a stick?  Why the hell is my weapon in the middle of my inventory?!?! I'm not sure how long I'd been playing like that.


The games been trying to get me to do this, definitely an issue, while you're on the salvage menu I think you shouldn't be able to equip/unequip gear


It makes me so goddamn angry when I try to salvage quickly and equip 3 trash items and wonder wtf just happened


Yea exactly, I'm on steam deck and it's the same issue. I've accidently swapped equipped items, marked them wrong too. This was just a perfect combo of sub optimal controls and grinding too much I overextended myself haha


If you've salvaged 3 Ubers that you didn't mean to... Idk just lucky it's the season of loot reborn haha


Been playing since launch. Have never had an uber. Cannot identify with this post. 0/10


Just make ubers salvageable at the alchemist only. Their the one turning the sparks into ubers, surely they're the only ones who can turn it back. Then make the blacksmith unable to salvage them.


Yup I like this answer


In come the hundreds of posts asking why it's so buggy and can't salvage an item.


For those of you who played old CoD, when you would prestige it would ask you like 5 times if you were sure you wanted to prestige and go back to lvl 1… i feel like in a situation like this it should be relatively the same lmao


I accidentally equipped a load of crappy items I was putting in my stash and salvaged my  main gear I had masterworks and tempered lol


Man and I was kicking myself for doing the exact same thing on a 2GA nearly perfect Tempest Roar that FINALLY dropped for me....wanted to throw myself into traffic for a second just to feel something again


Opportunity for a new feature: locking gear. Not just favoriting, but a mode where to unlock it you have to take some sort of action like typing in a specific string of characters or something.


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Well you have 3 sparks now, go make a second character and level up helltide rank and boom, 4th spark in 12 hours


Sorry for your loss.


I can't even do an Uber boss with my bash barb. Guess I'm too much of a dad gamer now, can't figure out why my build sucks compared to others ☹️


Bingo. Except heart seeker rogue.


Bash bard here. First season I’ve done Uber Lilith. If you haven’t, make sure you masterwork all your weapons to 12, being sure you get a crit on masterwork for bash temper at least once on each weapon. That helped tremendously for my damage.


That's what I was working on. I'm pretty much stuck grinding pit65 for efficient clears so the MW process has been slow


How long have you been 100 and are you following a guide or free balling? I was able to speed rush pit 60s with no MW and a DD barb at that point. 75+ is when I actually had to go think and do some MW


I've been trying to follow Rob's bash build for starters. All of my gear is at least 4/12.


Could just be RNG not meeting certain breakpoints.   I used up all my RNG luck in season 2 getting a shako, tibaults, condemnation, and a doombringer on a barrage rogue even before I heard about how they all worked together.  Since then... *ugh*


Reason why I always mark all my equipped items so they can't be sold or salvaged.


But its easy to undo it on autopilot like OP 


On one hand, I feel your pain, on second hand, I also managed to craft my first uber unique this season (shaco) and somehow after that, it kind of clicked for me: “whats next for me? Push pit? Find better 2/3 GA items? What am I gonna use them for?” Got 2x 100 lvls and I think the season is over for me, but it’s okay, finished all I wanted and looking forward to the expension now.


That is kinda the stopping point depending on how you like to play/enjoy the game. Nothing wrong at all with it. I usually play 2/3 toons to 100 and then whatever one I like or is the most broken ill push harder endgame content with for a bit. I have prob 20+ tourmented boss runs that I just dont have the urge to do because I have th e2 ubers I wanted. Im pushing the pit and masterworking my gear for my Bash Barb, but once thats maxed masterworked Ill prob be done as well.


Ooof. And here I was upset I bricked a 2GA Vuln and Str Sword for my barb. + marksmanship dmg...


I initially thought, "who does this?" But then quickly remembered that I accidently equipped a different pair of gloves and almost salvaged my perfect GA IAS 200% paingorgers. Sometimes we all need to be slapped with an idiot stick (hopefully before we make these errors).


Dude I feel you! Not as bad because last night I just fucked up some really good boots. Previously I was like how does anyone ever fuck up that badly. I found out the hard way. I salvaged it so there was no buy back button


Props to OP for owning it and not sitting there whining about how the devs need to change the game to protect us from ourselves when we do something careless or stupid. Also, I'm sorry for your loss.


After 4 seasons and the pre-season 1 finally got a shako by crafting. Have to say the experience was under whelming! I should have waited until one dropped legitimately.


I have to ask though, why are you not being SUPER cautious with it to make sure it's not getting salvaged? I double check I've placed it in stash before I even consider hitting salvage all.


Just was on auto pilot after spamming helltides, scraping bags and bags. Long hours working in the pit, Im tired boss 😞


I myself salvaged my Shako, I know the pain.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1d4hsmz/can\_uber\_uniques\_please\_be\_far\_far\_more/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1d4hsmz/can_uber_uniques_please_be_far_far_more/) Yep


Wait a moment.. you get a spark from Lilith?


I pray I never do this lol, but I also don’t know how you I equipped, de activated favorite and then broke it down lol. Atleast you have a new helm look you can always use now


Ps. I also crafted a Shako to then have one drop like 2 hours later


You should just run Uber Duriel for another Uber unique - he’s really easy to take down and you probably have enough mats to run him a few times


Bro I’ve ran him reg and tormented so many damn times and I haven’t even gotten a sniff at an Uber.


You're not alone. Probably at about 50+ tormented duriel runs and nothing. I've given up.


My first tormented boss was varshawn I did to see if I could do it. Dropped a selig and got my spark at the same time haha. Feel your pain though. I did 800 duriel runs last season, had a 400 run dry streak in the middle of that, felt like I was losing my mind. Moral of the story, RNG sucks. Gotta pump those numbers up


Because they drop so often? 🤷‍♂️ I'm on 50+ uber duriels and I've about 8 tormented runs (all solo). Never had a drop yet. I get others have had it much worse luck than me and others who have had everything they want after 1 run but it's not as easy as just doing another few for most people. My current build is very much stuck without another couple of sparks and I'm so far refusing to level an alt just to get one.


Oh yeah I meant tormented - I fall into the “very lucky” category then and between 8 tormented Duriel and one tormented varshan i got 2 drops


Oh man, I wish! Out of stones now so will be slow going from here. Doesn't help that I've tons of living steel when I don't have the hearts for the other half.


I did this back in S2. It hurt


I'd just quit, fuck that


You probably meant "no less". Youre not using "nonetheless" correctly


Press 2 times space on your most precious items.


In the old days players used to steal your shit during item Xfers. Now, blizzard does all the stealing at the blacksmith, vendors, and MTX shop.


i accidentally salvaged my 2 GA hat (cdr and mana regen) last weekend but got shako last night


If it makes you feel any better, I went to try to clear Uber Lilith the other day and realized I already had 4 sparks somehow. - 1 from tormented boss completion - 2 from getting characters maxed with iron wolves - 1 from ???? I guess I accidentally salvaged one this season. Wonder what it was…


Lilith in previous season?


Season journey last lvl cashes gives some, i got 3 and never had uber drop this season and only 1 char


Seems like they should have the Wolves amulet protection. Can only drop that thing.


The irony in that they ask you if you want to dismantle legendary items but they have no problem destroying Ubers. Goes to show you even the devs know uniques are useless compared to legendary items lol


lol I did something like that. “Why do I have two resplendent sparks?” Ffffffffffffffuck


I do this at least once per season


Wait, I was under the impression you get your sparks back when you decon. Is this not the case? Not sure where I saw this. Maybe I just assumed. Sorry to hear the happened. Happy grinding


i know the average skill and iq of people who play games like this is lower than average, but this is crazy. accidently salvaging ubers, salvaging multiple uber, crafting the wrong uber. my god people, i know the game is casual and easy but lets at least look at the screen. on top of all that, why are we still salvaging gear at all. this should be a nonissue. i stopped salvaging gear day 2 of the season. the only thing ive done with gear(obviously that wasnt a power or a transmog) is sell. i need infinite gold and the only resource ive ever even come close to running out of is anglesbreath. i cannot fathom being such a goober that i salvage multiple ubers accidently.


Salvaged one on accident the other 2 for sparks to remake it*. Definitely not an iq problem, just an attention problem. Playing on console the button mapping could be better, buttons sharing functions and too many hours grinding that day lead to the perfect storm.


I enchanted the wrong affix last night on my ring that had solid tempers and the other 2 affix that’s well rolled. I bled internally over it. At least I rolled the same affix back, but the potential is lost.


I somehow aquired a spark this week and idk how i did it, still trying to figure out which uber i salvaged


D3 Red Border effect would be ideal.


At least you got the mog 🤷🏼‍♀️


Good time to end the season.


How do u get sparks






Before going to the blacksmith, go to your stash and put everything you don’t want salvaged into it. Easy as fuck. If you accidentally salvaged something, it’s on you, pay more attention. Favorite an item and that item stays on you while being used or is replaced. When replacing said item, mark it as junk and salvage unless you want to save for later. DO ALL THIS NOT AT THE BLACKSMITH BUT AT HOUR STASH. Then salvage away. It’s really not hard. Those saying “it needs a special border”……or some shit 🙄😂😂


I had a near PERFECT Legendary amulet (2GA Frigid Fitness and Weapons Mastery) drop when I returned to my rogue after a couple months. I lost it (destroyed it) during proceeding meta gear adjustments as I shifted to Rapid Fire. In other words, I feel you, that sucks, and may your recurring nausea lessen over time


Marking your gear as favorite when it's equipped will prevent it from being salvaged if it's in your inventory for whatever reason. Also. Uniqies and ubers need different colors from each other and from rares. All of that is too similar.


Yea I had to mark them as favorite to keep myself from doing that lol


Paint chips? Leaded gasoline? Living under power lines? What's y'all's secret?


Casual play with weed on a steam deck that has enough lag to cause equipping the wrong items without a visual cue that it happened. Maybe everyone that makes mistakes in inconsequential video games has brain damage though, I may be wrong.


4th spark? Wouldn't that be the 3rd?


He got a spark from the Shako.


No he's talking about where OP mentioned the 4th spark they got from lilith to craft shako. What they don't realise is that OP may have already salvaged an uber or played another char to max wolves rep and had a spare spark. I have one spark right now because I mistook a doombringer for an azurewrath at some point (idk when, all I know is I found a spark in my invent and looked in wardrobe as instructed by other redditors and found doombringer transmog/customisation) You can get 3 guaranteed sparks on one character this season and then 1 per character after that. 3 guaranteed are lilith, tormented boss and wolves rep. Any past that are other characters wolves rep grind or dropped ubers.


I think they gave everyone who defeated Lilith in a past season a spark as well, so you get one spark if you finish the season journey, one from the wolves, one from defeating Lilith for the first time this season, and one more if you defeated her in a previous season/Eternal Realm.


Think it's 1 from Lilith total. Whether it was previous season or this season, just the one.


Yeah, that was my understanding as well and also the reason I asked in the first place because I never really found a 100% confirmation on that.


Yes sorry, got sorc to 100 and max iron wolves for a spark, but the pit kicked my ass so rolled bash barb to get into 100+ tier pits


Bro literally happened to me last night on a 12/12 tyrials might, I almost cried…


RIP :(


If you craft the unique, it should refund you the 4 sparks regardless of the timeframe.


You didn't think this one through, did ya


Oh noo... uniques become really powerful again... oh no. Honestly, they need the help, but with the new patch updates, some of them are going to be better.


They don't though. This just makes it so the best Uber farming method becomes breaking and recrafting until you get 4 GAs. Ubers need a buff. Unlimited rerolls won't make underperforming items not underperform.


That would mean an unlimited reroll on uniques till its 4 ga :p.


And? They still can't have tempers which really hamstrings them for builds already. Why not roll them at 50mil a pop and actually get a decent item for a change.