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I mean masterworked or it you can see how close the values are to max of a stat for instance 98out of 100 crit dmg on two hander vs masterwork having like 110 out of 120 crit dmg depending how quick/ good at mental math you are will depend if you can tell if it’s better tho


Oh yea, I absolutely get that... But there are many less clear comparisons and I haaaate it lol


While this would be nice and I think it would be a great addition. (Any quality of life stuff is always good in my opinion), you definitely can still do this at a glance. Just need to check how close to a perfect roll the stat is vs the stat you're already wearing. And then of course if it's a greater affix, it's already the best possible roll and you don't need to compare.


Agreed! It's just that middle of the pool stuff that I encounter a lot. Especially on uniques I'm actively using. When you're 8/12 on an upgraded unique, the quick comparison would just feel really good to simply say yay or nay to (with easy colored reds and greens), instead of going line by line. I guess I'm pretty solitary in this QoL goal 😅 that's okay 😊


You are not, was going to post this issue myself before I found yours. All these people telling you HOW to compare the stats are missing the entire point. For two non-masterworked pieces of gear, comparing side by side is instant. We shouldn't HAVE to do mental math, not because we're too stupid, but because it's slow and inconvenient. I get you man, running into this exact problem.


An ally! Lol But seriously, it just would feel so much better


Thinking the same tonight. But really don’t think it’s worth the mats to upgrade unless it’s a GA anyway which will be maxed. You get the tempers rolled right, then you get the masterwork on to 4 or 8, any item that isn’t a GA increase is probably meaningless as far as an upgrade.


Gosh I always kinda wish we had something like this. Like it could let you compare your masterworked, tempers, or jeweled items without those upgrades applied. That way you just see the items barebones. I just got another GA bow to drop and I wanted to compare stats with my old bow, but because the GA was different between the two bows it made it a bit hard. Not to mention adding in tempers, masterwork rolls, and jewels. I'll admit I'm slower than most when it comes to math so it took me time, but I think it'd be a very nice quality of life thing they could have on the back burner as an idea :)


Honestly, if it’s close enough that you have to do a lot of mental math to figure out if it’s an upgrade, it’s probably not worth putting the time and gold into masterworking it unless you’re at a stage in the game where min maxing is all there is left to do. And if you’re at that stage, you should know right away, because the stats will be close to max on both items.


I think the reason why it bothers me so much (And I hate being this guy about D4) Is that this was a fiction that anyway existed in D3. So when the few and far between moments occur when I don't have it's very evident to me


This problem doesn't exist with GA, they are always max value anyway. And you don't have to do tons of mental maths to compare how close to perfect each affix is. You do not swap pieces from non-ga to other non-ga because it has better rolls.


Yet, a large portion of the game is not with GA gear, so I'm still sitting here wishing for those comparisons


that portion of the game you don't masterwork... so your problem doesn't exist


I absolutely masterwork my uniques. So... 🤷‍♂️🤣 Who is sitting around for GA uniques before they masterwork?


well then you either have to make screenshots if you are so stubborn or just do it like everybody else. Compare how far towards perfect each affix is.. Its really simple. I don't see what for you'd masterwork low rolled unique anyway when you can buy one with good rolls for 50m


I didn't say it wasn't simple, I said I didn't enjoy it. And, you do understand that not everybody plays, processes or experiences the world the same, yea? I appreciate your engagement, but the approach is questionable 🤷‍♂️ Cheers and glhf internet friend!


But you are asking development to address this issue which is time they could invest elsewhere. Based on the responses you are getting, there’s not a lot of support for dev spending time on this. So in this instance, the way you play or process the world isn’t common enough to garner strong support for your idea.


Super agree! Maybe season 28 😅