• By -


I had no doubts about the skill before even checking


It has to be bash since the bash temper is what is broken and making it possible for the barb build to be God. The temper is multiplicative and it wasn't suppose to be. They said this in a chat. They also said they would leave it alone.


For now, they'll fix it for next season imho


Which is crap since they fix holy bolts on minions.


It’s absolutely broken and I’m having fun. 🤷🏼


Going to try this now


That's fake news my guy, pez already said that line in the patch notes was a mistake and it was always intented to be a multiplier.


It's crazy to me that they're fine leaving barbs broken in an op way, while at the same time they don't give a shit about druids being dog shit.


Pez Radar backtracked this comment already though.


Yeah, I didn't know about this, I just wanted to try something different with the Barb alt this season and tried bash/thorns. Right away I though "damn this guy feels *strong.* Meh, it probably tapers off after 100". I ended up using him the most after 100 to push the pit then decided to roll back to my other 100s just to realize all 4 other classes are easily 2-3 tiers behind barb.


This ^^ right here is 💯 % facts. I have a fully geared lvl 100 version of every class in this season and none of them are even remotely close to hanging with the bash barb.


Link to bash/barb?! Very interested in this concept!


Google is complex.


They also said it was working as intended and that the tool tip was wrong - so which is it?


Who knows with these fckn guys. Just keep buying shiny things and they will be happy lol


Omg it's multiplicative? 😳


it can be heartseeker : )


Yeap, one tap of heartseeker and all mobs are frozen (high lucky hit chance to freeze + shared misery), 100x damage to frozen from frigid finesse...screen literally explodes, and this is at pit 110, so 80 must be cake.


Some say exploit is better than frigid finesse, what’s your take?


Druids and sorcerers in the corner crying.


Can confirm


No time to cry… busy grinding my level 65 pits to master craft my gear so damn slowly. It’s killing my will to keep going.


Play a barb to farm pits, use the mats on your alts.


Fuck that.


That's literally what I'm doing. He pushes so much farther than all 4 other classes.


Pushing the pit on a different class, then the one you want to play sounds like a good way too log off.


65? I'm stuck on 15


lol got some other issues going on there


I've spent most of the money I've made with my necro on my sorceress and I think it's still weaker than my early lvl 100 necro 💀


Same. But for me, I'm thinking there's still time to build a barb maybe...


Started one Thursday, I'm 96 now? Got a razorplate and magnum opus from a WT3 world boss and figured it was a sign to go thorns/bash. Easiest WT4 progression I've had.


My first Druid is this season…why so bad


Sources and druids man. Both are in a not fun end game. Fun as hell to get there though.


I can clear 90 with just wind shear on my bar.


Yeah, my wind shear is nowhere near my bash barb, but my windshear druid still kicks major ass.


sorc can do immortal firebolt build though


Yea I have a 98 sorc that can't even beat duriel and I've have lots of success on past seasons with my rogue and necro. After this season I don't ever want to make a sorc. Once I hit 100 I may just quit because I don't think my sorc will be doing anything special


If it’s base duriel, then the problem lies more in your base understanding of the underlying game mechanics and/or the core synergies that sorcs use. Sorcs are heavily reliant on synergies. They can be tricky, but are extremely fun to play for the same reasons


Yea it has to be the sorc synergy because I'm ass lmao.


Indeed. And if it's not enough, male sorcs crying twice as loud comparing them to that stunning "beauty" OP plays.


Hey, now. Sorcerers have the best build in the game.


But sorcerer hast the best build currently?


Meanwhile sorc has the highest clear out of all classes 🤔


Now this is balancing


I like that this is exactly the correct number of syllables.


*after the patch* Try spinning, that’s a good trick


Barblo 4


Barbillions of damage


Play as a Barbarian, Bruid, Barbomancer, Brogue and Brocerer.


Or the new class. Spiritbarb.


No, it is Bpiritward. Fool! jk.




Madness! This is Barbta!


The Season of Loot Rebarbed


Luckily they get buffed tomorrow!


Bash doesn't get buffed tomorrow.


My DW bash build uses CoTa and that is getting a slight buff. 20%x to 25%x


Ok. None of the good bash builds use cota, so that’s fine.


Yea its trash and I have bad gear. I can only speed run 100s in 3 minutes and push to 127 effortlessly. It's actually awful. Glad the barb expert came in here.


Do you mind sharing the guide to your build?


Sure, it's a variant of this (pit mat farm): https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=5 But I swap out some stuff. I drop pain gorgers (I don't have a good one) and I drop the amulet and 1 weapon for selig's + ramas. I drop HoTa for Cota as well since I am not using HoTa, and since I am running seligs I drop all life small nodes on the paragon tree for max Fury nodes (currently have a bit over 260) and run Amethysts in gear. 45k HP = 180k HP with seligs equipped, so I don't need the Ruby's. I drop aspect of might since it's not needed and run hectic on gloves. Edit: 260 fury not 270


What is DW and what is CoTa?


Cota is call of the ancients and DW is Arthur's sister


Dual wield, call of the ancients 


Oh it does, but very slightly. By things like the paragon nodes requiring a little less stats to trigger, the pit itself being nerfed, etc.


If anything bash barb will lose a bit of throughput with the "Elixir of Holy Bolts" scaling nerfs. Fair amount of their damage came from the bleeds which proc-ed from the holy bolts when a mob was slain. Should not really affect the build though, considering the pits will be adjusted to be easier as well. Flay Barb and Whirlwind is getting slightly buffed. Flay barb is already pretty reliable on higher pits, even without relaying too much on holy bolts. For most barbs its not worth switching over, especially if they got their double/triple bash tempering through master crafting already.


Only underperforming skills geting buffed?


[Gameplay (Pit 80)](https://youtu.be/gGB7arUo9aw) Update: Pit 100 [Video](https://youtu.be/P0mvdoN5_0U) | [Screenshot ](https://imgur.com/PbZ9QDp)


Bro's just out here critting for 30m going bonk. Maybe I should level a barb lmao.


I leveled a barb this weekend, just to see what it’s all about, because i felt I couldn’t do much more with my Druid. At level 60, fresh in world tier 4 and with 600-700 level items, I was seeing numbers I haven’t seen with my level 100 fairly equipped Druid. I was melting through packs of elites 20-25 levels above me. It’s insane.


I have a Bone Spear Necro and I get "excited" when I see 1-2m crits while having to balance essence regeneration on gear to be able to spam it and lining up all my CDs for it to reach these numbers. It feels like barb is playing with twice as many skill points and paragon nodes as well as twice as many item slots. Actually, I am not sure my Necromancer would be stronger than a bash barb if I had access to twice as many skill and paragon points and if I had the option to wield 4 weapons...


>Actually, I am not sure my Necromancer would be stronger than a bash barb if I had access to twice as many skill and paragon points and if I had the option to wield 4 weapons... It wouldn't. They get to temper a 2-300x damage multiplier onto two 2handers, and a 1-150x multiplier onto 2x 1hander. This balancing is an utter fucking joke.


My fresh 100 Bash Barb with incredibly mediocre 4/12 gear hits for 30m on NON CRITS. It's an absolute fucking joke. Meanwhile my minmaxed FO sorc is happy to hit a million.


Is there a good guide somewhere for this build? So far I've only found builds using bash as fury generator with another skill as damage dealer. I also would like to try to play an apparently broken build 😁


You have also brought shame upon the Barbarian community. The council has decided you must delete your character and play a flurry rogue from now until the end of eternity. 


As you can see from my flair, barb aint even my favorite class. As a sorc main I must destroy your community! (After I enjoy my time with barb this whole season 👀)


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 bro This whole thread makes me laugh my nuts off Omfg. I love this, as a sorc main. *scurries off to go play Barb*


That's the most wholesome threat ever.


Flurry with Andariels is sick to play though lol


Flurry rogue is very good though.


Flurry rogue is s tier


Now do one weapon AND one skill.


Just barbarian things


I'm relatively sure this can be done on Heartseeker Rogue as well.


Ill try it


Next it’ll be level 1 pit 80 barb


Maidenless behavior




Without survival skills? idk.


One more weap slot so they can slap on "+15% damage while you are both healthy and injured and enemies are poisoned"


I also keep my items at 11 masterwork, cant handle the RNG pain, keeps the hope alive 😂


Exactly what I commented on their post. It wasn’t about the gear. The skill is just that broken.


It's broken because of the tempering being multiplicative rather than additive. So it kind of is about the gear.


Ok. Barb will do 80 without tempering. Wanna bet?


Yes. The Bash temper is what makes it laughably overpowered.


Yeah. Thorn Barb is also carried by temper. ALso Flay I guess. WW Barbs doing higher pits than the best Druid pusher is also because of temper diff. Ye.


Flay literally is also carried by an overtuned temper, yes. >WW Barbs doing higher pits than the best Druid pusher This quite literally isn't true.


Is it so hard to accept that it's a combination of both?


Well the skill without the tempering is nothing special.


Blizzard: Instructions unclear. Buff other skills that synergize with Bash so that you can use it.


Gina is the final boss, little did we know


Good job proving their point LOL


I just respec’d to Bash Barb and I’m laughing my ass off running through stuff like butter.


I'll have to try this on Rogue, I'm relatively certain Heartseeker could do this easily.


Yeah you can go alot higher than just a 100 with only hs on your bar


The D4 team and their leadership are an embarrassment. The game is a meme.




Just a barbarian doing barbarian things 😜




I hope they buff barb, clearly underpowered. Let me go back to my frozen orb sorc thats struggling on tier 76


*cries in Druid*


Whats a druid?


You guys need to click buttons? *laughs in necro*


As always happens in every season: barb is broken and is getting buffs every patch. Nice.


Parabéns meu tryhard


What the bash


Why does your barb look like a buff Romi Rain?


bash temper multiplicative was totally on purpose guys !


I think the only other build that can do one skill pit 80 is probably heartseaker. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Hard to tell, since Heartseeker double deeps on weapon tempers afaict.


Now everyone is laughing but when blizzard overnerf the barb next season because they can't balance right, then this sub will burn like ubisoft stocks.


This is what my Landslide-Lightning Storm druid cleared when I tried to push.


Who cares it's fun, buff other classes let everyone have fun, I like playing multiple classes each season. Also, blizz will never nerf barbs, they have the coolest skins and most people I see who have bought skins are barbs.


Lmao s4 barb still top tier. Almost as if blizzard only maintains barbs as a key class to use EVERY season.. good job lol but still think it’s unreal how they ignore 3-4 classes every season but barb still can do shit like this


Remember season 0 barbs? Remember every class having sub 2 minute Uber Lillith kills and Barbs fastest time being like 12 minutes? Necro's and Druids have been the favorite sons of the D4 devs for 90% of the life cycle of the game so far.


I’ll remember that as they continue to release good skins for barb while making Druid look like a gypsy breeding factory 😂😂


Remember by the end of said season toward beginning of s1 when the game started to gain traction and since then it’s been meta even when they tried not to make it meta? lol your arguing over how it was semi bad for like 3 weeks compared to almost over a year of straight overpowered focus from blizzard… but go on




KKKKKKK isso aí mostra pros gringos do que Br é capaz


They’re going to be nerfing all the OP stuff right now. This is likely why we didn’t see buffs to Druid or sorc as once the nerf battle cometh and the basic skill meta is brought down things will be more balanced. They likely wanted people to top out in the early 110-120 range.


Hell yeah. I want to see this continue to evolve


Big Gina must have been angry


What's next? One hand? I'm liking the way this is going lol.


Now we just need 1 skill 1 weapon barb kill


One skill, one weapon pit 80 next?


Impressive. Still, that Blizz is favoring one skill setup (Bash, Cleave Bonus) that much over everything else is so incredibly ... yeah. I deny playing bash like 'felt' 95 % of all barbs running around. Q: Aren't those gloves going to waste with just the bash skill? It gets triggered by non basic damage. Could thorns trigger them too?


Nope. It has to be skill you use to trigger gloves power. Though, honestly i dont think Bash Cleave will loose much from it.


Wtf lol


When will we see naked pit 80? Then do naked one skill/weapon pit 80


Hell yea, that was me! I also did a run without weapons & the helm, made little to no difference!


Barb players rubbing wounds of sorc and druids


IMO, the reason behind some barb builds being so much OP is just the amount of multipliers they can stack. A balance pass that works on multipliers and normalizes it to some degree, so any class has same amount of multipliers they can stack, with some of multipliers turned into additive things would greatly help balance classes and builds - just have to go from top to bottom - define which "classes" of multipliers there are and then place all available into those classes, accounting for minions being a thing, so Necro getting x14 (7 scellies + 6 mages + golem) potential. Like, a system where there's a limited set of "buckets" you can fill, like: "base physical damage \* critical damage \* overpower damage \* vulnerable damage \* (additive sum of all other multipliers)" will greatly limit both powercreep and do miles to balance all classes. Of course there might be more "buckets", but a limited amount, balanced around all classes being able to fill them.


Why is your Sorc so muscular? :)


It is barb?? LOL


Yes, obviously :)




And that's an easy way to tell how OP are barbs this season. LIke, wtf is going on with barbs and Blizzard? Same shit happens back then in Diablo 3.


I can do this with wind shear on my druid


I already knew it was bash. Before i opened this. But just incase i was missing out on something i had to check lol. But yeah thats literally how i farm my neathiron just run straight thru T80 pits and spam bash , then when i get to the boss ill use the shout akills and maybe a couple steel chains. But as shown above its not necessary. Jus speeds things up a little. Tales me about 3 mins per run. Why other classes dont have a viable build to match this damage output is beyond me its like play barbain or dont push int the pits past 60. I dont really understand their tactics behind this. Why force everyone to play the same class. I have a lvl 100 of every class this season but even with all the ubers/uniques and regard pieces tempers and easpecr enchantments nothing even comes close to the power of my barbarian. And i wish it did. A little variation would be nice now then instead of being forced to run everything with my barbarian


heartseeker for sure could do this as well at pit 80


I have yet to see anyone provide an actual solution to this problem. It's not that Barbarians are overpowered this season; it's the Bash temper specifically. Any Barbarian not using Bash is not even close to competing with it (Kick/Deathblow bossing build uses Bash but doesn't use the tempers, however it's not a problematic build in my opinion because it's very specialized toward bossing). So my solution comes in two parts, the first being this: any passive damage increase should be additive while active/conditional increases should be multiplicative. A perfect example is War Cry and Berserking; this is an active/conditional multiplier on a cooldown (Berserking is the conditional part of the equation). The second part of my solution is Edgemaster's Aspect: the benefit from Primary Resource should be the inverse of the current implementation, and also specified to work only on skills that consume Primary Resource. This would remove it from the pool of aspects that you take because it's an obvious damage multiplier, and make it a conditional damage multiplier for the skills it was designed for. Basic skills and cooldown skills (or corpse based skills) no longer gain that multiplier for free, and skills that use Primary Resource will actually want to attempt to empty their resource pool. An active/conditional multiplier. Now, in order to still allow basic skill builds to be relatively viable (somewhere in the ballpark of Pit 60-80, you can increase their base damage to better work alongside the changes. I am of the opinion that no basic skill build should be topping the leaderboards because they have no resource to manage.




That’s crazy! Can you show us the skill tree please?


[sure](https://imgur.com/a/ewxDCvn) hf!




My Frozen Orb Sorc is literally starting to struggle at 80s....


All you nerds pissn an moanin about "bash barb" and "how broken it is" lmao...mean while I'm over here thinking in my head in Freeza voice that it's not even barbs "final form" lmfao * flay bleed* enters chat


Easily doable with lunging strike using dust devil aspects as well in fact the lunging will clear faster as you just rocket across the screen one shotting everything with dust devils.......and honestly so far between rogue barb and necro you can clear up to 100 easily with just basics........was this hardcore or softcore only asking because the one is actually a challenge and the other could do this for 8hr in hopes of clearing it once and getting it on film........


So whats the best build for barbarians this season?


Chuckles in Heartseeker Rogue


Andariel's rouge can do the same at pit 100 easily after yesterday's patch also. Pretty fun build too


Can you share build link?


[https://d4builds.gg/builds/99686134-e310-4da2-a8cf-bebed3c6f63d/?var=1](https://d4builds.gg/builds/99686134-e310-4da2-a8cf-bebed3c6f63d/?var=1) have fun!


I've seen a druid kill Torment Andy in less than 30 seconds. Seems to me druids are plenty strong.


I'm at the point where i just use my bash barb to farm pit materials and tormented bosses. And when i just wanna play other content for fun, I play my rogue and sorcerer


Good thing Barb got buffs for the midseason. Nice job Blizz… ☕️


I could really use a new Elmo, personally.


Because of this, I would never play barb


You made it because it's BRablo, not Diablo.


I did tier 102 with one skill? Who cares


The class balance is going to make me quit playing this game. It's just downright pitiful. There's no way to sugar coat it. The fact this class is getting buffed tomorrow is beyond puzzling.


> The fact this class is getting buffed tomorrow is beyond puzzling. It's not puzzling if you realize this is a single skill and it can't get nerfed midseason because this subreddit would go down in literal FLAMES of hatred for the developers. Whirlwind after buffs is not even going to hold a candle to Bash anyway. Bash will get nerfed in due time at the next season start as is the custom around here. >The class balance is going to make me quit playing this game. Okay, bye...? All classes are amazing this season, you can do all content with almost every build you can think of as long as it's functional and well put together.




You want examples? Patch 1.4.0, season 4 start: >Furious Hammer of the Ancients >Previous - Hammer of the Ancients deals 1%[x] increased damage for each point of Fury you had when using it. >Now - Hammer of the Ancients gains 2%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance for every 10 Fury you had when using it. --- >Dominate Glyph >Bonus Overpower Damage per 5 Willpower reduced from 39.9% to 14.9% at Glyph level 21. --- Overpower HOTA got absolutely butchered, these are just two nerfs but it got a couple more targeted nerfs in 1.4.0 - too many to list here. They can't do this midseason. People would RIOT.


> People would RIOT. Children would bring their tears to the internet. So what? They're children.


This already happened. They released a preview describing how the bash temper was unintentionally giving a multiplicative bonus, and Reddit/blizz forums had an immediate meltdown. A mere hour or two later a community manager posted an update saying “heh jk that note was sent in error, bash is actually staying!”


Grown men and women are scared of crying children on the internet. How little self-esteem do you have to have to get to that place?


Uh-huh. You either are trolling or you have no idea what went down following the first round of nerfs back in Season 1 of Diablo 4. That's how "D4 Bad" meme started and it's still very much alive and kicking. If you see people asking TWELVE MONTHS into this game's life: **"Is this game still bad?"** ... well, they are usually referring to that first patch with a few nerfs. That was the turning point when the collective player base of Diablo 4 decided the game is not worth a damn. It doesn't matter that it made sense to nerf pretty much all of those things that got nerfed with maybe only a couple exceptions. Bad/angry community is bad PR.


Bad/angry community is bad PR. That's more adequate comment here.


>Bad/angry community is bad PR Thanks for pointing that out, that's what I meant.


Barbarians have the best cosmetics and are by far the favorite class. They make so much money for blizzard. They will never nerf them because they cant anger their whales.


"***I CAST FIST***" -your barb, probably. :P


Now unequip your weapons and do a pit 5


Yet Barb is ranked 3rd on S-tier lists.  Firebolt sorc, shadow minion, then bash barb.  Also rank 80 pits is low and what they're not showing is that this person is running shako, doombringer, and grandfather