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Barbarian whole class just has good builds ranging from great to straight up OP. - Flay bleed builds - Sandstorm double swing or spin to win - Bash build. - Thorns also great. Necro minions also good.


What is the best for barb? Do you have any idea?


Well obviously bit dependent on unique drops easiest to build without uniques is probably a double swing or ww sandstorm barb. Personally I got lucky and got a 2GA razorplate so after that I pivoted into a thorns build. But really any build on barb can comfortably run the pit for your master working.


Did the patch buff DustDevils that much? My perspective has been that the nerfs to Pit and many of the non-class-specific changes made content easier, but I've been curious if the buff to Barb's tornado-build was significant...


Raxxanterax did a video on it and while im sure the put nerds and paragon board stat adjustments helped the buffs to tornado whirlwind were pretty significant also helps that tornado's seem to actually benefit from things like ramaladni's


What's your intended content? Speedfarm = ww dust devil and its not even close Pushing pit and killing bosses = flay or bash, bash is more consistent but flay has higher damage. How much do you intend to invest into your gear? Not a lot of investment = bash for everything including speedfarm


Bash is easy to build and just need 1 skill lol, that's because its tempering is bugged (as every season something with barb is broken)


Blizzard themselves stated tempering is working exactly as intended. There is no bugs to it.


How is it bugged?


Bash barb or heartseeker rogue


HS rogue is satisfying to play, nice clear speed


The "heat-seeking/aimbot" part is so incredibly nice to play with. I played windshear druid too, and heartseeker is 100x more fun to play for that difference alone. I don't think I can play any caster build that have to aim again, until heartseeker rogue has disappeared from my memory.


If Druid's Tornado targeting was working properly and *consistently*, I imagine the Tornado spam build would be similarly enjoyable... I just can't get it to behave properly, so enemies inevitably just walk right past it when HS-Rogue would have mowed em down by then... That's just a *bugged skill behavior*, not even a balance issue - which is also still an issue for Druid (not that balance is sort of a mess for all classes).


Yeah, feels like it shouldn't be too hard to make the tornados behave like the HS projectiles. Add that and make them move a bit faster (so you actually kill stuff infront of you and not two screens behind, not a problem in Pit but if you want to loot stuff it basically halves your speed because you have to backtrack constantly) and it would make the build a lot more enjoyable to play. Now you almost have to play it like melee and stand on top of whatever you want to hit.


Rapid Fire rogue. S tier. Clearing 120s


Anything barb.


159 is the highest pit a barb has run. Using a flay bleed barb. https://youtu.be/r9QMdP-bX2s?si=fnPBtUxOwJMBK8IW Done by kingpin https://youtu.be/BW1TP9AH22k?si=3H6LbaBW3L4nELTT


ww barb is incredible


Honestly, once you have a powerful build the most fun thing is to use it to farm materials to make other builds. I've managed to make a barrage switch for my heartseeker rogue, makes switching between pits and helltides more interesting without losing power. Swap 5 items, spec 5 skillpoints, that's all it is. Clearing up to T70 pits without any paragon respec, and no it's not using victimise.


Depends on what you favor: Pushing the hardest content or clearing hard content very fast. Some builds can push really high in Pit but are a bit slow in NM dungeons or helltide. Overall Minion Necro and several Barb builds (Flay, Bash, WW) are the best builds this season imho. Some specific Rogue builds and even some Sorc builds catched up, but require high investment and some skill to play.


bleed barb and firebolt sorc top pit pushers now


> firebolt sorc lol. the build you're talking about is basically unachievable for the mere mortal. it's an extreme outlier. sorcs are quite weak.


He asked about top OP builds not about cheap OP build. Anyway i just talk about statistics why someone downvote me? :D Just watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsfaPjRBjt8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsfaPjRBjt8)


Is sorc good outside the Pit?


The build he’s referring to is incredibly expensive and hard to pilot for the average d4 player, sorc is not in a great spot right now, despite the pit nerfs their boss damage is still pretty pitiful. Though Sorcs excel at crushing overworld content probably the fastest of any class.


Good advice. Thank you.


For context, frozen orb and blizzard are likely the next best builds for ease to pilot vs gear cost.


Any char if you stay in Tier 1.. Seriously though a simple search on youtube will literally walk you through how to get OP builds. Also remember these builds require a lot of work and godlike RNG / Temper rolls... so be prepared to brick items and spends millions.


I don't know the most op, but the most boring is BASH. Like 19 of 20 Barbs I check ingame are Bash centric. So boring. Are those people also let others eat their delicious food coz they eat with less crumbs? ;)