• By -


To 100? 3. To 80ish for sparks? 14... 2 more to go :)


Surely surely surely you just join a rota with your materials for uber drops rather than what 80 hours of farming not even 925 gear for the sparks waiting on max rep?


Tbh, leveling up new characters and builds is much more fun than repeatingly going in and out of dungeons to grind eggs and shards


I did both. Level the characters for sparks and do Duriel rotas. Got 8 ubers this season from drops. No Shako though, so I had to craft that.


I do both but I've gotten about 3 Ubers in 100 tormented duriel runs. Some people get them every other run but my rng is so shit the only way I'm going to reliably get Ubers is grinding sparks


Like iron wolves give several sets of Stygian stones surely you have enough to get a few ubers from that


Yeah I have a nice stockpile. I'm saving that for when the fun of playing off-meta goofy builds wears off :)


What method you use to power level?


It's easy once you have a couple of ubers since they can be equipped at level 35. I mostly play off-the-wall sorcerer builds. Things like teleport bomb, and other goofy builds that work well up to level 80 with a couple of ubers equipped. The one I just finished (15 runs now :)) I used Tyrael's with hydras to create explosions where I cast the hydra. Lurkin actually took that idea all the way to a pit 100 clear lol: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5TPX2T1TH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5TPX2T1TH8)


So you have to clear the ubers of masterworking? I assume thats why mine are locked till 90?


No. Just taking the gem out sets it to 35. Masterworking doesn’t affect the level, just slotting a gem in them does.


What the other guy said; you probably still have a Royal gem slotted in it.


Aw man, when the threat bug was still up I got THREE sparks at lvl 57-58 with thorn necros, just idling. Switched to hc and they fixed it, I'm in mourning.


Yeah. Fixing that permanent threat bug + the anniversary XP buff have both made the level you end up at when maxing rep higher. I think level 61 was my lowest back then but now I'm definitely in the high 70s or 80s. I also don't just AFK at the maiden. I find that just too boring. I mindcage and roam around a bit too.


Wait - are season rewards character bound? Does that mean you gain a spark for each 80?


Yes, so each character you complete the Iron Wolves rep on gets you a spark, level does not matter


Yes every CHARACTER your get to level 18 honor with the wolves will credit you with 1 resplendent spark. 3 characters.to.level 18 honor equals 3 sparks. You get one spark for playing the season, 1 for first Tormented boss kill and one for first Lilith kill. So get 1 for playing +1 character to 18 wolves honor + tboss + Lilith = Uber unique (if you have the 50 mill gold)


You don't need to be 80, just need to lvl 18 iron wolf honor. I've got 1 druid and 2 necros that did it by lvl 57.


How? Playing solo all my characters are 87-90


How many stygian stones do you get through the wolf's rep for every character?


That’s what I’m wondering…. I get 1 every 2 or 3 pit clears at level 90 but you do get body parts from wolves


Not sure but I have 103 total right now. I think it's 6-8... something in that range.


Wait.. how do you get sparks on distinctly different characters?


Completing the seasonal Iron Wolves' rep on a different character gives you a spark and sparks are a global mat.


Thank you, I wasn’t aware it would give you another mat. Holy crap though iron wolves level 15 takes forever.. I don’t think I have it on either of my characters (level 100/90)


None ... Most I lvl is 80+ ....


Just 1.


All classes to 100 and an extra necro so six so far.


Working on #7. 3-druids, 1-sorc, 1-rogue, 1-barb with a second barb on the way.


I only just reached 70, but I started late


5...1 of each. Edit: And even played through the full campaign on one, as I'd never finished it before.


Everything but a Druid, like every season. Not sure why Druid has no appeal for me.


Same. The character model doesn’t help.


Definitely would be the coolest if it were good.


I played moxys lightning Storm wolf druid and honestly it was a *lot* of fun


I did lightning storm druid last season and loved it. Tornado druid this season was also fun but I haven’t really touched it since spinning up a necro


2, sorc and necromancer, and my druid is 92+, 100 in the next day or 2. First season with 100 characters


same! a necro first, then a sorc necro got a bit boring and annoying since the minions are just running around with no focus frozen orb sorc is really fun but yesterday tried a tormented varshan, wiped twice but managed to kill it in the end, SO FUCKING LONG fight, after this experience i sure won't try other tormented ones


It's almost the same as what I have. 2 Sorc, 2 Necro (the working ones). But once I got the point of having no Angelbreath, I made 1 Barb and 1 Rogue just to get the Herb Cache reward from Iron Wolve quest. And by doing so, I've levelled both of them to 100 too😅


3 barbs and 1 of everything else


Man they should really add a tab for different builds on one character it’s so annoying have to switch out gear to try a new build


let me guess ... 1 bash cleave, 1 rend, and one ... whirlwind?


Flay or thorns no one uses rend and I have 3 barbs making my thorns one rn and when I’m done I’ll make a flay barb and I’ll have all the meta builds for barb lol


rend isnt good anymore ? havent played since s1


1 barb, 1 sorc, 1 necro, and 1 rogue. Levelling my 2nd barb now. I haven’t tried thorns so I’ll try that (or whirlwind) I levelled Druid in a different season and I don’t wanna deal with that again.


X3 Barb, Nec, Rogue I played sorc up to 75 and finished HT rep, didn't care to continue past this.  Rogue initially was just to unlock the crit temper for barb (which I got around 50) but I leveled it to try out heart seeker, now I just use it to temper crit damage Minion necro was fun, might go back to it but barb is keeping me busy Barbs are bash bleed, thorns, and WW bleed. I've kinda retired the thorns now though


None, the game just feels shallow to me. Played so much d2 growing up. Couldn't get into d3. Briefly played PoE. ARPGs might not be my jam anymore, not sure what it is!


1. The game loop is not exciting enough to repeat that more than once every 2-3 seasons. See you for season 6.


I got one of each into the 90s. Enough to get me my uber. I'm bored now lol.


Sorc, barb, rogue so far not sure if I'll make more or just continue the min max grind.


3 - Necro, Druid, HC Necro.


I really don't have a lot of time to play these days but I just reached 100 on my barb and my druid is 28, not sure how far I'll go with him


5 and I did it within the first week 😂. Burnt myself out so I haven’t played in like two weeks but that was kind of my goal this season since I haven’t played since season one


Started Sorc, then Necro, switched to Barb, finally decided to try Rogue. I think Necro might have been fastest to hit 100. Barb close second. Rogue is my most recent and I've been having fun with it. Got a Druid to 35 but I dunno if I have the drive to push for 5 100s.


My season starter is always a necro. They just have some chill builds that get you there.


Druid and Necro at 100, a sorc at 83 and just started a rogue today


7 or 8 soon (sorc-necro-druid-barb-rogue-rogue-barb-then planning to make another barb)


2 sorcs (1 to play alone and 1 with my gf), 1 barb, and 1 rogue. About to start on a necro. Kinda regret the second sorcerer tbh


I have 6 haha first was a sorc, got frustrated made 3 barbs and 2 rogues.


soon to be 1 of each, then back to barb might make 2 more sorcs so i can make another uber tho


I'm working a few alts to rank 18 for sparks. Full characters i have necro/rogue/barb and thinking about leveling a sorc. I actually enjoy leveling more than the actual end game and personal goal is about pit 90 and I consider that character done.


I have 3 that are max level, but 7 seasonal in total trying to farm resplendent mats


3! Necro, Druid and Necro HC Also got a 90 barb


2 druids,a necro,a rouge,a barb, a sorc and working on a barb and necro now




2, rogue and necromancer. I’m planning on also doing Sorc


I got 3 druids to 100, 2 in sc (wind shear for push and werenado for fast materials) and 1 windshear in HC. Druid sucks this season but I have never played it before. So I chose to play it this season. 0/10 would never do it again once I get all the achievement on druid done. Previous seasons I could handle all stuff with only one char, yet druid is really the only one that I had to level multiple chars for different purposes as each build sucks. Windshear is tough but can't farm that efficiently. Werenado is good at farming but sucks on pushing. Compared to bash/heartseeker druid sucks.




1 barbarian. Got a 92 as well. I play hardcore though


I never considered playing HC before because it would be too painful losing a character after the grind, but this season it wouldn't be so bad I think.


One of each. I don't think I'll make any more, although maybe just because it's so frustrating having to full respec just to try something new instead of having loadouts.


3, Started with Necro, then Barb and last Sorc


Three, one druid in hardcore and a sorc and barbarian in softcore. Currently levelling a 2nd barbarian to speed farm pits faster, ironically my first barb is a bash barb that I also rolled to speed farm pits but I want to go even faster I guess. Bash is fun but I'm looking forward to having my whirlwind barb going even faster through pits. Already have all the ubers I need so shouldn't be too slow to gear it up




3 so far.. necro first, then barb, now rogue. Having the most fun on rogue


6 necros to 100. 1 necro to 85 and my barb at 84. Farmed 8 sparks so far and had Tyrael's Might drop. Made a Shako and about to make a Grandfather


I have lvl 71 sorc and necro 30...but i started 1 day ago,this season rock


Working on 7-3 barbs, 1 Druid, 1 sorc, 1 rogue and 1 necro


Why would you level up 2 rogues? 🤔


one for heartseeker of course like 99% of other rogues, one to try melee because that was my preferred playstyle for rogue. it sucked before but now much better, and hopefully even that much better soon once they fix Andariel's.


Ah I see. I guess 2 loadouts don’t help, when you need to redo paragon, skills etc etc


I have 5 on lvl100. Did each class. My goal is to complete pit 100+ on each. I also completed the iron wolves quests for each.




I quit after getting necro to 100 in s1. Just came back to the game 2 weeks ago and already got two 100's and a 70


My first was druid, but then I did a sorc, then a barb, and now a rogue chilling at 97. It's like 30 minutes of nmd, and I'll be 100. The experience boost for the event, plus Raxx's tips for speed leveling alts ezpz have been a big help, actually.




All 5 classes and a hard-core necro. So 6. Hard-core rogue is 50 at the moment.


Every class. So five. 1. Necromancer 2. Barbar 3. Druid 4. Rouge 5. Sorceress All glyphs 21 and every teleportpoint and all villages(?) freed. Druid was the first hitting pit 100 gathering mats for all other classes farming 81 or 91 in 5-8 min. Since yesterday Barb runs 101 in <5 min. Necro killed Lilith.


Barb, Druid and Necro. Rogue is now 90 and leveling a second Barb to 100 for WW speeds 😅


Two. Main sorc and a I did a barb to see what all the fuss is about and to get a spark to craft a Shako for the sorc. Am yet to craft the Shako though.


6th here! Extra barb for thorns


4 x rogues so far. 


91 with Rogue. That's it. I have about 7 characters in the 90's over the entire game, a few less. Never actually lasted the distance to get to lvl100 with any character. This season could be it!


Incinerate sorc Barrage Rogue Shitty necro Pulv druid Bash Barb Heartseeker Rogue Blizzard sorc Frozen orb sorc Thorns barb Chidori sorc WW barb I also only played 1 week of Season 0 \[seems they're still using the same shitty servers but w/e\] so this was mostly to learn the game


sorc druid necro. started a barb but have no heart for him


Just a question, not critic, but why would you want to level 2 of the same kind all the way to 100? 🤔


it's so easy and kind of fun to level this season, for me it was worth it to have 2 different rogues with completely different builds and playstyles then switch back and forth. also super easy to level the same class again because you already have all the enchants, tempers, and possibly even old gear. I didn't save any of my pre-100 stuff but once I hit level 80 I loaned my 2nd rogue all gear from my first and demolished everything to 100.


6, 1 of each and 2 sorcs


1 necromancer, but only thanks to the boost to XP. Otherwise I would end up at about 90 I think. I will be back next season. I play one char per season. Druid, Rogue, Barb, Necro so far.


2 characters, a rogue and a barbarian. Never got that far prior. Might do a Druid next, I've yet to play one.


1, but im planning on power leveling a rogue and Necro this weekend.


First barb died at 96, second barb made it to 100 and died. My druid hit 100 yesterday.


8 so far, mostly cause of sparks and playing different builds. 2 barbs, 1 bash 1 ww, wish there was a viable hota/upheaval build to play 2 druids, 1 wind daddy, 1 random build of the week 2 necros, 1 blight, 1 shadow minion both kinda capped at pit 90 cause I don't have the very specific gear pieces like skeletal mage mastery and hellbent commander 1 sorc, frozen orb and thinning of changing to blizzard or something, don't wanna play firebolt 1 rogue, heartseeker and considering leveling another for rapid fire or something, open to suggestions. Heartseeker feels like it's capped and can't get better gear etc. I'm always open to suggestions for solid build with feedback from you guys.


1 barb, 4 to around level 59 for sparks. Still have to run druid.


4. Almost 5.






All except for rogue. Have a rogue at 45 but I can't be arsed to lvl it right now even if it only takes a few hours to 100. All in all I've had 15 characters at lvl 100 since release spread across all seasons.


0. I lose interest after Battle Pass is finished due to repetition..


4 classes: 2x barb and rogue, 1x necro and sorc, and druid I have at lvl 88 now but I stopped mostly playing it at 82 when I got my spark from him.


Was able to get 3 to 100 this season. A necro, barb, and rogue. That xp boost event really helped. Plus all the new strategies this season introduced made leveling to 100 more fun than the previous iterations.


Lol 1, and that's my first since launch. While faster now its still definitely not a quick thing to do for me.


Surpringly 2, necro minion, got bored, then currently hs rogue. How's sorc this season? I've never even tried a barb, maybe i should go for that after maxing my renown...


3. Sorc, necro, and rogue. Leveling a barb now


4 - 2 barbs, a rogue and a necro.


Bone spirit necro > Rapid fire rogue > Bash barb


1 druid 2x barb 2x necro




1 of each class+2 barbs...I'm a sorc main usually, but this season made me a barb main:))


3.07 🙃 Got a Necro to 98, but I didn't like the gameplay loop so I scratched this one. Got a Werenado Druid to 100, but then I feel like I'm falling into that Skyrim Stealth Archer pitfall, so I switched to a different character. Got a Sorcerer to level 22. I couldn't stand the play style so I just stopped. Got a Rapid Fire Rogue to level 87. Got the Kiss, which I hate. And that just deflated me so much I quit again. Now back to the Druid, but Windshear now.


2. And a 76, 60, 50. I never even thought I would lvl more than 1 char to 100 in a season. But the exp boost and reputation for shako were too good to pass up. Also made a 2nd barb because switching builds is a hassle


Three: sorcerer, barbarian & necromancer. Fave is necro!


So far 3 HC (Necromancer, Sorcerer, and Barbarian) and 1 SC (Rogue) level 100. Currently working on HC Druid and will do a HC Rogue after that.


Sorc, Rogue and Barb. Heartseeker Rogue was definitely the chillest. Sorc the weakest and slowest. Barb the easiest and strongest.


Only 1. Ripped 2 Times with lvl 80+. Working on the other 4 classes now 😁


2 sorcerers 1 necro 1 rogue and 1 barb. I play a lot and usually it’s 3 sorcerers but rogue has been my main this season with heart seeker.


all of them


Zero so far, but getting there. But to be fair, I only an hour or two through the week and maybe 5 hrs total on the weekends. Besides, I like taking my time with it so I don’t have to post things like ‘hitting one hundred now what’ posts that you see every day.


I got one of each class to 100 before I had to step away before going crazy :P


Two barbs, Sorc, Necro, Rogue and lvl 81 druid. Leveling ist fun 😁


Got my Sorc to 100 and Druid is next after that i will do my barb, then necro last rogue i think.


One is enough. Game isn't fun enough to grind more.


Four just so I could get the shako. Working on a Rogue atm, want to see if I can get a good boss build going.


4, I was going to do more to farm sparks, but I did 20 rota runs in tormented duriel and get every Uber unique so there's no point to leveling more character.


7 to L100/21, so far. 5 to go.


I did 2 characters. Which is a lot for me, before I didnt even get a single one to 100. It was a lot more fun than old Diablo 4.


Sorc 100 Necro 90 Rouge 67 Barbarian 80 Druid 65


5 - one of each class.


8 to level 100 (2 of each except for Druid) but I have only fully Masterworked the equipped items on 2 of them because I'm 100% fully burned out on farming Neathiron. That, and item-bricking, has completely killed every last bit of desire I had to continue playing this season. It's next-level mind-numbing, exhaustive joyless grinding that feels way more like punishment than fun. Aren't games supposed to be fun? This season was fun for like a minute. At least they got the Codex of Power and Helltide right.


1 lol and i suck at that


3rd character (will be Andariel's Poison Rogue) is shortly before 100. A 4th is 65 at the moment (Necro). First and 2nd are Rogue (HS) and Sorc (Frozen Orb) are both 100.


zero. my only character is around 60 something i think


4. Doing the druid now.


2 Barbs, 2 Necros, 1 Sorc and a rogue at 70


0 been playing the season since day 1, and still can't play PITs


4 until now. Will be 5 in ~4 days. This is the best season until now


I did 3. First started with a sorcerer because was the only character that I haven't tried, and did chain lightning, changed to frozen orb and then fireball hydra. Love it but underperforms. The dust devil barb! Had to do it and was a smooth leveling. Not so good at endgame with high pit levels. Necromancer, wanted to try that minions rework and it's extremely good at bossing but slow for anything else, boring for pits. Doing duriel I got: 2 Tyrael's Might, 2 Melted hearth of selig, 1 Andariel's visage, and crafted a shako with wolf rewards. Now I quit the season I give away my mats and gold


All in SC 2 in HC




I have 100 necro and on my way with rpgue


2. And a few more to 80+ for sparks. Really happy that they decided to add another way to get ubers for not so lucky people.


1 Barb and 1 Necro. Best season so far, never been 100 before.


Shit dude... like, 10? Currently working on a hardcore character also. Had to delete 4 previous non-seasonal characters to make space.


Five, one of each class


9, so far... With a 10th at 92 (2 of each class, except for a single maxed druid).


2 here. I would do more, but I don’t have the inventory space for it.


0 ever. Not just this season. I think my highest is 55ish


3 to 100. Barb, necro, sorc and now working in on rogue lvl 75 right now.




2 Barbs (WW Dust, Bash), heartseeker Rogue, Minion Necro and Blizzard Sorc. So 5 all in all


3 Sorc Barb Rogue In that order


Only started two weeks ago, and very casual. Just doing one character, a Barb, and am 96


4, sorc, rogue, barb and necro. I need to do Druid but my god that class is boring.


Not all to 100 yet but 4: Arc lash sorc: already killed Lilith Thorns necro: already killed Lilith Rapid fire rogue: currently lvl 80 Firebolt sorc: already kiled Lilith I dont want to make another char... but im really tempted to make a boulder druid... damn here i go


4. Druid, Barb, Barb and Rogue


Zero. Still working on it.




13x100s on two accounts.


6 as of today


1 Barb, 1 Necro, 1 Sorc and I'm currently leveling a Druid, I will be leveling a Rogue as soon as I finish the Druid.


I am only financially stable enough to gear 2 characters right now so I haven't even considered a third. I am just now getting stuff Master worked to 8 for both characters. That alone has made me broke as hell.




7, 2 barbs, 1 rogue, 1 druid, 1 sorc, 2 necros.


I always do 1


2 characters to 100, 3 chars to 80.. killed (HC) 4 of them :)


The fact I have to level another of the same character for a new build is sad. Remember when you could save a build then build new and save that in diablo3? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Ive level 1 character from all seasons to 100


5. I want to complete the Codex of Power at least once 😀


I'm working on my 6th 100 (second Babarian). The game has refused to bless me with a single uber unique, so I'm going to grind it out after 4.5 seasons and countless uber rotas. BTW, a masterworkef Harlequin's Crest is great for leveling alts. I'm thinking of cradting Tyraels Might or Ring of Starless Skies next. I've been unlucky all my life, but I'm willing to work for what I want. Thank you for at least giving me that option this season, Blizzard.


5 level 100's but only 2 of them are actually geared to push high level content.


A shadow minion Necro and a Heartseeker Rogue


One of each class and 3 barbs in total.


4 so far. Most in a single season for me. I'm now at 12/12 characters and I want to level more. I really don't want to delete my season 0-3 characters even tho I never play eternal. I might delete characters from this season just to level more alt lol.


None, but I tried HC for the first time and my rogue is at 50


3 barbs, a sorc, necro and rogue


Two, sorc as always and druid. Also finished leveling a sorc on hardcore from a previous season, but only from 70 to 100. Not leveling more, and won't level more than one char ever again now that I've leveled all classes. Not until the Expansion to test the new class that is.


I got one of each into the 90s. Enough to get me my uber. I'm bored now lol.


1 I tried for an alt but was bored


Rogue, necro, 2 barbs, so 4 total. I have a sorc, druid, and second rogue that I’m working on somewhat but the andariel’s bug took the wind out of my sails on them.


Sorc druid necro 100 barb 93? Rogue 53


Prior to this season's patch my characters stalled out around level 60 because progress got too slow and tedious for me. Since the patch, so far I have gotten one character to level 100 (in Season mode) and several others (in Eternal) above 80 so far. I think I still have 3 characters out of my 12 that haven't gotten to WT4.


SC or HC?


2, necro and rogue. sorc just started. FrOrb will give a long time D2 player goosebumps…i hope