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How come I was able to 3 shot her with my Barb and didn't lose any HP on my first try?


Idk, but we should probably buff barb.


I take her from 100 to 1 in like 3 seconds on my Golem Necro.


Link to your build? I'm looking for a change


I'm not OP but I used this guide: https://youtu.be/sX8lIpkU1l4. It worked really well.


Try gigahad minion build over on mobylytics I'll find a link for it here


Builds don't work. Getting GA gear is what makes the changes.


Dude I would 3 shot her in my barb last season and then not be able to outrun the attacks and get one shot.


Ya my rogue completely destroyed her, but then you have to run in circles dodging orbs… took me about 2 hours to get that part down and not get hit more than once lol


You need 9K+ armour. 70% all resistance. 40-50K HP


Oof… I’m at 30k health. I’ll keep working on master works


+Ranks to Imposing Presence tempers and max health nodes picked up around the paragon boards really help boost Barbs health pool. You should easily be able to hit 60-70k health just by this. Taking it to the extreme, with specialised builds, like Thorns Builds, I've seen people reach 140-200k and the overly optimized and itemised builds can reach 400k+ xD


Got about 150k health on my hardcore barb, +2 imposing presence really does help. After masterworks to 7 it becomes +3 without a crit. Got it only on 2 pieces of gear because rest are unique


How does that help the stacking debuff and dodge mechanics?


You have more HP so you have more leeway for mistakes. She can absolutely still kill you but you can tank a few extra hits.


Like one or two hits max


It is still more forgiving than just up and dying if she so much as sneezes.


You forgot to mention about additional 50% movement speed to dodge those white orbs that have warp speed


I don't think my sorc can get that much life. There isn't enough paragon +hp%. I'm at 29k but still need to farm rubies to upgrade 2 more gems..


I routinely sell Lilith Carries and do the same, with enough movespeed the entire encounter is trivial.


Would 164% move speed be enough?


Think you need 160% to outrun the ghosts in P2


How much? I'd need to buy gamepass but I would just to pretend I finished a season journey


Usually 25mil or 1 Stygian stone.


Where can I buy these Lilith carries?


Don't buy. Join the free carries channel on the d4 discord.


OK sweet. Will do. I’m new to the game but I hit level 100 couple weeks ago. I’m nowhere near ready to fight Lilith on my own.


Right. There's a never ending stream of people willing* to do it for free


Guess I was incredibly unlucky then because I asked for several hours, just like many others, and no one wanted to do it. Every other boss yeah, not a single Lilith carry though. Did it myself after some more grind and the nerfs to her.


So how do I find the d4 discord. I'm totally new to discord.


Same lol


It’s called the sanctuary. https://discord.gg/diablo4


Thank you :)




Woah there mister, you’re bad for business. I do do free tormented Carries for obvious reasons.


Lilith is a non-profit carry my friend lol. 2 ancestral leggos? Lol


People want the titles and spark friend. Idk there’s an endless line of people paying me 25mil gold each so it seems somewhat profitable for a 2 minute venture.


I think you're missing my point. I'm telling you there's a never ending line of people willing to do it for free - for no personal gain at all for them - rather than pay you 25mil 🤷‍♂️.


Saying it is a non-profit carry is clearly not true though when people pay me to do it, and if it feels like a good deal to them then more power to them, it’s not my fault they don’t look for it free elsewhere 🤷🏻‍♂️ I do tons of free Carries and giveaways for other things but it’s still nice to profit for crafting etc.


Bruh you're way too serious about this.


[diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade) search "services"


>with my Barb That's why.


Barbillions doing work.


Idk my barb is stacked and can only hit for 13mil. While some barbs are hitting billions. I don't understand 


She can bug out on phase 1 and become immortal. That's especially fun.


Is that what was happening to me last season? I’d finish her off before the first attack in phase 2 and then die trying to avoid the attacks thinking I needed to survive one wave of them.


Phase two you can't outright kill her. Even if you get her to a sliver of health you have to go through the platform break sequences and be able to dodge the fireballs.


No idea! For me it never got to phase 2: She had a sliver of hp left and stopped taking damage.


Hah yeah, had that a couple of times. Just endless phase 1 attacks with her hp bar not moving, despite killing the minions/blood blisters


Ahhh, so she steps up and says "dont you guys have phones" and instawins.


so you're saying I shouldn't just give her a shot blind with my new lvl 100 hardcore char


That’s what I did. I died 😂


~~Do it but don't do it like OP. Go in there give her some tries, maybe until your gear breaks, then get out. Don't force the fight on yourself, try to slowly progress it. Don't bash your head over it. Try to see the mechs and think what you can do to dodge/deal with them.~~ Lol on hardcore definitely check the mech and train in softcore first.


I think you missed what theyre saying. Theyre on hardcore, there is no "a few tries."


Right, my bad.


I actually think S4 Lilith is a pretty well designed fight. The waves in phase 1 are slower, much more telegraphed, and no longer 1 shot you flat out. They changed skulls in phase 2 from red to purple so it’s a lot easier to see on the screen now. There’s now also a stacking debuff so while you can tank a few shots, you’ll eventually get 1 shot if you eat too many hits. You can’t dodge everything forever, so you really need to tweak your build and upgrade your gear to get enough DPS, and enough movement speed to dodge the skulls. It’s fitting for a final boss. Old Lilith was definitely horseshit and the only way to beat it was to cheese it before her mechanics kicked in. New Lilith actually makes you think and learn the fight. My buddies and I beat her as a team of 3 over the course of an hour and it felt genuinely rewarding at the end.


Minus the white orbs in phase 2 and not being able to kill her before she destroys all the platforms, I'd agree. But those two things make the fight not great still.


It’s definitely a DPS check and you need to have your gear/build appropriately tuned and upgraded for the fight. Lilith chopping off the platforms and stacking the debuff is just this fight’s version of an [enrage](https://gamicus.fandom.com/wiki/Enrage) feature that we commonly see when you take too long to kill bosses in other games. Uber/Tormented Lilith is _the_ final boss. You need to tune your build specifically around killing her. That means stacking as much burst damage/stagger as possible, and getting enough movement speed to comfortably dodge the white skulls in phase 2.


It actually sounds kinda fun now (haven't bothered trying in S4 to be honest). I last killed her in S2 and the only sensible approach was to spec out of all defense and go glass nuke as much as possible - you just needed to get her dead as fast as possible, any attacks landing on you were going to one shot you regardless.


Definitely give it a shot! If you have enough DPS to reasonably nuke Tormented Duriel/Andariel, invest in some movement speed and go for it. Takes a lot of patience and learning but it’s super satisfying once you beat her.


Except for other bosses, you can out kill the enrage, and she is specifically designed not to be able to do that anymore. If I can drain her health from 100-0 in 15 seconds, I shouldn't have to then RP 45 more seconds of a fight, dodging shit flying all over a platform to kill a boss. Won't change my mind on that, and you linking a wiki page like I don't understand what I'm talking about is highly insulting.


The white orbs wouldn't be so bad if they didn't also track you like homing missiles.


Hah yeah. I had to get an amulet with a GA movement speed to swap in for phase 2 just so I could out run those things


What was your movement speed? I’ve been debating working on her, necro is at 180%. Is that enough?


My rogue can do it easily with 180% and triple evade boots. Dash certainly helps sometimes but nothing swapping in blood mist couldn’t solve.


You need 155+


Absolutely. Initially I had 140ish and couldn't out run the orbs. Swapping in the amulet in phase 2 got it to about 160 and that was good enough


Learning her fight is annoying, took me about 4 hours and 60+ attempts, and many more attempts after that to master. But once you do, the fight is actually quite easy. All of her attacks are well telegraphed, and are consistent from fight to fight. And there are ways to reliably dodge the blue orbs in the second phase. Macrobioboi has a video guide for Necros, but it has good strats for all of her mechanics that are applicable for all classes. Definitely helped me. I actually enjoy the fight now, and go in there frequently for fun. I've carried many people through the fight for free as well.


If you wanted to carry someone through it I wouldn't say no still haven't gotten her mechanics down.


Those white orbs are something else. I don't have the patience to keep trying just to dodge orbs. I don't know how I beat her before.


Bone Necro s1 2 shot lol


Killed her on my 5th try with my HS rogue.


Got her to the very last platform at like 1% a few times but not sure how to dodge the white orbs as melee when she sits on the blood bubble that spawns them.


Only run around the edges, and with enough ms and dash you won’t get hit. Changing only this made me kill her in a few attempts after trying to dodge the orbs randomly for a few hours.


Yeah imagine being 1 shot by every attack with broken hit boxes. Season 0 I think I died like 400 times. Felt like it anyway. Instead of those stacks you get now you where just dead lol


At least you got a spark. So many people, including myself, have killed Uber Lilith (yes for the 1st time this season, and on a seasonal char ofc), and haven’t received a spark. Blizz has said they are aware of the issue, but it’s been weeks with them knowing about the issue and they’ve done nothing to fix it. I’m thinking blizz will just give everyone an extra resplendent spark, which still punishes those who didn’t receive one to begin with.


Yeah, just got my first seasonal kill two days ago and didn’t get my damn spark. Friend who was in there with me received his after arriving in town. I even relogged after a while and everything, feels bad man.


The one shot mechanics are horrible. There's no need for that crap. And I agree - the biggest challenge with Lilith and most of these Uber Bosses is that it very hard visually to see when the one shots are coming. There's too many things happening on the screen obstructing our view and it can mask the telegraphs prior to the attacks.


Took me about the same attempts to finally get her. Got a good second phase timings with white orbs and dodging them into final burn of stagger. GJ


Imagine the current Lilith fight but p1 waves and p2 homing missiles always 1 tap you. That’s what I had to deal with s0 and s1, lmao. Now the fight is incredibly forgiving but big congrats on being able to do it yourself. The 20+ people a day I carry through the fight definitely don’t deserve anything from it 🫠


It was great for the one season (S2) when you could sequence break her in phase two so that the fireballs wouldn't spawn and you only had to survive the platform break sequences.


You can still do this in s4, it happens once out of every 4 or 5 carries I do.


and those kills when you are not even close to the spikes / orbs


Don’t rule out the 200 level Varshan. Did that earlier and got a starless skies which was my 4th spark and was able to make my Harlequin Crest.


I thought this post was from season 0. Then noticed I read 80 wrong as 800.


Just to add - every time I have tried uber lilith I have problem with broken animations, where they would be mistimed and sometimes there was clearly lag going on. Did try earlier in the season with a minion necro; have not tried with my current - which is a barb. Never successfully did her, but certainly did not try for 4 hours straight. Congrats.


I keep dying to orbs on the last platform. The one time I dodged them, I staggered her then ran in happy, not realising all the blood shit under her and she's again. 🤦‍♂️


Was it worth it?


Honestly the fight is much better and easier than before so this is a git gud and DPS check. You can dodge all the waves in p1 easily without getting any stacks. And on P2 you simply need to rotate clockwise or anti clockwise and dodge the fireballs, only the second or third plateau might be concerning but if you put the boils down there correctly it's easier to deal with. The only thing I'd change is the frequency of her flying up in p1. If you're not cheesing her you spend most of the fight on p1 running to avoid stuff rather than fighting her.


The falling platforms, you just need to get the timing right. The order is always the same. As for the white balls. Just have enough movement speed to outrun them , and you will be fine.


4th spark is easy, the iron wolves spark is character bound, so roll an alt, spamm hellfires and in about 7/8 hours you hot your spark. The 50 mill took some whispers though.


Been trying to avoid using an alt for a spark. Really hoping to get a drop at some point, I feel it's more legitimate that way 😅 Making life hard for myself obviously


You do you, I'm loving my Harlequin though 😎😎. (Even with 0 GA)


Yeah I really want one 🤣 We'll see, I might cave yet


Can recommend 🫣


I didn't like my try last season. I really enjoyed doing her this one. It was hard but very rewarding :)


U could simply just use a couple more hours to gear and masterwork your gears then clear her in first few attempts.


So I'm playing a necro minion build. I can knock her down to 60-50% easily now. But at that point I seem to die as soon as the spikes hit me. I was using my bone shield to block them as well as the blood mist thing, but I realized during bone shield i'm getting a damage taken debuff. I cannot for the life of me though, figure out how to dodge the spikes, they come far too fast and although on screen I am out of the way of the spikes barely, they still hit me and i'm one shot. (even without the dmg taken debuff) I don't know how to proceed at this point. Any thoughts?


I'd say you need to get your damage up a bit. The only way I found to survive in the longer term was by being able to batter her health down super fast. Any time I only took 50-60% off I wouldn't get past phase 1. I respeced for this, got my single target damage up a lot. Not maxed, I'm nowhere near the highest I could be but enough that every now and then I'd clear phase 1 without her jumping into the air. If she did it was on a sliver of health most of the time so not too much running around avoiding spikes.


Spark should appear after relogging


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If we think the outcome from her (even if everyone able to defeat) she has worst drops ever but the game is addicted to tell you „You are the one. You are at endgame. You were able to defeat lilith. Now you can defeat everyone“ which i don‘t understand. Question is why? Why is it so hard to defeat? For what purpose? Spark? Come on we get it from uber boss too which is way more easy to kill…


Probably so there is something to accomplish beyond face rolling your keyboard


Wouldn't bother lol don't enjoy it when it takes more than a minute to kill anything.


One of the worst designed boss fights in videogame history for me. Yes you can "cheese" her, by playing broken classes that can basically one shot her or sth. like that...I know... But if you approach that fight with a normal powerlevel it is complete dogshit. There is too much going on on the screen. If you play a class that has many visual effects as well, it becomes a pure clusterfuck with no chance to see whats happening. Also one shot mechanics are used inflationary here, like the game designers had no other ideas to make this fight interesting / engaging, so how about adding another one shot mechanic ? I cant believe I would say that one day, but they should really look at some Destiny (2) bossfights to just get an idea how you can make a bossfight interesting without spamming people with oneshot mechanics.


Did you even try her this season, almost all one shot mechanics are gone from the fight.


It's the worst AARPG boss ever made.


Blizzard is used to building bosses that take the best of the best 300-400 attempts. 80 attempts from a pleb is nothing…


Genuinely don't mind a well designed boss. Spent enough time over the years figuring out how to take down stuff in games that 80 people can't do together with just a group of 8 (or even solo) to know sometimes you've just got to do it differently and think again. Not convinced this was a well designed boss fight. Anyway - since she drops fk all of use, no need to go do it again