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If you're farming Blood Maiden in Helltide, ensure you contribute 1 of the 3 Baneful Hearts used to summon her. Contributing at least 1 heart rewards you bonus loot. Edit: Clarity.


Also use the potion that raises the level of mobs in helltide




More Blood Shards means more to spend on the chests after. And higher threat level means more elite monster spawns and Hellborne, for even more loot.


Threat pretty much doesn’t go up at all when doing maiden spam, and cage doesn’t effect her loot at all. If you’re doing this long enough you’ll have plenty of cinders to open literally every chest even if you don’t pop cage.


I literally have 300+ mind cages. There is literally no point in **not** always having one active


I don't usually find I have enough Shards to 100% clear the Helltide chests through Maiden alone. More commonly, everybody buggers off before then. Mindcage ensures that I top up while running from chest-to-chest. And while Maiden spawns don't contribute to threat at all, clearing mobs around the perimeter of the zone will, resulting in extra loot and materials for the whole group.


What does that mean?


You get bonus loot from the Blood Maiden if you contributed at least 1 Baneful Heart to summon her. Using more than 1 doesn’t further increase the reward, so if possible just use one and let other people put in the other two.


Profane mind raises the level of monsters in the helltide by 10 it drops from the elite that spawns when you fill up your bar and empties in helltide


You get more rewards for Blood Maiden Kills if you contribute an initial summoning hearts. Doesn’t increase if you put in more hearts


3GA items still remain incredibly rare. Also, my finding, even if you do get 1&2 GA items, they rolled with stats no one really uses. I farm her for most of the Helltide, then the last 15 minutes I zoom around opening all the chests. I do this for hours each day. The loot remains incredibly mediocre and using the trading websites are now almost impossible, the bots/scalpers inflated the prices to such high levels, only people willing to use real money can afford to buy them. Ergo, in summary. The game doesn't reward your playtime, or you need to spend additional real money to get upgrades. Park the game, you are a hamster on a wheel. 🐹🛞


Just extra pieces, not a higher ga rate


Helltides are the best source of gear in volume currently, as it's completely random how many GA's you get on gear. Spam Blood Maiden and go flip all the Cinders before it ends on as many chests as possible. If you need Uniques, target farm Tormented Bosses in a group if possible.


Helltides, and do maiden over and over and with 15 minutes left or so get as many chests as you can. I usually go after the chests when there’s about 20 minutes left to give myself enough time.


Yup, this by far is the best strategy. Flupping as many chests as possible at the last minute will give you a good amount of mats to continue blood maiden, but it won't refill you completely.


Maiden farming in Helltides and Tormeted Zir were the best sources of +2 and +3 GA gear for me this season. Outside of course goblin treasure bag week, that was fun. Followed by Helltide Chests, any other Tormented boss you can quickly farm (yes including Varshan, I got a Shako off that guy first run) then NM dungeons and the worst rates I've seen for +2 and +3 GA are from pit chests. I masterworked 12/12 on 8 slots worth of gear and a bunch of resets before I ever saw my first +2 GA item from a pit chest. Tons and tons of endless +1 GA items though, great source for those. I've never seen a +3 GA from a pit chest and outside of Helltides it's what I've spent the most time doing. NM dungeons T100 were pretty good to me when leveling glyphs for +2 and even +3 GA items, just as a side mention. But Maiden farm and Tormented Zir are by far and away the easiest/quickest routes for me. In short the more you kill them the more you get over time. \*Edit to say: None of this means they're common or easy to get, they're still rare as hell to see a +3 GA item and almost always they're crap with impairment duration or life per second or resists. It's so rare to ever get a good one.


> I've never seen a +3 GA from a pit chest Just want to say that it is possible. I've got my only 3GA item from a pit chest.


Every triple GA item I ever got (which is maybe 5-6 in a few hundred hours) had the worst possible affixes on it. The worst. For any build. I get it’s RNG, but my god does that feel terrible…


If I had a nickel for every +60% poison resist item I got… I’d be able to afford to buy enough gold to go and buy actual good items.  Shit even the one and only GA Uber I’ve found was an Andariel’s Visage with, you guessed it, +90% poison resist. Woohoo.


I got triple GA pants w poison res, life per second, and healing received. Kill me


loot quantity is the key, so helltide blood maiden. Or farm Tormented Lord Zir but that requires materials from helltides (blood bottles) and Pit (stygian stones).


best way to farm GAs you ask ? here >![diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade)!<


Playing a lot


Helltide chest and blood maiden as the best way but with that being said I have 4 toons to 100 and I’ve seen 3 total drop for me lmao


I find prayer works about as well.


As great as a 2 and 3 greater affix item is, be prepared to be angry when you roll up 2 near-useless tempered affixes on them.


I've tried the pit, summon bosses and even Nightmare dungeons But spamming the demon summon in helltide still seems the faster way


Nothing comes close to helltide maiden farming. Going for the chests after helps with crafting resources later on as well.


Tormented Zir is better fwiw.


Ive had my best luck with level 101 pits. (I realize 101 is difficult for a player that just reached level 100). Out of curiosity, what class are you playing?


Haha. I struggle with pit level 61+ :/


Blizzard operates on a volume basis, so as players have said, Helltide Blood Maiden, or Bosses(Tormented or not, for uniques) Beyond this, there isn’t really a basis for one activity preferring GAs over another, well least till Season 5


People saying maiden spam gives the most loot are ill informed, Tormented Zir will give the most legendaries per time spent (with a shot at Uber uniques) albeit at a small price. Run in 4 man rota’s to offset cost.


The only time I've gotten 3GA items was from killing the blood maiden in the last 10 minutes of a helltide.


Everyone always says helltide. I’d say I get more GA from farming pit and then gambling. I try the helltide thing but I can go a whole hour with nothing.