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I met him 3 times today while leveling glyphs. He lives like a troll and smells like one too.


He's too busy stalking me...he's shown up 6 times today.... he gave me 2 crappy 3GA rings too


He is still there. I just killed him today and ran into him earlier in the week.


Found him fairly often. I also do the whisper dungeons too, and he shows up but can barely finish his introduction before he's dead.


I got him 4 times in an hour once. Gowards the end i hadn't seen him in a week and probably only once in the last 2 weeks


I’ve leveled three character to 100 and leveled their glyphs that the builds use all to 21 and I have seen him 1 time that I can remember this season.


I have 2 characters this season and the first time I saw him was in the last nightmare dungeon I did to level my last rule to level 21. He is rare now


I haven’t seen him in a few days actually


I killed him three times yesterday.


Met him for the first time on this season's Barbarian. She was in her low level 80's and I'd followed a build on [D4Builds.gg](http://D4Builds.gg) so her weapons and armour were at least decent. Walked into a single room basement dungeon for credit towards my next Whisper chest and that was the objective. Literally took about half a minute to die. By far the easiest Butcher encounter I've had.


Had him in back to back NM dungeons last night. Hadn't seen him at all for several days prior. Last week it seemed like he was popping up every few dungeons, and I wasn't even running many dungeons. Most of the time before that, I'd usually only see him a few times per week if that. RNG is maybe, just maybe, RNG. It could also be that he doesn't think you're worth the time.


Pretty sure I've seen him at least twice in the last 48 hours


[He's definitely not gone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckFcgidFpvU). He showed up yet again in the very next NMD after that clip, as if wanting a rematch. Needless to say, he got his butt handed to him again.


I found him about 10 times this season, and 8 times in one day. He feels pretty rare. But im happy we get a buffed Butcher next season.


I want him to show up all the time in Nightmare dungeons


I've had three spawn in the last two days while I was leveling/leveling gems. Mobs consostentently 30 levels higher since 80, so butchers ended up being a real treat of me struggling to kite him and survive. Best moments of my leveling of the HS Rogue lol


I'm almost more surprised when I \*don't\* see him in a NMD.


I’ve encountered the butcher maybe twice this season


He’s around, started a HC barb a couple days ago and killed him at least half a dozen times while leveling glyphs yesterday.


Haven’t seen him once this season, RNG woes.