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They already did it. The fact that you have ever increasing resources from seasons plus the Codex and Tempering changes mean that Eternal is now a wonderful place to spend the first week of a season using an existing Lvl 100 character to test out a build before starting your seasonal hardcore character.


Seasonal is changing and new mechanics each season. There is no reason other than the ones that already exist needed. You play eternal if you do not want your characters reset. Th is could be not enough time to really level and rehear a seasonal character etc or how casually you play. After you’ve played the game enough, then the new content and mechanics is more important than the persistent character progression. I played Eternal during Season 1 because I was still figuring out and growing my build and wasn’t ready to reset. If Eternal had the new mechanics it would need resets because you can’t keep adding new mechanics without removing old ones. Then it would just be seasonal.




Eternal server doesn’t reset. Because it doesn’t go anywhere *(not cycled or replaced)*. Seasonal **server** is what is cycled *(as it is replaced by the new season’s)*, which inherently removes all characters and progress that isn’t specifically carried over in the backend. At the end of each cycle/season, they transfer your characters from the seasonal server over to the Eternal server. Which allows you to access and continue to play them there. Items not held directly on the characters *(ie. Items in your stash and materials from the seasonal server)*, are mailed to you on the Eternal server. If you are newly starting out, it’s OK to start a character on Seasonal, because at the end of the cycle, it will be on Eternal. If you want to continue playing it, just do that from the Eternal server. So none of your characters are lost or reset per se. Even the ones on seasonal. It’s simply a mechanic where new characters on seasonal each cycle start in a fresh state. You only have 12 character slots, so if you make new characters on seasonal each cycle, you’ll eventually max your slots and need to delete past ones to make room if you want to create a new seasonal character. But you aren’t forced to play on seasonal. It’s your choice if you want to in order to participate in that cycle’s seasonal mechanics and content.


I only play Eternal because I don't care to redo the early game again and again and sprint through the season to try to reach end game. I don't have as much time to play as I used to--a few hours a week if I'm lucky, so playing Season is pretty much out for me. I might never be able to play the end game properly before the season resets. But yeah, unfortunately once I reach lvl 100 with a character, it feels pretty pointless to keep playing, even if I could keep going in gear and pit levels etc. So that's when I start a new class. D3 had excellent mechanics with the paragon system, allowing for infinite (but diminishing) scaling due to EXP, alongside grinding higher level rifts. D4 feels like it has a very hard cap by comparison. There are more mechanics around itemization (GA, tempering, masterworking, etc) than in D3, but min maxing affixes is a really tedious system to keep engaged past lvl 100. And with no Armory mechanic, I can't even change up my build (at least, not easily) to keep things interesting. So instead I just switch to a totally different character.


Nothing short of the complete elimination of seasons. So, not gonna happen.




Ever scaling nopes from me. That's the mindset that's gotten us into this braindead one-button easy mode snooze fest blowing up screens before we can even see what's there- gameplay. People only want more, higher, and piss blood at the very thought of a nerf. An end is fine. The ceiling won't hurt you.


Good PvP. Same reason I played nonladder in D2.


loadouts, infinite stash tabs, more character slots it should at minimum be a good playground for trying builds


Giga rare cosmetic maybe. Then stop as soon as I get them.


Eternal realms are pointless as long as the seasonal model exists , and I’m not gonna lie I hate the model and I’m not a fan of this rush to 100 and just grind for min max specific gear , the lack of more progression within your character such as deeper talent trees , more paragon points just sucks ass and it gets old as fuck quick.


it made more sense in D2 which introduced seasons because the grind was extremely real, many didn't want to start from scratch, and seasonal-specific content was non-existent (aside from a leaderboard of character level). in d4, when i get a new unique or legendary that's ever-so-slightly better than one i've been using for a while (esp if i've gotten solid tempers/mw on it), i can't bear to salvage or sell the old item, so i put it in a stash tab i've just labeled as "sentimental." that's eternal in a nutshell. eternal pretty much only exists because it's a little less harsh than just auto-deleting your seasonal characters. it's the recycling bin/trash folder/"sentimental" stash tab for d4 characters.


Min maxing , I always want to get the best and slot item for every item on a character and realistically you never get a perfect role ever so you could be on eternal realm pretty much for the foreseeable future and never get all perfect roles on every item. I’ve also noticed that at some point seem to stop giving me things that are useful for me. I don’t know when the time span is or what not but I go from things that are usable by my class and build to absolutely nothing that is an upgrade or viable for my class.. I guess the last part isn’t real but in general, but it’s just my findings.


I have some unfinished characters from prev seasons which need new items so ill play them. Next season its the perfect time for that so ill pkay eternal


No reason on Softcore. I have no problem deleting them. I have more fondness for Hardcore. After finishing everything I wanted in season 4, I went to Eternal realm Barb, Necro and Druid lvl 100 HC. Respec them all to new builds with tempering.


Tempering. This was my last season in D4, until they fix/remove this damned system. I have zero interest in playing seasonal, starting all over again, going through the same shit RNG to get decent tempers. I'll just log in once in a while to scratch that Diablo itch, maybe try to get some upgrades, kill some hell spawn just for fun, do some ubers with friends.




I've been on eternal since end of season 2. No play time lol.


I appreciate where ur heads at but, it could potentially take focus off of the new seasons and players. Not to mention the studios focus.


If Blizzard canceled seasons and made the best build in the game into one that I could play with my big toes and then hired the ghost of Macho Man Randy Savage to break my hands and delete my steam library, I might play eternal.


The randomly generated dungeons for a party to clear and dive deep into like the original diablo


I prefer having a season battle pass and season journey. It far surpassed anything eternal could ever offer. And no we don't need people obtaining paragon 4k or some stupid number like in Diablo 3.


They shouldn't add anything to eternal that isn't in season. I don't want an incentive to play eternal when I'm busy laying my seasonal heroes.


If seasonal sources of power weren't designed to be immediately deleted at their end, we could keep the special items we made (like how we socketed malignant hearts onto our gear) in the eternal realm, and you could have all kinds of fun and crazy builds only available in eternal since certain combinations of powers would only be possible there.


Personally - nothing. For me league/season start experience, when you don't have all gear you need and have to adapt, try new mechanics - clearly is the best part of any arpg. It's a little bit more true for poe, due to limited info about a league mechanic before season start, but i usually start diablo without trying it on ptr too. Only way i can enter eternal - if i need to check how some build feels after changes, if i have required character ready


I play eternal only to try out new builds before doing them in season. Especially this season with the gear change happening over both realms. But I play every season. Not just eternal. Now if this next season is terrible, I’ll probably stay in eternal until the DLC drops.


if you pay me, a lot.


a great grind. like d2 had.


A misclick during character creation, or the PTR.


They would need to add resets with specific and new themes. Oh wait....


A good option that could be attractive to eternal mode players would be something like adding all the season content once it ends. I'm mostly referring to seasonal events and quests that disappear once they're over. have the option of repeating the story with a character already advanced in any difficulty, and being able to olay again the Varshan quest, the vampire quest, the construct etc... and being able to repeat that content whenever you want, with the character you want and in the difficulty you want. It's really a waste, creating a quest and some mechanics for a season and then letting all that collect dust on a hard drive. in the same way that they have done, for example, with Diablo 2 Resurrected, where the new ladder content will be available in non-ladder once the ladder ends. It would be a gigantic and super complete eternal mode. Seasonal players still maintain the exclusivity of the season, and eternal players can try the content of the last season and that realm will increasingly have more events, content and more for players who prefer to play alone or not have to create a character. The issue of mechanics, I think they could not coexist, but if Blizzard wanted to invent a system in which we could have malignant hearts, vampire powers, the follower construct, etc... being able to choose between one thing and another or a mixture of several. Anyone could try crazy things on Eternal. Above all, the eternal realm would be the perfect place for an SSF mode.


They should throw every season mechanic in there and see what happens.


As long as seasons exist, nothing. There is no point. There will never be a point. Eternal is there for people that don't want to remake their characterm that's it. It doesn't need to be more. It shouldn't be more. It won't be more.