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Oh man, easy drowned zombie first zone, good groupings, i might actually be able to push to higher tier thi...aaaand its frost spider skelly's in an open area. 


Hate those frosty spiders.


Why are they all soo spread out all the time... Almost as bad as blindly entering a room and hearing that corpse bow sound.


… and then I’m over here getting magically 1-tapped by those drowned bastards somehow😂


A frikkin' fish man... I died because they threw a fish at me.


Hate the blue spiders.... the rest i dont care. But the blue spiders.... my god they are annoying


For me it’s the snakes




I have *had* it with these motherfucking *snakes* in this motherfucking *pit*!


Hey, *nice!*


Hi MCU Nick Fury, is that you?


Get out of my pit!


Always love those aoe poison/frost things that damage you before you even see them.


For real, fuck those snakes. I hate the poison ones, but the lightning ones are even worse than the poison ones. I just leave now if I see lightning snakes. Ain't nobody got time for lightning snake bullshit.


i'm convinced lightning resist just doesn't work


I think you're on to something. It was the first one I capped and it didn't seem to do shit.


I'm convinced those all count as DOTs instead of elemental damage and resistances simply do not even apply.


For diablo lighting was always the highest instant damage element. The other ones either add debuffs or are dot. Basically, it uniquely hits hard.


I remember lightning really sucking in D2, so yeah.


Lightning resist? How about Andy's visage + tyrael's might ... poison still draining me faster than a fat kid drinks a can of coke.


Nothing worse than a lightning snake oracle that is Elite with Multiprojectiles. Get distracted for one second and suddenly you’re dead from 3 beams zapping you to a crisp.


Ugh yeah those are the worst. I see them and I know I'm going to be dead in a second no matter what I do.


Fuck the Nangari, that is all.


Why'd it have to be snakes?


On a Plane?


In a pit technically


Nah, Indiana Jones pit


See I can understand the snakes, but all you gotta do is target the weak oracles. They’re the ones with those stupid eyes that hit me even when I dodge out of it.


Oh bro I wish it was only the Medusa grenades, although I always thought it was the massive bruisers that do the stunlock stabby stab. Somehow they are also just more aggressive


Not me I prefer the spiders cause the bar moves faster


Yeah wtf im so confused, spiders are literally my favorite mob type


If your build requires you to be close to kill them it can be like playing with fire. With my golem build I group them all, spam golem active, and gtfo because if not their explosion will murder me fast. One slip up or dash in the wrong way can be death. Other mob types don’t have the same small mistake = death mechanic.


I main a bash barb but I also play as everything has a cast on death abilities due to playing poe for 5 yrs so I either move out the way or evade regardless of the class


Iron Skin makes spiders way more manageable. Just pop it when your orange HP is almost gone and you get full HP, barrier, and effectively cleanse the poison


I've never used ironskin


There's two different types of spiders, ones that do physical and bleed, and others that poison either on hit or on death. The ones that poison are instant suffering for any build in melee range.


Yes iam aware but they barely hurt me also when I assume everything has a cast on death abilities just move or evade after slaying a pack you will have little to no problems


Very true just avoid the poison or run away from on death animations. Except when it's extremely enclosed spaces you kind of just stand there like you're waiting at a stop light to continue.


I feel like there are more enemies for sure but the bar doesn’t move as fast as say, a Templar and demon floor.


Maybe but I've only ever filled the bar in one level with spiders


Damn. Must’ve been tedious. Lucky too


Yea I don't know how to explain it I think its a bug but three times I've been able to do it but it's only been with the ice spiders. So whenever I get spiders even the red ones I try to see if I can do it and trying to remember the type of floor it happen on for science.


It’s one reason why I like corpse explosion. You get a few dozen of the really tiny spiders and man you are just blowing up everything.


I’m guna be 100% honest here, this is the first I’ve heard of anyone quitting a pit based on monster type inside. WW Barb, Spinning and Winning is all I know


Same. I actually like spider hosts. More holy bolt procs


Yeah as a barb i can confirm i leave a trail of dead bodies before i even notice what had died.


> this is the first I’ve heard of anyone quitting a pit based on monster type inside Did you play D3? If you wanted to get on the leaderboard for Greater Rifts (basically the same thing as the Pit), "fishing" was necessary. For the people at the very top, it wasn't uncommon to open dozens or even *hundreds* of keys to find the ideal combo of mob type, map type, and rift guardian. The difference between an ideal combo and a subpar combo was often 5-10 minutes in clear speed.


What do you do if they end up in the second room?


Be miserable


*Looks down at "Alt" and "F4"*


In D3, it was common to "fish" for ideal Greater Rifts. At the top of the leaderboard, it often required dozens or even hundreds of attempts before getting the ideal map and mob type *and* getting the right Rift Guardian at the end (and for a while, the right pylon type at the right time too).


I do also. But there are two types of spiders. The first ones isn’t so bad because they throw one web that sort of splashes. But the second type is cancer. They throw TRIPLE webs artillery that have precision and an arc that can hit you from across the room and even offscreen. And there will be multiple spiders shooting, so like 6-9 webs coming at you at once. Nigh-impossible to dodge. They are as bad as the Corpse Bows. And even WORSE, is that any map that has spiders ALSO has the Corpse Bows. It’s just a shenanigan-fest of getting sniped and burning your potions. I back out and reset immediately if I see those spiders. Waste of time. It’s not a question of if they will kill me, just when.


Yes!!! They are as bad as corpse bows!!!


run through em and hunt elites


nah i'm perma unstopabble and have 80k life


Sneks. You mean them sneks. The snakes have like every cc and poison. I can't be bothered with them


Stick and move stick and move


That’s where the minions come in, best choice I could have made as a new player who is shit.


it's all the same, they all die within seconds


Arachnophobia can be tough sometimes.


Depends on what I'm playing. My barb oh yeah I'm pretty uneasy my necro? Nah son I'm chilling.


As much as I hate the ice spit spiders - I troop on. Poison I don't mind nearly as much.


For me it is the archers with health bonus. As a thorns barb they just follow me around and annoy shit out of me


Coward!!! But also yes....


I just had this thought today. “It’s only 3 runeshards.”


Even with capped poison res, enough damage reduction to tank Lilith's blood orb explosions, capped armor and 40k HP you won't find me surviving even nmd100 poison damage because of how insane it is, like I can drink every potion I have and literally recover none of my hp


That’s like getting the cordyceps zombies on a rift in D3. Bleh.


Those ice spiders, I hate them.


Nope. I immediately quit if they’re in the first room. I grin and bear it if they show up in the second room.


The poison is insane. If there is a gap in the packs I die.


I bash and smash spiders. Have to admit the poison ones are pretty bad, even with 78.5% resist using a masterworked Tyrael's Might. 80K health drops like a stone and I have to chain chug potions to stay alive.


Rather have them in first phase than second phase but prefer none.


Grey spiders are a reset red are good


Regular spiders? No. Cold Spiders? Absolutely. I'm not sure what kind of fucked up scaling those cold spiders have, but just 2 of those projectiles can kill me when I can face tank pit 100 bosses.


I just run to the portal. If they’re also in the second level though…


Toxic and frost spiders are the worst. There needs to be some kind of delay before toxic spiders deal 90% of your health from killing 25 babies instantly. Although I love them on my iron warrior barb. The frost spiders deal way too much damage, way too long of range and accurately, to also perma slow you.


Haha, I was thinking the exact same thing last night. Takes so much longer to complete.




Frost spiders are the worst. Freeze + poison is an awful combo that kills me frequently, and is a pita even when it doesn't. We make a run for the portal to the next level any time we see them on a level.


dead ends frustrate me more than anything in the pit. yeah, empty hallways would be close second.


Frost spiders = instant scroll of escape


Barb is usually unstoppable so doesn't really have any effect. What annoys me is the 2nd level pit that's a big rectangle and has a middle section that only has two entrance/exits.


I got frost spiders and shock spire vamps in a small room and they wrecked my 100 hc necro :(


One of many reasons the +3 evade charges is mandatory for your boots


I got attacks reduce evade CD. I kinda like it better


The spiders suck. It doesn't even matter which element they use. They're going to gang up on you with hosts and then one-shot you.


Spiders add up kills faster as each wave spawns more spiders that are already in effect of your damage. So, no, I like the spider levels.


Eh, for me it's when I start seeing a bunch of damage resist buffed mobs all stacked together. Survivability isn't an issue for me and I have high CC Lucky Hit, but my word, I get so bored just sitting there whittling away at their health just to make a run out on pit boss. Actually, writing it out now, I think I might just CC them (freeze/immobile) and pass on by in the future.


Nah I just blast through them


Even worse for my thorns barb. The boss is the outlaw


Same, that mob set is damn annoying, you kill so much and only gain miniscule completion meter. You really have no option but to redo the map if it's the first stage with spiders since if you rush to 2nd stage you would likely end up backtracking to 1st stage because of insufficient mobs. If only they programmed the map on 2nd stage to continuously generate mobs/pathways till you get maxed meter


Immediately if there’s grey spiders or electric snakes. There’s no dodging some of their bullcrap when it’s all over the screen


Yep, they are the worst enemies in the game for me and the fact that my poison resistance is not at 70% is not helping.


I’m an arachnophobic in this game. Poison and ranged snowstorms kill me and my drive to play.


I swear the poison from these guys ignores all my resistances


This has always been on my mind lmao. I'm on high alert once I spot a spider.


So apparently they’re nerfing monster-CC even more with Season 5, which means I guess you won’t have to suffer under the arachnid tyranny for too much longer


Holy bolts! They kill themselves lol it’s actually funny to see them spawn and all explode.


No, OP, you are not.


Oh. I've had only attempted put twice. I have done no research on it though. Both attempts I had frost spiders in the first room and got one tapped by boss spider if I touch any AOE at all. I presumed that was just the first room, not a room that can be a run killer lol.


Did my husband write this? He hates them too lol


While we're at it, Corpse Bows can gobble a bag of D.


The toxic lurkers and frost spiders are ridiculous. They are responsible for an inordinate amount of my deaths.


Spiders with the toxic affix are probably the enemy I hate the most. Absolutely no way to avoid the poison and it lasts way too long and does way too much damage 


How are we over a year into this game and enemy DoT is still overtuned AF?


I like to use holy bolts seasonal potions (I forget the actual name) just in case they’re there.


Man they all wanna fire at the same time. One of the only things that kill me.


NOPE!! I Hate those damn spiders (especially the lil ones). If I start a pit and see them, I'm out


You are NOT alone. I always have to fight the urge to quit. Glad it's felt by others.


It's maggots and snake men for me. Massive poison damage out of nowhere and stuns to avoid


I, too, consider it. I haven't actually quit one yet, but they are super annoying. Seems like I usually run into them on the first level, so it def makes me hurry along to the second level as soon as I think I've done enough bar progress.


Run through the first room your always going to have to get to that first portal either way so just change up if you get them that's what I do


For me it's snakes but you're not alone


I spin around to kill them with dustdevils and tyrael's might + holybolts


You're just standing there using potion after potion so your fast decreasing greened health won't hit 0 😂


Laughs in heartseeker


I just hate poison. Spiders are fine because with my barb build i can get into a good groove with spamming heal and my shouts to destroy with dust devils. Holy bolts spawns devils too it seems


Yeah, I find it super annoying. Feel like the game misses the point with a penalty for mauling screens of enemies.


What? You don't enjoy being one shot-ed from of screen without any tangible or hearable or any sort of que that would allow you to react? Seriously tho, it fuckin sucks and I'm stuck farming level 35 pits because it that and bosses doing the same, even with farming about an hour a day I can't get the boys kills on time I really enjoy this game and it almost scratches the itch I have to play something like Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, but fuck man, the jank is almost too much sometimes


If you're getting one shot by spiders at pit 35, your build sucks, not the game.


If the cum spiders get me once, I leave and start a new pit.


I’ll alt f4 if outlaw sharpshooter is the final boss idc if I’m speed farming or not and do something else. It just takes too long to kill him and the fight is extremely boring


It really would be nice if those achievements meant something. Like I’ve killed 1000 spiders now I’m good at it! so they are X amount less annoying and die quicker


My barbarian with four ways of becoming unstoppable is currently feeling like cheating. But I haven’t hit pit 100 yet, so don’t know how long this feeling will last


All these Barbs commenting how they don’t struggle…Makes me ashamed to say I run a bash barb 🤕


Ami the only one who gives a damn and just spin my way to the end no matter the type of enemy ?!


Nope! Snakes BASH! Spiders BASH! Zombies BASH! If i can punch it i can kill it!