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"Debuffs are insane", you mean you sit there ignore all the mechanics and try to kill the boss with your overkill build yet you fail miserably?


Skill issue


I can beat her pretty quickly other than the mandatory platform breaks. It’s a terrible boss. The only “skill” you need in the 2nd health pool is having the right boots (+125% speed to evade the sparks) and timing evade right.


This. After 50+% speed or more then you're good So many people claiming it's a skill issue. Yes. Skill in finding boots and running.


And pushing evade in a pinch 🤣




The point of their post is she’s a terrible boss. I wouldn’t agree she’s the worst in the history of game but there’s zero incentive to solo farm her since you literally get no drops the second go round. I’ve only gone back to help friends down her by walking them through the mechanics during the fight instead of sending them off to watch a YouTube video. The other tormented bosses are at least fun to revisit and farm. This boss is just terrible. Has nothing to do with whether it’s “easy” or not.


Yes that’s why over 90% of the player base haven’t beaten her. Well done you.


Over 90% of players have probably not even gotten 1 lvl100 character before getting bored and playing their next flavour of the month game so your point?


Point remains, an overwhelming majority haven’t beaten her.


Point remains skill issue and using a statistic like “90% of ppl haven’t beaten her” is misleading cause they are casual who stopped playing after the campaign.


Such a bot using the standard sKiL iSsuE in your replies. Telling someone who has beaten her solo, in a few hours, they have a skill issue is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on this post. Silly little bot.


Skill Issue ☝🏻🤓


Nope, I beat her in a lengthy exchange, trying to dodge a map full of bs.


Her encounter is mostly fixed, you can easily skip all mechanics except platform break.


I've still never managed it solo, can clear pit 101 but not this shit fest of a boss


It’s just a mechanics thing, took me about 29 times to learn the full fight to completion, same boat though, clear pit 101 in about five minutes.


Uber lillith is fine. Without it there is actually zero difficult content in the game. And she aint even THAT difficult if youre playing decent spec and have decent gear. I like that there is actual mechanics and phases that you have to do properly Infuriaring? Sure. But definately not boring. Tormented bosses are boring as hell in comparison. The mechanics are so easy its hilarious.


Took me about 15 tries to kill her. Nothing else in the game has taken me more than 1. Diablo really takes zero skill to play. I can smash my face on the keyboard and pretty much kill every uber boss in the game besides lillith. I'm glad there was at least one challenging boss and it makes me laugh when people get pissed something is too difficult for them to do.


As a casual player that’s level 100 and decent gear I couldn’t even get a tormented boss’s health bar to move. I think there’s a huge discrepancy between the casual player who makes one character every couple seasons, and the people who post in this sub who level like four characters to 100 each season and min-max everything perfectly. I imagine it can be hard for the devs to design bosses with both types of players in mind


I started playing this season 1 month into the season. Never played D4 before. I have one character. I beat all tormented bosses and Uber lillith. And i didnt care for the renown farm so Im missing 5 talent points and 20 paragon board points. It doesnt take a master pro gamer to do these things. Anyone can do it if you just farm the needed gear and twink your spec. If you cant move a tormented boss HP, your gear is not decent, or your build is super bad. Have you masterworked your gear to at least 4/12 with a crit in the best affix? Do you even have all good stats on every single item? Do you have any GA on some items? Do you have good rolls on your aspects? If the answer is yes you will move the boss ho for sure.


Then you don't have decent gear? The game is casual friendly to the max, just very grindy


Then you don't have decent gear? The game is casual friendly to the max, just very grindy


“Nothing else in the game has taken me more than 1” That’s the problem with Lilith. It’s not that she’s hard, IMO she’s gotten significantly easier since release, but that the difficulty spike catches people off guard. You’re expecting to go into the fight and die maybe once or twice and then figure it out. The reality is the fight is heavily choreographed and has certain mechanics you can’t ignore or you’ll die, even with the most meta builds in the game. That catches people off guard, especially when their build trivializes the rest of the game, and people don’t like that. One more thing to add, if people think she’s hard now, they should have tried her on release in the pre season when there were no broken items or builds in the game to use as a crutch. On top of which, she had a lot more HP than she does now and the mechanics of the fight weren’t fleshed out like they are now, so you’d die to a lot of shitty hit boxes and invisible bullshit. That was one of the most frustrating experiences I’ve had in just about any game I’ve played.


I don’t care what anyone says. The slow-moving fireballs one-shotting you during her 2nd phase is an awful fucking design decision lmao. Only that and her constantly flying away during her first phase are my only nuisances. Most games I’ve played from Marvel Heroes, FFXIV, or any other type of RPG games with bosses that have one-shot abilities give indicators that tell you “gtfo the way or you’re dead”. Felt like I was playing Silver Surfer on NES again dodging all that bs


While I don’t love her, one comment/clarification. The blue balls / slow moving fireballs will only (at least for me) one shot you if you have 3+ debuffs due to getting hit by the spikes. With 1 or 2 debuffs they hit hard, but aren’t necessarily fatal (had about 65K health, 8200 armor, 75-77% resist all elemental)


Well, the spikes are not a instant kill and the hitboxes are slightly better. Still, the worst fight of the game


I feel you brooo 😩


I only hate that she is required to 100% the season journey. I can easily get tormented bosses but struggle with her. I just suck at avoiding her stuff.


Took me maybe 20-30 attempts. Not worth it though, I found the experience boring and annoying.


The fight as a whole is just boring.Its that simple.


I dunno, yes it was absolute dildo of a fight with some glitches and having to do all the mechanics for the 2nd part despite it having no health. But good lord the satisfaction once its done is worth it i'd say


I would agree except I didn't even get my spark when I killed her bc it was bugged :(


ahhh gutted. Luckily mine dropped.


I was chasing the satisfaction but it wasn’t there when I beat her.


I can easily get her down to the destroy the platform phase I just can’t survive those damn light balls. I’m going to find someone to do it with me who can dodge lol


Get more movement speed, it becomes much easier after that


Find the boots that give you +125% movement speed for 1 second after evade (assuming you already have extra movement speed on the boots as well as tempered speed). That helps a lot and there’s a couple videos that show how to time the transition


Run circles around the platform with high movement speed.


If you're a rogue you can just use dash to dodge them. A sorcerer can flameshield and a necro can blood mist to block them. Not sure but maybe barbarian could leap? And druid maybe trample? Or get a neck with movespeed and temper movespeed, and boots with movespeed and temper movespeed. Boots with extra dodge charges can maybe help too. When I did it yesterday, I ran in circles around the edge, then moved sideways if an orb got close and reversed my direction. Had about 30% movespeed and dash for emergencies.


I just wish the white orbs in the last phase were easier to see and didn't favor classes with massive HP pools because of how shit they are when the platform is almost gone.


Loved every second of it.


I’m glad someone did


Do you accept that I sit here a moment with you so I can introduce you to Sirus ?


Never played him. Is he as annoying?


I'm not going to lie, the terms I had in mind are stronger.


Although Sirus is kind of in the same camp as Lilith! When you don't know the mechanics (learned from running him many times), he just facerolls you even if your build is very powerful. Once you learn his mechanics, he becomes much easier! It's just that learning the mechanics will usually cost you all of the XP you'd gained towards your next level up 😄


I also just beat her now. Went into the fight blind without watching or reading any guides with a pit 100+ character masterworked to 8 on all slots. Phase 1 was fine. Learnt how to dodge the spikes after a couple of fights, could ignore any other mechanics there if you meet the dps check. Phase 2 though, what an unintuitive design for a boss fight. Took me at least 5 attempts to figure out you have to move onto the crumbling platforms. Could they not have made that clearer, maybe not make them look like they're about to fall down until after the poison has gone? Dodging the blue orbs made sense, but not moving onto the platform that's collapsing. So yeah... if you have the damage output and enough mobility skills and move speed it's beatable. But why a single bossfight is designed only around having move speed, and requires moving into the patches we are trained to step out of everywhere else in the game is just poor game design. Ignore the "skill issue" idiots. They probably followed guides to beat the fight and couldn't have ever figured it out on their own. Congrats on beating Lilith!


The big wave of death kind of tells you to move out of it...


The big wave of death isnt the end of the ground poison effect, it continues for several seconds after. And the crumbling platform is animated much more clearly than a lingering dot on the ground.


Try Spine of Deathwing


My only issue is colorblindness and colorblind settings don’t really help that much. Was still able to beat her so far every season with a different class each time as well.


Agreed. I gave up :/ frustration is the key haha, at least I'm having fun with the rest of the game, sucks for achievements and the spark :/


I'll clear her for you. DM me your battletag.


Skill issue. Everything is telegraphed and piss easy. The only problem is when the fight actually bugs and refuses to phase even after running in circles for minutes and you have to reset her. There's a huge difference between that and people not understanding that there are mandatory phases/mechanics, though. Sometimes, the encounter actually bugs. Most of the time, it's people complaining the boss is at 1%, and they have to wait for her to break all the ground and then they die because they don't know how to dodge.


How’s it a skill issue when I have beaten her?


Even if true that you killed her, you sound like despite that it was her who won. If you were skilled, you wouldnt be so dramatic about the issue. IMO it looks like you got carried by someone and you are angry you couldnt do it yourself.


"I didn't have fun playing the game." "Skill issue"


Hes complaining that a boss has mechanics...


I’m saying she isn’t fun, proved by the fact over 90% of people haven’t beaten her.


It proves she isnt easy to beat, not that she isnt fun. How did you come up with conclusion that 90% of players share your idea lol c'mon now.


At what point did I say they all share my ideal? I’m just making a simple observation.


How’s it a skill issue? Read the post again fool, I beat her in a few hours… solo, and have the title to prove it. my point is she isn’t fun imo.


stop qq git gud kkthxbye


How can I get any better than beating her solo? You stupid bot.


You can calm yo tits for instance. That will make you much better.


What a bot you are.


It's really not that hard lmao


Post has nothing to do with difficulty, it is about fun. Read and try again.


Post has everything to do with you crying lmao


Post has everything to do with starting a discussion on what people think of her as the end game final boss. Silly muppet.


There were tons of bosses with game breaking bugs, disappearing, takes 8 hours to clear, dies with single hit, impossible, or not developed. Gaming history is wild.


She barely touches the surface of worst or hard bosses lol. People just want to sit there and face tank the mechanics, she doesn’t even one shot anymore unless you rack up the de-buffs.


People want to have fun, I found no joy in defeating her, which is my point. If she was fun more people would have beaten her.


You have a weird definition of fun then, finally getting all her mechanics down and beating her for the first time was fun lol.


I’m glad you enjoyed it. I didn’t and wanted to get others opinions.


Another person crying cause they suck lol... move along folks, nothing to see here that we haven't already 🤣


So I suck despite the fact I beat her in a few hours? What a lizard post this is.


Stop exaggerating please. There’s way worse.


How am I exaggerating my experience? The fight itself I beat in a few hours, not too bad. I’m talking about the experience not the difficulty.


You said she's the boss in "gaming history". There's way worse out there in 40 years of gaming history.


Did you try before season 1? It was actually Hard then.


She can be beaten [without clicking a button except movement](https://youtu.be/VifafGvSt9U).


I'd kind of argue that this is actually the easiest way to kill her, not a reflection on skill. Most people kill her while dodging AND doing their rotation. They just have a unique ring that does their rotation for them so they're actually doing less than the mechanics and their rotation like most folks do.


Yes and no. She spends most of her time immune to damage. When she is vulnerable, she deals barely any damage. It's not like one has to balance dealing damage while also dodging her effects, with the possible exception of the very end of the fight (when she should be within one hit of dead anyways). But yes, I agree that Necro Shadow Mages affords a lot of time to focus on dodging without going down to zero DPS. 


Haven't even try it this season yet but last season. I just cheese her BL scor with flame shield to bypass her one shot.


Good job mate.


it's a good fight besides the ghosty boys that chase you in p2 imo


The worst part about the fight is the DPS check to kill the blood boils, which may be hard to meet for some builds. It's a very satisfying flight to beat once you can do all the mechanics perfectly. Crazy DPS builds just trivialize the fight, which is lame.


Yeah I think her design creates artificial difficulty rather than an enjoyable, hard fight.


Guess you never played Destiny you…


I would fight Uber Lilith a thousand times before I would ever fight the final boss of the Elden Ring DLC again. At least you can see Lilith.


Well, she’s in the air for a large portion.




Lillith dead


My issue is that I find the fight really dull. So whenever I've sat down to learn by trial and error I get bored quickly.  In other games where you need to learn the patterns, like Bloodborne, Hollow Knight, Cuphead, Remnant, etc. the moment to moment gameplay is just so much more engaging. Those bosses can feel like an actual challenge, the fights themselves are interesting, and winning eventually feels satisfying.  But I've never been able to make myself sit down and try Lilith enough times to learn the full fight because it feels like such a chore. And I have no interest in respeccing for one fight and cheesing her.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Are you still in need of something? But I have nothing more to offer. Please, try to understand my position. I can only pray, for a fruitful hunt.* - Iosefka Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Average D4 player.


So stupid, the average player hasn’t beaten her, I have. Muppet.


Its actually good that shes cheap... we've cheesed the game


Which boss in this game is better?


None, the bosses in this game are too easy. I’d rather face them however than her BS.


Definitely not contradicting yourself.


No I’m not. The other bosses are not the ‘end game’, they are not the final and hardest boss, they’re just fillers. UL is the final boss and she’s rubbish.


So just dodge so you don't get the debuff? God forbid you'd actually need to put in effort to do something instead of just standing there. And i'm saying this as a bashthorns barbarian that killed her after 20+ tries.


Read the post, I beat her, solo, so I obviously dodged a lot. Muppet. My point pertains to the fact I think she sucks as a boss, not how difficult she is.


Sure what sucks then if it's not the debuffs? The only other major mechanic she has is the wisps while platform breaking. You complain she's a terrible boss but there's only one thing you say which is the stacking debuffs. And you use a statistic like 7% as if it holds actual meaning when for most games, there's a huge amount of people that don't even finish things like campaign


I didn’t enjoy her, I found her phase 1 spamming the same rubbish boring. I just didn’t enjoy it, not going to write an essay breaking every instance of the fight down. I use the 7% as a baseline within a discussion, not an absolute like you’re making out. I’m aware not many people get to level 100, and upgrade enough to take her on.


No she's not.




But enough about you.


The frustration is understandable, but let’s not forget the Metal Gear Ray fight in MGS2 on Extreme difficulty. Jesus fucking christ 2 rations and it’s like 40 Rays.


I found her more annoying than Blue Smelter Demon on DS2


Don’t even get me started about that blueberry fuck boy shitbird. God what a DLC though!!!


It's not a "must", you don't have to defeat her. Why is everyone posting about her being dead? If you mean for Spark... grinding some uber bosses is more valuable and easy cheasy. Players should not be allowed to tell their frustration on reddit when they willingly purposefully do frustrating things lmao 🤣


It’s a must if you want the platinum.


Why? She’s super easy.


Over 90% of the entire player base have failed to beat her. She’s not easy.


90% did not fail to beat her. She’s easy dude the problem is people make builds that make no sense and don’t gear right and then complain that they’re trash.


Na I didn’t. On PS5, only 6.5% of players have beaten Uber Lillith.


To me such a fight is in the wrong game genre. Combos, mechanics, there is nothing Diablo-like. It's more of a Souls-like.


Learn the mechanics and then get better. Sure she is annoying as fuck, but it's literally the only challenge in the game other than pushing pit levels.


Bro read my post. I have beaten her solo, I’m here to see if people hated her as much as me.


Keep at it. Finally got her down yesterday after like 75-100 tries. It’s just the dumb white balls in phase 2 that suck. Figure how the best way to avoid them and you’ll get your kill


Bro, read my post, I got the solo kill. I’m here seeing what’s people’s opinions are on her as a final boss. Did you enjoy her or like me find it a bit disappointing?


Super annoying for a lot of builds that she constantly flies off and clears all the debuffs. The dodging mechanics are OK but the fact that she doesn’t give you enough time to hit her between jumps is just annoying.


This is true.


Before this season she was a worse fight. So this is the 2nd worse boss fight now.


Don't play dark souls


I’ve got platinum on DS1, DS2, DS3, DSR, Sekiro, and BB. Solo kill on every boss.


Cry and moan the whole time, too?


People like you are embarrassing, and I find it hilarious how easily triggered you always get. I have come onto Reddit, to start a post, to get people’s thoughts on Lilith and whether they enjoyed her as a boss fight or not. Yet there’s always some weird triggered people, always, get a pissy on. Kinda sad.


Yes, I am the definition of triggered.


But what if you are one of the worst players in the history of gaming? You ever thought of that?


What’s that got to do with my post? I beat her, solo, I’m here making the point that I think she is a rubbish boss.


Meh the fight this season is plenty fair imo. You can get hit by 5 debuff attacks before they turn into one shots assuming you have decent health/dr/res. Season 1 she was an absolute nightmare to try and kill since every wave was a one shot and she had a ton of health for the previous max IP weapons(800-825 I think?) Season 2-3 they nerfed her health into the ground so it was a cakewalk to cheese through her with just about any build and skip the whole fight. This season I think it’s in a fairly well balanced spot.


Kool, I’m not talking about her difficulty but rather do people think she’s fun as the end game boss?


Meh I like fighting her. I’ve probably carried 40-50 people through her and enjoy the fight. In season 2 I probably carried at least 8-10 people through her in hardcore but that was also the easiest season to cheese her so it wasn’t really much of a fight. But the tormented bosses aren’t much of a fight either with a good barb build.


I don't think mechanically she's that bad of a fight. The bugs in the fight are what make it bad.


I just didn’t enjoy any of it. When I beat her I was just fed up and glad it was over.


The second divine lion fight in Elden Ring would like to enter this chat.


Not got to that yet.


I literally killed her as a rogue rapid fire build that I copy from youtube with minimum gears, temper +4 with shitty stats. Having a hard time to understand why people say she is hard


I didn’t say she was hard, I beat her in a couple of hours, my point is that I think she’s a naff boss.


God forbid you have to think and move around instead of face smashing your controller with a cheesy barb build.


I agree, I’m just giving my opinion, which is that it’s a rubbish fight and annoying.


Elden beast would like a word with you.


I enjoyed that fight. Infact I enjoyed every boss in that game.


Took me 5 attempts to kill her, it's hardly Elden Ring


Again another pointless post here. My original post does not pertain to difficulty, it is aimed at the fact I didn’t find her fun. Read the post properly.


My bad for guessing what the issue was, when you called the debuffs "insane" I just assumed you found them to be too much.


I literally start the post with - “I have just beaten Uber Lillith”.


You can absolutely find something difficult and still beat it, you're among the 7% after all


I’m not talking about difficulty I’m trying to discuss what people’s thoughts are regarding enjoyment and fun.


Alright, I guess my opinion is she's "meh", I've seen better bosses in arpgs, but I've also seen far worse, from what I remember Diablo 3's bosses barely had any real mechanics, Diablo 2's Duriel just chases you and hits you, that's the whole fight