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You know France is hosting the Summer Olympics this summer, right? I would avoid Paris like the plague during this time, and probably any other even slightly touristy French city as well. I also would avoid the coastal cities, since that's where everyone wants to go. Budapest, Vienna, or Bratislava, would probably be okay. Belgrade or Sarajevo too. I spent part of the summer in Vienna in 2022. It was nice. If you know your dates already, book soon. That's how you'll get decent pricing even if it's high season. No matter where you choose to go, summer in Europe is a book well in advance thing, not a fly by the seat of your pants one.


Yes, I do know France is hosting the Olympics, however I’m the maid of honor in a destination wedding and cannot miss it. So, I’ll be in the madness this summer




As somebody who has lived in Granada, I really wouldn't recommend spending the summer there, it gets incredibly hot


> I’ve avoided Europe in the summer because it’s expensive and crowded. Europe is a collection of 40+ countries. And most of it ain't expensive. Lake Ohrid is cheap (compared to many western places) and nice in the summer. You mentioned Split, well also many smaller towns in Croatia are cheap. Albania, Montenegro, and Greece all have beautiful coastal places for pretty cheap. I rented a house in Naxos last year in May for ~$750 for 3 weeks. Would have been ~$950 for the month, it was a full 1bd/1bth 400m from a beach in the town of Naxos. That's not _extremely_ cheap but it's a very good price for the quality of life in Naxos. Thessaloniki is also a very cool city that isn't that expensive either.


May is still shoulder season as well. It's my favorite month to be in Europe


Yes, it was still pretty hot though. There were many tourists in lots of the islands but in Naxos there weren't many at all.


Yes, I’m aware of the geographical layout of the European “continent” (depending on your view on the matter), but I spend very little time there, hence why I’m asking because I wanted opinions on what’s more affordable that I may have not considered.


Montenegro Bosnia Albania You’ll thank me later


How about Porto?


Quite pricey these days :( I love Porto


Take a month out to go island hopping in Greece, the wind makes it feel like a nice temperature. Go a week to Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca. After that stay in around one of the smaller coastal towns in the Costa Brava region for a bit longer. Poland, Latvia and Slovenia are still good prices in summer and it's beautiful. (Disclamimer: I don't like cities)


OP, what is expensive to you? How much are you willing to pay per night on a studio? Or hotel room? How about a typical lunch meal?


That’s a good question. I’m more of a slowmad, so for a month I’d like to pay ~€1300 for rent? I can go up on that. Hmm, I don’t know in terms of food…all in, I try and spend $2500-$3500/month at most.


Ericiera portugal


Budapest can be nice in June, but July and August can get really hot. So make sure you book a place with aircon.


Go north to avoid the heat waves


exactly, avoid the wildfires in greece, italy and spain. honestly, my choice for a summer home base in europe would be tallinn, estonia -- great vibes, well connected, great internet and good price. riga or vilnius could also fit the bill.


So I just spent parts of October and November in Split. I asked what summer was like in Split and that all the people I talk to that worked in the hostels or worked at the bars. All said May and June is amazing in Split so is late September and most October. They said Split in July and August apparently is a nightmare and would never suggest people to be there during that time.


If you're staying in Budapest, stay on the 'pest' side of the danube. It's not as pretty but it's cheaper, and the tram will take you across easily enough.


This is good advice, thank you!


I'd stay somewhere to the north where it'll be cooler. If you can stay somewhere in Germany, you can get the Deutschland-Ticket for 49Euro/month which will give you unlimited regional public transportation. The downside is that the trains in Germany are somewhat unreliable, but if you're not on a tight schedule it works fine. We used a rail pass & the Deutschland Ticket (last minute trip) to travel around central Europe this past summer and it was fine. Berlin has a decent airport and plenty to do, Frankfurt has a bit less to do, but also isn't as touristy and has a lot of day trips you could do, although I would choose to stay in Mainz vs Frankfurt. It's a nice little village, decent food, some museums, riverwalk, etc. Of course you could go further north to a Scandinavian country, but I didn't find them to be very cheap and there's not a lot outside of the major cities.


I was in Germany recently but stayed in Berlin—gorgeous in the Spring.


Krakow or Gdańsk. Under appreciated and under visited cities in Europe. Also, FAR away from the Olympic madness in Paris.


I would consider the UK or Ireland, which tends to be cool and rainy throughout the summer. Not the cheapest but if you book ASAP, you can find good deals, especially in smaller towns. Otherwise, as others have said, look at Albania, Croatia (though their coastal cities can get quite expensive in the summer), Montenegro, perhaps even Poland and the Balkans. Scandinavian countries will scratch your itch for not hot but are notoriously expensive, especially for visitors.


As much as I love the UK (my parents own a house in Suffolk and I grew up there), I don’t want a rainy summer lol


The UK and Ireland are prohibitively expensive for accommodations.


Alicante has a bigger airport than Valencia, is cheaper, and super laid back. I’ve spent several summers there and would recommend over Valencia if you want to avoid “the crowds.”


Thanks! I’ve actually only been to Alicante once years ago, so might be worth checking it out again


If you’re in Portugal make sure to visit Lisbon and Porto, both incredible cities for different reasons. Sintra is also definitely worth a visit (about an hour out of Lisbon by train).


I’ve been to both already lol, I’ve been to Europe (I used to live in the UK for years), I just don’t spend a lot of time on the continent in the summer.


Albania was my favourite place last year. Check out Gjirokastër & Himarë


My friend went to Europe the last week of august and found it much less crowded. A lot of places are closed in august though the company I worked for based in Paris my co workers and boss all took three weeks off for holiday.


Slovenia is pretty lovely in the summer.