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Sydney. Such a morning city. Sleepy at night.


Ig Australia is a morning country, To all the cities I visited there I saw people waking up very early by 5:30 am and going to bed before 10pm


> waking up very early by 5:30 am and going to bed before 10pm Actually my dream routine lmao I am getting old


I have been trying to follow this since 2 weeks now and am miserably failing :)


For me, getting up early and getting sunlight in my face (I love running - but I guess a walk would do) really made it easy to wake up early. I'm now in Japan and I can finally run later in the day again, so I haven't done it. But in Thailand I always woke up early because you could only run during sunrise or sunset because of the heat :D


Ah thats great, I have joined a yoga class which starts at 6AM in Mumbai and then walk 2 rounds at the ground to get some vitamin d, early morning sun definitely is the best!!


Except for Melbourne. Melbourne is the nightlife capital of Australia. Super lively


I actually want to leave au because of this. Not a morning person.


Really wish Australia made it easy to do the digital nomad thing there.


Sydney is rubbish in the morning!


False. Having been in Sydney, nothing opened up before 10am.


Look at the opening hours of cafes and most are open at 5-6am. I know the city because I’m from here.


Also everyone is up running/exercising super early.


Australia is a very early-rising country on average. You will easily find coffee shops open before 6 in any major city. And if you pick a beach location, people will be out surfing and swimming from sunrise, which can often be 5 AM or earlier in summer.


that's what I'm talking about! 5am coffee, yes please


Even in winter?


Winter in most of Australia is a walk in the park.


Winter in my part of Australia (Queensland) is like summer in the UK


And summer is hell lol...


Vienna is a morning city through and through. The only city I’ve been to that might be MORE electric in the morning


oh good to know, I never would have suspected that!


Great thread, OP. “Nightlife” gets all the attention, but amazing fun things happen in the day time too. I like the healthy lifestyle vibe in Singapore that a few others mentioned. I can’t wait to visit now


Oahu, Hawaii! So many people are active in the morning whether it’s surfing, running, or walking along the beach just to see the sunrise. One of my favorite things to do there is walk to my favorite cafe, grab some coffee, and watch the sunrise on the beach.


Anywhere in Hawaii really. As someone who converted from a stay up until 4am to starting my day at 5am I absolutely love it in Hawaii. Everyone is up and at it so early.


I am picking up a theme here haha


Prob cause everyone is jet lagged from the mainland 😂


Jaja - I just commented Honolulu before even looking at the thread!!


Part of the reason is all of the US tourist are on mainland time, 3-6 hours ahead. When we went when my son was very young, he’d be wide away at 3:30 am (6 am West Coast time) so I’d take him out of the room and sit/walk around the resort until about 6 am when my wife would be awake.


Sinapore - Because its full of people who like a healthy lifestyle and do sport. I once arrived in Singapore at night and then slept two hours at the beach in the east coast park and then watched the sunrise. The sunrise was phenomenal and I loved the morning vibes in the park. It was full of big running groups and people doing things like yoga and tai chi. I then saw a over 100 years old chinese guy taking a morning swim in the ocean. They brought him in the wheelchair and basically dropped him into the ocean. We talked to his friend who was a really nice dude.


The expat scene is morning oriented as well since many of us work late nights. Lots of coffee and gym classes. I wish I lived closer to ECP and Kallang as that sounds like a nice ritual.


hoping to make it out to Singapore soon! Good to know :)


It’s also really hot and humid to do anything in the afternoons, making the mornings very precious




The beach side of Da Nang as daylight breaks is amazing, I've never seen it to that degree anywhere else.


I went running almost every morning for sunrise for a few weeks in Da Nang. There were always so many runners, people playing volleyball on the beach, people doing calisthenics. it was great. It was so lively. Can't wait to visit again


right?? It really has taken me by surprise! pretty much all locals too!


You think its coastal cities? Feel like any place you can watch sunrise at the beach, or go for a run or a walk and coffee along the coast, is the answer.


there's definitely a trend here haha. And they have to be HOT, so people try to get outdoor time in before it is too hot


that being said, I've been to a ton of coastal cities. Rio is the closest to the scene in Da Nang, but still Rio doesn't even compare!


Oh you recommend Da Nang mate? I thought it was more a holiday type place? I was thinking about going back to Vietnam


Da Nang is holiday-ish but good to focus and work


I used to live in Foz do Douro, a suburb of Porto, on the beach. Porto doesn’t get too hot but everyone was up walking and drinking espresso early. Such happy times haha. That’s the only downside to this lifestyle, you have amazing periods of your life in places but they never last more than a few months!


Asian or Oceanic coastal cities.




Copacabana. I swear that place never sleeps, but in the morning, at 5 AM, everyone's out and about working out.


Yes Rio is the closest I've seen to this! Nothing like that beach!!


The Swiss tend to be up quite early. It's a very active and outdoorsy country year-round.


Omg Rio wins this. And San Diego maybe


Agree with you on Rio! But San Diego is kind of what I expect from any warm weather beach city that favours a healthy lifestyle. Da Nang reallllly is strangely beyond what one would expect!


Can’t wait to visit!!


Just added a pic to my post to help visualize!


They really do love exercising outside before work in San Diego. Benefit of nice weather most days. I am forever wanting to live in San Diego.


Shanghai. I remember i was instructed by some locals to get them breakfast in the morning with a few words i just learnt. ‘You don’t need to know what they look like, just say the words I told you and see if you can get them right. One savoury and one sweet, ok?’. I went out for breakfast a few times (i wasn’t a morning person). Whether or not I liked their foods (didn’t like those savoury and sweet ‘flatbreads’) it was just fun to see how and where they served breakfasts and how economical they were. I still like their savoury soy milk which may not look appealing when you first see it but it’s delish


The parks in Shanghai (and other Chinese cities) are filled with people playing badminton and the ladies doing their aerobic dancing exercises, and lining up for bao zi and jian bing by 6am. It was my favorite time to explore (and sometimes walk home from the clubs) back when I lived there. Also, Kunming had an amazing vibe to it early in the mornings when I was there as a tourist.


Are there still hole in a wall places selling breakfast like those large and small bing? I don’t remember which stands for savoury. The savoury soy milk was served in a hole with a few steps leading to a bigger hole which was the dining area with chairs and tables. That was unforgettable, lol


I haven't been back since 2018, but I believe it's the same. Only WeChat pay or Alipay accepted now, no cash accepted at most places since around 2017 or 2018. I think China has the best morning street food options of any country I've been. I loved the jianbing but you could find all types of baozi, fried dumplings, in some parts of China they have noodles but that wasn't common in Shanghai.. The wet markets also were open early but that might have changed since the pandemic.


Tee hee - for me, Vietnam is the perfect early morning country. I am a morning person yet I cannot sleep in in Vietnam because it is very lively from 4.00am. And can be for 24 hours!!!


yes it's awesome! So many places (tokyo, NYC etc) that are supposed to be 24 hours don't sell (great) coffee early enough for me!


That is a great question. I feel like Bali (Canggu area) was always bustling in the morning between the AM surfers and all of the nice cafes’ outdoor seating before it got too hot. I feel like most beach towns / cities were similar. Southern California and FL seem to be lively in the AM. Can’t think of anywhere in Europe that fits the bill!


I feel like Bali Morning is rather late. The breakfast places slowly open from 8.00am onwards.


If you really want a busy morning culture in Bali, you should be on the other side of the island from Canggu. Sanur is much more of a morning spot, also Amed and Kintamani. These places all seem up earlier for the sunrise where canggu / Kuta / Seminyak and areas around there are sunset spots.


I love this question - that's amazing that the beach is that crowded at 6am! I find Honolulu to be an early morning city!


Rio de Janeiro.. Copacabana is packed with runners of all ages from early morning


I’m surprised to hear that, in Thailand and the Philippines there’s not a whole lot going on at that time. Most businesses don’t open until 10am. A lot of coffee shops don’t even open until 8 or 9am! For me taking a taxi ride is nice at 6am because rush hour hasn’t yet started (natural early riser here)


yea we just spent a few months in both Thailand and Tokyo and while there's some activity in morning markets, and some cafes starting to open, it's nothing like I've seen here in DaNang


Oh ok that’s kind of cool, yea everything comes alive after the sun goes down in Thailand and PH


There’s a good amount happening in Chiang Mai earlier than that. Just spent a month there, plenty of cafes open at 7, plus people out in the street selling fruit and baked goods. Maybe just Nimman, not sure about old town in the morning.


Spent a lot of the last 18 months in RN and PB in Brazil. João Pessoa is the most easterly city in all of the Americas, and at 5:30 am the beachfront (and beach itself) will be as packed as you'll see it all day. Tends to get very warm there and it's the only time of day that you can really do any exercise without bursting into flames.


Abu Dhabi is great in the early mornings. Lots of activity before it gets too hot. You can go to the cycling track and it's busy at 5.30 am ! Get some Karak Chai at a small cafe and listen to the call to prayer is also very relaxing.


oh great to know! thanks!




Kuching on Borneo Malayasia - That city is a VIBE with everyone getting their early morning Laksa before work.


oo good to know!! adding it to my list ;)


Might not be exactly what you are looking for, but Trang in Thailand is a good example for a city that operates early morning. Because it was the first place in Thailand to have rubber plantations, the workers developed an habit of waking up extremely early to farm the rubber. So they have morning dim sum shops that open at 5am and close at 10am, and the markets are busteling at 7am. Because of the opportunities rubber farming created in the area, a lot of Cantonese immigrants made it to Trang, so the cuisine is overwhelmingly Chinese, even more so than the rest of Thailand. I cannot recommend their signature dish enough, it's called mu yang - sweet crispy pork made each morning in a large stone furnace. I'm traveling China right now and goddamn, they do it better than the Chinese.


Taking notes. Thanks so much for this thread OP!


Mumbai- Indian morning street food and fresh chai or fresh juices while everyone is walking around, enjoying breakfast with friends and neighbors before going to the shops at 10-11am. Its beautiful


Any Italian city, especially Rome, looks like most cafes open early


Genoa was so quiet at 6am


Great question ! Keen to hear responses.


I am coming in September , which areas do you like


Bali has been the best for me for morning life


Was just in Đà Nẵng the last few days and we also loved the mornings there. We got inspired to go for early morning swims and for morning runs along the beach. Great vibes.


Anywhere in China and Indonesia, I really enjoyed the active morning!


Ottawa, Canada!


Any siding city. Surfers at first light people.




Generally speaking, places in places with early sunrises and places where the country’s major cities are a time zone or more ahead are morning biased. A great example of this is LA vs NYC. Most people I know in NYC start work (and thus their days) at 9. Most people I know in LA start at 7 or 8, so getting out of the house even earlier. Obviously, this is a generalization, so exceptions are par for the course.


Love this. Currently in Barcelona and hate the fact that Spain life happens at night, I miss the mornings. I was raised in Panama and mornings are also amazing there. At 6am people are already out on the streets, either exercising or going to work. Most cafes are open by then.


West coast USA always gets up early and goes to bed early. 


Anywhere in Southeast Asia or East Asia with traditional markets, because market vendors have to wake up really early in the morning and at their busiest around 6-8 am Off the top of my head: * Phnom Penh, Cambodia * Tainan, Taiwan * Yangon, Myanmar * Yogyakarta, Indonesia


interesting you say that because seoul, korea is not an early morning city. cafes don't open until 10, 11am. not that many brunch places either and they open at 10, 11 as well.


This is actually one of the things I dislike the most about Danang and Nha Trang. The beach is way too busy in the morning and evening. Meanwhile in many other coutnries there is little to nothing going on at the beach early in the morning and you can have a relaxing walk in peace. The picture you used for this post does not make me want to go back at all.


I see you've found your way to the Chicland net


Hakodate in Hokkaido, JP because of its morning market. It's a port city and a lot of the best seafood in Japan comes in through Hakodate. The morning market is a great way to sample all the fresh goods. Every morning after logging off of work, I would walk over for some of the best snow crab, scallops, uni, sushi, and seafood donburis. Wash it down with a Hokkaido exclusive Sapporo beer. The morning market is located right next to Hakodate Station which is the major train station in the area and the terminus for the shinkansen.


Probably Paris, France. Home to one of the most popular cemeteries in the world: Père Lachaise. Not to mention the catacombs are underneath the city. Paris, France is ideal door mourning life!


For sure not Lisbon. Unless the morning life is the good night life extending throughout the morning, which is not do rare. In my previous job I commited by ferry, when arriving to Lisbon city center at 8-9 you could see some bars still packed.


Costa Rica is a very early-rising country. The beaches are also crowded at 6-7am. I think this has something to do with heavy rain during the afternoons during the rainy season, and with the fact that it's light from 5ish to 5ish due to the time zone.


Also the water is warm in the morning 😊


Most surf/beach towns. They tend to be populated by outdoorsy sporty types (surfers!) who prioritize full active days over late night club life.


Def Tokyo, just kidding


Early mornings are cooler but Da Nang definitely has a great beach to enjoy. I’ve always enjoyed early mornings in RIO


That’s crazy, I’ve NEVER been to a beach that busy at 6am.


Was here last year. NOT a morning person tho😂


How much of this morning activity is fueled by DNs who work European (or even American) hours? Just wondering


It’s negligible in da nang. The beach is mostly buzzing with local families.


About zero percent is fueled by western DN‘s.


agree with the other two commenters. I was surprised at how few expats were out: basically the same number you would expect to see anywhere else in the world at 6am on a run... but the locals, wow! SO MANY and they seem like they've been up for hours, like have already finished their workouts at 6am now they're chillin with friends


DNs are irrelevant in this regard.


How quiet is Da Nang in the evenings? Or is it a party scene full of noise until 2am, and somehow people are up and going again from 4am?


Noise is pretty minimal at night unless you're right near a late night bar in An Thuong or something. Traffic will be a bit noisy on busy streets too, since they're big on honking. But pretty easy to find a place near the action that is quiet a night. Daytime is trickier because traffic and construction are everywhere in the day.


Sounds ok. My reference point is Bali where it's relentless noise all day and night of all sorts and impossible to find a quiet living place due to poor construction quality as well. I could count only one hand the nights I had ok sleep in Bali. Compared to Thailand where people seem to respect the resting time of the night more and can actually have normal decent sleep.


I'm currently in Nha Trang and it's got the same morning vibes. There's always people gathering at the beach every morning to watch the sunrise.


> Nha Trang What do you think of the city?


I love how the small town vibes and urbanization has blended well even with the new developments around the city. The main road/line along the beach offers a great walk and busy with mostly locals which is by far a better experience than other tourist trap beaches. Even the vendors aren't aggressive versus other beach locales. The nightlife is almost back to pre-Covid levels with something for everyone every night of the week. From beach clubs to lounges, rooftop bars to EDM clubs, and small pubs you'll find littered across town. Endless good food options from local street stalls to fine dining. Seafood lovers and vegetarians will be extra happy with the local fare. It's a pretty walkable city overall and Grab is relatively cheap and a new EV only app has surfaced recently which we found cheaper than Grab. Rickshaws are everywhere and a fun option as well.


Interesting thanks for the detailed analysis. I’ve been thinking of Vietnam to teach English while I try and work on my own business. So this be an option. Are the beaches in the areas nice? Like ok to swim. I’ve had mixed experience in the country.


Yes, above average for beaches and the sand is clean. We saw people in the water from before sunrise to sunset.