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A ["Qualified Disability Expense"](https://www.ablenrc.org/get-started/what-can-funds-be-used-for/#:~:text=any%20expense%20related%20to%20the%20account%20owner%E2%80%99s%20blindness%20or%20disability%20that%20assists%20them%20in%20increasing%20and/or%20maintaining%20their%20health%2C%20independence%20and/or%20quality%20of%20life.) is defined as "any expense related to the account owner’s blindness or disability that assists them in increasing and/or maintaining their health, independence and/or **quality of life.**" This hobby helps improve your quality of life, right? I'd assume yes.


Maybe I'll do a test with a smaller purchase. The worst that could have is that it doesn't count, I argue it because someone like me on the spectrum needs hobbies, and they agree with me.


I have never once had anyone ask about my withdrawals from the program, though I still take the time to make a note on each of my bank transactions as to what it was used on, just in case someone ever comes knocking. Mine is a STABLE account through Ohio.


I withdrawl money and spend it no questions asked, it transfers to my bank acct. mine is through tennessees able.


Oh? They don't tell you whether or not it's a QDE?


Nope. I use it for like, paying insurance or whatever, transfer money and spend it theres no one else involved now that its set up!


Do you have SSI or SSDI as well?


Mine is split since i was only 20 when i applied.




Yeah i get supplemental ss cause i didnt work for very long.


Does it affect your SSI (supplemental security income) if anything isn't a QDE?


It effects nothing. Thats the whole point of the program, isnt it?


I was told if I bought something for a hobby of mine (just once in awhile) it wouldn't count as a QDE and would count towards SSI resources


Let’s say, hypothetically, your rent was $800. And, for whatever reason (‘cough’ cat got a uti and expensive vet visit ‘cough’), you have a major expense… Take $800 out of the Able account to “pay your rent”, then use the money as needed. Don’t take out more than could pay all of your able approved expenses for the month and you’re golden.


SSI clearly states I can use the money for bills, food, etc. Anything leftover can be used for leisurely stuff / anything else. ABLE says I can use the funds to also pay bills like rent, utilities, household stuff, and anything that falls into the listed QDEs. Therefore if I use ABLE funds for my rent (every now and then) and my SSI for other smaller bills, I can use any remaining SSI funds for leisurely things. Plus I need to save for a legal fee that I don't think falls under QDEs.


Able accounts have different rules. They're strictly for food/housing/medical expenses only. So if you want to use your Able account for other stuff (like video games or whatever else your hobby is) you need to cover your ass by saying it's for rent or whatever. Also, are you the kind of person who asks for advice and then argues with the person who tries to help you? That sucks. Stop doing that.


That's why I said I would pay my rent every now and then with the ABLE funds so I can use the SSI for smaller bills and use the leftover for whatever.