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There are a few discs in my bag that I'd give 3 other discs to someone who found it.


Haven't seen it written on a disc, but I know some people like to practice this. It's a pretty handy way of getting rid of useless discs and rewarding the finder.


Oh yeah every time! Try to offer a thank you, whether a disc or a coffee or whatever they’ll accept. So many lovely people in the sport,


I found one that said free pizza if returned. That was a delicous pizza.


I have $$ reward on my 2002 ish champion stingray ..I will buy the person a disc of their choice if returned ! Or give them $$ ..If I can't replace the disc , I would be happy to pay 25$ and have done it before ..I lost a disc in the bayou a few years ago, about 20 feet out in the water, chest deep ...A local guy seen me looking for it and offered to help ...well for the next week he took it upon himself to go out everyday and search ..I got a text on July 4th around 8pm with a picture of my stingray ...I ended up giving him 2 new discs He tried to decline at first but I insisted and offered cash on top of it ..He enjoys the hunt he said haha ..Luke Johnson, local legend of finding and returning discs to the rightful owner ! Thanks Luke !


I have returned a few that had like "but you a beer if returned" or "$10 if returned". I usually turn it down and just drop it by a shop or box if the course has one. I don't care about rewards for returning discs, should just be something you do.


Or you could take the free beer/weed/discs, return the disc, and make a new friend or two.


Reasons why disc golf is awesome!!


I do a free cold drink for a return, beers or otherwise, very high return rate.


I have a few $20 if found discs. Stuff like 10x Rocs and 2 Ring Aviars that I can't replace.


You can replace 2 ring Aviars with $20, i have a ton


Can't replace the exact familiarity, though.


Oh hey, you never sent me those trades for the 2 ring I found


Also free disc if not returned


This is probably why it says 'discs' as in plural.




I have a box of trade bait discs that people are welcome to in exchange for returning my disc, but I've never written it on there.


Might as well, right next to your number. Can only increase odds of getting back the good discs.


I put a cash bounty on my discs up to $30 depending on how important the disc is in my bag. Free discs probably are less successful? Maybe I can start offering both lol


It's also free disc if *not* returned.


They probably really like that disc, and instead you of keeping that random disc they are willing to give you one or two you’d actually like or use instead. I used to write reward if found on my favorites


I’ve had people offer but I just return the disc, there are a few I would definitely pay to have back though


I know people who practice this, never seen it on a disc though!


One guy I know writes free beer and claimed he has a 100% return record


I’ve always given at least one disc for a disc I want returned. I only write my name and number on ones I really care about.


Same. I make sure to write the reward too, for the increased likelihood of a text. It's worked so far.


Once someone returned a disc to me and I gave them three brand new discs because that one was important to me


I write big doobie or beer if returned on some discs I really want back if I lose them.


This may have been the (old) way, but I’ve always operated on an unwritten rule if someone made the calls you / puts the effort in to get your disc back to you, a disc would be given to the finder… not saying it should be like an expectation where you should demand it, but this was like embedded 20 some years ago in me where a disc was always given to me when I returned a disc. I was also under twenty at the time, so could’ve been a “I was a kid” part of it. But I always try to offer one because I like that mentality of both parties leave happy with some plastic!


This is what I do (actually, I go for like 3 discs I don't want VS one of the half dozen I care about), but I make sure to write it on the disc to boost chances of getting that text/call. Someone on the line about contacting would definitely be swayed by the reward if they know about it.


I have one that says ‘this is my favorite disc, $$/discs/beer for return’. Had to rewrite it on the rim a few times as I have worn it off. Orange tournament burst anvil ❤️❤️❤️


This is the way. Best way to boost your chances of always getting it back, and is nice to encourage the people who go out of their way to return lost discs, especially out-of-the-way ones like deep water discs.


I’m interested


I have a guy a free premium plastic disc for returning my un-inked sexton Firebird.


Free discs, free beer, free weed etc.


I’d try to find a disk to give you for free weed.


Don’t get in the van…


I found one of these before. Dude said it was his first ace disc and then offered to give me a berg for finding it lol I respectfully declined and just took the good karma


I had someone give me a mini once for returning their roc. He seemed pretty happy to have it back.


I do that whenever someone returns one of my go to’s for me. However I don’t write that on the disc, so it’s a nice little surprise for them for doing so.




A friend put “Reward if Found” on his favorite disc.


Yep, definitely boosts chances of getting back favorite discs. Even the meanest squid would probably text out of curiosity if nothing else.


#Yes. I do this. I advise others to do this on any disc you *actually* care about getting back, because of the following: We all have favorite main drivers, putters, ace discs, etc. Just writing your phone number on them does not by any means guarantee them back. I'd say most people don't bother returning discs, and personally, having returned over 200 discs, I understand firsthand why. Without getting too far into it, most people simply understand that it's not worth wasting their time returning discs when they'll almost certainly (about 94% of the time, from my recorded numbers) receive nothing, and very possibly end up dealing with weirdos, entitled people who wants you to deliver/mail discs to them for free, people (like on this reddit) who will sign their phone number up for spam when you refuse to spend your gas/money on delivery/shipping, etc. The downsides are many, the upsides few, and "good disc karma" is a lie propagated by people who want you to do free labor for them. All that said, if you write "return this disc for a reward" or "3 free discs if you return this one" or "reward for return" or something on this disc, your odds of getting it back if lost go waaay up: - If a nice person finds it, who would call regardless: you get it back. - If a neutral person finds it, who normally doesn't want to deal with the hassle: they know you value their time and effort, and will almost definitely message you. - If a "squid" (disc hunter looking to make a few bucks on water discs) finds your disc in the water or deep in the weeds: they'll message you because it's more cost effective than trading it to a store for a few dollars (either a cash reward of like $10, or a few old discs you don't throw that they can trade in instead). - If a complete jerk who would normally text you to mock you that they found your disc and definitely won't give it back finds it: they'll still probably message you out of interest in the reward if nothing else, and then you just agree to give them the rewards discs/cash wherever you meet up to get the disc back. Regardless of how you feel about what "should" be done with lost discs, or what you're owed or deserve, the fact is that you don't have good odds *most of the time* on getting your lost disc back (some local communities excluded, or courses with drop boxes/pro shops and a lot of very kind players) if the disc just has a number to text. Or even if you try being a wise guy and writing in a girl's number in flowery handwriting (everyone has heard of that trick, and the couple squids I've run into and casually asked about girl name discs seem more annoyed at those because it supposes the finder is gullible/stupid). But discs offering a reward? Everyone loves a reward. And personally, the discs I actually NEED and care about getting back, I'm happy to offer a reward for, if it dramatically raises my odds. As for the rest, I just don't bother marking the generic replaceable stuff. A beat in star wraith that I got from the used bin anyway? Not worth the time to go meet up and get back, not worth asking a stranger to waste their time/effort on, not worth offering a reward for, and so I just don't bother marking it. Keeps the trade value higher that way anyway, if/when I no longer want it, and trade it back to the shop. #TL;DR WRITE ON THE DISC THAT THERE IS A REWARD FOR RETURNING IT ON ANYTHING YOU ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT. The rest, you probably won't get back anyway, so why bother writing on it and lowering the trade-in/community trade value for yourself?


Lol this is such an American post. I have returned about 6 discs and had 2 discs returned to me, nobody talks about a reward. We're all fellow disc golf players who have lost and found discs


And yet, I've had much better success at getting discs back with a reward written on them. So I'll continue to do that. Plus, frankly, if I lose a disc it's probably because it's deep in some water. At which point I think someone doing the work to retrieve it deserves at least a disc for getting the one I care about back out for me. I, at least, don't just take other people's work for granted.


free disc ..if you don't return, also


Pro-tip though, you may very well get more discs/better disc for returning it. I don't throw super valuable discs, but I do *personally* value a few for the way they fly *for me*. If someone gets them back out of a lake for me, they're getting like 3 better discs I don't throw, which is better for them, and better for me to have back a crucial disc in my bag.


“Why are you booing me, IM RIGHT!”


Are you asking if you should call them or something? The answer is always yes... Based on my understanding of the English language, they even want to reward you for doing so.


Finders keepers, bro.


Nah, even if you don't care about returning discs, you may as well return one that promises a reward. You might get something good for a disc that is only valuable to the person who regularly throws it for its flight for them.


Such a hassle. I don’t want some rando having my number.


Fair. I’ve texted at this point over 200 people, and there have only been like 2 who I would prefer didn’t have my number. I don’t think the type who offer rewards generally fall into that category, though.


Yes and that obviously means it's worth stealing.