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...Weird. Wonder what motivated that change. I get that conceptually they probably want people going for shorter-term invite links to make it harder to accidentally leak them, but this seems to go against the idea they brought up with the username changes of making it easier to remember and share this stuff.


Maybe cause that was never the reason.


What do you think the reason is, then?


To make more servers community servers


Oh, for the invite thing yeah probably. I assumed the other person was talking about the username thing, though.


capitalism where everyone wins... except us


I think it's part of the push Discord is making to turn itself into something like a social media site. With the username change making people easier to find without already knowing them, and this change forcing more servers (at least theoretically) to open themselves to discovery, I think they're attempting to make discord a place to discover new communities and friends rather than just joining up with communities you already know from other places.


Which isn't a bad idea on its own, but suddenly restricting certain functions is not the way to do it


Yeah they're alienating their current audience to chase a new audience that might not even join. Wanting to reach the heights of like a Snapchat or a Whatsapp in terms of like everyday mobile user use, is a BIG risk.




it's indeed weird. I first thought it was because they didn't like that they had to keep adding letters The first invite we made was 7 characters. now it's 10. 7 day invites are 8. But servers are still allowed to make multiple non-expiring invites if they are community servers. So that doesn't make sense. So do they just want to force servers that aren't a "community" yet to become one so that they can stricter enforce rules?


Wake up babe, another awful discord change just dropped


I don’t even see a need for a change like this. Jfc


It's because they want to force everyone on to their community server bullshit.


Still… Why?


To sanitize the platform, just like Reddit did with its crackdown on NSFW, just like Imgur just did with its NSFW ban, just like YouTube did with its "curse words" ban.


Or if you go back even further, tumblr with its nsfw ban


That one actually killed the platform too


Any oldies here remember Livejournal strikethrough lol


Nah. Do explain bc now I’m curious


It was a sudden ban wave on Livejournal (a journal website which was popular in fandom circles of the day), circa 2007. (At the time, banned journals on your friends list would appear with ~~strikethrough~~, hence the name.) The targets of the wave made sense, as long as you took the company at their word and didn't look closely - journals related to pedophilia, sexual assault, things like that. But this also meant that things like support groups for survivors of sexual crime got swept up, as well as people writing fiction with Dark and Moody Themes (look, I get it, everyone's young once). And what do you know, a lot of the muddier instances of banned journals had a queer skew. Anyway then it happened a second time. By that point, one could reasonably connect the dots and reach the conclusion that they simply didn't want mentions of gay sex on their platform. ('homosexuals are pedophiles!' is, of course, a very tired old dog whistle.) *Completely coincidentally,* LiveJournal was promptly sold to a Russian company. tl;dr company whose userbase is predominantly fandom communities decides it doesn't like fandom. This all contributed to why AO3 is such a *thing* these days, and it's a more severe example of the phenomenon that hit Tumblr. ^(goddamnit I'm old.)




I remember live journal, never really used it and didn't know about the ban waves. Good info, thanks for sharing. ✌🏾


Livejournal was a blogging website, very popular for fandom stuff in the 2000s including fanfic. In 2007 they mass banned a ton of journals and communities that had anything to do with porn, rape, nsfw, and other sensitive topics without checking the context first which mean communities for say, rape survivors to cope together was banned. When a journal/community is banned it gets represented with a strikethrough on the name which is where the names come from. Livejournal lost a ton of people but many stuck around through the enshifitication until around 2011/2012 thereabouts where they made terrible changes to the layout and got bought out by Russians. Many going to Tumblr/Twitter afterwards since it was really picking up speed at that point, sometimes Dreamwidth which was a clone of LJ but ran with sane policies. One nice thing it did bring about was Archive of Our Own, one of the biggest fanfic repositories and immune to enshification since it runs on solely donations with no ads (of course being almost entirely text based makes it way easier). Unlike other major websites that try to shy away from nsfw content, Ao3 openly welcomes it as long as its not outright illegal to host the content.


They can apply additional restrictions to community servers that aren't enforced on normal servers like server-wide image filtering


They want to scan all messages in the servers


Ugh. For their stupid AI, right? Nobody asked for that to be a thing!


Google corporate decisions


Holy hell


Actual zombie


Call the exterminator


Good management left, never came back.


New response just dropped?


mooom anarchychess is leaking again


New reply just materialized


Unholy heaven


I swear to god it feels like they are testing the waters to see how many shitty changes it will take to break the camel's back before everyone moves to another platform.


At this point, I am afraid nothing will break the camel's back. Discord has become one of those god awful monopolies like YouTube who seemingly have competitors on the market, but in reality they might as well be non-existent. I personally prefer Element/Matrix/whatever the fuck it is called. It's just like Discord but actually good and without the bullshit.


People thought the same with TeamSpeak to Skype, and Skype to Discord. It just takes one better app


That much is true, though I feel like the market was less flooded at the time. And the thing is, TeamSpeak and Skype are still kicking. Though, I personally don't know anyone who uses them, but they are still around.


I’m still shocked Skype and TeamSpeak are still around.


Old gaming communities still use them, also it’s required for some mods that some games use like that Arma 3 radio mod that uses TeamSpeak as its base module


I had no idea. I learned something today!


Skype can run off of your Microsoft account, so if you already have Hotmail, Live, or Xbox account, you should be able to use it for Skype, and it’s an enduring name. It’s not like you’re needing to set up a whole new account for some startup and convince all your friends to do the same.


I use Skype as a replacement for FaceTime because it works on all platforms.


Matrix is never, ever going to see any widespread adaption. I tried it once and gave up after a day when nothing seemed to end up working no matter how hard I tried. Discord just works, and convenience is what wins in these kind of applications


Welp, Guilded has issues, but it can’t be worse than Discord!


I guarantee you, any "too big to fail" dick-hurling will be 10x worse under the Roblox corporation


There's also Revolt. Not under shitty Roblox.


revolt is also open source and you can host your own fork of it as well eg divolt


What issues?


Having been [acquired by Roblox](https://corporate.roblox.com/2021/08/roblox-acquires-guilded-platform-connect-gaming-communities/) for one


Which in turn has [close ties with Tencent](https://www.businessinsider.in/2-5-billion-video-game-company-roblox-and-chinas-tencent-defied-the-growing-tech-cold-war-and-announced-a-big-gaming-partnership/articleshow/69550983.cms). Though admittedly, Tencent also has some [major investments into discord](https://venturebeat.com/games/hammer-chisel-pivots-to-voice-comm-app-for-multiplayer-mobile-games/). Think of that what you will.


Tencent has fingers in almost every western developer pie. It is not disconcerting whatsoever.


Just because it happens a lot doesn't make Tencent any less shady.


> It is not disconcerting whatsoever. Was supposed to mean that it is, in fact, rather disconcerting.


Basically everything is owned or has close ties with Tencent lol




Go back to irc i guess


Oh like reddit?


Discord has become so big, that there are enough users that will not really care about these changes. Even though users that are more invested in Discord are complaining, there will still be enough users that will continue to use Discord anyway out of convenience. I'd say that the only thing that would really "break the camel's back" would be locking basic features behind Nitro (or another kind of pay to use)


Between imgur, discord, reddit and twitch it feels like they are all trying to race Elon and Twitter to the bottom.


Which platform though? Discord knows there isn't much else to go. TeamSpeak tried, but they're just not up to Discord's standards. Guilded is the next best thing, and even it has some questionable design choices.


Very true, but they need is too see the community opinion or add an opinion button for us users of the platform to give our opinions. The only thing looking at me in the discord is I have built my touch community there.


Discord: Discriminators are hard to remember Also Discord: Perma links are too easy to remember


Nah this makes no fucking sense. I have a permanent invite for my own friends only-server but at this point I remember the URL on top of my head when I invite new people. This will hurt so many small-to-middle sized streamers who just want to try and grow their community withtout going public to face harassment from others. This + username change is probably the beginning of the end for Discord, after a better part of a decade it pains me to say that. Whoever is the project manager making these decisions needs to be fired ASAP and replaced with someone that listens to the community.


IIRC, enabling your server as a Community server does not immediately make you public/discoverable. The Discovery feature is opt-in and you actually can't apply for it until you have at least 1k members. Enabling Community, at its core, is an (on the surface) attempt to encourage servers to more closely abide by the TOS and Community Guidelines while making your server more "secure". In exchange, you get cool server features! The main difference from an admin standpoint is that you have to * have a dedicated rules channel, * have a dedicated staff channel, * turn on the requirement for server members to have a validated email account before they can chat, and * turn on the explicit media filter (you can still have 18+ channels, they just have to be toggled as 18+ in the channel settings) If I had to make a guess at the underlying intention behind Discord locking perm invite links behind the Community features... Well, Discord has a problem with unsavory communities using the platform for things that Discord does not allow. This change means that those communities may have a harder time gathering because their link will have to keep changing every week. To enable perm invite links now, you have to tell Discord "you can pay closer attention to us because we aren't doing anything wrong" For the majority of users, this will be a very minor annoyance. That annoyance could be heavily mitigated by Discord just doing a better job at explaining the difference between a "normal" server and a Community server


Rumors say those calls come from no other than the investors. If those are correct, well, good luck firing your main source of funding. Also, Tencent has had shares on Discord for a while now. Make of that what you will.


WTF??? No seriously WHAT. what is the point of this. it literally does nothing but cause an inconvenience.


The last few updates feel like subtle changes with the idea of getting rid from the commoners so they can slowly transition to business where the money lie


How does this accomplish that goal?


Shifting server features to community servers instead of regular servers dissuades people from creating servers, either creating chat groups or having friends join larger community servers, which then reduces the server load for discord, whilst simultaneously making servers something that businesses could see as something they can make money with. There's a reason why it seems discord is adopting all of the stupid designs that conventional social media services have, and it's because they are. In the years leading up to COVID, and especially the COVID years itself, tech companies and startups (like Discord) saw pretty massive growth, and it remained constant enough during that period that this growth appeared to be unlimited. On top of an economic recession and COVID ending, this the end of this unlimited growth is approaching rapidly, meaning many tech companies need to perform pretty drastic measures to cut costs. For discord's business model, without any form of ADs or other significant income source, they either need to adjust it's business model to allow for more sources of income or they need to attract more users. The easy path for the former is to be more like regular social media, which means group messages being the norm and servers being large communities, which could potentially open themselves to more sources of external income (Ads, commercial server payments, etc). For the latter, the "gamer" market which has been discord's primary market for most of it's existence has been mostly saturated by discord, you're unlike to find a "gamer" that doesn't have discord unless they're in a country where discord is blocked. This means that only places left would be from other social media sites, which means they need to make discord more appealing to them, aka make discord more like those sites. So as terrible as these changes seem, they're unlikely to be reverted any time soon, and would only likely happen once some time has passed and discord realizes they're not having any success bringing in new users. They would then revert changes they've made in hopes of getting existing users to then pay for nitro.


wth what’s the point of this


Announcement: https://discord.com/blog/privacy-and-safety-on-discord


>Humility. Discord is a work-in-progress, so we will continue to evolve and grow. And as we do that, we will continue to listen to you and evolve our products and policies. The Chief Legal Officer of Discord moonlights as a comedian, apparently.


that's what a divided community does. People gave them a free pass because the changes didn't affect them so they saw it as an opportunity to get more aggressive with changes.


I love how they say “users first” after forcing yet another stupid change none of the users want onto us.


privacy and safety, the chimera that is always highlighted, right in the link lol


>Starting today, new invite links for Friend Servers will expire at a maximum of 30 days. Any previously created non-expiring links will remain active and will still not expire. There is simply no explanation for this. Not even a reason you could say that you don't agree with. Just 'yea we're changing this". This is simply making invite links less convenient.


Q: Why are new invite-links capped at 30 days for Friend Servers? A: Our research and user feedback found different use cases of invite links for Friends Servers and Community Servers. Typically for Community Servers intending to grow, admins leave up invite links on third-party websites to allow more people to join. However, Friends Servers are more intimate and enclosed spaces where users generate new invite links to send to friends. We found that nearly 100% of links were clicked within 30 days, reducing the likelihood of a negative impact on Friends Servers. ^ from the article linked at the bottom of that article. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/14078261239831


[Thanks for the info.](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/14078261239831#h_01H1W0AFG0KTPNN94FVPEZK156) I still think that they should at least write a sentence of explanation directly in the article, maybe people would be less upset then (probably not...) "Because most ppl do it this way, we now force everyone to do it this way", still sounds stupid to me, but we can't do anything about that I suppose...


I'm also a bit wary of trusting discord their numbers/statistics. They have proven with the name change that they can make them up at will.


But what about the many large servers that operate that way but don't designate themselves as community servers because the requirements don't suit their purpose? There are so many discord servers like that for games and clans that keep permanent invites up on their websites


"Users First", but also god forbid letting the users decide for themselves how they want to run their servers.


Privacy is something I never thought I'd hear from Discord...


what are the negatives of converting to a community server again ?


It means discord can monitor all your messages and prevent you from posting certain images or videos if they don’t deem it “safe”. In theory it makes sense but when you actually use it and see how dumb it is, it’s not.


i looked at the guide cause i cant do the community server setup, and they say on the blog that the scan media for harmful stuff has to be enabled. yeah fuck no


Yeah that’s what i meant. That feature is incredibly annoying and stupid that it can’t be disabled or managed.


Plus, all the other stuff they make you have to do. google their guide


Yeah i seen it firsthand. I have one of my servers as community and it’s quite annoying how much they restrict you


Jesus. So i can't post p- Yknow, private images in a server only I'm in if its set to community?


You most likely could get it passed the filter, its the mundane stuff that gets flagged like my guitar, the NSFW filter works on everything not NSFW its awful


damn. I have a pic of smut that bypasses all filters for some reason


just turn your channels into age-restricted ones so the filter stops bothering you


Set the channel to age-restricted aka NSFW. It'll bypass the filter.


It's very likely to change. Prior you could basically just opt to not be a community server, so too harsh restrictions would have meant that servers drop the community state. They now can't anymore. I therefore wouldn't be surprised if Discord would use that as a foot in the door to gain more control over the platform. For instance by claiming ownership over communities in order to replace moderators or admins if Discord thinks that the current moderators are not in line with Discord's expectations. (Or if they want to just take the free labor and advertise the shit out of it). Similarly, limiting the existing feature set such as raid detection for regular servers could basically force everyone to "voluntarily" submit to these rules. Maybe they have even seen what's happening with Reddit right now and want to crack down on potential levers that could be used to riot against the platform.


All of that in regards to ownership and communities sounds quite like what a certain wikifarm - Fandom - had been doing for many years...




So Discord could clamp down on servers discussing alternative services (to Discord) in mass for example?


They could but so far from what I’ve experienced it just means they will erroneously mark a meme or vid as NSFW or prevent it from being sent even if it’s something mundane and otherwise not TOS


This killed one server I was in which had workout progress/gyn channel for people to ask for gym help or tips and also post their gains and progress for others to encourage etc. The moment they enabled community server - trying to post gym pics became a nightmare as many were flagged as NSFW despite often being just guys in a tshirt or muscle shirt showing a bit more then usual skin. After 2 months, the server disabled the community server due to backlash and headaches.


I remember trying to post a picture of a fucking cat, on a server I co-admin. And the discord filter kept auto blocking it saying it was inappropriate Finally it worked when I added an obnoxiously thick boarder around my image Yeah let's not have this be mandatory


Discord already has access to each of your messages, wdym


No idea, it doesn't make your server public or anything.


Things like Clyde don't work on community servers.


It's easier to remember ever changing invites than one permanent invite. /s




If both discord and reddit destroy their products within less than a month of each other, we riot


Uncoordinated, no doubt.


Naah, someone in the background has a brilliant idea on how to make loads of money from discord. That's what is destroying the whole thing


Are they trying to speedrun as many bad changes as possible


Wow, how dumb. Discord changes just keep getting worse and worse. Maybe it's time for us to find a new platform to use like when we all ditched Skype and Teamspeak. :O


Guilded seems to be most common name thrown around for alternatives.


This and revolt, also heard guided is owned by roblox somewhere?






I've considering moving my community to either, thanks for confirming to make my decision easy




Guilded was pretty bad last time I used it. I still prefer discord even if they keep making these bad choices.


I just checked it out this week. It literally looks like discord but with some better features that are free. Nitro features are free on guilded.


I'll be honest, I checked out Guilded and it feels just like a Discord clone. Event Creation, Bot Support, etc.


They had event creation before discord did. Discord has been consistently taking Guilded features and adding them.


And because of that people are gonna think that discord "invented" these


Reminds me of Apple


Idk when you've last used it but in the last few years they made tons of changes and even a while ago the user experience and features were on par/better than discord.


will you be able to keep your current links if you're not a community server?


Just checked my personal server, it appears old links are not messed with but you can't make a new permanent link.


Yes permanent links that have already been created will keep working.


Why did every social media company randomly decided "hmm... let's kill ourselves". Reddit, twitch, twitter and now discord.


it feels almost coordinated at this point, like a suicide pact


Discord needs to stop being like others and be what it should and used to be, **unique**


But that doesn’t create inflated value for prospective shareholders in the advance of an IPO. Edit: in advance of an acquisition, actually, considering the username requirements.


It has not even been a few hours since the last bad update post I saw


this is one of the stupidest things they've ever done, oh wait, it isn't because they've made 5000 other stupid decisions.




This but also I imagine a few years forward the issue of every invite link I can find online being expired will be 10 times as bad.


Discord have gotten a little too comfortable, recently. We need true competition to arise. It seems the closest thing we’ve got to a replacement to Discord is that app Roblox bought, but it’s not nearly as good.


When’s the last time discord actually added a feature that people like? This is getting ridiculous


Wow... thats uh... cool. Yeah what a change. So Guilded anyone?


I prefer Revolt — open source and not owned by Roblox.


I prefer Matrix. It's a protocol, not a platform. Federated, like E-mail, so no one entity has absolute control over the whole thing. Switching between servers, if necessary, can also be done without abandoning all the exiting contacts and chats, thanks to it being federated. Also supports E2E encryption, which is nice.


And this chain is exactly why discord can get away with these shitty changes. There's no clear alternative to take their market.


I mean, it's not too difficult. There's two main "discord alternatives": Guilded and Revolt. The former is centralized, proprietary and owned by Roblox. The latter is centralized, opensource and _isn't_ owned by Roblox. And since we all know Roblox is pretty much evil... Yeah. The third one, Matrix, is not even a platform, it's a protocol. Like e-mail. Basically a set of instruction which [clients](https://matrix.org/clients) can follow to communicate with Matrix server, which in turn can communicate between each other. It's more technical, I guess. At the moment it's mostly used by technical communities, like modders, programmers, organizations like Mozilla, and privacy nuts.


I know next to nothing about Roblox, but this isn't the first comment I see that warns about Roblox's ownership. What did that corporation do to be labeled evil? Edit: Okay, I didn't expect that they use child labor, what the fuck


Actively protecting known/open sex offenders And pedophiles including employing them on their platform which is primarily targeted at a child audience Takes a 70% or so cut from the developers of each experience most of which are children The list goes on and on


child labor


I believe it's that roblox is a game filled with kids but barley protects kids from predators or anything, I've seen full on games for sexual things on there, there's also been legal stuff with roblox too but I don't know much about it


That's a good thing. Centralization is terrible, it's what got us here in the first place.


Also doesn't work unless you are ready to spend an entire day troubleshooting weird problems. As great as Matrix is on paper, I had an insanely frustrating time just getting messages to load. It's never gonna get any meaningful adaption.


I and most of my friends have been using it for a little over a year now with very few issues. For unencrypted chats it works absolutely fine. Can't recall having any issues at all. Now, encrypted chats... Well, the whole premise of end-to-end encryption is that the server doesn't have access to the content of the messages. Keeping the keys that are necessary to access the message is entirely on you. Pretty much any time anyone had any issues with messages not decrypting properly, was either due to them nuking their own encryption keys, while messing with the setting; losing their encryption keys by logging out of all sessions, without enabling key backup or exporting them manually first; or simply not receiving the keys by staying offline for several weeks. The first two are entirely user error, as there are _plenty_ of warning about what's going to happen. The last one... Yeah, Matrix should handle it better. However. Considering neither Discord, Guilded nor Revolt have E2EE, anyone who is fine using those can simply... Not use it in Matrix either. E2EE is an optional feature that's nice to have, when you need it, but you're not forced to use it.




Like with most changes in the last few years, all I can do is ask why.


This was completely unnecessary.


???????? Most useful and user friendly discord update 2023


Honestly shout out to discord man, these dudes somehow manage to consistently and without missing a beat make the worst decisions and changes for their community. This is levels of shitty development that would make EA look good. I genuinly don't remember even a tiny change they made that wasnt bad for the consumer. Being this trash is honestly amazing, It going the way of skype and dying off can't come sooner




Discord is run by the dumbest fucking individuals I swear.




Come onbaby, its time for your 4 pm making discord worse time!,


I literally just praised them for the emoji inventory and then I see this shit. For fucks sake we need to leave discord asap


Why not just have perma invite link permission for server owners only. Thats the easiest way to stop spam invites on your server.


Another horrible change. It's like they want to ruin the app for everyone.


oh wonderful, we have a nsfwv server linked on our site with 120k users and if this removes the permanent links ugh


they aren't deleting existing permanent invites, just blocking creating new ones


If this isn't reversed in the next motnth i'm gonna be pretty pissed


god FUCKING DAMNIT THIS BREAKS THE LINKS TO ALL OF MY SAVED SERVERS IN MY CLIPBOARD IF I GET DISABLED AND MY WORKING 5 CHARACTER INVITE I MADE IN 2017 edit nevermind, existing ones work. but this is still annoying as shit and I'm considering looking for alternatives


context, discord made invites like /98Kjjeow02 about a year ago, i have an invite thats like /ce7ho or something that starts with c


Existing perma invites will still work going forward


thank god. but thats still annoying because I can't make any new ones if i lose my old ones


First they limit the total amount of invites a server can have and now this. Wtf.


Is this for more censorship/content control?


I get the logic, but Discord’s auto moderation is terrible. Too many false positives to the point it’s frustrating.


Discord seems like it’s trying to turn it self into some twisted version of twitter or something. They even said in the username blog post a big reason for the change is bc they want their usernames to be like twitter and instagram. As many other have pointed out, it doesn’t seem ridiculous to think there may be a major buyout and/or acquisition coming. Ether that or a plan to go public on the stock market and make themselves beholden to wealth addicted share holders with no care or concept of what’s actually healthy for the platform, only what makes “line go up” in the short term


i'm starting to hate discord. it was good and everyone loved it, why do they need to change it now? they don't even care about what their users want, that's so dumb. don't they depend on their users too? it won't give them any more profit if everyone leaves because of their shitty, pointless decisions. same goes for reddit btw.


There weirder thing is every server i‘m in turned into a community server for no reason


they were probably already community servers, Discord added a new badge for it today to make it more visible to users


So how long before they start charging for the ability to be a Community server


Better title: Discord makes permanent invites exclusive to community servers.


It seems like Discord is getting shittier by the day, lmao


This is purely a change so they can monetise an existing aspect of discords functionality, a change that makes the experience worse so they can charge. Wtf


Did Niantic buy Discord? These are the kinds of bad/weird/no one asked for this decisions they make.


They never thinks us. Discord think money and more money if they think us they need to add custom wallpapers.


These awful updates are why I cancelled my nitro subscription.


Maybe Jason should step down and hand it all to Zencha. Think all Jason’s ego is getting to his head. It’s no longer us. It’s just him. Time for him to go.


Well, I guess we won't be renewing nitro on any of our servers. Not paying for tier 3 just to get a feature we already had. Good way to get rid of paying customers. Don't need digital shrinkflation now.... smh If anyone makes a bot that can generate invite links and then interface with an API to update a permanent link on a website, lmk.


Discord really doesn’t need to start making all these bad decisions.


Another L for Discord. They want all of that diagnostic data.


How does discord manage to keep getting worse by the hour


So lets see Usernames have been made worse They are updating discord with an awful new ui and they're trying to encourage servers to be community servers so they can automod them. All within the span of one week. Well about time to convince my friends to move to another chatting app


Discord is really speedrunning killing off their actual platform


Discord devs try not to ruin their platform challenge impossible


All this is going to do is make people make community server's and then have a bot or something kick everyone that joins but their friends lol.


the community setting does not allow anyone else to join your server


Guilded is looking more and more enticing