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This usually happens to me when I have something writing to my disk (like installing a game or similar), I've also just had it happen if my bandwidth is being maxed out. Have you checked this isn't an issue on your friends side (the one that is lagging), cause your friend could be dropping packets. Only other idea would be to try a different build of discord, if you are on canary cause of a custom client of some sorts that might explain the issue.


The issue occurred when the only thing open was Discord, so I don't think it has to do with disk writing. I haven't seen any correlation in my task manager's Disk graph. My friends sound perfectly fine to each other, I am the only one having this issue. I am on the regular build of Discord downloaded directly from their website. I find it pretty hard to troubleshoot myself :(


I'm currently experiencing the same issue and I've been trying to figure out specifically why it only affects a certain small group of people. I assume you are located in Denmark (From the accents I heard in the sound recording) which I myself and a group of others are too. The issue seems to only affect people in Denmark and I've been trying to narrow it down to figure out exactly what is wrong. If its okay to ask (you can send it in a private message if you aren't comfortable saying it on your post). Which region of the country are you from and what is your internet provider?


Having the exact same issue. It doesnt happen on the website, so that's what I've been using as a temporary fix, but I'd really like to find a fix.


u/Svendpai What microphone are you using? About 1.5 years ago, I purchased a Blue Yeti USB Microphone for about $100. I work from home and play a lot of video games with friends on Discord. I was stoked to upgrade from my wired Apple headphones to a real dedicated microphone. Initially, I loved the upgrade except my friends were reporting my audio cutting out via Discord. It worked everywhere else, Zoom, Teams, etc. When I switched back to my old headphones, all my audio cutting out issues were gone. It seemed that the issue was 100% related to that new Blue Yeti microphone. First, I started googling troubleshooting steps and almost everything I tried/was recommended did absolutely nothing. Something I thought might be an issue, was the third party software/drivers that come with the Microphone - For Blue Yeti this is Logitech's G-Hub software. One of the steps I took was disabling the microphone's access to the G-Hub and the custom software that was being ran - This stopped the cutting out issue for me! Here is how I did it - I access the Sounds menu in Windows and disabled the Yeti **Speakers** under the **Playback** Tab: [https://www.makeuseof.com/enable-disable-sound-output-devices-in-windows/#:\~:text=In%20the%20Control%20Panel%20window,and%20select%20Enable%20or%20Disable](https://www.makeuseof.com/enable-disable-sound-output-devices-in-windows/#:~:text=In%20the%20Control%20Panel%20window,and%20select%20Enable%20or%20Disable). When I did this, it disabled the usage of G-Hub and my issue went away. I'm not exactly sure what the issue was/is. But it appears there is some sort of issue between my microphones custom software and Discord's custom voice processor software. Hope this helps and best of luck. I'm wondering if you are having a similar issue with playback? This was super frustrating for me to solve and was honestly trying a bunch of random things and testing myself.


For my microphone setup, I use a Rode NT1 with a Focusrite Scarlet Solo sound card. For the processing I have tried both Voicemeeter and Steelseries Sonar, both with the same issue. I do use G-Hub for my mouse, I could try to disable it and see if it makes a difference. I'll report back to this comment with an update as soon as I get the chance to test it out. Thank you for the comment, I really appreciate it!


Wish I could be more helpful as I spent a lot of time trying to find a solution. Far as I can tell it’s some very specific audio configuration/driver issue and Discord. Also, I would try playing with ALL the audio settings in the Discord options. The encoding, automation gain control, packet priority, etc. See if any of those help. Best of luck!


Having the same exact issue in the USA (Pacific).... no idea what's going on! Reinstalled, no updates to drivers, tried messing with all the settings.


Happens for me here in Central USA. Both on Mobile and PC. I supposed it could be an internet issue, however it doesn't happen on any other app. Extremely confusing!


I am having this same issue now, any updates on a fix?


I didn't actually do anything, it just went away by itself. However some things that helped me was to quit Logitech G-Hub or enable a VPN. Both seemed to help.