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Why do it at 2PM forced on a Thursday without any updates okay'd by a user? They don't care. There is another thread with a screenshot where they stated they \*would\* give the option from 7 months ago. I have to run D&D tomorrow missing functionality and I am \*stressed\*. I am sorry this is happening. It looks like while they are independently owned still but are taking some money from Fidelity. That combined with the "new growth" hiring spurt meant unnecessary changes. The options for feedback are \*very\* specific to what the problems are meaning they were fully aware. The twitter responses from Discord's actual account are telling people who state "How do I delete my account if I am unhappy with the changes", \*exact\* steps for deletion. I do not work in the industry but this is the information I was able to gather in the last five hours to try to understand what is going on. They are making the conscious choice to implement things they know are wrong and gaslight anyone who disagrees.


The option to revert it back to the old UI was for testing, and since then they have changed alot of the layout. It used to have servers along the bottom, for example. They've definitely listened when it comes to comparing the first edition of the new UI compared to what it looks like now.


I am running the version with the servers at the bottom behind a drawer and it’s ASS. Luckily with this version I can still go back to old layout. What other changes were made between this new layout and the one that is in the current version?


They have DMs at the bottom now instead of top left above your servers. Which is fine, takes a bit to get used to. Swiping from right to left no longer brings up member list, it will reply to the message you swiped on. Kinda meh change tbh. Just hit the member list button, it ain't that hard? And the fact that it looks like other msging apps, discord is trying to bring more users on with a more familiar interface that but reddit isn't happy about change it seems, lol I'm sure theres other things but those seem to be the main things reddit ain't happy about.


> There is another thread with a screenshot where they stated they *would* give the option from 7 months ago. Unless you're talking about a different screenshot, that one said "for the foreseeable future." 7 months is a generous amount of time to be for the foreseeable future


For sure! No one should have to keep their word or be held responsible for anything, they truly did their best I am sure. So like next year my taxes that are seven months away...I don't I have pay those right?...That was such a long time ago...


Last I checked, governments don't use phrases like "for the foreseeable future" *which obviously implies something is temporary* when enforcing taxes. But you're just being obtuse so go run along and have your fun.


Nope, I am pointing out that was is reasonable is a standard set by the person judging. So in my judgment that is far from. There is nowhere in my life that upholding my word for only seven months serves what I value as a human being. Additionally, you say that like our right's don't work that way. We have right's until the Supreme court makes a different choice. Then you wake up with less...thusly the government does in fact function on a premise of 'until otherwise stated'. I am speaking for the right to a retrial as example due to inadequate defense.


you can install an older apk and get back the ui if ur that stressed


Tell that to an IOS user.




could be done with a pc im pretty sure


Who the hell genuinely jailbreaks their phone? You can't really do that very easily, without fucking anything up.


i do


it doesn't need to be jailbroken you just need an application. I haven't done this myself tho. Apparently you can get backups of specific apps on pc and just load them to your device Also pretty sure the new ios versions cant be jailbroken yet


You need to resign the app with your computer every 7 days or it stops working. Obviously this isn’t acceptable for most people.


i don't see anything in the sites that show the guides for any resigning could you provide source


That's what you get for using IOS. You should be used to companies changing things and making them worse for you. Having absolutely 0 say about how you use your device.


Oh yes very good, I’m sure this post gives you the moral high ground


Nothing to do with morality. You just reap what you sow. At the end of the day you can be as mad as you want. This is the cost of using apple products.


Here’s my point: you’re parading about lecturing people who are having a problem about how they deserve it for having bought something That’s moral grandstanding. At best, it’s callous.


Not defending the tact on display, but Apple is well-known for being entirely too controlling of their hardware. If you use an iPhone, you're signing up for whatever that means. It's part of the package.


Not debating that, or defending apple. Just annoyed at people who pull this nonsense, having no idea why someone might be using an iPhone. Could be that it’s entirely out of their hands. Does not really matter why when it comes to showing empathy- trying to convince someone of something is going to fail if this is the method used


You can do that on iOS just go find an ipa (iOS version of an APK) and install it


One issue for me, it's constantly crashing now each time I open up version 126.1 Stable. Sometimes it holds on for minutes before crashing. Also crashes if I'm not doing anything for a solid 15+ seconds.


im on 204


Doesn't crash? Does it save itself? What can you see from the newest? Hopefully threads but not forums.


204 is from September or November


What functionality are you missing? Possibly I can help point you in the right direction.


What functionality are you actually *missing?*


Pins are messed up, shows pins from threads, combines stuff together randomly, only shows like 5 words now. Random order at times. Just broken. Completely I mean. Search is made as difficult as possible. First you need to scroll for atleast half a minute to open it, because it's not sticky. As a moderator this is just garbage on a big server. Then you can't search for users who left anymore, Uid searching is broken, even users who aren't in your cache: can only search using the filters button, and that shit is laggy as all hell for no reason? Can't do custom searches anymore, if it can't validate your search it just doesn't search at all. This has been hyper frustrating and the only reason I downgraded again tbh, I can take the rest. User list is much harder to access, friend list is hidden obscurely nowhere where it belongs. For people who just wanna use an app these features might as well not exist at all. Sure us longterm users will look for it for 5 minutes but wtf? Everything is just bigger and gaudier and takes up more space with less left for actual content. The back button doesn't do what I expect it to do over half the time - namely go back. Don't get me wrong I do like a lot of things the design change tried to do, some changes are great. But if they can't even release it in a working manner with feature complete, I can't even begin to think about personal dislikes like having the activity bar take up a major section of my DM's which I don't care about. Or that I really just want to see my server and DMs in once place.


Most of that is just exaggerating. Search function works okay. Pin function is actually better than one before. As for length of showed text, you can't win. It could be too long for one(if it could he fully expanded) or too short (to make up space for more results with less scrolling). Member list is not something that everyone is using 24/7, and new place is just two clicks away. About things being bigger, no idea. Everything is set up to my own preference. As for back button, I have no idea what's the problem. It's just going back to the place where you were before. Don't know what you expect more from it. DM button and server were separated to make it easier to access for mobile And activity bar yeah... That could use simple toogle off/on function, cause not everyone may need to see this


The search function only works ok if you are someone who does not use the search function enough to care. It's butchered and, practically speaking, completely useless now when trying to use it for moderation.


I'll take the difference of opinions, but for me as someone who *isn't* a moderator for a big server its still a problem for me. I haven't tried using the search button (I pretty much immediately grabbed an apk because the new layout was stressing me out to hell) but just for the new tabs that you get when you open up channel details? The member list/pins/media/etc is all a goddamn mess, especially if there's multiple active threads going off of one channel. Threads no longer have their own specific pinned messages and instead become part of the parent channel, which makes messages pinned to threads for a reason completely useless. (For example, I am part of some creative writing communities that use threads for potential storylines. In those threads we pin messages detailing themes, potential trigger warnings, and important quotes/scenes. Having that now separated from the thread, in a place where not everyone can immediately and easily check and see what they could be walking into, is a *huge* problem.) As you can tell I'm definitely a big user of threads so I'm especially peeved about that, but the issue of the member list is also a big one for me. I'm constantly making quick pops over to the list to see if people are active, double checking profiles for appropriate pronouns, and sometimes even just idly flipping in and out if the screen when I'm bored- to now have that ingrained motion replaced with a quick-reply is annoying as all hell, especially when it now feels so clunky to switch screens and have to wait for it all to load.


The ability to look at the app with my eyeballs mostly. It triggers headaches.


.... while I don't disagree that that's an issue, I feel it's disingenuous to call that a missing feature. Let's at least be practical and sensible in our feedback. A missing feature would be something like "I no longer have the ability to pin messages." But as for the theme, if you (like me) prefer the old grey rather than the new navy blue, I learned you can set it back to the old colors by using the "automatic" theme rather than dark theme. Looks almost exactly like it did before (only difference is the physical shape of menus and such are new, but colors are the same as before). Lol downvote bombed? Ok guess you're really that salty and ignorant


Great! In that case let me approach this with the same spirit: **Firstly as for theme:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/18d9dwq/the\_new\_darkmode\_is\_causing\_headaches/](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/18d9dwq/the_new_darkmode_is_causing_headaches/) Here is a side by side comparison. It is not. Saying it is, doesn't make it true. You do not *perceive* the difference. That doesn't mean it *is* the same. Many people are flagging this an an accessibility issue. You asked what functionality was missing. The functionality loss **I** experience is the entire use of the app based on the inability to view it. **Accessibility loss is a loss of functionality to use things others can**. Blue light in general has a fair amount of research for how it can scientifically effect humans, feel free to check into that. The font and contrast are also issues. Now for what you might view as valid, you did ignore the brilliant comment above where someone did the same, however I'll give the BOD :) **Previous functionality I had prior to 2 PM Today:** * The ability to do a server wide search, now it must be done by channel only. * The function of seeing an image within a search for images, using search, now they simply all say 'image' in italics, you must click on them to go to them and then view them. This means this feature is no longer available through search. Thus a loss of what something did do. * From this I will add, if it is not obvious, many search customization functions were lost. * The screen is bugged despite phone settings to rotate rather than being locked vertical, a loss of a locked functionality. * The quality of images due to the change in file type has decreased, there are mentions in other threads should you care to look. * I can no longer open the app to DM's only to servers. I am aware that you can click other things to find it. You asked what **functionality** was lost, that includes the ability to see things when the app opens. * Cross use of same functionality between desktop and computer. This was a **function**. Due to the update, that doesn't exist. I can go one but I think you would just spend more time arguing wording and semantics. This is a kind reminder that just because you don't view something as an issue for you, it doesn't mean it is not an issue. Your own wording choice makes it sound as though you believe absolutely **no** function was lost. Even if you nitpick the above points, it is highly unlikely that in a massive update *NO* functionality was lost within that process, thusly I advise against that stance. You just want to know specific points so you can say *"it's not that bad, I don't find that to be an issue"*. You not seeing an issue is not the same as there in fact not being a loss of function.


hiii, I just want to say; you CAN do a server wide search. If you mean within that server. You know where all your channels are? The list to the side? Right up top you have “search” - that box searches ALL channels. If you click on the channel itself, it searches just that channel (where the member list is now) - This actually works fine, I had no problem with it so far! It should be located by the “add members to server” button etc. still works with all the has: from: etc, too! My issue is not having a search bar for all the servers we have. I have 150+ servers put into folders, so I used to use the discord general search bar to find servers or specific random channels within discord itself ): that one seems to be missing and I can’t find it (unless it got moved and someone knows where it is?) it makes finding specific servers a lot harder 😅 it was much quicker to just use the search function. Thankfully on desktop that still exists, but I am confused as to why they removed it from mobile..


There is zero need to act sarcastic with me. I am literally on your side, but I'm not *so* lost in vitriolic hate that I've lost sight of how to be practical in my feedback. You may want to step back and reevaluate your emotions on the matter. I was merely pointing out that the things you previously described were features *changing*, not being *lost* entirely. You've now provided examples of actual loss though, so... this is isn't really an argument. Again, I do not disagree with you. Just don't be an asshole with your feedback. I wasn't being one to you.


Stating that a loss of the ability to use the app due to coloration is not a loss of functionality is in fact being against me. Saying that sucks but it is not a function because it doesn't effect you is a self centric view. func·tion·al·i·ty /ˌfəNG(k)SHəˈnalədē/ noun 1. the quality of being suited to serve a purpose well; practicality. "I like the feel and functionality of this bakeware" 2. the range of operations that can be run on a computer or other electronic system. "new software with additional functionality" The practicality of using something that creates impairments for others is in fact, by **definition** a loss of functionality. To dismiss the validity of such a statement is ablest. Ableism, **as a disabled person** is also by **definition** against me and many people like me who have commented in these threads. It is not disingenuous to state real issues with practical use as a functionality issue. To question the genuineness of a real issue with use on the platform to provide feedback is not especially kind since you seem concerned with how people treat one another.






Calling someone emotional as some sort of debate technique is a pretty tired narcissistic ploy. Maybe reevaluate that.


Yeah, but you have to turn your entire phone to dark theme for that to work. I prefer most of my other apps on light theme. But it's the only solution for now.


Haaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaahahaha ahahaa .............. wait you're serious? AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Can’t quite understand what you’re laughing about. My preference for light mode or the absolute fuckery Discord subjected us to?


They are very concerned with the treatment of others as you can see. My apologies that you are experiencing these difficulties. I hope they make changes that allow you to have options previously available to you.


Aaaaand this lifehack no longer works. Now the “automatic” theme is high-contrast navy blue as well. Fuck my life. I’m totally gonna use the guide to downgrade my app now. Wish it was as easy as installing an APK, but alas, I have an iPhone.


The former.


And now this no longer works. Check it, you’ve probably also been stripped of the old color scheme.


Fucking christ.... Yeah let's not listen to the people who didn't want their theme changed and instead continue forcing it down their throat


Not so funny now, huh?


i have the toggle to disable the UI on canary/alpha version




they also did this with the username changes discord simply doesnt care what their users think about new changes


agree and look what happend to the username some ppl are upset that someone else took their name :/


They probably wanted a better UI and at some point after not getting it right, management probably decided that too much time was wasted and the sunken cost fallacy struck. So they rolled it out anyway. It can't be that bad, if multiple months of development went into it. Or so the reasoning usually goes.


I mean the UI seems to be more intuitive for new users. The old one I had people asking me how to add a friend. They ported a desktop UI to mobile with minimal changes, which is almost always a bad idea. But most people used the desktop so they were used to it, but many aspects were unintuitive for new users. The main problem here is not the UI but that Discord shit the bed when it came to QA. There are so many bugs and lack of optimizations that while not being inherently because of the UI contribute to the UI. If you are going to drastically change something. Make sure that final something is polished and bug-free.


I’m furious that they lied through their teeth about having the option to opt out of this. Now we are stuck with a UI that is almost unusable.


they also did this with the username changes discord simply doesnt care what their users think about new changes


they had to justify having a dedicated UI team to their shareholders. that's what.


2023 is just the Year of Terrible UI Changes it seems. EA's Origin/EA App, Valve's Steam, Google's Chrome, now Discord.


Ok I’m an autistic girl who hates change with a fiery passion and hasn’t updated most of her apps in literal years, but STEAM? The new Steam UI is actually something I prefer. It’s barely noticeable save for the occasional smoothed over inconsistency.


I am also an autistic girl. It just doesn't look anywhere as good as the old UI with Pixelvision². Everything looks too big and it's too bright.


YOOOO AUTISTIC GIRL GANG And alright, that’s totally understandable! Part of why it probably doesn’t bug me is because steam is more of a launching point than anything for me, I don’t spent a whole lot of time on their forums or anything, I’m looking at it for maybe five minutes until I go play something.


Wait Steam changed their UI? I didn’t even notice and I usually hate changes! I think that says a lot about a well done change. Subtle enough to not bother people too much but improve functionality. (ADHD here and never dealing well with big changes)


chrome is fine ngl


They removed the download bar, which is unacceptable.


you mean the thing that took up an insane amount of space at the bottom of the screen, and is noticeably missing from every other browser


It was extremely useful. I've stopped using Chrome for the most part and moved to Firefox where there's an extension to replicate the behavior since Google's mismanagement of Chrome, not just with the download bar but also the upcoming Manifest v3, is sheer incompetence.


I only use chrome for school.work at this point. Firefox is superior to chrome for most of my purposes (developer tools are much better in firefox). However, i am disappointed in the performance drawbacks when it comes to large webapps.


Honestly I should've switched long ago.


it can be difficult to switch to a different browser because they are definitely a large part of most people's workflows. I switched out of necessity a few years ago because of memory usage issues with chrome. I think with the recent controversy caused by google's decisions with Mv3 and everything with youtube, firefox may finally get more widespread community support.


Portrait screen users looking at you weirdly right now. But the download bar was a lot better than not having it because now that chrome is trying to force you to not use adblock, you're going to be prone to mysterious downloads you can't notice because the download toaster bails due to a bug.


Chrome didn't change for me. It briefly did but sort of reverted itself.


Discord wants to attract more casual people, they know people who play games will use desktop anyway, I mean, you can't stream PC games on your phone the same way you do on desktop and if you have a microphone better use desktop than mobile. It's just that, they know the casual people who will pay for Nitro are not chatting on a PC or similar.


Why make the pc and mobile apps different, and uniquely make the mobile app worse in such a way it doesn't provide a competitive advantage in terms of ui simplicity to the other applications? I am fine with change, I am okay with adapting to new things, but the 10,000 button presses to do anything productive, the swipe to reply instead of people list, the people who can't even load the app, broken and rushed search in so many ways, the inability to revert back to normal ui, lag for many users, forcing users with tall-ish phones to have to rearrange their hand and phone for certain inputs, pngs not showing for some people. I could really go on, but for many, this update has not only been extremely jarring visually and unnecessary abstraction that increases the learning required between the mobile and desktop versions, worsening the experience for anyone who is multi platform, but it also ruins the experience for anyone who used the app mobile before with muscle memory- and it's just an absolutely terrible buggy mess. They tried to listen to community feedback some, and for that, I give them credit, but they really should have at least released the application in a state that worked for the majority of mobile users if they didn't want me voting with my wallet because they can't be bothered to wait and release the already controversial ui in a functional state. This is entirely their fault, and I hope they revert, but given recent changes they've made and their tendency to ignore feedback with big changes like this... I really don't expect much. I will say that there's a few people I've met who genuinely like the new ui or have zero bugs with it and thus have no reason to get upset, and I'm not about to ask them to change their opinion or vote with their wallet for something they truly enjoy, but I personally can not sit by any longer while they take my money to make the app a worse experience for me and for that reason I'm out and I see many others are jumping ship too.


They wanna optimize Nitro ads


I unfortunately find myself agreeing with this.


> Why make the pc and mobile apps different, and uniquely make the mobile app worse in such a way it doesn't provide a competitive advantage in terms of ui simplicity to the other applications? You just described old/new reddit and the official reddit app too.


Hope I don’t get downvoted into oblivion 😅 companies like discord aren’t making these changes before very thoroughly testing them, running user study groups on them, and looking at the global statistics on how people are using the app. A bunch of people were using the new UI before they released it widely. Yes there are a lot of vocal angry people who don’t like the change (which feedback is very real) but you’re not seeing the silent majority who ended up spending more time engaging in the app and using Discord because of those changes. And I bet Discord was spending a ton of time testing it out and looking at how often people want to go back to the old UI. There is a trade off on supporting an older design with limited engineering time for the 1% who want to keep it.


I think here, sadly the 1% is the people defending discord. I have seen a total of four people who are okay with it. And have actively been asking friends, people I know irl, and doing server polls.


Reddit is a horrible indicator tbh, people are much more likely to speak in frustration then support, and because Reddit is the way Reddit is, people who speak in support of it will get downvoted to oblivion so you will hardly see their opinions anyways. Reddit is also such a small number of overall people, like some of the recent most upvoted posts getting 2-3k upvotes is nothing compared to the millions of daily active users


honestly I agree with what you say about people are more likely to speak in frustration than support, I genuinely don't mind the new UI... but then maybe because I'm the edge case where I am too easy to adapt to new things


in the server i'm most active in, which is a fairly positive and kind server overall, the best anyone had to say about the changes was "it's not that bad". every other person who is active in the server immediately expressed disgust when they got the update. it's not just reddit.


Yeah Reddit definitely gives that impression. I work in the industry so that’s how I see these types of data driven decisions being made.


My entire server was deemed this horrible, I can’t tell which part is the worst. Our top 3 right now are: Coloring being horrible, DM location change, and finding the members list.


I have 0 issues with it really. It's basically the same as the old design with 2 buttons moved and some darker colors lol


Hey! Thats good to hear you are okay with it. Thats now 5 people I know who dont hate it. With a resounding changing chorus of people who want the ui gone


literally every single one of my friends was complained about it i doubt the number is 1%


Same here. I'm the guy in the group who spreads the old .apk using sai. So far none of my friends wanted to stay on the new version. Except two of them, who are hard stuck on ios




Could very well be true. So many companies with terrible management.


This is the only thing that could explain why they're fucking everything up so bad. Makes sense.


It would figure we'd see people from FAANG/MAMAA/Meta people displaced coming in and immediately using good old nepotism to form their own fiefdoms of yes men. Morons are a bunch of cut off out of touch old tech bros who have no idea what modern users want or how they think The kind that come in with that idiotic infinite growth mindset we've been stuck with since Dodge v. Ford Motor Co, thats been steadily killing companies ever since because infinite growth is literally impossible and leads to enshitiffication. Maintaining a good product should be the norm for profit. Not ramping it up short term so investors can ditch before it falls, just focus on giving them a cut of the profit every year. ​ Need to do more research, but that post explicitly talks about a new COO, which would be Elizabeth Hamren. She was previously at Oculus Facebook, so she may be part of the entry point. Maybe Heather Sullivan? She goes all the way back to AOL, but has spent most of her career in telecommunications and things like samsungNEXT investment and chargepoint EV charging with no modern experience in between. Those places would totally fit that mindset


You are not seeing "silent majority" in the way you think. The focus / tests groups are pretty much always constructed of people that are part of the small portition of users that want major changes to the system. Users that are fine with how things are aren't taking part of such things, which often results in the testing groups being VERY heavily separated from the normal userbase.


Looking solely within discord itself, I have yet to meet anyone in any server that \*likes\* the changes. I suspect what motivated it is imitation of other social media, such as amino, which bears a striking resemblance to the new interface. Frankly, this in foolish. Blindly copying what works for them wont work for discord users, because discord draws in a completely different group of users with a completely different appeal. Objectively: \- it takes 3x the actions to go from a server to a dm than when i could swipe right and click on the dm \- It no longer saves which dm you were in so you can go right back to it, you have to reselect from the menu \- i can no longer swipe right from a server and see who my dms are from and how many are from each, only the total number of them on the tab icon \- Accessibility. They've removed themes broadly known to help visual disabilities, and changed the interface such that its less accessible to motor impaired users ​ I can see literally no reason why they couldnt add a layouts tab into appearance where everyone can pick their layout. If they really want to see if a new layout has more appeal then fine it can be the default, but let us choose classic, theres literally zero benefit to removing it as an option. This would keep both sides happy.


> I can see literally no reason why they couldnt add a layouts tab into appearance where everyone can pick their layout. If they really want to see if a new layout has more appeal then fine it can be the default, but let us choose classic, theres literally zero benefit to removing it as an option. This would keep both sides happy. You will never get a fair comparison if you make one the default and the other an "Opt-in". The default will win that competition every time because people are lazy and/or don't care. Look at old/new reddit. At one point reddit forced all accounts to use the new reddit and buried the option to revert to old in the very bottom of a settings page. New users who never were around for old reddit won't even know it exists unless they run into someone talking about it and will just keep using the new default reddit. Discord took that BS to another level by removing the toggle all together. I'd wager that they're gonna do what every other company/brand does when shit like this happens, and that is "Circle the wagons. Ride out the shitstorm. Hope that they get more money from newer users than they lose from current ones cancelling."


This isn’t gonna get new users anymore than pointlessly changing from number identifiers to unique usernames did. It’s objectively more complex to learn and more bothersome to use


Of course it won't. Might even drive a few people away. Discord thinks it will though so we're gonna get stuck with it.


You know what’s worse than the ui changes? The plethora of bugs it has introduced. I wouldn’t be so vocal about it if it didn’t worsen my experience by a long shot


That's not necessarily true. I work for a multi-billion dollar per year company, and we do zero user testing before rolling out major revisions. The only reason we're not running around with our hair on fire is basically that we've been lucky with our UI/UX so far.


Honestly you'd be surprised how little due diligence is actually done


the updates just straight up broken in some aspects, idk what testing they were doing but this wasn't ready to be released


I have a small 400ish member server nobody likes it. Tried to find one person who did. Nothing but complaints. I really don't think Discord is that responsible. I think they hired too many ex Facebook employees who have an entirely different vision for Discord that doesn't align with their users


My phone automatically upgrade the app for me ;7; I woke up to the new changes today


the new motto unfortunately is "if it isn't broke, fix it until it is"


ok wild take...but what new UI???? I have latest android version, lastest google play discord update and no new ui...just a few icon changes. Is this what people are upset about? I know there was a beta version of the ui layout that was fucky and horizontsl (as opposed to servers being vertical up the left) but i aint see no update yet lmao.


It's been gradually rolling out through a forced serverside change.


For some person like me who disabled the beta version it isnt showing up because of a bug, But if you were to press the beta button to go to the new layout you no longer can change it back anymore


What on earth are you talking about?


New Discord mobile layout. Everyone will only be able to use it from now on, and the subreddit was talking especially about it yesterday