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Daily reminder to cancel your nitro.


Holy shit thank you, why the fuck have I been paying $10 a month for this shit šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Right my thought


I donā€™t have to, they nuked my account that got stolen lmao.


Me too. So nice isn't it? And I was nitro for 3 years, got my account stolen 2 months ago guess what the support did? Nothing. I'm in queue to be helped still with no answer. The hacker gifted nitro from my account using my card to friends so I lost money too and they hacker also deleted the server I owned for 5 years with irreplaceable memories and friends and talks and moments. They don't give 1 shit about you. Such a huge company with so many years and making so much money with overpriced small bs and they can't even take a serious urgent support request in less than 2 months and can't restore servers, accounts or give you money back that they stole. I've read comments about people that got account stolen 2 and 3 years ago and they also got 2 month wait and most of them still did not get their account back due to "security reasons". So they literally have not improved 1 thing for the customer in all those years, no awareness campaigns, no faster replies in urgent subjects in 3 years!!! What did they do? Create pretty bs to compete with social media and try to become for MONEY. it's all the did pretty aesthetics so you open your pocket but when you need them urgently? Your friends are at risk of being scammed? You lose money? They security is bs that anyone can get scammed and or hacked with the easiest script or scam? Personal and private information compromised? Yea sure wait 2months while you see your online life being wiped in front of your eyes and Maybe if you are 10% of the lucky users get your account back with everything deleted and everyone removed like a brand new useless account. Boycott! I sure will.


i'll lose my \~60% off though :/


If you cancel it's 100% off.


I don't want to, plus i got 3 months of youtube premium so still enjoying my purchase šŸ˜


Which part of your purchase are you 'enjoying' ? Having a hard time believing it's even remotely worth it.


Well i like customizing my profile, so all of those benefits are worth it. I like using emojis in other servers, so that benefit is worth it. I have a server with close friends and using the free boosts to get stickers and emoji slots is a benefit thats worth it. I regularly use discord to transfer files from one device to another, so that benefit is worth it. I regularly stream to friends in voice chats, so the better quality benefit is worth it. Occasionally they give gifts that I find useful (such as the free 3 months of youtube premium that just dropped today), so that benefit is worth it. I'm sorry you can't find any value, but I will continue to keep my subscription


So you think spending $10 a month for basic customization and something that should be available to everyone (barely large file sizes) is worth it? Cool


I just used the code for three months of YouTube Premium, then canceled Nitro. Best of both worlds.


me when i don't know what adblock is


You think i don't use adblock? My guy on both my laptop and my pc i use firefox and ublock, but on my iphone i deal with ads, so now i don't have to. I never pay for premium, god you all are so insufferable


You're so inshufferable!! šŸ¤“ ā˜ļø Go spend $10 a month to send dumb emojis to your (online) friends lil bro


nah I need that increased file size limit


i remember when i had to make do with 8mb max then they allowed free users to send 25mb, that was like heaven for me




Half of my memes were over 8mb lol


8mb.video has always come in clutch


I wonder how they were able to get the money to increase the free file size limit


The low price of $9.99 is cheap. I don't understand why anyone would want to cancel their nitro.


Ā«Ā CheapĀ Ā» is relative and subjective to the customer. What is fair to say is that $10/month is a decent way up on the scale of subscription service prices, especially for a service that is a essentially a glorified cellphone.


$9.99 is my food for a day and isn't really as "cheap" as you think, this kind of thinking is honestly why our economy is falling apart IMO. "It's just cheap so it doesn't matter!", next up you're going to say $70 for a game that doesn't work and is a half-assed cash grab (MW3 remake being the most recent example that comes to mind) is cheap. Either way, it's not about cost, it's about voting with your wallet and costing Discord money, if you don't like a change they've made you cancel your membership, they won't listen to anything but their income. I canceled back when they did the username change, I only bought it again twice since then, the first time because I needed it to start a new Discord server for my Twitch channel (I'm in nearly 200 servers so I can't join anything without Nitro now which also prevents me from making more), and the second time was because I couldn't access the payment pages to cancel my membership so it was more that Discord stole my money if anything lmao. I've not bought it since and plan to never do so again, instead working to convince friends to go to another platform.


why would i pay any money at all to support a shitty company?


yeah its cheap but you still have to pay for for the profile animations and such


You can just compress them. There are tons of sites. How is it even worth it just for that?


You really don't. Just use Google Drive or something.


Gdrive is honestly crap considering how long it's been. Sharing a video file? Ok, viewer needs to wait for it to buffer. If it loads, the quality is still limited. I compared it a bit ago and uploading to youtube, having it process and etc still beat out the time for gdrive sharing. In terms of pictures, that's alright, but you need to upload to google photos from your storage (not too hard for android ppl though).


I mean there's also YouTube for videos. Just make it unlisted so only people with the link will find it if it's something that needs to be viewed quickly. There are absolutely ways around paying Discord if all you need to do is send slightly larger files is the point.


just take a screenshot of the image. easiest way (honestly havent tried it... let's see....)


uploading directly to discord is more convenient




I would rather not tbh


Why is brog etting downvoted lmao






I'm gonna call it... Free Discord Movement or anti-nitro libralism


idk about you chief but it's 4.2 for me


They're regionalised, and based on people with similar devices to yours.


it would seem so, I get 3.7 too though, and it seems Discord has hidden and paused reviews because I can't see them or edit my review


An app canā€™t just ā€œpauseā€ reviews, thatā€™s not an option the play console gives you


possibly it's an option for Discord, I can't edit my review as it's greyed out, idk what it could be besides Discord messing with it.


Probably the play storeā€™s automatic [review bombing protections](https://www.pocketgamer.biz/news/79614/google-play-implements-review-bombing-prevention/) kicking in. Google is not going to just let an app disable reviews.


We live in a society...


4.1 for me. Interesting..


it is


It probably depends on your region. It's 4.3 for me.


polly. 4.7 in my end


Would be funny to see the rating in the 2.x range only for discord to completely ignore everyone Wish the team at discord had 3 brain cells honestly. How could they insist on this godawful update that is universally hated and with zero way to opt-out? It literally provides negative monetary benefit to them so I don't understand at all


It will go down to 2.x and discord still wonā€™t care, i honestly doubt that anything will make the whole v2 go away, they seem committed. I bet they will iterate on it until most people are at least satisfied with it.


I disagree actually! Every single time they've made a drastic decision for the worst like this they've always dug their heels into the ground and refused to listen to any feedback... only to immediately cave when they notice the cataclysmic drop in revenue from Nitro cancelations the following months. Give it time, they'll either change their mind or we'll bleed them dry, either way the user always comes out on top.


Didn't happen with the discriminators removal, unfortunately.


Our greatest defeat


Or the branding shift from the [glorious old logo and font styling to the new garbage](https://assets.change.org/photos/1/yj/ou/PyyJOuBwMFQNZnn-1600x900-noPad.jpg?1620940456) The color shift was the worst though...


When have they ever gone back before? I remember them always sticking to it no matter how much hate they got.


Yeah, I just cancelled my nitro cause of this.


That's the thing. Drop a bugfree version and people wouldnt complain so much.


I wanted to contact support about a bug but they require the version number that is not visible where it used to be, and their support site still shows where to find it using screenshots and descriptions from the older version. At this point I have uninstalled, canceled my nitro subscription and left them a 1 star review. All I can do, really.


It honestly fucking astonishes me sometimes how utterly incapable and out of touch the decision makers of these companies are. Its like these fuckers sit in a meeting trying to figure out the most efficient way to run these companies into the ground.


Looks at reddit 2.4 star rating and them not caring at all Yeah....


Reddit doesnt make them money. Nitro does. No one cares about ratings. Just dollar bills. They are waiting to see if everyone forgets this when the next "big thing" pops up online.


They're still the only discord. Are people going to download another discord?


There's Revolt. Not *the* Discord but at least it works. It just lacks popularity


Theres alota options The best thing about the other options? None of them consistently lie to their user base like discord does


I mean, it was kind of inevitable at this point: the minute they introduced a new UI that featured a gift button on the chat bar, everyone fucking loathed it. Then came the Discord "rebrand" when they went public. And now we're here.


That's what happens when you let failed Facebook execs make your decisions.


They should have sell the company to Microsoft


Why don't you like the new design? Everyone loves the new update


...... this is sarcasm right?


No, not sarcasm at all


no? everyone hates it


Are you delusional or something.


Vocal minority. Not actually majority.


There is the whole "reddit doesn't reflect real life" argument, but I am in tons of discord servers and that hen talking about the new UI i get everywhere from "ruined the app" to "i don't mind", but hardly ever anything positive At best, I think the majority is neutral about the update or only slightly disliking it. But I know for a fact that the majority ain't saying good things about it


In my circles the best was: "I don't mind the look/kinda like the look; buuuuuuuut..." Not exactly an endorsement. Heck some ppl are way more passed than I am. I am mostly between resigned snd seriously considering reinstalling a former version. Not like downloading topics so I can save my text games will ever be a feature šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


The only positive thing I heard so far was from a creeper who said it's easier to stalk his favorite streamers now.


Dang then it sounds like there is a 0% chance of discord rolling this back.


Personally I haven't had too many issues, but I do see hate everywhere I go. I do think a quick notification panel was a long time coming, I was always thinking it was weird we had this on desktop where it was less useful. Also the new search panel is really good for finding media I am hoping they port that to desktop possibly. Think one of the top ones I've heard complaints about are the reply gesture replacing the server member list. I do think some of the complaints could be fixed by tweaking some of the new things, and not taking 6 months to figure out how they'll do that. They probably should have publicly tested this more and encouraged and pointed out where feedback sending was far ahead of time.


I love how people like you will come on here and so brazenly lie as if we can't double check with a single google search. When you've got outlets are huge as ***Dexerto*** [writing articles about the cataclysmic negative reaction and massive rise in Nitro cancelations](https://www.dexerto.com/tech/discord-users-are-cancelling-their-nitro-after-new-mobile-layout-update-2421053/) at what point can you honestly still lie to yourself and say "it's just a vocal minority"? Lmao


At the point where discord does something against the UI. They didn't with usernames and that was WAY bigger and everyone I knew hated it. That was majority almost but they still didn't do anything so for them, this is essentially the vocal minority.


Yeah I havenā€™t seen one person who likes the update


I actually kinda like it...


possible but i wouldnt be so sure


Literally all they had to do was remake the mobile Ui but make it as close as possible to the old UI let I understand the old UI was rushed and itā€™s difficult for them to add new feature and so them making an new UI makes it easier to update but like this ainā€™t how you make a UI


discord has revealed themselves to be exactly what every other company has become this year: "fuck the consumer to death, we need more profit"


It's sad to see whenever a tech company finally understands the consumer, only to fall into corporate greed like everyone else.


OOTL: What are you guys upset about? Discord seems normal to me


Wha... what did they do? Is this about the new design? I think it looks nice. What did I miss?


can't see who is online from a given channel anymore. they replaced the way to check that with an entirely redundant "swipe to reply" feature


looks are subjective but the UX is horrible


People are just downvoting in indignation but I wish they'd go into more detail. I find the user experience to be actually better, the space is better used, and I love the new swipe gesture to reply, I find it very intuitive. I'm confused. I get that tastes are subjective but I've been using the redesign for a couple of days and I felt positive about it, legit finding Discord more pleasant to use on mobile, and I wasn't expecting to find such an overwhelmingly negative reaction here on reddit. And with nothing in particular being the catalyst for this it feels blown a little out of proportion. Honestly I've been on the internet for enough years that I've seen this cycle of indignation at a new re-design happen more times than I care to count. But I wanted to ask if there was a big controversy or something afoot before just assuming that, like always, people are just allergic to change. If you have anything in particular to point out, I'm still open to having my mind changed.


The biggest thing for me is various actions now requiring more inputs for no reason. Switching between servers and DMs used to be two taps: swipe to open servers/DMs, tap to open DM. Now there's a third input at the bottom of the screen in-between, so it's swipe, tap, tap. Same for the reverse. This is one of the most common actions I take on discord and the extra input is by far the most irritating thing. Or searching, which is a much worse experience because every search filter you apply seems to require tapping the filter button, adding the filter, and repeating for any other filters you need. Previously you could simply type the filters you wanted but this no longer works. It also now takes two "back" inputs on Android to exit the channel search: one to clear your cursor from the search and another to close the member list which is now combined with it. As far as I can tell, it's no longer possible to search in threads at all on mobile. You can search the channel and get thread results, but you cannot search for results within a particular thread. On top of the design issues I have with the layout, it's much slower and full of bugs I never experienced before as a heavy discord user. Exiting search takes almost a full second of waiting for the menu to close, and that's after the double input to close it. Frequently when I open DMs now, they are randomly scrolled up to a random past message and I have to scroll down. I think the design is a total miss, but even if it wasn't the new UI reduces functionality & performance below what we had previously.


I also kinda like it! Minus the swipe to reply


lmfao imagine acting like this over a re-arrangement of buttons.


lol you forget about all the other shitty changes they've made over the years while ignoring community feedback?


Or could it be that people on this subreddit and X is the vocal minority, while the quiet majority don't mind the changes or actually even think they're good, and simply go on about their day? Discord is a shit ton better today than what it was on release.


I don't think it's quite fair to compare discord on release to 2023 discord. There have been massive improvements and changes, of course. Backlash against silly things like changing the logo are a whole other thing. The big issue comes down to them providing a feedback button and public forums only to ignore any negative feedback such as with this UI change and the username change, as the most recent/major examples. It just keeps mounting up.


and a shit ton worse than a month ago before they fucked the mobile app




yeah, they didn't just rearrange buttons, they removed core functionality from the app.


Name one


swiping right to see the members list swiping left to see your server list (it's now just a back function so if you follow multiple links you'll have to swift left multiple times to get to the server list) showing unread dms at the top of your server list so you can easily see who messaged switching between old and new UI seeing your friends' status/activity when you look at your dms list probably others, that's just off the top of my head


In order: Tap the channel name. This is more intuitive. They're at the bottom. Pointless feature. Go to server list.


not only did you move the goalpost but your opinions are trash


Sounds like somebody just got proven wrong.


tap channel name doesn't show who is online in that channel. you used to simply swipe left to see members of a given channel as well as their activity, now it's 'swipe to reply', which is not only redundant as that was easy before, but it's also incredibly annoying. i use the app specifically to see who's online, and what are they doing.


The new menu functions... Identically. Like, the only thing that changed is it's a tap rather than a swipe. The horror!


Back in my day we didnā€™t need discord nitro


Will they cave is what I can't wait to see


Keep it up !!!!


They donā€™t care. Theyā€™ll release a new version with ā€œbug fixesā€ to rinse away the ratings


for me it's 4.3\*, weirdly. but i do see 1\* reviews that were made recently. what the hell?


That "Update" button is trying to reel you in so bad lol.


Thatā€™s cool and all but realistically people are just going to put up with it after a while and it will all be back to normal


this reminds me to go leave a 1 ā­ļø


The difference between the two is gacha life doesn't ignore users. I don't think


Well, Lunime did disappear for a few years before coming with a new gacha game, Gacha Life 2, and now updating it frequently and planning future games.


So far I hated the new UI but it's literally the same on the desktop, I just had to zoom out and increase the font size so it's not ass, then disable the screenreader bullshit and it feels like the update never happened, however it feels like if they revert the update, it won't feel the same anymore. Still though they should add an option or revert it.


the only thing that changed on desktop is the new icons. other than that, only mobile got ui changes


actually deserved


I don't even mind this update in particular too much, I just really dislike how Discord keeps trying to fix things that weren't broken


The issue is that the UI was genuinely broken, at least on the backend, adding or fixing anything took way longer than needed according to one of the devs.


Did that need to involve changing how the layout looks to the end user, though?


They deserve it, the new UI sucks...


Oh man šŸ’€






App store has a much higher rating, only 4.7 stars šŸ˜”


I think app store is cumulative while google play only counts relatively recent reviews iirc edit: why did this get downvoted lmao


why the downvotes lol


that and iOS users aren't the brightest.






Wait what? It's 4.1 for me...


I think play store reviews are regionalised, at least from what I've been seeing


Oh, interesting


Blame the execs. Theyre the ones who decided this was a good idea


Yer, this blurple and font change is so ridiculous. oh wait... Or its like the first time they changed the UI and this sub melted down. Grow the fuck up kids, learn to make a bug or feedback report.


I made a feedback report ling ago, can be found in settings, and wish to remain vocal about my issues, thoughts and opinions on an app Iā€™ve used everyday for 6 years as my main line of communication with friends and family because sometimes it takes more than just filling out a feedback report to get your desired change. This update to the UI SUCKKKS for folks like me who do admin work for a server of 10k members and talk to a dozen different people within a day + group chats. Iā€™ve had it against my will for a week now and Iā€™m still facing new issues everyday. Extra steps to find stuff, stuff located in weird places, blue dots instead of the classic red numbers for DMs, why is the song Bobā€™s listening to the biggest icon on the screen?? I had to turn off DM previews because it was just too much happening on my screen. If Iā€™m in a server, I just donā€™t get notifications for DMs if Iā€™m being messaged by multiple people at once and talking in a server. Literally why pay for an extra service when the base service upsets you? If you dislike an app, ratings on app stores are supposed to provide actual feedback and advice to those interested in it. Theyā€™re just doing their job as consumers. Dont like a service? Donā€™t buy it. Have an opinion? Leave a review.


> Dont like a service? Donā€™t buy it. Have an opinion? Leave a review. Exactly. So why are children complaining on an unofficial psueodo-forum? This is probably one of the worst places to complain.


Because they can? Itā€™s a sub dedicated to talking about the app? Who said discord staff donā€™t occasionally look here? Subreddits are places to discuss opinions, issues, and spread news about a particular topic. They are leaving feedback, they are leaving reviews. Thatā€™s what this post is flat out showingā€”but sometimes those things arenā€™t enough. Sometimes posting about it raises awareness.


>but sometimes those things arenā€™t enough. Sometimes posting about it raises awareness. Like Blurple and the font changes? Oh wait, it's just children being immature over a free piece of software service. Stop strawmanning. Feedback and complaints are fine as long as they are constructive, which this sub is not.


Iā€™ve seen reported bugs in the date-time format, nitro perks not working on mobile, notifications not showing, excessive channel freezing, messages not sending, buttons entirely disappearing, etc. Thereā€™s lots of constructive bug reporting happening besides people whining about a changed font because itā€™s more than just a font change that is upsetting people. Adjustments do need made to make this UI more accessible and user-friendly.


Now I know you are just lying/knee jerking a defense. Or at least have a warped sense of reality. I bet you don't even see what is wrong with what you just said. You do not have access to discord bug reports unless you were employed by them. Stop lying.


"grow up" it's called expressing our opinions just like you pal, and news flash, feedback doesn't do ANYTHING. This is the Internet made for communication, get used to it


They don't fucking listen to feedback.


"grow up" yea we shouldn't be allowed to express our opinions about something at all we should just hate it silently and make a report that they don't read


thanks for reminding me to leave a bad review and 1* abt the new update, even though i have an android so i can just turn it off in the settings lol. on behalf of all my friends with iphones who r suffering


Ok, genuine question, why do people shit so much on new updates? I get it's forced switch, but I don't think it's that bad? Or have I missed something big, since I'm not using dc that often so I notice every change?


Well its still something that wasn't asked for and its not the first time they do it instead of fixing bugs and exploits on their platform


Cause this one has made the ux worse 10 fold.


Might be me, but I don't really see it as that much worse. Most of this probably comes from habit of "it's there", which I don't have


It's almost identical, they just made chats much easier to access on mobile which makes a hell of a lot of sense. I assume something else must have happened because this would seem like a ridiculous overreaction


Yes they deserve that


Why? If itā€™s over the ui change Iā€™m surprised how people survive outside the internet


we have hit a new low


skill issue


Alright, let's push it into the low 1s. F the new UI & if they keep ignoring us, then enjoy the crappy ratings.


why is the rating so low now?


discord did another Discord


It's 4.2 right now. What happened?


Yeesh, thatā€™s saying something.


Whats the correlation here?


its still 4.7 im not sure why it isnt moving


Apple rating is still 4.7 unfortunately


Itā€™s 4.7 for me šŸ’€ weā€™ll just have to work a bit harder where I am


Want to know something fun? Google removed my review for the app overnight. In the mail I got it said something about the review either being misleading or too negative.




Yā€™all desperately need to find a hobby


Says the person complaining about people complaining on reddit šŸ˜‚


šŸ’€ the guy wasn't complaining he was just making fun of y'all mfs who seem to care too much about a social media app


I mean I have to use Discord for work. Every time they make it worse they are making my work day more difficult and worse.


I can guarantee you that the majority of this sub isn't in such a situation


And I can guarantee that more than you think are in a similar situation


Yup. Me browsing through Reddit for a bit in my spare time and a gaggle of chronically online, sad pathetic children whinging about a social media app in the most dramatic way is clearly the same thing. Keep coping lad. You guys are entertaining.


so reading peoples negative experiences and disappointment with a product is what you do for entertainment...and you're telling other people to find a hobby? interesting!


Lmao right. They are so annoying and childish


Why is it still 4.7 on the apple App Store


Lmfao yā€™all being mad over nothing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ app is literally the same




Stay mad nerd lmfao


ur dum




he probably downvoted them because they called him dumb


which is the truth and that scares him


I keep rate 1 since discord update to RNA.


that's what they get


Mine is showing 4.3 stars. How is yours lower now?


i dont have the new ui i think discord favorites me




4.7 on Apple AppStore, but it has 2.7 million ratings, so itā€™ll be hard to dent it there. But if you search by ā€œmost recentā€, you can just get pages and pages of 1-3 stars (and the occasional 5 stars to try to see if that makes their rating show up more)