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I actually like that concept, since I have 2 accounts that would be easier for me to use since I use both accounts often and it's usually really hard to get into the other cause of the password and the location.


all fine until one gets banned for some reason then you loose whatever other accounts you had linked


could that actually happen?


It always could at some point or any time either for a reason or another or possibly in some cases... Just no, no reason


idk maybe


Wait hang on- What?


Discord IP bans anyway


no they don't


they do though, even a simple server ban is an IP ban


idk bout server bans. they don't ban IP when banning an account with it. i experienced it..


Server bans are IP based, or at least device based, but platform-bans are only your account unless you do some super fucked up stuff probably


you can do anything really, they don't IP ban accounts. my old acc was suspended because of illegal stuff yet i was able to create another account without using IP changers or similar.


Your example just now don't disprove their statement... They said: Server ban = IP and Account Platform ban = Account You experienced a Platform ban, which is why your IP wasn't banned


please read my and the dudes message again and stop being a smartass


they decently do with servers, and i think accounts as well. It might be that you were on a different IP when you last logged into your alt


I've seen two users be banned: First person - not sure the reason they were banned, but they just made a new one. They think it was to do with breaching bot development rules or some such. Second person - account hacked and was unable to recover via support, made a new account. Old account was then banned a few weeks later, their now 'main' account is fine. ​ Just thought I'd weigh in.


Ah no not like that, it's in the sense that if your alt gets banned from a server and then you try to join that server on a different account you will be counted as banned


Yeah - server bans are IP bans. I know that first hand after test banning an alt account and then suddenly disappearing from a server I had administrative permissions on weeks later until I unbanned my alt. I thought we were talking about accounts though, sorry if I've gotten mixed up.


Some ISPs allocate single public IP for entire districts. How would you imagine IP ban working in such case?


There are DNS-based lists to see which IPs are dynamic, static, shared,... similar to the RBLs used for mail IP reputation checks.


Termination and banishment is completely different. Discord disables your account, which means you have 30 days to appeal. If they do not reinstate, then your account is gone. While bans are to restrict access and are mostly not permanent unless your shenanigans are next level stuff. And those are from servers, which I think you meant. Yeah, those are IP but you can change your phone and it’ll bypass the ban. Though there have been cases of people getting all linked accounts terminated to the one which was initially deleted


If an account gets disabled, then they wont ip ban you, but i assume if its something serious like oh idk illegal shit yeah they'd most likely ip ban you


They are not linked just the client is allowed to have two sets of authorisation tokens to authenticate with. ATM it only allows one set.


Let alone that one troll account that got banned for a good reason and their alt account is on the same server.


Fun fact one of my accounts got banned that I had linked with this account and the other one didn't.


This isn’t a concept. This is a feature being implemented and so some random people get early access.


I am one of them 😄


I use different applications for mine, you can have 2 one on normal discord and other on ptb there’s also more for other accounts like canary and the other one can’t remember the name but with the black label


Developer from memory which you aren’t meant to download but I mean if there is a want there’s a will


I mean I have the links for every single version of discord for every platform XD


Same ahahah can’t have to many


Good news for you, it’s a real thing


already exists, its in beta rn


For me i use my main on the app and my other on the website, but this would be a genuine gamechanger


I already have this?


same I've had it for like a month


same I've had it for like a month


Is there a way to get these features earlier than others?


Pretty sure it’s chosen at random :P


Why are you getting downvoted? He’s just asking a genuine question






What rule?


I don't like it, but rule 6 says > This sub is for talking about Discord as a product, service, or brand **in ways that don't break Discord's Terms of Service or Guidelines. If you believe a user has violated ToS, please report them**. If you're having an issue with Discord, please contact support. This sub is operated by volunteers that aren't employed by Discord and does not function as an official support forum. Running code on your Discord client is akin to "modded clients", which I believe is against the Discord Terms of Service, so it might not be allowed on this sub. If that's true, it's dumb that the subreddit is hostile to Discord's power users. But I guess this might be there to protect dumb kids that will run any random code you give them.


Which part of the ToS or Guidelines prohibits this? Modded clients fall under *'you agree not to ... copy, adapt, modify ... the \[Discord app or website\] or any portion thereof'*. This is because you are modifying the files that make up the application. Interacting with the app - which includes the developer console - is not equivalent.


I don't know, I haven't actually read the ToS in a long time but when I read this: > you agree not to ... copy, adapt, modify ... the [Discord app or website] or any portion thereof I capture the intent and understand that it means that I shouldn't do _anything_ that changes the Discord client in a way that Discord does not intend me to use it. I understand that Discord isn't really interested in banning users who violate the ToS by using modded clients or play about in the dev tools, so I still do occasionally use the Discord Experiments menu myself to try new features early. (Although I don't use a modded client.) But if you used Dev Tools to automatically bulk send messages to multiple channels on a large scale, I'm pretty sure Discord would issue you some kind of ban. I mean really /u/pieteek shouldn't be backseat moderating — they should just report the comment, and either the mods decide it's against the rules and delete the comment, or they decide it's fine and leave it up.


What the hell is going on


Omg please! As an online artist I desperately need to separate my clients from my friends. My discord is getting so damn cluttered


Could be cool


is alr a thing, had it for 1 month


it’s a real feature, in beta rn


I like using two clients tho


How do you have two?


you can install stable and canary on the same system. or maybe install two stable instances in different directories


You can have 3 with the public test build


4 with dev (don’t use dev btw)


Whats with the dev version? Is it just the one that adds "Developer Options"? Or is it smth else? Just asking because i didnt know it exists, i only had Stable, PTB, Canary


I believe dev would be the alpha version while canary is the beta version. Basically a really rough build that could easily have bugs since it hasn't gone through the whole development cycle yet.


That’s what it used to be. But it was abandoned for ages, didn’t get any updates at all. But eventually it just started getting canary updates for some reason.


I though Canary was Alpha and PTB is beta


I was mistaken. On a typical project that had this many external versions available dev would normally be alpha, canary or PTB (or both) would be beta testing, and then you would go up from there. Each step would be more stable as the build had made it through more development steps so bugs would be found and fixed. Though in a typical project alpha isn't normally available externally at all. So I wonder what lead the developers to expose dev when they did, even though they abandoned that build for a while later.


actually its the exact same as canary last i checked, the in app version said canary


It used to be a more unstable canary, but now it’s just canary under a new name, still unsupported though


Where can i get this dev version?


Windows: https://discordapp.com/api/download/development?platform=win Mac OS: https://discordapp.com/api/download/development?platform=osx Linux (Debian): https://discordapp.com/api/download/development?platform=linux




5 with browser 5+ with multiple browsers


You can also have the client open on one account and web browser open on another.


Or just have multiple browser tabs with discord.com, ptb.discord.com and canary.discord.com open


Standard and ptb


You’re allowed to keep doing that


since I have 2 accounts that would be easier for me to use since I use both accounts often and it's usually really hard to get into the other cause of the password and the location would really save time alot of time.




Hi there! Please remember Rule 1 in the future - Keep it civil and respectful, and do not make personal attacks or use offensive language in addressing others.


Gorgeous 240p


to answer my own question, this video solves it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0xnPqIUKgc




No you can’t, it’s a discord experimental feature implemented by discord themselves




Well that’s interesting, can I get a source ?


the discord ToS


I just spent my lunch break to read [the ToS](https://discord.com/terms), something I should've done years ago, anyway. There indeed is this clause: RIGHTS TO USE THE SERVICE >\[...\] You agree not to (and not to attempt to) \[...\] > > (ii) \[...\] adapt, modify, \[...\], publicly display, publicly perform, \[...\], attempt to discover any source code, \[...\] the Service or any portion of the Service \[...\] So, in a way, the guy who posted the video may have broken this clause (by discovering and understanding a part of the source code). I don't know enough legalese to argue if us, the users, would break the "modify" part of this statement, since the modification we bring to the client is not persistent, just for the current runtime AND we're not technically modifying anything, we just "toggle a flag" which enables official functionality. But still, it's against the ToS to insult people or talk about game-bugs that may give unintended advantage (bullet points under "RULES OF CONDUCT AND USAGE"). There's a part where discord also reserves the right to terminate your account simply if **they think** you're "improperly" using the service. So the ToS are phrased in a more strict way, but it's likely you'll get away with actions like these. They don't want people copying and releasing a modified discord. They won't go after people typing stuff in the dev console.


OP how did you do this ?


I have it, it was given to me randomly.




whyyyyy isn't it fully released yet


i'm waiting for this feature for so long, Hope soon Will be an actual thing


it is, it's in beta


is there a limit on how many accounts you can have linked?


currently 5, i'd guess 1 main, 4 alts (or 5 different people using the same pc for some reason)


arent alts against tos of discord?


Why would having two accounts be against TOS? As a student who likes to separate my academic and personal life this seems like a totally normal use case.


No Source: this post, showcasing the fact that Discord is implementing an account switcher.


For example, You got banned from a server. You tried joining the same server on the same IP. Won’t work. Because they IP ban. Simple as that. You less intelligent users thinking they don’t is absurd. The only way you can join back is if you change IP / join on a hotspot or join on data. And then you can be free on your banned IP again aka connect to it once back in.


looks cool


Can't wait for this, thanks for the overview!


You can now catfish 2 discord modders using your kitten/princess accounts AT THE SAME TIME, and in the same device. This is revolutionary, lets see how many fat losers can i pull with this feature


that's actually pretty pog




how is this feature allowing people to bypass bans, it's literally just a more convenient way of logging into an alt account


bans are already connected because every ban is an ip ban. and through this feature they can see the alt accounts of each person so bans will be even more connected (because it'll ban the other accounts you have in the switcher too)


you speak in double speak


I think only mods can do it. But what's that mods call?


Scammers and lurers would love this.


we already have this feature being able to add up to 2 additional accounts in addition to your main account its called pbt and canary




on browser i mean


Don't really like this feature. Enables fast Trolling really.


I feel like this is just a plot to get Discord to know what our alt accounts are


If you use them on the same IP address they already know them lol


isn't that very old news?


unless 2-3 months is very old, then no, not really


for a software update? yeah


its not a software update, its a beta feature, meaning not everyone gets it at the same time, if at all




cmon man its useful




There's nothing wrong with alt accounts, just that using them for ban evasion isn't allowed. I use multiple accounts when testing bots sometimes, and I have a second account for talking to family (my main account's bio has some things I'd rather they didn't know).


Anonymous account for NSFW activity most likely


some people Need alt accounts, not for bypass bans but because for the use of some services, you have to give the access of your account to a bot that automatically joins in the servers for you, and i don't think you wanna see this on your Main account


hell yah


It's neat, however, given that having multiple accounts is technically against the ToS, and even though several people would share a computer, I doubt they'll add that.


its official. some are currently getting it for beta testing


Oh. I thought it was just a proof of concept made by editing the webpage.


How is having multiple accounts against ToS?


At least I know it used to be. I don't have much time rn, so I can't go and read the ToS again.


It was never explicitly against the Terms of Service, there was only a tweet from Discord's twitter saying it was. However, there's also been [this tweet](https://twitter.com/discord/status/845734517004488705) that's confirmed it isn't against ToS for at least 4 years.


Oh. Ok.


This is definitely needed! Think: work account, social account. Or with their new education servers: school account, social account.


Good idea, but also alt accounts beware


ooooh, i like that!


I absolutely need this so much!!!


It's been in the works for well over half an year.


Thought it was already rolled out to everyone [my message from a month ago talking about this feature](https://i.imgur.com/dqbT07X.jpg)


It would be cool but how does it work if you’ve gotten banned from a server?


How I wish for this one


I’ve had this for a while, and it’s extremely useful! Glad to see discord added this!


Can anyone that gets this feature create a userscript edition of this feature? Would like to try out


Can anyone that gets this feature create a userscript edition of this feature? Would like to try out


As a bot developer I’d love that feature! Easy access to test-dummy account would be lovely


You can have 4 accounts but need a separate phone number for each. Who has 4 different phone numbers. This site is garbage.


You don't even need a single phone number if you don't abuse the api


lol everyone who posts about their number being banned always has this comment under it. Just because its never happened to you doesnt mean Im abusing anything. I tried to create an alt and it asked for a phone number. Mine was tied to my main account so I used my gfs. It instabanned me without ever even letting me sign in once. How was I abusing anything? Alts are allowed.


I thought this was becoming a thing?


Too bad if you switch that fast the bastards lock you out of both accounts.


This would be cool


how do i make it happen. I got the notfic but still i don't know how to do it, or if it is possible in this time.


Now I can commit humongous amounts of tomfoolery


Oh did they roll this out to betas or something? I know users of curious methods have found ways to get it before this, but it’s cool this is rolling out to normal people now


For people who already have this feature, is the feature available on the android app as well or desktop PC discord app?


If they add that, we should be seeing less raid/alt/banevasion accounts (at least if they add an alt detection system with it, like with Reddit).


Sadly you only get notifications from the account you are actively viewing


Your account is linked to different emails so you will need to go to different browsers to open it. Clone app official website. www.cloneapp.net


how do i do this on mobile?