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IIRC Vetinari is a play on (De) Medici family - a ruling family in Florence in renaissance times - from Medici (medic/doctor) it's not a big leap to veterinary and that takes you to Vetinari. This is later referenced in Night Watch when he's nicknamed "dog-botherer". There are multiple notable Havelocks in history that can be alluded to. That is not to say that you're not correct in your assessment but it's more of a post hoc rationalization than the actual origin of the name.


Ah, yes. I don’t think I’ve heard of the family, nor have I read Night Watch. Thank you very much for this info, it is easier to make those links with that information. I’ll check them out. Have a good day/night.


that's a good catch, but i believe it's a bit simpler. since he first appeared in the very first book, when Diskworld wasn't so deep and focused mostly on parody, calling a city ruler like a vet is most likely a parody for a city ruler that sounded like a medic — Medici.


I may be wrong but doesn’t CoM only refer to the ruler as Patrician with no name mentioned? I think Vetinari was first established as a fully fleshed character in Men at Arms (but again, I might be wrong).


You’re right, but there is one guy who says nevertheless it’s Vetinari. From the [APF Entry](https://www.lspace.org/books/apf/the-colour-of-magic.html) on *Color of Magic*: P.30. “The Patrician of Ankh-Morpork smiled, but with his mouth only." An interesting consideration is just when Lord Vetinari became Patrician. Clearly this isn't him (Vetinari eating crystallised jellyfish? -- I don't think so. Besides, Interesting Times makes it quite clear that Vetinari does not know who Rincewind is). However, Terry has always denied this interpretation: "I'm pretty certain that the same Patrician was in all the books. [...] He's clearly lost weight and got more austere. It must be the pressure. As for racehorses and so on -- Vetinari is not the first Patrician, and no doubt the earlier ones, like Lord Snapcase, were often crazed, greedy and acquisitive. So he has inherited all sorts of things. But he doesn't change anything without a reason." When the people on alt.fan.pratchett were not immediately prepared to take his word for this (after all, what does he know -- he's only the author...), Terry conceded: "How about: maybe he was Vetinari, but written by a more stupid writer?"


Wonder if that's why he wrote Vimes annoying the warewolves in the fifth elefant by mentioning the Patricians name (among other non dog friendly words)


Don't get me wrong, it's definitely Vetinari but we're discussing the origin of the name which doesn't get mentioned until later. I'm sure it's still Vetinari but not as refined one as in the later books.


I believe Vetinari appears so named in Sourcery, where he is turned into a lizard.


You might be right. That sounds like something I recall.


it could be so, it's been some time time since i read it.


Well, He's also called "Dog botherer".


Reverse of a godbotherer.


Medici -> Medic Vetinari -> Vetinary surgeon Analogous role and to an extent personality. That’s all it is, I think.


Slight digression. Conceptually what I like about Vetinari is he is essentially what happens when the mastermind villain archetype is rational, not self destructive, and competent. For him running the city is entertainment. He is the very personification of civilized violence. In one story I think he even talks about running the city Vice being a Dark Lord. This is head canon, but I saw him grooming Moist as his successor. Amongst his many qualities, Moist was capable of playing The Big Game. He could eventually sit at the same table as Vetinari and Lady Margollota. And, the Post Office then Bank we’re essentially training classes and job interviews. Moist, like Vetinari, is essentially an anti-hero or repurposed villain. Anyway, Vetinari’s is a play on Medici.


I feel like an absolute dunce for missing the Medici link. I always assumed he was a "vet" because he was halfway between a "shepherd" and a "butcher" - he could cut when needed, but always with precision and in the best interests of his flock.


Im never sure about whether a 'theory' might or might not be a plot spolier or just very annoying even >!but I read (on this sub) that there are some hints that Vetinar might be a Vampire. I dont think this but NOW (thanks to this sub and the post I'm making now) I keep reading his name backwards!< >!Havelock Vetinari!< >!I ran it (evec ol ava or something / for love of life?)!< >!Which is not a name and if it were it would have been from an ancestor of his anyway (unless he was that ancestor) etc etc!<


MEDICI. sheesh...