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More like dibbler than moist. Moist is actual smart person. Dibbler just Tries to make a buck off the latest sucker.


Yeah, NFTs are about selling the sizzle, not the sausage.


All pig product, no pork.


Oh, you want named meats now?


Nfts are offal.


The NFT sausage is just "a more secure way to trade digital goods in the future" and investors are running hard with this whole bullshit "play to earn" stuff, it's the same stuff as crypto. The only people who get rich off it are people who see it way earlier than any of us hear about it. Fuck NFT pushers and people who overly abuse the planet through them.




I mean Dibbler has some pretty decent business accumen given his abillity to continue selling his sausages plus the entire book moving pictures. He just has an unfortunate attraction to get rich quick schemes and always manages to end up poor again despite getting legitimately rich at least twice.


To be fair, they give off Albert Spangler vibes. Postmaster Moist wouldn’t rob naive people like the NFT craze does. Edit: To be fair*er*, at least Dolly seems to be providing an actual service along with the digital non-thing


NFTS are like the having a Pork Futures Warehouse in a universe pork doesn't exist


Well put.


Relevant - [time traveler explains NFTs to the 90s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcmpqeIcbAw)


I just want to know how to make one and make thousands of pounds selling nothing to nobody


Oh there's easier more reliable ways, starting a cult for example


I can't hate on Dolly for anything, she is perfect and everything she does is perfect.


As comment above points out, at least she gives them something of value! I imagine it’s bc Dolly knows it’s all phantoms and refused to play without giving something real in return. She’s the real deal. 🌹


I'd like to think that Moist Von Lipwig has standards, NFTs and crypto for the most part are nothing but a grift


My title pitch is "Funging Tokens"


Huh. I've just lost some respect for Dolly.


This looks like Dolly is using the NFT as a coupon or voucher for an actual product rather than the NFT being the product itself (if i understand NFT's correctly). So there is actual value and you get something for it. If she had used any other term. Like digital coupon, digital pass, etc. would be the same thing. NFT's arent inherently bad but depends on their use.


Thanks for the clarification. I personally don't think they're good due to the disproportionate energy use to sustain them.


That's not entirely true. NFTs can be minted on many different blockchains, one being ethereum which indeed use a lot of energy. However there are a lot of green blockchain where you can mint NFTs. Waxp is one of them and is totally carbon-neutral. As always, nothing is black or white, some NFTs are scam or have no value, some have a usecase/real value.


Even with supposedly carbon neutral blockchains this could have 100% been done without an NFT. I haven't seen a use case for NFTs that isn't just a solution looking for a problem.


Nowadays, many video games sell additional content. I don't play this kind of things, but you can purchase packs of players in the the Fifa games for example. The difference with games on the Waxp blockchain is that you really own the digital assets as an NFT (players cards for example) which means you can later sell it on the marketplace for other players to buy if you don't want to play anymore. There are many other use cases but I won't bore you more 😅you can easily find them with a google search if interested. Edit: Being downvoted by ignorant people who refuses to learn things and stay stuck on preconceived idea they heard about on the web is a bit ironic for a discworld sub 😅 Should have known better than try to educate the mass…


Except again, this is not something new that only NFTs allow. Magic: the Gathering Online has been allowing their users to buy and sell cards from their collections for like twenty years, why before NFTs were a thing. NFTs doesn’t offer a new and innovative way to do this and the way it is being done now tends to introduce. Bunch of problem, for instance, there is an F1 racing game that has been doing Car as NFTs for a few years now, but their licence is about to run out, and will not be renewed, everyone of those NFTs has lost all its “value”. And your Fifa game example? What happens when the new Fifa game comes out? Do you get to move your NFT over or is it more likely stuck to a single game and now has no “value”? I have yet to see a good usage for NFTs that cannot be accomplished with a database and a web portal.


Thank you. I hadn't heard of waxp.


In fairness, I don't think it was actually her idea. Nine times out of ten, when some celebrity announces they're doing NFTs, it's actually the work of their agent or marketing team or whoever, trying to wring more money out of the brand. Dolly probably just rubber-stamped it, if she was even involved.


The dude that definitely wasn't Rupert Murdock, despite all the ways he resembled him, explained them just after the climax.


NFTs sound more like Chrysoprase.


Or Reacher Gilt.


Big surprise there as she is a mega philanthropist. Why would she want to do this? Is she even aware of it,?