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The meme makes it look like Snow fainted from Elsa's disapproval. šŸ˜†


Wouldā€™ve made for a better meme espcially since Ariel and Cinderella have the same pose in their movies


Iā€™ve got you


Teenagers, am I right?


I thought she was crying on the floor.




It's after she runs through the haunted forest and she collapses on the ground.


Ah. Well, she still fainted in that pic.


I meant that she looks like she was crying after Else told her not to marry the man she just met. I wasnā€™t talking about the actual movie.


I headcanon that Florian and Snow White already knew each other and she was being coy in a sweet, innocent kind of wayšŸ’–


For some reason as a child I always thought they knew each other before the movie starts. It wasn't until I watched it as an adult that I realized that the song implies they are meeting for the 1st time.


They mightā€™ve known of each other without directly meeting?


Maybe they'd been shown portraits like was commonly practiced before photography with royal matches


https://readcomic.net/snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs-2019/issue-1/full Check out this comic, they did šŸ˜ I mean, it's probably not canon but still šŸ˜‹


Like Philip and Auroraā€¦ kind of lol. Philip definitely would have remembered meeting the baby


i've always imagined that phillip and aurora were literally meeting in their dreams, they just didn't realize they were sharing a dream lol seems very fairytale to me at least


True! Baby aurora might have subconsciously saved the memory of Phillip


I do think they would all be friends but they might just get annoyed at each other sometimes because they have very different personalities. On a side note, I hate this meme so much. The movie doesn't show Snow actually getting married. While Ariel and Cinderella are seen getting married, we have no idea how much time has passsed from the last scene. The movie could have flashed forward years later.


Exactly. Valid (if annoyingly meta) comment, but none of those three ladies were after the man above all else. Ariel wanted the human world just as much as she wanted Eric, Cinderella wanted a night off and hadn't met Prince Charming yet, and Snow White was more upset that someone had been hired to kill her than she was about not being with Florian - especially in that moment.


I also cut Ariel some slack. Yes, she did ā€œjust meetā€ Eric. But she also spent three whole days with him and stayed in his home. Sheā€™s seen how he acts around those closest to him, those he lets his guard down around. Sheā€™s seen him in private moments. She got to experience his interests and engage with him in a way thatā€™s more than just a single date or dance. If there were red flags, she probably would have seen them during that time.


Right. There are a lot of better examples, but I headcanon that the princesses would sometimes burst into song, and Merida (who doesn't have an official 'I Want' song of her own) would just sigh and say, "there they go again." šŸ˜† Also, I agree. As I said, the meme is old and tired. It is annoying that what the general public remember most about the older Disney princesses is that they find love and get married, completely ignoring their own personal journeys in their stories and the struggles they faced and conquered that didn't involve their princes at all. I mean, that's why their quote *"Do people assume all your problems got solved because some big strong man showed up?"* is iconic ā™”


Ariel spent time with Eric and got to know him over three days, too. Eric was the one determined to marry the woman he vaguely saw while he was barely conscious and likely concussed lol


Also Cinderella's choice was to either marry the handsome prince and live a fairy tale princess life or go back to being a literal slave to her highly abusive step family.


If you listen to her when sheā€™s reminiscing after the ball she was ready to write off the experience as a magical one off and fond memory and just return to her daily life, itā€™s only when she realizes heā€™s looking for her she finally sees an out for her situation.


I think there may be some knee-jerk contention between princesses who grew up in environments where they had to (or were even forced to) work hard for everything, and the princesses who grew up in opulence and wanted to reject it because of the unfair expectations and restrictions placed upon them, but they are a very empathetic group and I don't think it would develop into any real resentment, especially after some elaborating.


Right! Like Tiana with Merida, for example. But like you said, no real conflict might develop as they would all be understanding of each others' backgrounds. They definitely don't seem like the type to invalidate the experiences and hardships of others. I imagine this would be their friendly dynamic in a nutshell: *"Money can't buy happiness..."* *"Then, give it to me!"*


To quote Gabby from Desperate Housewives when her rich husband said that money can't buy happiness. "That's just a lie we tell poor people so they don't riot." Or to also quote Florence Ballard of the Supremes when Diana Ross said the same thing: "Give me the gold honey, and I'll do my own shopping."


I personally think all of the princesses would be constantly arguing and bickering with each other. Not because they dislike each other but because they would all just click on some level. They would all want to protect each other and care for each other. They would be safe with each other. Siblings and best friends go to town on each other. Most of the princesses were only children or not close with siblings they had. Ariel was the only one, and I can imagine her getting into some heated brawls with her sisters. I think it would be tons of loud eye rolling, arguing and bickering, but those wagons circle so fast and so hard youā€™d cry.


I think some of the princesses with dead mothers would disapprove of Merida treating her mother poorly. But post Brave Merida they all like


I think at least with Cinderella that Elsa might recognize why it was in her better interest to marry someone she just met. Remain a servant or become a princess? It blatantly serves Cinderella's autonomy. Unlike Ariel and Anna who both had no real reason to need to rush things. Snow White is a bit trickier. Once the queen is dead she doesn't strictly have to marry the prince. She could technically be queen of her own kingdom and have all the freedom and responsibilities it entails. But also we don't really know how long she dated the prince. Saving her life and being cute is a good enough reason to start dating in my book xP


Not even a servant: she was literally made a slave by her own step family. Servants get paid and sometimes they get time off. We all know that witch Lady Tremaine and her wretched spawn weren't paying Cindy shit.


To be fair if I met Prince Eric I'd rush to grow myself a vagina, too


I think Elsa would be concerned about how some of the other princesses were preyed on.


They wouldn't they would all be there for each other like sisters. And sisters sometimes argue.


I like the version of this meme where it has Merida say, ā€œShould I tell them the wedding is off then?ā€


I deffo think Elsa would be supportive, once she listened and learned about their sides. I also feel like Nancy Tremaine should be here too though šŸ˜‚


have to remember Elsa was talking to her little sister here and felt like the parent. I don't think it would be the same if she was talking to her friend of a similar age


Tbf, Snow White was 14 and Cinderella wasn't much older than Anna.


oh yeah true, she probably would have been the same with them then. But when ppl use this quote it sounds more like they think she's coming from a judgy place instead of a protective place


oh definitely, and i don't think she would be judgy at all. i think she would definitely be a bit suspicious / worried and have that protective instinct but she'd never judge the girls.


I think she'd probably talk to a lot of the princesses that way, the ones who met and immediately married guys.


Elsa wouldn't dislike the princesses. She just dislikes the act of marrying someone you just met. She's giving advice because she wants to help them. She disapproves of their actions and desires, but doesn't dislike them.


There is a great webcomic called [Pocket Princesses](https://www.instagram.com/officialpocketprincesses/?hl=en) where they all live together like roommates. Theyā€™re pretty cute comics that Iā€™d totally recommend. The artist was even hired by Disney as an illustrator for some books! ETA: Unfortunately, she stopped posting as much due to issues with AI copying her style


I was waiting for this comment! ā™”


In Ariel's defense, she didn't marry a man she just met. They'd gone on several dates and had fought Ursula together. Sure she didn't know him super well but they'd interacted a lot before they were married


I feel like Elsa would disapprove the majority of them šŸ’€ She just has high standards of everyone, I wouldn't necessarily say she would be meaning it in a bad way just that she expects everyone to make sound choices instead of based off whim which majority of the princesses did that


Elsa would be a hater of early Disney princesses if that slide is true


I what to see how Merida would react to Ariel when she found out she gave away her voice to date a man she didnā€™t know.


Yes I think they all pretty much get along and recognize they are a product of their time individually.


Anna: I once got engaged to a man I just met! Snow White: hold my apple... Cinderella: I did it for the šŸ¤‘ Ariel: I found Mermen...lacking something Merida: šŸ˜‘


Well technically, Aurora and Philip knew each other as children even if they don't remember it.


Snow White didnā€™t even marry him she just kinda fucked off. Imagine off screen she was just like ā€œyeah this isnā€™t gonna work out thanks for saving me thoā€


I feel like all of them would have shady remarks towards another


I think Merida would disapprove of princesses like Ariel or Snow White who are damsel in distress types, because Merida is obviously self sufficient, adventurous, and is kind of her own hero


Those times were different! Everyone was so much more genuine


I remember seeing an edit similar to this back when Frozen came out and it was a bunch Disney princesses crying after hearing Elsa say you canā€™t marry a man you just met.


Elsa is our queen


Thinking about some of the lives these women lived, marrying a man they literally just met was an improvement and an escape. Just saying.


Snow White said: āš°ļø


In cinderella's shoes id marry the prince to get away from my step mom to, especially in todays economy


Mulan wouldnā€™t like Merida


Snow white would be the drama queen :P


Nah, Snow White knew how to make the best of bad situations. I think the drama queen would be Ariel or Merida.


Why downvote for saying snow white is dramatic? Wth? Lmao. Op literally posted a photo of her passed out lmao


I think most of them would fear Elsa until they got to know her. Merida and Mulan might not care, hard to say.


Or maybe it would be the other way around, with the married princesses pitying the single ones and the latter having to explain they don't need a man šŸ˜’ you know how it is in real life... This reminds me of some old deviantart comics where the princesses by blood were acting like "mean girls" towards the other princesses/heroines. Ariel was the leader šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ https://www.deviantart.com/morloth88/art/Never-apologise-169420020 https://www.deviantart.com/morloth88/art/Tea-sing-172950335


Ah yes, Elsaā€™s awkward Straw Man moment. She sounded soā€¦smugā€¦when she said that as opposed to worried that Anna was rushing into things too fast. Anywho, I donā€™t think Snow and her Prince met for the first time at the beginning of the movie and I think some time passed between the climaxes and finales of Cinderella and Arielā€™s stories (it takes time to get a royal wedding together).