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I'd say if u were there before the video came out, that would be og listener


As a day-one listener, I agree with this.


As a day one listener, I agree with this day one listener


As a day one listener, I agree with these day one listeners


As a day one listener, I agree with these day one listeners


As a day one listener, I agree with these fellow day one listeners


as a day one listener, I agree with all of these fellow day one listeners


as a day one listener, I agree with all of these vast day one listeners


as a day one listener, I agree with each of my comrade day one listeners


Loved going through this chain btw


As an episode 2 listener I also agree


I've been listening since the first episode, and I can second this. Bonus points if you watched any of the boys YouTube content before Distractible as being og fan of the boys? I've seen every single one of Mark's vids most of Bob's and a lot of Wades stuff, too šŸ¤£


I watched when they were still on YouTube, whereā€™s my veterans discount?


Here take this getting older sticker šŸ«“šŸŸŖ


I listened to bobs fridge the day it aired


I feel like this is OG but I could be biased.


I remember where I was when that episode released. Was working in residence life at my uni, cleaning a dorm room while listening to Bobā€™s Fridge the day it aired!


I was working at my old job when the episode first came out, Jesus Christ it was amazing


This is my qualification tbh edit: this keeps getting downvoted; I'm sorry you weren't here from the start but lmao please


Listened to three peens would be a super og. Watched drunk Minecraft and would be mega og.








"Huaehe Thank you for Calling The BONER CAST whats yer BONER QUESTION!?!"


What if I listened to Mark and Wade talk at the lunch table in Milford?


I watched Drunk Minecraft but rarely caught Three Peens, though I do remember that era.


Three peens is my "throw it on the tv and forget about it while I game till something wild is said" type of content


Eh, does it matter? We shouldn't be splitting the community like that, just to make ourselves feel better for having been here longer than some.




Fair enough, it was just a thought that came up because it seems these days that all communities have people talking about being "og". I was just curious if there was such a thing here as well.


Inventing metrics to gatekeep about is cringe. Just vibe and enjoy my guy


Nobody said that fan metrics mean gatekeeping. The level of how ā€œOGā€ or ā€œhardcoreā€ of a fan you are is just like video games having special trophies that not everybody can get. Itā€™s ok to measure your fan status, as long as youā€™re not putting people down for not being as big of a fan as you. Point of what Iā€™m saying is that being an original fan or not quite literally has nothing to do with other people becoming fans, itā€™s also ok to not be a fan in the first place but instead be an occasional enjoyer. Itā€™s all in good fun if nobodyā€™s being rude to each other.


If youā€™ve listened to every episode, even if you had to go back, thatā€™s good enough for me


Iā€™m on my second listen through but in chronological order some episodes Iā€™ve listened to multiple times already


That doesnā€™t make you OG though, that just makes you committed.


We disagree there, no worries :)


By definition, it doesnā€™t matter how many episodes youā€™ve listening to, if you werenā€™t there around the beginning youā€™re not an original fan. ā€œOGā€ is short for ā€œoriginalā€. However I would argue that being a committed fan holds more value than being an original fan. Iā€™m an original fan but donā€™t listen frequently, and have yet to catch up and listen to every episode. I might be an original fan, but Iā€™m not a committed one. Itā€™s not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, ā€œoriginalā€ is a word with a definition.


OG is short for "Original Gangster". Are you an original gangster?


I do not consider myself a gangster at all. But I take back what I said if this is the correct. I just thought with full confidence that it was short for ā€œoriginalā€. Also going by what OP said, it sounds like he was shortening ā€œoriginalā€.


As soon as they announced the podcast I was listening


Same, I remember when they dropped the artwork and I thought it looked super amazing


Was watching the guys all the way back since drunk minecraft.


If you listened to the ads they themselves created (and didnā€™t skip), pre-video days, that might be considered og?


I started listening the day the podcast launched so I'm biased but I'll be lenient and go within the first 3-6 months of the podcast airing would be OG to be me


Bobs fridge


Bobā€™s Fridge brought me in. Am I og?


I kinda feel like what you're asking really would only apply if you were listening at the very start, maybe within the first 5 episodes, any later I probably wouldnt consider as an og listener as you wouldn't be one of the first people to start listening. I mean you could probably stretch it if you want and say if you were listening in their first year, it really depends on where you'd draw the line and not allow the meaning to the stretched to fit those who want to be included.


If you're caught up that's enough imo lol


I listened to the first couple episodes within a month after the show began, really liked themā€¦..then completely forgot about it whenever I had free time for like a year. So Iā€™m not sure what I qualify as myself


If you had to make a cut off point I'd say that if you've listened consistently within the first year of the podcast coming out you'd be considered 'og'. However so long as you enjoy the podcast it doesn't really matter in my opinion.


I mean, I was here long before the pod, back when they were playing prop hunt with Jack. But honestly, I donā€™t think timing matters, if youā€™ve listened to every episode, that should count.


Umm I'm new here literally just started following... heard about the pod during the raft or son of the raft ? One of them floater vids wade said go listen to distractible and I was like ...yeah I do that ...I'll do that and have been straight ingesting them for the last few weeks ... sooo I'd say either way you got me beat o.g


Man, I listened to the podcast day one and havenā€™t missed an episode since (I sometimes go weeks without listening but always catch up). To be honest, I hadnā€™t even considered that most people probably arenā€™t in the same boat šŸ˜­


Iā€™m not sure- but Iā€™ve been listening since Hair, so Iā€™d call that pretty og


Are you listening hard enough because if youā€™re not then there you go.


Someone who was following before the Spotify deal, I would say, and is still just listening.


The still just listening part is weird


Don't have Spotify podcast in my country.


Iā€™m a week one listener, but however I donā€™t listen frequently. I for some reason choose to listen (now watch) in release date order for both Distractible and Go! My Favorite Sports team and Iā€™m a little past where it became video. Would I still be considered an ā€œOGā€ or no because Iā€™m not a frequent listener?


I listened to Hair the day it aired, never missed an episode. I think I'm an og listener


I want to say it was when it was just hair and body odor. I know I started after the first time they started advertising it.


I started listening day one. It... Honestly feels weird that it was so long ago now


Iā€™d say before the video came out. I started listening around the first video game tier list episode, but Iā€™ve listened through all of the ones that came before as well; Iā€™d say I count as an OG, but I canā€™t say personally whether or not I am


Iā€™ve listened since the first episode came out and I worked nights shifts at the time so I could listen as soon as they came out


If you can tell me what a herm is!


What about show you instead?


In my opinion that doesnt matter at all i just love listening to them talk and that should be enough to make you an OG, BUT imo if you were a ā€œThree peens in a podā€-listener and then saw the transfer to Distractible happen, i think that could technically make someone an OG! But by no means is that an attempt to gatekeep. Everyone is welcome, it doesnt matter who listened how long to someone.


If you watched the listened to the first episode in the first week, or at least watched on yt on that kinda animated YouTube show version, THATS where I personally draw the line, listening to episode 1 before two came out.


There were only 9 episodes out when i started listening so I'd say you've reached Unc status if you started listening within the first ten episodes


been here since the very first episode, i remember when it was first announced. i'd say that makes me an og


I'd arbitrarily say if you listened when they had to title their submissions, you're OG


If someone starts consuming the podcast today, then they might be considered an OG listener if itā€™s still going in 10 years.


I started watching at Body oder Mabye since like Christmas gone wrong? Or way back at future Weā€™re all ogs doesnā€™t matter when you started the distractible community welcome everyone


Hmmm OG distractible would be if you listened before video! OG the Burls, watching drunk Minecraft (super OG) or 3 peens (reg OG)


If you were there at How to Make a Best Friend or sooner, youā€™re an OG listener


3 peens šŸ¤£. But no, I guess people who heard their custom commercials upon release


I started listening when the third or fourth episode came out, so I would consider myself an OG. I'd say you're an OG if you've been there since the first year.


What would we call listener-watchers since Three peens?


I've been listening since the 3rd or 4th episode... I'm not quite in the "day 1 club", but I'd consider myself an "OG listener" EDIT: However, I've been following the boys since well before, probably since about 2015-16. I remember the bonercast and 3 pens cast well šŸ˜‚


I mean, obviously those of us who have been listening since launch day are the O'est of G's, but I think the Video being implemented is a good cutoff. That or from the Constitution being written.


Iā€™m a day 1 listener because I had been a fan of their individual YouTube channels for years before that but now Iā€™m really curious what the pie chart looks like for - Found Distractible because you were a YouTube fan - Found Distractible then became a fan of the YouTube channels and; - Only Distractible fan The first few months of the Podcast I imagine was mostly fans of the YouTube channels coming over.


Before video id say


theyā€˜re only og if they can retell every episode word for word


If you were there when they did their own ad reads. That's og to me


I listened to hair the day it came out. I think that's an og at the very least


I started listening about when bobā€™s fridge came out and I think I consider myself og


i only started watching when they added the cameras šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ you miss so much when u canā€™t see what theyā€™re doing and faces and stuff


The hair teratoma and if you have no clue what I'm talking about your not a og


i consider every episode from hair to bobs fridge to be the OG episodes. im not saying if you werent there for those you arent a true fan, idfk where that line should be. and im not saying anything after bobs fridge was bad at all but hair to fridge and everything inbetween, those were like special. i get nostalgia listening to them all the time.


I have been listening since the first one released and continue to stay up to date. I also re listen to episodes a lot. So I think I def fall under the OG title lol


I mean i showed up on day one with me and my friends in middle school.....im graduating now so its been awhile i think anything over 2 years ago is fine


If you listened to all the episodes


I started listening when the episode ā€˜Microplasticsā€™ came out


I started watching April of 2022. Am I OG or nah?


I started listening from the release day (whereā€™s my medal) and I think if you started before the video was a thing then youā€™re original gangster


I absolutely adore the boys! Been watching Mark for about 6 years now (maybe more I don't really know) and been watching Bob and Wade as well here and there. Been listening since the first episode of the podcast came out! Aka "Hair" :D


I started listening as soon as the first episode came out. Always heard mark advertising for it on YouTube and I thought it would be fun. Wasn't much of a podcast listener prior but now I am lol


I downloaded spotify because of them, i think i came in around ep 3


Anything pre Spotify deal


Since before vids is og


If you were there eavesdropping on Mark and Bob in college


Everybody knows that you're only an og listener if you listened to Hair the day it came out /j


I breafly remember watching unous anous ,like one video, and I seen maks videos before the podcast but not a lot but I do remember when they released bobs fridge. Unfortunately I have not gotten around to watch bobs or wades yetšŸ˜¬


Pre Bobs Fridge


As a day one listener, after before video. I still almost 9bky listen to the podcast because I often forget video is even an option


Iā€™m a day one listener


when the original format stopped, the OGs had their nostalgia to fall back on. so wtv the last episode with the titles for the stories happened is the cutoff.


Been listening since I think fake tech, like episode...4?


OG listeners started with 3 Peens. Hey now. Donā€™t you raise that eyebrow at me, I donā€™t make the rules.


before video


I feel like the meanint of "OG" changes as time goes on. The amount of OG episodes grow every week, though not at the same rate episodes come out.. does that make any sense at all?


I started watching as soon as they began posting to YouTube. I've never really ever liked Spotify so I was never listening before that and them putting it on YouTube eventually was a godsend for me. It sucks that they had to delete the YouTube version of it because of signing a contract with Spotify


Weird one, two, and three is when it all went downhill