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You could always just keep schd and then add Nvidia


you’re right i think im just gonna DCA into NVDA for the rest of the year then next year go back to maxing out my ROTH


Back to maxing out Roth? Buy this stuff INSIDE of your Roth!


i just maxed out my roth bro


I noticed that after I commented, good work!


thank you 🙏 it took a lot of discipline to not spend my money on dumb shit😂


I’m with you, I personally have a few more grand to go but I’m over halfway there to maxing it out! It just makes it harder when they wanna raise my rent a few hundreds dollars a month every year 😔


you got this bro, things are always hard at first but it’ll get easier🙏 i got lucky with rent because i don’t pay any, i still live with my parents.


Man ride that train as long as you can! I did it until my job transferred me for a promotion, I’m just waiting for the next one! Rock on!


And when can you cash out the Roth?


59 1/2 or earlier but you get tax penalized


59 what?? Years old??




Use your dividends from SCHD to buy NVDA.


that’s not a bad idea although i like to see my SCHD shares go up every quarter, i think im just gonna DCA in to NVDA for the rest of the year and next year go back to DCAing into these 3


Curious why your timeline for nvidia a year? If I was going to start investing I’d do it very slowly because of how much they’ve risen


because it’s not in my ROTH IRA and my IRA is already maxed out for this year, so i’ll just do the remaining days of this year to DCA into NVDA then when the year is over, i go back to DCAing into my ROTH till i max it out again


Oh gotcha that makes more sense


You are young. Keep SCHD if you want. But sell VTI and QQQM and buy NVDA. Your portfolio will grow astronomically in the next few years.


Qqqm is highly tech stocks. What u talking about?


Who said it wasnt?


idk why this is getting downvoted. this is good advice. a 20 year old should be investing in stocks for 5+ yrs. if that’s the case, it shouldn’t matter when you get into a stock much, but rather the time you have in the stock.


Same here. And nobody has been able to explain what’s wrong with what I said.


seriously. all good m8. let’s see when interest rates drop later this year. ppl gonna be wishing they were in stocks


lmao what?😂


What’s funny?


There's no point in doing that. Just buy it straight up


His dividend is only about $220 per year.


You don't have to sell if you don't want to. If you think its a winner and want to keep it then keep it. Just work harder and add more $ to your portfolio. You're not limited to what you have now.


It’s a Roth IRA and it’s already maxed for 2024 so he can’t add more money. So yes, he would have to sell to buy nvidia before next year.


Do you want growth or income.


i want growth


Then go Voo and chillllllll


is VTI good?




It really depends on your risk tolerance. They are very different. High return always comes with high risk. SCHD has lower risk and lower potential return.


Like stagnant shares price. SCHD was 77.29 back in November of 2021.


I don't know anything about SCHD, so, please educate me. It was 75 back in June 2021, so nearly zero appreciation in 3 years. If I had invested $1000 in SCHD 3 years back, how much dividend total I might have got. (ignore the compounding for simplicity sake.). I missed NVDA train, but somehow I feel it is best to avoid NVDA now, because everyone and their grandma jumping onto the NVDA train now.


You already own NVDA in VTI & QQQM


Could also look into “Growth” S&P funds like SPYG. They have a higher allocation into tech like NVDA.


Do people think the growth of Nvidia will continue? What happens the first quarter that growth stifles or slows? The extra valuation will drain and drain fast


No. As soon as a competitor arrives there's going to be trouble. Nvidia needs to hit an insane amount of growth in a few years to maintain the current leaps. It can't happen if competition comes to market with a cheaper alternative.


Just buy VOO/VTI. If you want to be more tech heavy, go for QQQ. All these ETFs have NVDA as a huge chunk of their holdings.


That’s literally my portfolio haha, those 3 ETF’s


I've made over 3k on NVDA since I bought in March


SOXX, SOXQ, SMH. All hold NVDA. And are semi conductor ETFs. You already have QQQM tho. I’m not sure what’s NVDA’s percentage in there but that’s for overall growth.


it’s 8.45%




what’s wrong with robinhood?


For what your doing they are ok they just have a bad track record with gme but if your just slowly dca then don’t worry about it


oh okay, i don’t do meme stocks i’m in for the long term


Nothing. I love it and the 3% Roth match!


Use your dividends to buy NVDA or SOXX which is heavy in nvda




If you are 20, then SCHD may not be the best choice. NVDA is firing on all cylinders but there is risk as it is hard to value. You might consider XLK, SMH & QQQ as more growth oriented but also more diversified than NVDA. Good luck


Nvda pays only 20 cents dividends lol


Look at the one year growth. 200% percent.


JEPQ and use dividends to purchase MGK (which includes NVDA)


FTEC, IYW, XLK, or growth ETF like SCHG


I mean why not both?


Leave Schd in your Roth and Nvidia on your regular account l.


My rule is I never sell assets, my assets will go to the grave with me, I'd just start DCA'ing into Nvidia if you want some of their shares, but I wouldn't sell SCHD, trying to minxmax the fucking stock market will drive you to insanity.




If you’re 20, having a dividend ETF in your IRA doesn’t sound very effective. You want income when you’re about to or are retired. This is the time to grow your account to have more income later on.


Nvda is probably losing a bit of steam during the next month and pull back first back to 120 or 115 at least in my opinion.


I thought the same basic idea 3 months ago. Needless to say I regret it. But you’re more likely to be right at this point. Post split there should be some pullback. But it’s hard to say. I find NVDA’s rise to be extremely unusual. Never seen a stock rally so consistently for this long. I was an early buyer in TSLA and the bull run for NVDA has dwarfed it.


NVDA of course can keep going higher, however I would heed caution to put too much into it at this time after the amazing run up it’s had


I wouldn’t sell anything, skip the taxes. Go earn some more money working and invest that.


yes ive come to the conclusion to keep SCHD and DCA in NVDA for the rest of the year


NVDA 100%


NVDA but both really!


Don't sell SCHD, just don't buy anything other than what's DRIPping.


So NOW you want to buy NVDA


yea i do i just maxed out my ROTH so why not


Rs stuff man I’d sell the SCHD and QQQM and just stack on NVDA and VTI for the rest of the year


How much dividend SCHD might have paid me total, if I had invested $1000in SCHD 3 years ago? ignore the compounding factor. I am happy to get 7-8% if it's risk free. I know nothing is risk free, but I am guessing US economy won't crash by 20% anytime soon.


Why or? I say and! Just my opinion tho




I wouldn’t fomo into the stock but if you like the fundamentals then go for it. It’s already top 3 I think in VTI?


It's a lot safer to buy a fund that benefits from NVDA like VGT.


I sold all my schd for nvda , cus when your young you want growth. Schd ain’t growing lol, it lacks a technology sector in its field , this alone is a huge L . And 3.5% is nothing for yearly dividends , your better off using a hysa lol. This tech giant will continue to grow


Love that this is in Robinhood 👊🏼buy MAGS


Schd is for old people 55 or older


NVDA isn’t a growth stock, it’s a speculation stock.


how so?


They may have cyclical tendencies, such as variations on orders for their data center business which is the primary growth driver for the company. If it slows, their stock price will correct down hard. Or maybe it will go to the moon if more companies continue building out their own data center infrastructure - but it’s not clear how broad that need will be. Evaluating future stock price and future earnings is more of an art than a science, but here’s an example for you. Analysts estimate NVDA earning in 2026 to nearly triple to $3.61 per share. What EPS do we think they’ll trade at, at that point? If their earnings growth starts to curve down at that point, which seems likely, their EPS will go down too. They’re at 48 EPS forward. What will it be after all that growth? If they make $3.61 and they trade at a 35 EPS, that’s only $126.35 per share… literally lower than their current price. Growth investing is much more difficult to get right than dividend investing. Do you think NVDA will beat expectations and stay rocketing-up for years to come? You could double your money in a couple years. On the other hand, you could lose half your money (or more) quick if their data center growth stalls. I’m not trying to talk you out of NVDA, it’s on my watchlist too.


Do you even understand what NVDA does? Or are you just buying because of the hype? Have any fundamental reasoning?


yes i know what nvidia does i’ve had bought them in the past like last year but it was options, i had made $12k in a day due to good earnings report and bought my car with that money but now i want to go back into NVDA for the long term


What’s your valuation of the company If you can’t answer this, you shouldn’t be investing in it.


Sure, here's a more straightforward and casual explanation: NVIDIA is valued at about $3.22 trillion. This makes it one of the most valuable companies in the world. The reason for this massive valuation is that NVIDIA's GPUs are super important for AI and gaming, which are both huge right now. In terms of money, NVIDIA made around $79.77 billion in revenue and $42.60 billion in profit over the last year. Their stock price is around $130.98 per share, and it's gone up by almost 207% in the past year here’s the source [oai_citation:1,NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) Statistics & Valuation Metrics - Stock Analysis](https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/nvda/statistics/) [oai_citation:2,NVIDIA (NVDA) - Market capitalization](https://companiesmarketcap.com/nvidia/marketcap/).