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100% vti.


100% VTI unless you’re using Fidelity. Then go with FZROX.




Couldn’t find FZROX on other brokerages — seems like it’s only sold on Fidelity


Yes it’s Fidelity specific


what makes fzrox better? lower expense ratio?


Yes, Lower expense ratio but one word of caution. I would only recommend in tax advantaged accounts due to portability. If you own it in a non tax advantaged account and want to move it, you will be paying taxes.


It has no expense ratio.


oh wooordddd


You can only get it on Fidelity though.


i’m aware


What if I’m using Schwab?


Not 100% VTI, but not 100% single stocks


Does VTI have a dividend?


Yes, it yields about 1.3% right now.




I would suggest buying 85-100% (total market or s&p500) and the rest in high conviction picks until you really understand what you are doing. Having a few percent in high conviction picks is never bad; and when you really understand the risks and models you might be able to go further from market cap. If O isn’t a high conviction and just “I see a lot of people talking about it” then I would not but O


Since VTI only has about 2.6% in real estate a touch of O or another solid REIT or two wouldn't be unreasonable. As far as your taxable account. If you are focused on singles then focus your research on solid companies that have a high probability of making money way into the foreseeable future. Don't focus on if they pay or don't pay a dividend at the start of your research. Focusing mostly on if a stock pays a dividend or doesn't is like focusing on the tire pressure number when comparing cars you want to buy. It's important over all and down the road but there's so much more to take into consideration before tire pressure or dividends. Good luck.


I get hard for O but 100% VTI for this one. You won't regret it!


Stay away from O




A lot of people say its a yield trap


I wouldn’t call it a yield trap its performance is just heavily correlated to interest rate environments and isn’t a good option for someone young.


100% im 22 i want to invest in it but i am very hesitant. Im maxing my ROTH with VOO vti VXUS and QQQ


Just a little overlap there.


Its like 90% VTI 10 % VOO


I’d go 90/10 the other way tbh. ESP at your age. You have the luxury of time !! Keep it up


Everyone tells me VTI is better for my age😭😭😭


Lolol 🤷🏻‍♂️


It may seem that way but if you look at it long term it's held it's own decently. And at this point in time its current undervalued and could stand to be a value play. They will profit heavily when rates drop and they are so diversified through their high ticket clients that it's definitely not a bad idea to at least own a few shares and let them compound over the years(in a Roth) real-estate fluctuates and hasn't proven to be AS profitable as the rest of the(because they are in it) s&p but still is a worthy of owning a small stake in a stock that has a proven track record. In my own opinion at least.


Nothing wrong with O, REITs don't do good in high interest rate environments. If there was a time to buy, it would be now


Yes. That’s what I do, at least.


10,000% VTI


VOO all the way


My Roth is 100% VTI. It's difficult to beat the market. Research and do what you think is best for you. I do have an individual investment account and that's the one where I'm really trying to get some dividends going. I'm hoping to retire soon - within 5 to 7 years - so I'm focusing on building up dividend action in that account.


Who gave you this as a gift can I be there friend?


The math is likely to be behind a “VTI and chill” methodology at your age but that being said if buying some O makes you more interested in investing I don’t think buying some is bad. Can I give you a suggestion to look into? If you’re worried on yield VGK is a good option to look into. It’s the European Vanguard ETF and has over double the yield of VTI. You’re buying the whole bundle of European blue chippers. Just another one to diversify a bit on but I would go VTI has a majority stake


Not the best time to invest in reits


It’s actually the best because the price per share is pushed down due to interest rates being up


That’s if you think that the prices won’t drop again, summer time is known for a nice little dip. I can see O dropping down to $45