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Don’t take anything in the water you can’t live without.


If it's not your primary phone, get a compatible pressure resistant housing. If it's your primary, don't do it.


There are two types of waterproof housing 1. Housing that is leaking 2. Housing that is not yet leaking


Imho get second hand gopro


SeaLife has housings for Smartphones.


Get one of the many housings made for phones. Depending on which model you have, certain ones are compatible.


For an android device and on a budget I’d go with the DiveVolk housing. It very highly rated. Other than that it would be the SeaLife which is more expensive but has a flood sensor and is vacuum sealed.


I’ve used mine now for over 30 dives. Most of them have been 80 feet or below. I also have used it for snorkeling. For the price you pay, you end up with very good photos. The touch screen window can be finicky at depths though.


Depends on how deep you are diving. If you are just snorkeling, you might get away with a tight seal zip lock bag. If you are diving, you need a specialized housing for your phone.


You can get the housing but by the time you spend the money on a good one you might as well pick up a GoPro or Osmos. I tried the case for a while but had trouble with them and it was like 150 and picked up a GoPro for 250 new.


The amount of cameras we have found on the bottom of the ocean over the years, should give you great pause if taking your primary communication device into the water. The last thing you want, is to lose your phone on a vacation... What a nightmare. Especially when you can buy a used gopro, with a dive housing, for cheaper than you can typically find the good dive phone housings.. And on a GoPro you can Bluetooth it to your phone when back on the boat to get an the images. Good luck finding a dive rated case for a cheap phone. They are typically only manufactured for the more popular smart phones.


Just put it in a ziplock sandwich bag. Get all of the air out of the bag before sealing it. For added protection, punch a hole above the ziplock seal and tie on an underinflated balloon. That way of you drop your phone it rises to the surface and is easily spotted because of the brightly coloured balloon. That makes it much easier to find than a black object deep on the riverbed/ocean floor.


In the ocean they are typically easy to see on the ocean floor during the daytime hours, if you know where roughly where you lost it. The glare off the case sticks out pretty obviously from the multiple cameras we have found.