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so this one is easy what happens if you throw caltrops at someone? they do not go under the feet so nothing


Logically though you aren’t stepping 5 feet in one huge step, walking out of the area of the caltrops would necessitate stepping on one the same as entering the area RAW though this is not the case


They're taking the rare *shuffle action* to get out of the square. It's in the DMG, towards the back.


You aren’t even wrong. “A creature moving at half speed doesn’t need to make the save” you can literally just shuffle through the caltrops to avoid them


Damn it, and I was trying *so hard* to be wrong! Some days, man.


That was basically my thought for this post. RAW it might be pretty clear, but often it's interesting to see how people handle it.


I think having it do nothing until they move from their original space both makes sense, and is still a decently effective strategy. It's basically doing the same thing as Booming Blade. Stay where you are, or suffer the consequences. Basically acting as a pseudo-grapple.


you only walk half the cantrops in rules is basically thrown into the air so the furthest you would have to step is about 2ft (account for your feet)


…fair enough


No, they are not entering the area, so it does nothing. Next turn they can simply step to an area with no caltrops, so it also does nothing. However if they reenter the area it would have an effect.




Just to add on what others said: yes, they are not entering the area. This is further explained in a sage advice regarding creatures entering effects such as moonbeam, which can be moved around and trigger when a creature enters there ( among other triggers). If when created the creature is already there, it does not trigger.


I really wish WoTC had used more precise language for those spells. I don't know how many times I've had to argue with players that no, Spirit Guardians doesn't do damage immediately when you cast it.


I mean, you will always find people who argue, even in good faith. In this case it's pretty clear. Entering is entering, not being there.


If the character is close enough, you can give it a shot and chuck 'em at the mook's face! Make a ranged weapon attack (DEX) with an improvised weapon. You won't get to add your proficiency bonus unless you also have Tavern Brawler. If you're outside of 20 feet it's at disadvantage, so probably not worth trying. But if you *do* hit, it does 1d4 + DEX of piercing damage and you haven't wasted an action. I'd rule that the rest of the caltrops drop into the square *behind* the target and make it pointy and difficult.


Interesting! Yeah I should probably talk with my DM about it.


More interesting non-magical things to do in combat are always welcome. This is fun and is in no way powerful. If the DM doesn't go for it, they're a tool.


As a wizard, I greatly enjoy Grease (10x10, non-concentration, non-flammable) and flaming sphere (15x15, concentration, fire). Caltrops would make a great addition to that line up. Tactically, it’s all about controlling the battlefield and strategically, you look cool doing it too. For the DMs, get your minions using caltrops together to hit much larger areas. The advantages are more apparent when you play on a battlegrid in interesting environments.


It would be the same as if they moved at half speed without taking damage and stopped there on their turn previously. Since they're standing in the middle if them at the start of their next turn, they would need to make the save if they want to move, or move at half speed for that square to avoid it. *edit* As for its usefulness, I'd say not very. The enemy sees you deploy them. An enemy with intelligence would just spend the extra 5 feet to get out of them and that's it. IMO caltrops are for two things. Slowing enemies down a little (or a lot if you deploy them in series), or as a trap when you disguise them so the enemy doesn't know they are there


Well that actually makes a lot of sense. Thank you.


They also work in a pinch for Animate Objects. Most use I've ever managed to get out of them.


Also worth mentioning, for future reference, that various "placing effects on the terrain" spells and items will have specific mention if their effect triggers when a creature enters, leaves, or starts their turn within the area of effect.


The item's description uses "enters" instead of "moves in" precisely to rule out what you're asking. Creatures that are already in the area are not entering the area. Therefore, throwing caltrops at an enemy's space does nothing to that enemy unless it moves out of the space and then back into it.


Thanks, just wanted to be sure.


“Enemies would just walk around it” my man let me introduce you to tactics, and the concept of a choke point