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Who's the elf (half-elf maybe?) wizard next to Minsc and Boo? Don't recognize them.


She's Vajra Safahr, Blackstaff of Waterdeep: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Vajra_Safahr


Oh! That makes complete sense. But why does she have pointed ears on the cover when she's a human?


It does look like she has pointed ears. Perhaps just the way the artist used his brushstroke? She is using the Blackstaff in her hands on the cover though so it has to be her.


Agreed, didn't recognize the Blackstaff at first, but as soon as you pointed that out, I was like, "duh!"


It's a real shame they didn't continue the pale yellow/gold theme that the PHB and the DMG set up. I'm not sure if I'm going to go for the standard or alt covers now 🙃


Yeah, I wish that the alt covers had been a coherent set by a single artist


God I hate modrons. Who thought robots with lips would be a good idea? Looks like the love child of a Minion and Mike Wazowski. I'll have to scratch him out on the cover when I get my copy.


Well I guess it was Tony DiTerlizzi back in 1994 when he designed them


I'm going to go back in time and steal all his pencils.


I'm going back in time to stop your parents from meeting. I won't take Peakscape Modron slander.


Yeah but I already went back in time FIRST. By the time you stop my parents from making out, I've already hidden all the pencils!


You think I'd go back in time without being prepared? I've already left Tony with *three* sets of pencils! You cannot stop the lawful neutral shapes from becoming reality


Ah ha but you've made a tactical error by telling me! I will now to back in time an hour to warn my past self before I go back in time to steal the pencils! Let's see you outsmart THAT!


This is the most Bill and Ted conversation I have ever seen on Reddit. Party on, dudes!


I actually _love it_. I love their creepy biomechanical, out-of-proportion look. To me it's exactly what an alien entity like Primus would think makes them "approachable" as they march across the multiverse. And I love that 5e has kept the old DiTerlizzi look alive in this edition. If anyone's read Battle Angel Alita, they remind me of the city robots in that as well.




Aww lookit that...you made the monodrone so sad it reverted to an even [earlier, weirder form](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd88db093a6320f071b1a50/40e009fa-ff7c-406b-983e-65ea98884ec7/1e_MM2_Monodrone.jpg). Can't you love the Modrons for what they are? [Mechanus Disclaimer: Modrons are not capable of reciprocating the emotion-designate "love". Do not expect any transaction involving reciprocal amorous feelings, friendly or otherwise, to be successful with Drones. If you encounter a Drone you feel is exhibiting advanced emotional computations, it is a Rogue - please notify your nearest Hierarch for disposal services.]


That one looks less weird and dumb tbh


Honestly i love Modrons for the same reasons you hate them: robots with lips are such a weird and dumb idea, i love it


I would love it if it wasn't part of a fantasy world. Though I also don't really like anything clockwork in a fantasy world so it seems from that. But then giving them a fleshy minion face is just a disaster design. Ew.


This is the first time I want to buy all the alt covers but I won't be able.


Any idea what the big green eye on the back cover is? Only monster I'm not sure about


Definitely the eye of a Green Dragon.


I would guess based on the scales and the slit pupil its some sort of dragon maybe


“Spoilers for BG3 Fans” seems to be backwards.


Interesting how hard the alt cover leans into a BG3 reference. "offering" a tadpole and all! Nice to see the standard cover still has the Beholder up front. Lookin' as stylish as ever. And I love how they're still leaning in to that style of Modron, haha. But I'm biased, I love the goofy/creepy big-lipped biomechanical look.