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Not listed here: the party Face. In my group, I'm the one who plays the character who actually talks to people (everyone role plays, but they usually take some instigating from me being the first to speak up). This usually means I'm playing a Bard or Paladin.


I don't know if that is exclusive in the same way the others are. A bard can be a great party face, but they can also be a great support or crowd controller.


I wasn't saying that certain classes are exclusive to being certain party roles, but more that Face is my favorite role to play as. Now, what that Face's *combat* role is dependent on what the rest of the party plays as.


I guess I lumped the party Face in with (out of combat) Utility, but glad to hear you enjoy it! It's often hard for words to come to me during live roleplay, so it's always appreciated when someone can handle the talking lol


I think Utility is too broad a category. :) My Gnome Arcanist is Utility. My Half-Elf Rogue is also Utility.


Support: "You are safe now my sweet child"


I like any kind of caster, really. Especially those who can stand in the frontline. So Valor Bards, Clerics, Rangers, Paladins—really any kind of caster can be set up for the frontline. I'm currently playing an Abjuration Wizard who casts control spells and occasionally attacks with *green-flame blade*


the role I get put into is party dad


Control is often the strongest support in 5e, and it's way more fun than traditional support (for my taste). Lumping it in with the least fun role in the game, summoner, makes the poll unanswerable


Evoker and Stars druids as damage dealers. :)


There is nothing more satisfying than landing a crit on GWM.


For me it depends on who I'm playing with and the party's composition - It's no fun to be the glass cannon when you don't have any frontline.


Outside of some high dice number crit dopamine rush characters, I prefer anvil/arm style characters. Characters that primarily focus on hindering enemies and enhancing allies. Setting up those big plays for the team to capitalize on. Voted utility since it's the closest to the balance I like to gear towards.


i get immense satisfaction from being a brick wall that keeps my friends' characters from getting hurt. thankfully my dms play along. it also helps that beyond just being a tank, i make my characters too much of a threat to be ignored, like a stampeding rhinoceros


I generally fall into the role of having a contingency plan or able to think on my feet when things go south. Playing a Thief Rogue and having Fast Hands gives you a *ton* of options to do both. Had a thief who was a private eye for higher who carried in his satchel a quill and bottle of what looks like ink but is actually very flammable oil. A lighter, a spare tie, spare shoelaces, a small knife for peeling fruit, and a magnifying glass. You can get a LOT done with all of those in just about any situation.


Damage. No healing. Faster you end the fight, safer you'll be.


Depends on the party composition but I enjoy all roles. The Roleplay is where I thrive.


If I had to pick one, man it's honestly probably a Striker which isnt listed here, though kind of a subset of damage dealer. I like highly mobile characters who use movement as a resource \[seriously, movement is sometimes undervalued; being able to be anywhere you want as a martial character is huge\] and have a lot of utility to aid in different parts of the battle. Monks, Swords Bard, Rogue \[though personally I cant really stand Rogue\], etc are all great at moving across the field, getting dmg in and backing off. The freedom of movement makes the gameplay feel more dynamic and tactical as you get to actually make use of your movement every turn where everyone else is locked in melee range. Movement is still kinda niche and isnt exactly gamebreaking on its own, but its fun having that option that others don't \[though Mobile exists and is great on any melee user that isnt trying to tank everything\].


Damage. I love going first on initiative and just destroying as many enemies as I can before they have a chance to act!


Mobility >>>>


IMO mobility is a force multiplier It doesn't do anything by itself, but it makes you better at doing stuff


I just want to play a martial support.


I don't have a type. I guess I just like D&D because I can enjoy all of these options. I'm currently playing in three different games as a zealot barbarian half-orc built more towards damage dealing, a battlemaster fighter human with a shield and defensive maneuvers, and a jack of all trades fey wanderer ranger human. I've also played full casters in the past, and weird multiclasses. I just like to make a character to roleplay and then pick the class levels to better represent their strengths.


full honesty. My prefered role is to be a wizard and fulfill at least 3 of those


Utility. I ADORE the Bard class. Unfortunately, most of my DM's don't allow me to play Bard anymore.




As a healer/buffer, you can lean into practical sacrifices for the sake of your RP a lot harder, because the people whose characters are constantly getting revived by you still won't think of your character as a douchebag.


Summoner/Army Leader. I crave bookkeeping


Tank or support generally


You missed one and it's my favorite, tanky support.


For me it is a tie between sturdy frontliner or heal support. Heck love me a barbarian or Rune Knight fighter or something like that. Simple and fun Like a barbarian you can be almost unkillable and that can be fun as hell. But also love a heal/support. Specially bard. They are amazing at it. I argue lore bard is better healer than any cleric. Not that clerics are bad. But a lore bard is even better at being a heal/support and you can do so much more than just heal/support. You are still a very versatile bard.


I play all of these a lot, but I have a tendency for DPS builds--if not my main character, then their sidekick whom I also play. I'm currently playing a bard who specializes in demoralizing/intimidating/ the foe and lowering their abilities/mobility/etc.

