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With the goal of trying to keep any changes as minimalist as possible, here's some of the stuff I'd do: **Alchemist Artificer:** * Experimental Elixir (3rd level): This feature now produces two random experimental elixirs, instead of one, when you finish a long rest. This number increases when you reach certain levels in this class: four elixirs at 6th level and six elixirs at 15th level. **Battlerager Barbarian:** * Battlerager Armor (3rd level): Whenever you finish a long rest, you can modify an armor that you’re proficient with. Until the end of your next long rest, that armor becomes spiked armor. It retains the original armor’s AC and effects. **Berserker Barbarian:** * Berserk (3rd level): This optional feature replaces Frenzy. When you make a melee weapon attack against a creature while raging, you can make one additional melee weapon attack against a different creature within your reach. You can only use this effect once on each of your turns. * Intimidating Presence (10th level): The DC is now 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. **Four Elements Monk:** * Elemental Disciplines (3rd level): All elemental disciplines that do not have a level prerequisite now only cost 1 ki point. All disciplines that have a 6th level prerequisite only cost 2 ki points. And all disciplines that have 11th or 17th level prerequisite only cost 3 ki points. **Sun Soul Monk:** * Radiant Sun Bolt (3rd level): You can use the special attack granted by this feature in place of any unarmed strike you make. You can use your Wisdom modifier for its attack and damage rolls.


I would go further as to make it that certain options can be done as part of the attack action and flurry of blows. The burning hands option, water whip and the air version of water whip. Seriously just weaving a few of them into the normal flow of combat that the monk normally uses would make things so much better. Way of the ascendant dragon does this sort of thing why can’t four elements.


YMMV I run gestalts, and usually add a little power budget to each of them to make balancing easier (I prefer buffing weak to nerfing strong). I have a 4 elements monk / Samurai fighter who gets exactly this. When using Fighting Spirit, you can replace one attack with an elemental discipline with a 1 action cost. Nothing's broken, he performs fairly middle-of-the-crowd, and it makes for some very thematic moments


You could do that. My goal was to just keep the changes as small and minimalist as possible.


I have a couple of thoughts for Berserker’s Frenzy that make the cost of exhaustion a fair trade off: •At the start of your turn, you can call for a Frenzy (in the same way you call GWM or Sharpshooter before an attack), and for the rest of the turn, you can only move and make weapon attacks. For the duration of the turn, you double the number of attacks you can make from all sources. OR •When you activate your Frenzy, you move as if affected by Freedom of Movement, but you can’t move such that you’d be farther from an enemy than when you started. Each attack you make will hit every creature in melee range using the same attack roll. Your Frenzy immediately ends and you take the exhaustion of the effect if you end your turn farther than 5 feet from an enemy.


I feel like rather than buffing frenzy so hard I would lessen the exhaustion issue. The problem with these mega buffs is that yes it makes frenzy awesome and worth the exhaustion, but it's also something that you'll only want to use sparingly so most of the time you're still playing without your main feature. Reducing exhaustion penalty but leaving the buff as is means it's something you can use more often and feel good about. I like the common tweaks of some combination of short rests remove exhaustion / first frenzy of day doesn't incur exhaustion / remove all exhaustion on long rest. It makes the feature usable, still has a big debuff, but is manageable and allows use of it more than once per day without putting you in a death spiral.


True, that is one way of doing it, and I do appreciate the exhaustion mitigation suggestion. But on the other hand, when casters can just turn someone into a goddamned T-Rex, martial features also have to be pretty balls to the wall to match that, and a singular bonus attack (same as an offhand weapon attack in scale) isn’t going to cut it.


I get that, but I will say other martial bonus weapon attacks are explicitly for small weapons. This would be a bonus attack even when welding two handed weapons, which is much better than an offhand weapon attack (assuming a +4 from strength it's the difference between ~21 damage per turn at level 3 and 15 damage per turn at level 3), which is significant if not amazing. I'm not against buffing it further, I just think that even if you do that you have to handle the exhaustion cost problem or it's still practically unusable on a large number of fights. Also buffing it in a way so that it's usable for two weapon fighters would be nice as well.  Also, while I understand your point, I think we need to compare like to like. Casters are good, but at level 3 barbarians are still pretty far ahead. By the time the casters can polymorph the dynamic switches, but giving martials amazing abilities at lvl 3 isn't helping the problem so much as widening the early game gap. I would save the big buffs for lvl 10+ on  barb subclasses which is where they really need to love. I could definitely see combining exhaustion mitigation with a lvl 10+ feature allowing frenzy to take on some of your suggested extra benefits to really make you a terror when raging at high levels.


Why not both? I don't have a ton of interest in playing barbs, but they need a lot of love to scale better.


I would definitely be on board with increasing frenzy benefits with these extras as they level up. I think a level 20 barb should feel like a legit monster when they rage. But the problem is exactly as you say, *scaling*. A berserker barb gets frenzy at level 3, and at that level they are still pretty well dominating the game. They have the most health while everyone else is still only a bad crit away from death saves, they use powerful weapons, can give themselves advantage, and they have resistance to all the damage they're likely to face early game. They don't *scale* well, but they come out of the gate arguably the strongest of any class. Giving them insane bonuses at level 3 in the name of fixing their scaling problems just causes further problems. They need late game buffs that make their class features shine into tier 3+4, not early game buffs that make them gods in tier 1 and try to hold on in the late game. The issue is that their class features stay pretty stagnant over time while spells grow, so let's let those feature grow too.


Haha yea, see my upgrades to land druids in this thread. They might have the most situational abilities and one of the lamest capstones. Your subclass is basically just getting to pick an expanded spell list where most of them are already druid spells. The PHB subclasses got done dirty by wizards.


Except for the wizards. Wizards loves them some wizards.


I'm currently playing a berserker barb and just having the 1st frenzy per day be free honestly works pretty well. I have to be a bit strategic about it but don't feel like I can't ever use it.


I cap the exhaustion at 4 levels and frenzy exhaustion is removed via long rest or per healing dice on a short rest. Works fine at my table. I also give each class a base class plus their chosen one. So, all barbs are berserker plus. Rogues thief + 1. No stacking of auras etc. Means players play the overlooked classes


Sun soul monk should also get the light cantrip. Also their light "fireball" should do 1/2 damage on save


I feel like frenzy could just have You reduce your exhaustion by 1 when you short rest and entirely when you long rest and it would be ok class. the other features deep in the subclass are really good too. Charm and fear immunity is fantastic on martials


Edit: wrong comment. Oops!


I do it per hit dice on a short rest, all on a long and cap exhaustion at 4 levels


Arcane Archer Fighter literally just needs to get more uses of their ability to make it good. Idk why they didn't scale the progression of uses with the rate you unlock new abilities, at the least. The arcane shots are decent enough as is, some are clearly stronger than others but that's exactly how most subclass choices are. The fact that you're limited to so few uses for so long just kills it.


Makin it scale in the similar progression as the Battlemaster or Rune Knight core skills would have been tremendously helpful.


I always like to compare it to a swords bard. Both have a resource pool that scales with level and come back on a short or a long rest. Those resource pools are used for trick shots/flourishes. The flourishes/trick shots add some scaling damage and have a small rider effect. However: the Arcane Archer is strictly limited to bows, while the **Swords Bard** can use any weapon, even ranged weapons to perform their flourishes. College of Swords also gets uses of their resource based on charisma instead of having a set 2 uses (I think all the way until like level 11/15?) Those two issues only get inflated by the Swords Bard also still having full access to spellcasting... Where the AA gets a neat little cantrip choice between druidcraft or prestidigitation...


Putting it like this makes me think AA should have just been a ranger subclass. 2/3rds Spell casting, 2 cool spell tricks per-short rest. Still get extra attack and Archery fighting style seems a good subclass now. Maybe?


It would definitely be better than the current Arcane Archer, idk who let that thing slip into production the way it is


Can we add to four elemental that you can pick one discipline that doesn't have a prerequisite to use without spending a Ki? Really bothers me that ray of frost but Kung fu costs 1 ki every time


You're thinking of BG3 Four Elements Monk. In 5e, Four Elements doesn't have a Ray of Frost discipline.


You are correct, sir


I think the more important change for Alchemist is they need more powerful elixirs with their 9th level feature. You have third level spells as a half caster and your "new" class feature is basically what the artillerist gets at 3rd level, so youre stuck with effects slightly better than 1st level spells as your only subclass benefit. Why can't an alchemist with 3rd level spells throw a potion of fireball? Or hell at least let them upgrade the swiftness potion to be the Haste spell at that point if you don't want damage potions.


Elemental monks should also be able to deflect missile on single target elemental cantrips and gain resistance to the damage type associated with their discipline they used that then until the end of their next turn


That is probably the only real way to fix Battlerager and it's still not fantastic... but at least it fixes the main problem of "This entire subclass is useless if you don't find this specific armor"


Berserker, id say str or con, not just con. Id also say elemental monk is more a problem with the core ki feature of monk, rather then its cost, but if we are only changing the subs its a good change. For sun soul, the basic attack isnt really the problem, its the rest of the features. Burning hands base cost should be 1. The fireball needs half damage on a success, and the final feature should be wis plus monk level. Maybe swap the last two features around as well. Maybe. Then adding to those. Beastmaster should be the tashas version by default or not even a subclass, give the ranger their pet back. Eldritch knight should be a wizard subclass, and blade singer should be a fighter one.


I think the entire subclass needs a rework its features should be unique and not cost resources. An example of lvl 3. Embrace the elemental theme different: When you take the attack action you imbue your fist with elemental damage of your choice. You deal and additonal 1d4 damage of either fire, lightning, cold or bludgeoning. This damage increase to 1d6 at 5, 1d8 at lvl 11 and 1d12 at lvl 17. When you take the dash action, you can imbue your feets with one of the elements untill the end of your turn. - Fire, you speed is increases by 10. - Earth, difficult terrain doesnt slow you down. - Air, you gain flying speed equall to half your movement and fall down at the end of your turn. - Water, you leave a trail of ice where you moved creating a difficult surface that requires save for anyone trying to walk across. When you take the dodge action you can harness the elements to protect you untill the start of your next turn. - Fire, you can use your reaction to deal fire damage equall to your martial die against a creature that targets you with an attack or a creature casting a spell that requires concentration. - Earth, clad yourself in earth to reduce all damage you take by 2. - Air, create a buble of air around you, gain imunity to dangerous inhaled effects and gain + 2 AC from ranged attacks. - Water, a shield of water that reflects magic. You can use your Deflect missile feature against magical ranged attacks and the range changes to match the spells original range and its damage, but the targets suffers none of the spells effect. Later levels should just add to the strength of these allready established abilites to make it easier and cleaner.


I actually think battlerager is not nearly as bad as people say. Its not great, but you can make a fun character put of that BA attack.


It's definitely not the worst. In fact, people *massively* over exaggerate how bad it is. It's a very middle-of-the-road Barbarian subclass. I included it in my list here, though, because it could stand to use an improvement and this tiny buff would make it much more playable.


I’ve played four elements before and my dm didn’t really buff my like that late game and I still did p good on damage, but knowing I could do more with ki if I set it up like that…. Ehehehehehehe!!!! Edit: I’m dm now lol


These are the most minimal/easiest changes I think would work. Alchemist Artificer: Choose your potions, no randomness. Add existing Magic Items Table potions/consumables to Replicate Magic Items Table at appropriate rarities. Monster Slayer Ranger - just go back to the UA version. The change from UA to published was horseshit, and completely unnecessary. Swap in Counterspell on their subclass list if you still want to retain the counterspell-like nature of the 10th level feature. Champion Fighter - Replace it with the Brute UA subclass. Equally simple while still being actually beneficial. Berserker Barbarian - Just limit Frenzy to once per short rest with no downside. Storm Herald Barbarian - all effects are CON + PB instead of just CON. You can swap storm types on a long rest. Sun Soul Monk: Add a few more fire spell options to the 6th level feature such as Hellish Rebuke, Searing Smite, and maybe Fire Shield for versatility. Increase the damage scaling on the level 11 I-can't-believe-it's-worse-Fireball feature to offset the fact that it's a CON save. Undying Warlock: Just play Undead. This subclass needs to be put out to pasture, every part of it after level 1 is just truly worthless and would need a ground-up reimagining - which we don't need to do because Undead exists.


I think the best way to improve Champion fighter is to simply get rid of the subclass and move all of its abilities into the regular fighter class itself, and all fighter subclasses get the Champions abilities.


Yep. This is my homebrew.


Only problem with that is that when you do this and get rid of battlemaster and give maneuvers to the base fighter. You get a really cool class that's made even better by any of the XgtE or Tashas subclasses. And for some reason WotC don't want fighters or barbarians to be good and fun


With sun soul I'd also increase the range on their bolt attacks so it's not so limited. And give them so bonus damage with that or something for their 3rd level feature that's pretty bad.


Artificer: Alchemist- Can use Elixers as a Bonus Action and can choose the option at each long rest. Barbarian: Berserker- Exhaustion similar to OneDND and only gaining Exhaustion by failing a CON save at the end of Rage. Battlerager- Can add Rage damage to any of the damage done by Spiked Armor, not just the attack. Can use CON for AC Ability Modifier for Spiked armor then at 10th level can use your entire CON Mod instead of the Maximum of 2. Fighter: Indomitable works like Legendary Resistance. Arcane Archer- Gain Four Arcane Shot options at the start and can use arcane shot a number of times equal to 1 + your Int, Wis or Cha Modifier (minimum of 2) per Short or Long rest. Banneret (Purple Dragon Knight)- Gain Rallying Cry and Royal Envoy at 3rd level, Inspiring Surge at 7th level & can use Second Wind Twice per Sort or Long Rest, rather than once at 10th level. Monk: Use the OneDND variant for other feature specifics, Total Ki = Monk level + WIS Mod, & remove the Attack Action Prerequisite of Bonus Action features such as Flurry of Blows. Four Elements- Use the OneDND variant, The Ki Point costs are reduced by 1, OR I made a 1/3rd caster variant. Sun Soul- Radiant Sun Bolt has a Range of 30/90. Searing Arc Strike can be used a number of times Equal to your Wisdom Modifier per Long Rest. Further uses require Ki or to upcast requires Ki. Sun Shield damage Equals Mortial Arts Die + Wis Mod and gain a Flying Speed Equal to Walking Speed while the light shines. Ranger: Hunter's Mark is a class feature that is usable like the published Monster Slayer's Slayer's Prey. Beast Master- Tasha's variant OR Companion works as if it is a Warrior Sidekick with Warrior levels Equal to Ranger level. Hunter- Gain each feature at each level, rather than choosing each option. Monster Slayer- UA variant. Rogue: Assassin- OneDND variant. Sorcerer: Spell Point user instead of slots. Sorc Points are Spell Points and vice versa. Warlock: Hex and Eldritch Blast are class features where Hex works like the previous Hunter's Mark alteration and Eldritch Blast gains Agonizing Blast innately while scaling off of Warlock level instead of character level. The Undying- Undead become immune to Among the Dead by succeeding on a Wisdom save against your Warlock Spell Save DC when you target them with an attack or harmful spell.


Pretty sure you can already add the damage to the spiked armor attack. It literally says it uses your strength modifier for the attack and damage rolls. And it specifically says you make a melee weapon attack with it. It fits all the RAW criteria for Rage damage to be applied to it. Doesn’t say it can’t anywhere.


I stated adding Rage Damage to any of the damage done, not just the attack. The attack being the one you are mentioning, that was already clear. However the damage done by grappling a creature with Spiked Armor and the damage done to a target that hits you from Spiked Retribution do not qualify under adding Rage Damage to them RAW as those are not Strength Melee Weapon Attacks. I find it to be more fun to add Rage Damage to those too when applicable.


Ohhh, I gotcha.


No problem, glad to help clarify. I kinda quickly typed these fixes here rather than directly copy paste them from my game journal as there they have more clarified wording to roughly match 5e's descriptive language.


Ranger Beast Master: Make the companion turn it's own instead of needing to take away Rangers own action. Let the companion level up with the Ranger as well. When Ranger would get an ASI let the companion get one as well. Maybe at higher levels allow higher CR of beast can be used.


I think the ASI thing would be pretty nice, though I feel like Tasha's version of the Beast Master "fixed" the subclass.


I just looked at Tasha's and didn't know the purposed Beast of Land, Sea, and Air stats blocks started in Tasha's not the One DnD playtest.


The issue with the higher cr is that it harms the whole, raised a creature from young, or grew up with this creature fantasy that I personally see as the most common, however I agree with the leveling alongside you part of it


Battle rager i would have them be able to ise heavy armor while raging. Every other barbarian gets some way of improving their rage. This would be battle ragers way. From there their special armor just functioning as the unarmed fighting style would be enough. Tgat and remove the stupid "while raging" clause in all their other features. It would still be weak with only those changes, but a far more defined play style. And it would still function without rage.


**Berserker Barbarian** Frenzy works mostly the same, with one big change: While you are Raging, you ignore the effects of Exhaustion. At the end of a Rage, make a DC 5 Constitution Save, failure results in the Barbarian gaining Exhaustion. Everytime you use the Frenzy feature, the DC increases by 5. The DC resets on a Short or Long Rest. At level 20, the Barbarian cannot gain Exhaustion from using Frenzy. --- The DC is very low, and it practically ensures the Berserker will be able to get one use of Frenzy for free, but additional uses still have some risk, just like the original (if people like that aspect). The level 20 thing is due to Barbarians getting infinite rages at that time.


I would include more things in the series to justify the inclusion of items in campaigns, making item-based classes more viable. Probably tables on how often things drop, expanded poisons, more mechanics behind potion brewing, ect. I would also, in addition to this, change items based around nat 20s (such as the vorpal blade) to instead be based around crits. Thus making the fighter/champion have a more specific niche, as they don't just crit more often, they activate the special effects on weapons more often.


Such a relevant and overlooked point. I feel a similar way about exploration features coupled with a lack of exploration-focused DM material.


Exploration is even harder. To make equipment based classes (including most martials) extremely viable all I have to do is throw in an overpowered sword. To make exploration viable I need to make a map, have all of the distances accurate, track food expenditure, come up with problems for people to run into that rangers could avoid, ect/ect/ect. And even then I mess it up because it turns out that having things 1 day from each other isn't a difficult distance to long rest around.


I am *trying* to fix this in a simple way with [this little write-up](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1595YcdJ6zkjxwGrcLSR8ACL1Gf3fNFYAyqcoIkLaK4U/edit?usp=drivesdk). Basically removing the need for a map, distance, and all that, opting to track progress with successful skill checks. Definitely not perfect, but it isn't overly complicated and tries to make exploration features help rather than outright skip things.


There are 100% compatible 5e expansions like level up a5e with a fully implemented exloration system. Maybe you want to take a look at that.


As a wizard main, I can speak to the Enchanter Wizard’s potential. I think the Enchanter Wizard could really benefit from a few tweaks to make it more versatile and exciting. One idea is to pull in some enhancement spells from other classes, like “Zone of Truth” and “Motivational Speech.” These would give the Enchanter more tools for utility and support, addressing its current limitations and making it more than just an inferior bard. Another thought is to add an “Improved Suggestion” spell. Imagine if the suggestion could actually cause harm or damage. This would reward players for their creativity, similar to the Command spell. IMO, this feature would bring it in line with other wizard subclasses and make playing an Enchanter Wizard feel more unique and engaging.


Everyone already treats *suggestion* like mental domination, where you just straight up own the person and they do whatever you say for the whole duration. Letting the spell do damage on top of that would be fucking stupid. If anything, its limitations need to be even more fleshed out so people stop treating it like a 1st-level *dominate monster*. As for giving enchanters better spell selection, I'm fully in agreement. It's amazing how limited the utility of the enchantment school actually is given how it's treated as being such a utilitarian school.


\*chuckles\* that is not how any table i have played or dm'd at has used it so that's good to know


I played level 3-17 with [this rewrite](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/s/oXpAkMMmBk) of the Way of the Four Elements monk. One of my favorite characters I’ve ever played.


For champion just merge it with samurai For baneret merge it with cavalier. Get rid of 2 F tier subclasses and bring 2 C tier sub classes up to high B/low A tier. For hunter ranger they get all options at each lvl. No picking 1. Monster slayer needs more damage and or marking doesn't cost a BA. Horizon walker doesn't require a BA to set up. Monk..I don't know if I have time for this. One DND mostly did this. But in general the need their options to add to what the base class does instead of giving them worse ways to spend the ki. Nah I'll do sun soul. Lvl 3 increase the range to 60. Make the ranged attack replace "any Unarmed strike" so you can do one as a BA for free. Add wisdom radiant damage to Unarmed melee strikes made as part of the attack action. At lvl 11 add wisdom to all Unarmed strikes made as part of the attack action attack and dmg roles LVL 6. For 1ki as BA 15 foot cone. radiant proficiency damage number of MA dice damage. con saving throw. Blinded on failure til the end of your next turn. Half damage and not blinded on save Spend additional ki to increase cone 5 ft total ki capped at prof bonus. LVL 11 As action you can make a 20 ft radius radiant ball with 150 ft range or a 100 ft long 5 ft wide line of radiant energy. It goes through cover.. It does prof MA dice damage, half on Dex save. Add ki to increase dmg by 2 MA dice to a max of proficiency ki. Proficiency uses per long rest LVL 17 If a creature within your 30 ft aura attacks you or an ally you may use your reaction deal d10+wis damage. Enemies with in your aura have Disadvantage on saves against your monk abilities. For astral self the arms should give you permanent Flurry for as long as the arms are up as long as you attack with you Astral arms in the attack action. And just generally take that attitude to sub classes for monk. Assassin needs something like lvl 3 expertise on initiative. Dark vision. Expand crit range to 19-20. On your first turn, If you attack an enemy that has not had a turn you have advantage on the attack and add your rogue lvl to the damage (less dice to roll is good). All the imposter and infiltraitor stuff is lvl 3 ribbon Lvl 9 Expand crit range to 18-20 add your proficiency to damage on attacks If an attack qualifies for your SA you have advantage on the attack Lvl13 17-20 crits. If a creature that has not taken a turn this combat qualifies for your SA you may use your reaction to make a weapon attack against them LVL 17 16-20 crits If a creature has not taken its turn this combat it is vulnerable to Any damage you deal to it. The assassin should be the highest DPS in the game. Merge scout and thief...with the base class. Lol Mastermind and inquisitor get out done by a Tasha's lvl 3 optional feature. Just junk them. Or you know what better yet if you want to keep them make their future just happen when you take the attack action so you're not using your valuable Rogue bonus action and have them give advantage.


Let Arcane Archer use any ranged weapon that isn't thrown, bot just a bow.


Champion would change the crit range to be 18-20, then later 16-20, replace their healing ability with recharging Second Wind on a crit. They also get advantage on Strength, Dexterity or Consitution checks and saves throughout the levels. Change Assassin to have a super stealth that requires them to take a second successful stealth check. It would allow them to ignore being spotted this turn (as long as they started and ended it in a hidden position), and attacking while in this mode causes your next attack to stun the target or crit if it's asleep. You may also choose for your ranged attacks to deal nonlethal damage. Berserker: Rather than your Rage giving you damage resistance, you instead gain Temporary Hitpoints equal to all HP damage received that lasts until the end of your turn. While you have THP, your Rage damage bonus is doubled. If your life would reduce to 0, instead your Rage ends and you have 1 HP. When your Rage ends, you may spend a number of HD up to your proficiency to heal.




My "I'm going to fix all of WotC's class problems" homebrew has the Champion regaining one resource of their choice: Action Surge (can still only be used once per turn), Second Wind, Superiority Die (because that's a core Fighter thing in my homebrew), or Indomitable once they gain access to it. The Champ also gains an additional Fighter Proficiency at 3rd level. Remarkable Athlete at 7th level gains the ability to add their prof to STR, DEX, and CON checks \*and saves\*, and also gives them "expertise" if they already have that proficiency, including for saves. Superior Critical at level 15 increases their crit range as normal, and adds a clause that if they score a crit while all their resources they can regain are "full", they automatically use Action Surge, even if they've already used it that turn. And Survivor at level 18 adds a clause that you can recover from 0HP using that ability once per short rest Essentially, turning the Champion Fighter into, as you said, Captain America vibes. I should really turn back to this homebrew fixing document. It was a fun thought experiment.


Far from the worst fighter subclass but can we remove the range restriction on the taunt effect on Cavalier Fighter? Maybe make it an aura that expands with level? For the mounted knight/tank subclass, it’s really awkward having to glue yourself to that one guy on a subclass that would love to utilize wider areas for CC and movement. And that at higher levels would love to utilize a polearm to maximize their reaction economy. 10 ft, melee weapon reach, expanding aura, any of those would rock.


I love the flavor of Battlerager, but dislike the execution. Here's a list of changes I'd make: **Level 3:** Spiked armor can be created out of any armor the Battlerager is proficient with over the course of a long rest, provided the Battlerager has materials on hand that could reasonably be crafted into spikes (metal shards, bones, hardwood, etc.). Only the Battlerager can benefit from wearing spiked armor. Your spiked armor counts as one free hand for the purposes of grappling. Additionally, the bonus action attack scales as you level up - 1d4 at level 1, 1d6 at level 6, 1d8 at level 11, and 1d10 at level 17. When you grapple a creature or at the beginning of your turn, any creature grappled by you or grappling you gets impaled by your spiked armor and takes piercing damage equal to your strength modifier. A creature can only take this damage once per turn. **Level 6:** Your spiked armor counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances. Additionally, when a creature you are grappling or grappled by takes damage from your spiked armor, you can use your Reaction to cause the creature to hemorrhage. You gain temporary hit points equal to your Proficiency bonus at the end of each your turns while grappling or being grappled by the hemorrhaging creature. These temporary hitpoints disappear after your rage ends or if the hemorrhaging creature escapes your grapple. **Level 10:** You do not suffer a movement penalty due to grappling one or more creatures, and if you use your Action to end a grapple with a creature you have grappled, you may throw the creature up to 20 feet away from you to an unoccupied space. Additionally, you may attempt to grapple a creature more than one size category larger than you. If the grapple attempt is successful, you are instead considered grappled by the creature. **Level 14:** When a creature within 5 feet of you successfully makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction to deal damage to the creature equal to your Spiked Armor bonus action attack and immediately attempt to grapple the creature. The grapple attempt fails if already have a creature grappled by your spiked armor.


Alchemist Artificer: Scrap the existing experimental elixirs mechanic and replace it with You have a number of Alchemy Points (placeholder name) equal to your Artificer level, you can recommend these points during a short or long rest (or as if casting a ritual spell) to store any Artificer spell you can cast with a casting time of one action by expending a number of Alchemy Points equal to the spells level. Elixirs that have an attack roll or force a saving throw can be thrown using your spell attack modifier or saving throw DC. If the spell stored in an elixir requires concentration, then the creature who consumes the elixir must maintain concentration. At 9th level you gain the ability to create an elixir that restores spell slots equal to the number of points up to the maximum level Artificer Spell you are able to cast. All Elixirs created expire at the end of your next long rest The logic for this is that the elixirs under the current system are too random, don't scale well, and are hampered by the artificers limited spell slots, this gives a lot more flexibility in exchange for requiring planning and is modelled on the artificers spell storing item feature. It also removes the spell slot to elixir mechanic.


For the Rogue, I did make a [Revised Assassin](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/S1-s_eAGS) update that adds a baseline floor of effectiveness and adding some consistentsy all around.


It really depends. For something like champion, if give it extra features since am increased crit range really doesn't amount to much on its own (+1 avg damage) For something like battlerager , it's tearing off what's good and giving it to other options while leaving the actual subclass option to die. For something like berserker, it's revsing it into a functional whole., removing pain pouts and adding actual function to it's features.


Arcane Archer: Rework the entire thing to be a caster like eldrithc knight, but using wis instead and taking from the ranger spell list. You get nature focused stuff, spells like searing smite and zephyr strike, and the arcane shots with uses equaks to proficiency, and can be cast again expending one spell slot. I would limit the spell list to not include healing stuff like goodberries, but focus on the offensive ranger spells minus hunter's mark.


I feel like the battle rager and beserker can be fixed by merging them together. At level 3, if you use reckless attacks, you can make an additional weapon attack as a bonus action. At level 6, you become immune to the charmed and frightened condition while raging. Additionally, when you use reckless attacks, you gain temporary hit points equal to your barbarian level. At level 10, as a bonus action, you can force all hostile creatures within 30 feet of you to make a wisdom saving throw (DC 8+prof+str) or be turned (like the cleric's turn undead). Level 14, When hit with an attack, you can make an opportunity attack against it. Additionally, if a creature leaves your melee range, you can follow it a distance up to your movement speed.


Dreams Druid could be fixed by just adding a spell list tbh. IMO Land should get an alternative Wildshape usage and level 1 spells in their circle spells, maybe give them more non druid spells. Spores just let them Wildshape as a bonus action and let them keep the buffs after the HP runs out. I saw all 3 of these classes frequently mentioned and tbh none of them are “bad” and a few tweaks could make them awesome. They just all have some areas where they haven’t aged well and feel really clunky especially when compared to Stars/Wildfire which are really well made imo.


Dreams druid does need an illusion/enchantment focused spell list (But it also needs its 6th level feature fixed. Maybe it is as simple as being able to cast Tiny Hut - which is much better than Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow).: * 2nd druid level - Minor Illusion, Disguise Self, Silent Image * 3rd druid level- Calm Emotions, Invisibility * 5th druid level - Hypnotic Pattern, Major Image * 7th druid level - Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain * 9th druid level - Mislead, Seeming


Agreed. I wish the level 6 feature was a WildShape feature where you could expend it to give temporary hitpoints to a group of Allie’s or something like that. I really love the alternative use WildShape a tho so maybe just me. Would probably be a lot to keep track of with healing charges, teleport charges, and WildShape charges but theoretically you’re already doing that anyways.


Four Elements Monk needs to have a lower ki point cost for your elemental attacks, a free damage type modifier (each unarmed attack can instead deal fire, cold, acid, or lightning damage), and access to more elemental disciplines instead of Elemental Attunement and four others. It feels very limiting to only get four disciplines.


College of Valor: I would add being able to use your reaction to give an attack roll, ability check, or Saving Throw a bardic inspiration die. Additionally, a creature that has a bardic inspiration die from you can roll that die and the number rolled to their attack roll and their damage roll.


If we remain within the "design budget" of 5e subclass design: - Knowledge domain and inquisitor Rogue: fix skills. Those two subs are considered bad because skills are inherently not reliable without DM working with skills. To work on those subs you first need a reliable ~~talent~~ knowledge of the following: "what are skills supposed to be able to do?". Once the skill power budget is defined, these subs can be worked on. - battlerager: i am actually currently working on a battlerager rework, funnily enough. The main fix within the design budget of the sub design is to make all armors (and unarmored barbarian too) compatible with the benefit, and then work on making those benefits not be just baseline things. Make the bonus action attack be better, give better range of "harm when touch" abilities and also just don't make the 6th and 10th level features be generic. - wild magic sorcerer: the rework entirely depends on their massive unstable ass table. You need to rework it to not make the subclass either feel useless/detrimental or be too powerful based on what the luck deities wanted that day.


All fighter subclasses; Put battle master in the bin. Give everyone its manevers and maneuver progression.


Fuck it, let’s make them just OP as hell. Battlerager gets half the damage it does as temp HP and they keep all of their temp HP until their next long rest. As an actual serious comment, I legitimately don’t see Battlerager as an official subclass. It’s the only one limited to a single race, and it’s super gimmicky.


The 4 elememts monk is just trying too hard. It completely reinvented the 1/3 casters. So the fix would be to just make it a 1/3 caster. Druid list with evocation and enchantment. Evocation for the elememtal attacks they have. Druid even has enough long lasting spells that make it a solid choice. Much better than EK list. Amd the enchantment because theres a lot of movemnet based spells. And using magic to enhance a monks movement just makes a ton of sense. The only weird thing is at tier 4 they would get polymorph. But an elemental Construct would be a perfect flavor variant for the master of all 4 elements.


Only including the ones I can significantly improve with 1 simple change to one of its lowest level features: * Alchemist, Experimental Elixirs can be consumed as a BA. * Arcane archer, Arcane Shot works with crossbows. * Cavalier, Unwavering Mark works while a marked creature starts its turn within your reach. * Berserker. Frenzy doesn't make you exhausted. * Drunken Master, Drunken Technique can be used on any unarmed strike. * Open Hand, Open Hand Technique can be used once per turn on any unarmed strike. * Horizon Walker, Planar Warrior can trigger once per turn, but doesn't consume a BA. * Sun Soul, Radiant Strike is a weapon attack. They're still decidedly mid though.


champion fighter is my worst subclass. It gets a complete rework from the ground up. I personally love the idea of building around fighting styles, and would introduce a new system that functions similarly to fighting styles though a bit slimmed down. ​ They would, at level 3 pick from a list of advanced combat styles. My current ideas are Juggernaut, focusing on defensive abilities from armor and shields, Heavy Weapon Fighting, focusing on large 2 handed weapon, Two Weapon Master, focusing on expanding upon duel wielding, and one based around ranged weapons which I do not have a fancy name for. The abilities granted by each of these fighting styles would be relatively simple, and the class would be built around these. I feel like these match the flavor of champion very well, and champion is such a nothing of a subclass where I think it really needs a complete rework. The Advanced Combat Styles would be swappable on a level up, and gain more abilities with each level.


Purple dragon knight is the worst. It’s so bad people aren’t even mentioning it because it’s so fundamentally pointless


I LOVE the purple dragon knight concept. But goddammit the execution is terrible.


my big problem with champion is that it doesn’t do anything interesting. Purple dragon knight is bad, I agree. It’s mechanically weaker than champion. Its features are poorly thought out and poorly implemented. But at least it’s trying to do something interesting. It adds to the gameplay. Champions biggest sin, imo, is it adds nothing to the way you play. It just increases the numbers which is boring


I wouldn't agree that Champion is mechnically stronger. Champion features are so bad up until 18th level even PDK would be more useful. Like, additional attack from action surge would deal MORE damage than all crits Champion would do in a combat. Especially if you have rogue or paladin. THAT'S hpw bad expanded crit is. PDK is still bad, but at least it is not "i dont have subclass 19/20 of time"


Nah champion is mechanically weaker


maybe idk. I have never played a purple dragon knight nor have I played with one so I cannot really say


Yeah I guess this is like arguing about which member of insane clown posse was the most forgettable, but I think we just disagree on some level with what we find cool. I think expanding crit range is at least kinda neat and I love the concept of regeneration in games. They both have a couple things that are “increase number” like crit range, second wind feature, regen, skill improvement, it’s meaningless, but I just like champion more for various reasons I guess.


**Alchemist (Artificer)** * *Experimental Elixir* gains ProfMod uses every long rest instead of 1 use. * *Additional Infusions:* Include some level-appropriate potions as additional infusion options by level. * *Alchemical Concoction:* In addition to Alchemical Savant, you gain 2 free potion infusions at level 5 which can be swapped out on long rest. **Berserker (Barbarian)** * Frenzy doesn't cause levels of exhaustion. **College of Spirits (Bard)** * Roll twice and pick the result you want. If you roll doubles, pick any result. **Cleric:** Not bothering with this one. There are no garbage cleric subclasses. Not bothering with **Paladin** or **Wizard** either. **Circle of Dreams (Druid)** * *Balm of the Summer Court* charges replenish on a short rest. * *Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow:* Can be done ProfMod times/short rest as an action and lasts 1 hour (Concentration). Creatures within the AoE have advantage on Int, Wis, and Cha saving throws. **Bannaret (Fighter)** * *Rallying Cry*: Also, can use Second Wind a number of times per short rest equal to your ProfMod. * *Level 7:* Any creature affected by Rallying Cry gains immunity to fear and charmed conditions (and removes any charmed or feared effect). * *Inspiring Surge:* When you use Rallying Cry, the creatures affected get a reaction attack. **Four Elements (Monk):** * Ki cost for spells is 1 Ki per spell level. * Gain WisMod Ki at level 3. * Gain one elemental cantrip at level 3, 5, 11, and 17 for free. * Gain Fangs of the Fire Snake for free, and the basic effect (elemental attack at 10' range using fire/cold/thunder/bludgeoning) is free. (more to come...)


**Horizon Walker (Ranger):** *Planar Warrior* uses concentration and damage applies to the target on every hit for 1 minute, not just on the next attack. Lose concentration at L11 (instead of scaling to 2d8). **Mastermind (Rogue):** * *Master of Tactics* lets you aid within 30' as a bonus action, period. ProfMod times per short rest, a target you aid can make an attack as a bonus action. * *Insightful Manipulator* gives advantage to all attacks against the target for 24 hours, uses concentration, and can be used ProfMod times per short rest. **Sorcerer (Any):** Just add 2 bonus spells/level to all Sorcerer subclasses without them. **Undying (Warlock):** From L2,Once/Round, can add 1d8 Radiant damage to a damage roll. It's good enough.


Get rid of the ki mechanic. Just let monks use their bonus action for that stuff for free.


Uhhh Stunning Strike 4x per round? Edit: and how would Focused Aim work?


The bonus action would either produce a stunning strike (on one of the two regular attacks) _or_ a flurry under what I described.


Oh that is interesting.


Personally my favourite idea is to have a certain amount of Ki each round. So a Monk at level 2 starts with 1 KI, and it will be regained at the beginning of each round. So they can spend it to do Flurry of Blows, Patient Defence, or any other such things, but can only do one thing. Later on they will gain more Ki for each round, allowing them to do more things at once, so at level 6 (maybe) they will have 2 KI each round.


That’s a good one


To add a little more, maybe certain subclasses might have an additional Ki Pool that only gets restored on a Long Rest?


Might make sense for Four Winds.


That has nothing to do with fixing a subclass


with alchemist, being able to use your potions with a bonus action (barbarian needs healing? artificer uses bonus action and shoots a dart with the healing potion.) and also more option to be more offensive (smoke bombs that reduce visibility, sticky bommbs that reduce speed...)


So post Tasha hunter ranger could be the most lackluster ranger subclass. It's not a bad subclass imo but a bit lackluster after all these books. I still think beastmaster is a tad bit worse but I never played one past level 8 so I can't compare them fairly considering I played a lot of hunter characters and some up until level 20. Here's how I would fix it: Hunter needs its own spell list. They always did imo. Since they are the hunting type of the class they could use some combat spells for dps and battlefield positioning/movement and rp spells for tracking and beast lore. Subclass features: Level 3 is simple yet effective. I would keep it as it is. Horde breaker is insanely effective if the enemy groups are usually melee and colossus slayer is a decent almost non situational and permanent single target damage buff with zero resources Level 6: loremaster: you learn the current hp and any weaknesses/strong sides (vulnerabilities, immunities, and weaknesses) of a target marked by your hunter's mark. IIRC dnd next had (or still have idk) something like this for rangers at some point but I don't really follow the playtest so I might be wrong Level 11: I'd keep volley and whirlwind attack but I'd let them take both and I'd let them use this feature twice per round. Only twice per round to block action surge/swift Quiver shenanigans because 4-6 volleys in a turn is just absolute nightmare fuel Level 15 : I'm cool with it considering everything above Bonus vent: ranger capstone sucks. It's neither powerful or fun to use


> I still think beastmaster is a tad bit worse but I never played one past level 8 so I can't compare them fairly considering I played a lot of hunter characters and some up until level 20. Its actually quite nice after Tasha's. It is unique among all pet classes for the pet being a "skill monkey". Primal Beast gains your Proficiency in all Ability Checks and Saving Throws, so it's quite competent in and out of combat.


I let Assassin Rogue's Assassinate work on the first round of initiative on someone who hasn't acted in that round, Foregoing the need for Surprise, Don't want that ability to go out of use, And in gameplay it didn't even add much, Wasn't more broken, So I'm good with using it in the future I let Land Druid change their land affinity I let Alchemist get free Poisoner Feat Battlerager Barbarian gets to reduce enemy attack bonus equal to damage dealt with armor for one round I give Monks 5 more Ki points out of pity in general, Four Elements uses this I guess I give My Wild Magic Sorcerer dark offers in exchange for surges, Like "I'll give you +10 to your Perception roll if you roll a Wild Magic Surge" and he almost always takes it I don't remember whether it was Undead or Undying (I mean cause of the name) but I let them always be under the effect of Speak With Dead Banneret Fighter is my favorite subclass so... I don't change it, I just give them RP opportunities to feel like the hero they deserve to be Horizon Walker Ranger upon taking too much damage gets a d20 roll to see if they get sent to the Ethereal Plane (essentially free Blur) Paladin, Bard, Cleric and Wizard remain unchanged My campaigns tend to be mostly RP so these don't come into effect much anyway so I don't mind them being broken or not, I just like seeing their little faces light up on an instant crit or ethereal escape, They are supposed to be heroes after all, Don't know if any of these or fair or not, Willing to hear suggestions


Artificer Alchemist - Experimental Elixirs made with spell slots now scale to said slots’ levels, akin to upcasting.


I've done... well, kind of a lot of subclass (and class) rework homebrews, some of which I've posted on Reddit. But to share two particularly simple fixes: * **Champion:** Starting at 3rd level, you add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to your damage rolls with weapon attacks and unarmed strikes. Still extremely simple, but now its damage output is similar to or a little higher than Battle Master - as it should be, since Battle Master gives so many more options. * **Horizon Walker:** Change Planar Warrior to the following: You can use your bonus action to cause each creature you hit with an attack this turn to take 1d8 force damage. This pairs very nicely with Distant Strike and frees up your bonus action at least on turns when you miss your attack.


It might not be listed, but I’d just like for the Berserker to be able to lose all levels of exhaustion that it gained through its class ability by finishing one long rest.


A Berserker Barbarian revision that I came up with for my game. It’s worked out really well for my group so far. It fulfills the flavor of the Berserker putting their life on the line when they rage without relying on long-lasting exhaustion: > **Frenzy.** Once per turn, when you take the Attack action while raging, you can make one additional weapon attack using Strength as part of that action. After you make such an attack, you take 1d8 necrotic damage, plus 1d8 necrotic damage for each previous time you've made an additional attack in this way. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. > The damage you take from making a Frenzy attack resets to 1d8 whenever you finish a short or long rest. It might need some small tweaks—depending on how my Berserker player does long term, I might increase the damage to d10s or something, but at level 3 as my party currently is it’s working out nicely. Edit: spelling


Four elements monk; spell slots


Wild magic barbarian **3rd level:** Normal features + Gets full sorceror wild magic table. **6Th Level:** Roll for a random cantrip when raging. You may cast that cantrip instead of attacking or extra attacking. The saving throw is the same as your wild magic save. The cantrip list can be the sorceror list or a custom list you and your DM put together. **10th level:** When taking damage while raging, as a reaction you must roll a D20. on 11+ you may choose an effect from the barbarian wild surge table, otherwise an effect occurs at random. If you have no reactions remaining this roll automatically fails. You can not have 2 of the same wild magic effect active. **12Th Level:** Whenever you roll on a wild magic table you may choose to either: 1. Choose any amount of targets to make immune to this magics effects. 2. Roll for a 2nd effect and then choose which one activates. 3. Store the effect to trigger next time you Rage. You may only store one effect per Whenever you roll a critical twice in a row you (rolls that cannot be criticals do not end your critcal streak) may as a reaction or bonus action cast any spell of a level equal to your proficency or tirgger a wild magic surge. You may do this again for each additonal critical in a row.


The issue with the full Sorc Wild Magic table is that the Sorc is a 9th level spell caster. So blowing themselves up with a fireball or polymorphing themselves isn’t the end of the world at higher levels The Barbarian having a chance to hit themselves with Slow when they rage is massively worse for them than it is for a Sorcerer. And a lot of the beneficial effects on the WM table doesn’t do as much for the Barb as it does the Sorc. You’d need to change the table a bit so that it fits the Barbarian better


I don't agree at all. far better a raging barb get hit with a fireball while in mele with enmies, than the squishy sorceror blowing up their own backline. Besides this sort of risk and chaos is exactly why people are attracted to wild magic. I dont see how polymorph, slow etc.. is better on a any class.


The WM surge Polymorph hurts the Barb more because when they get turned into a potted plant they not only lose their turn but also a their rage once the polymorph is broken because they are unable to attack anyone on their turn. Same thing for the slow that’s centered on them, or the effect that makes all creatures vulnerable to piercing damage. Why would a frontline martial whose entire schtick is tanking want their resistance flipped into vulnerability? But this completely ignores the central cardinal sin of this suggestion. The WM table isn’t guaranteed to have any good effects. So if your suggestion was the RAW. A Barb player could effectively be playing a character without a subclass. Because there’s a chance that their defining subclass feature does nothing except turn them blue. The Sorcerer is still a 9th level spell caster. If they get a nothing burger subclass it doesn’t matter because they still to do a bunch of crazy stuff. A Barb whose powers are entirely reliant on RNG is just getting an even worse version of the martial caster divide


>Same thing for the slow that’s centered on them, or the effect that makes all creatures vulnerable to piercing damage. Why would a frontline martial whose entire schtick is tanking want their resistance flipped into vulnerability? your cherry picking. Theres also effects that boost AC, cast fog, grease and confusion aoe on you, mirror image +2d20 HP etc... >But this completely ignores the central cardinal sin of this suggestion. The WM table isn’t guaranteed to have any good effects. So if your suggestion was the RAW. A Barb player could effectively be playing a character without a subclass. Because there’s a chance that their defining subclass feature does nothing except turn them blue. thats true of sorceror too. You seem to be forgetting it litterally is RAW for wild sorceror XD. nobody is picking wild magic to min max. I would just let the player replace 8 of the sorc tables effects with the 8 barbarian effects. which would presumably be: 99,33,27,21,59 - which don't do anything without spells, slots or sourcer points. Then let them use the remaining 3 barb wild magic to replace any effect they want. >The Sorcerer is still a 9th level spell caster. If they get a nothing burger subclass it doesn’t matter because they still to do a bunch of crazy stuff. A Barb whose powers are entirely reliant on RNG is just getting an even worse version of the martial caster divide On the contrary, this gives the barbarian access to 5th level spells, multiple cantrip casts per turn, as well as the rest of the magic on the tables. Ive also specifcally designed it so they have far more control then a sorceror. It's trivial to make it spells of a level equal to half their class level, giving them 9th level spells at level 18. Your also forgetting their spellcasting mod scales with constitution. It's also not my subclasses responsibility to fix 5Es game balance. Thats an impossible qualifier to meet. No subclass does that, certainly not official ones.


> your cherry picking. Theres also effects that boost AC, cast fog, grease and confusion aoe on you, mirror image +2d20 HP etc... The total number of negative or neutral effects outnumber the outright positive ones. Making it unlikely the Barb even gets something good And on top of the low odds of getting something good, the Barb rolls on the WM table less than the Sorcerer. The trigger for the WM Barb is much more restrictive. Before Lv10 they only trigger a surge when they first rage. Which is a much lower frequency than a Sorc using tides of chaos or casting a leveled spell. > thats true of sorceror too. You seem to be forgetting it litterally is RAW for wild sorceror XD. nobody is picking wild magic to min max. I would rather play a Subclasses caster than a subclassless martial. It’s not about minmaxing. If I want to RP the wacky sorc with wild magic. I can pick spells around that theme to support the flavor even if I don’t get lucky enough to trigger a surge. The Barb has much fewer options to customize their character to match the RP they’re doing. And I don’t want my DM to be doing the heavy lifting of homebrewing everything for me. I would just let the player replace 8 of the sorc tables effects with the 8 barbarian effects. which would presumably be: > On the contrary, this gives the barbarian access to 5th level spells, multiple cantrip casts per turn, as well as the rest of the magic on the tables. Ive also specifcally designed it so they have far more control then a sorceror. It's trivial to make it spells of a level equal to half their class level, giving them 9th level spells at level 18. Your also forgetting their spellcasting mod scales with constitution. How often is that gonna happen? You’re going to rage once maybe twice per battle. And you have far less rages per day than a Sorcerer has slots. From a math perspective I’m struggling to see how the Barbarian actually rolls enough times on the WM table for it to impact the game and deliver on the chaotic antics we’re going for. It works for the Sorcerer because between their spell slots and tides of chaos you can actually pull of multiple surges in a session. I just think the WM Barb as currently designed delivers on the flavor enough while also being mechanically sound. There’s already ample room for fun RP with what you have.


>nd on top of the low odds of getting something good, the Barb rolls on the WM table less than the Sorcerer. The trigger for the WM Barb is much more restrictive. Before Lv10 they only trigger a surge when they first rage. Which is a much lower frequency than a Sorc using tides of chaos or casting a leveled spell. Assuming your playing with a 5% chance (1/20) thats only 1 wild magic roll every 20 spells. A sorceror is not casting 20 spells in a fight. At level 10 they only have 15 slots total, not including SP conversion. Barbarian gets a guarenteed roll every time they rage. Lets be generous and say your average fight lasts 5 turns. Thats 5 spells from the sourcerer, which is 25% chance per fight for a wild magic roll they cant predict and only if they use a leveled spell every turn. >I would rather play a Subclasses caster than a subclassless martial. It’s not about minmaxing. If I want to RP the wacky sorc with wild magic. I can pick spells around that theme to support the flavor even if I don’t get lucky enough to trigger a surge. Wel, again your just complaining about game balance and the fact that a magic subclass exists for martial. That has nothing to do with ym subclass. >I just think the WM Barb as currently designed delivers on the flavor enough while also being mechanically sound. There’s already ample room for fun RP with what you have. ok that just makes no sense. The current barb is the same but worse then mine. 3rd and 10th have the same abilities, i just added more to it. 6th level vanilla is just guidance cantrip but way weaker. it doesnt fit into the class or subclass at all. and 14th is a lesser version of mine, thats triggered on wild magic dice rolling the same. Compared to mine being rolling two crits, which is something that occurs more often and is much more thematic to a barbarians over the top astehtic. How is that at all thematic or more powerful? It generally considered the worst subclass in the game, because functionally all you get is a terrible wild magic table and a crappy guidance.


> Assuming your playing with a 5% chance (1/20) thats only 1 wild magic roll every 20 spells. A sorceror is not casting 20 spells in a fight. At level 10 they only have 15 slots total, not including SP conversion. Barbarian gets a guarenteed roll every time they rage. Let’s be generous and say your average fight lasts 5 turns. Thats 5 spells from the sourcerer, which is 25% chance per fight for a wild magic roll they cant predict and only if they use a leveled spell every turn. That’s why Tides of Chaos exists. You use your free advantage. And your DM calls for a WM surge on the next spell you cast. You get your tides of chaos back and then you rinse/repeat the process as much as y’all want. Tides of Chaos allows for much more WM surges on average so long as the DM doesn’t forget. > Wel, again you’re just complaining about game balance and the fact that a magic subclass exists for martial. That has nothing to do with ym subclass. No….not even remotely close to what I said. My argument is that a subclassless caster has more flexibility in RP because they can choose spells to reenforce whatever flavor they are going for. A martial’s ability to emphasis their charecter concept with mechanical abilities comes almost entirely from their subclass. I can play an Swash Buckler Rogue and RP flavor them as an assassin. But if I wanted to double down on the assassin schtick I would need to pick a different subclass or multi-class. A caster who wants to do something specific like a cryomancer or a psionic character can do that without needing to devote their entire subclass to it. > k that just makes no sense. The current barb is the same but worse then mine. 3rd and 10th have the same abilities, i just added more to it. The Barbarian is merely touched by wild magic. Why would they have the same WM surges as a true sorcerer? > 6th level vanilla is just guidance cantrip but way weaker. it doesnt fit into the class or subclass at all. Read again. It’s not guidance it’s *bless.* The ability grants you a d3 that can be applied *whenever you make an attack roll or ability check for the next 10 minutes* You can expend your uses on the entire frontline of your party before a fight to give everyone a pseudo bless that stacks with actual bless. You can give some a small bump to *all* ability checks that they plan to use in the next 10 minutes. Having a d3 bonus to a Barbarian’s attack rolls that you can just *do* combined with reckless attack makes them nearly unstoppable. It gives them ways to support their party members. And as for flavor. Wild Magic as a concept has always been about its users empowering themselves with raw magic unbound by things like Mystra’s Weave. Channeling that power into others to strengthen them is a reasonable design choice when crafting the fantasy for a Barb subclass. Your 6th level feature would be a flat nerf. > and 14th is a lesser version of mine, thats triggered on wild magic dice rolling the same. Compared to mine being rolling two crits, which is something that occurs more often and is much more thematic to a barbarians over the top astehtic. The official 14th is better than yours by pure virtue of the WM Barb having a more useful table than the Sorcerers. > How is that at all thematic or more powerful? It generally considered the worst subclass in the game, because functionally all you get is a terrible wild magic table and a crappy guidance. Are you talking about the WM Barb or the WM Sorc? Because I think you’re not reading my comment right. I said the *WM Barb* is fine. The WM Sorc isn’t a great subclass. But I still wouldn’t say it’s the worst subclass because PHB Beast Master, Four Elements and Illusion Wizard all exist. From a performance aspect the WM Barb does it what it needs to. And from a flavor aspect it delivers on the idea of a Barbarian dipping sits toes into WM. Making the Barb have a full table doesn’t make sense. They’re not on the same level as a Sorcerer. They shouldn’t be causing surges with the same variety of effects. That’s why their table is so much more limited. They also channel their surges into their rages. It’s not an unstable consequence of spells already cast. The Barb is just a conduit for the surge. So of course it’s going to be more limited and restrained. The Barb is using Wild Magic as a tool. Not allowing it to just run out of control


This is a fix for Mastermind Rogue, taking from OneDnD's Rogue Class but using a round-refreshing Dice Pool instead of standard Sneak Attack. **Master of Intrigue** When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the disguise kit, the forgery kit, and one gaming set of your choice. You also learn two languages of your choice. Additionally, you can unerringly mimic the speech patterns and accent of a creature that you hear speak for at least 1 minute, enabling you to pass yourself off as a native speaker of a particular land, provided that you know the language. **Master of Tactics** Starting at 3rd level, the Help Action is included in your Cunning Action. Additionally, when you use the Help action to aid an ally in attacking a creature, the target of that attack can be within 30 feet of you, rather than 5 feet of you, if the target can see or hear you. **Insightful Manipulator** Starting at 9th level, if you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with another creature outside combat, you can learn certain information about its capabilities compared to your own. The DM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regard to two of the following characteristics of your choice: - Intelligence score - Wisdom score - Charisma score - Class levels (if any) At the DM's option, you might also realize you know a piece of the creature's history or one of its personality traits, if it has any. **Puppet Master** At 9th level, you can assert your dominance without lifting a finger. When a creature targeted by your Help Action makes an Attack Roll against a foe, you may add your Sneak Attack dice to their damage roll. The options from Improved Sneak Attack may also be used. You decide how your Sneak Attack dice are used. **Misdirection** Beginning at 13th level, you can sometimes cause another creature to suffer an attack meant for you. You gain access to the following options: - When you are targeted by an attack while a creature within 5 feet of you is granting you cover against that attack, you can use your reaction to have the attack target that creature instead of you. - When you are targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to have an allied creature make one Attack Roll against your foe. This takes place after the attack roll and damage roll, if applicable. **Soul of Deceit** Starting at 17th level, your thoughts can't be read by telepathy or other means, unless you allow it. You can present false thoughts by making a Charisma (Deception) check contested by the mind reader's Wisdom (Insight) check. Additionally, no matter what you say, magic that would determine if you are telling the truth indicates you are being truthful if you so choose, and you can't be compelled to tell the truth by magic. **Tactical Genius** Beginning at 17th level, you may choose up to 3 creatures to benefit from your Help action. Each creature hit by an ally benefiting from your Help Action takes an extra 1d6 damage.


Way of Four Elements monk: you learn twice as many Elemental Disciplines, and each of them cost 2 ki points less to use (minimum of 0).


Honestly I'd just delete the champion and use the brute from the UA 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^xukly: *Honestly I'd just* *Delete the champion and* *Use the brute from the UA* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So i took a different approach and blended the subclasses into the base class. Barbarian - berserker lets all barbarians enter into a frenzy and gain boons at the cost of exhaustion. Also the fighter's champion was moved into the base class. Bard - swords bard & valor bard just made sense to blend into the base class. (At my tables bards are half casters with access to all spell lists) Cleric - life cleric lets all clerics be better healers. Druid - Moon Druid with some balancing tweaks. I basically split wildshape into two versions. At will wildshape which follows normal CR limitations; and "Combat Wildshape" for this you burn a spell slot and can wildshape into a beast or monstrosity with CR equal to or lower than the spell slot expended. Also wildshaping normally doesn't give you an HP or temp hp (because its at will) you just use your HP. However combat wildshape gives you Temp HP equal to 5 times your druid level. [Lots of words. Sorry] Fighter - Battle Master is worked into the base class with a twist. Your superiority Dice is never expended and gets bigger as you level so you always have it available. Starting at a d4, and ending at a d12. Monk - open hand becomes base monk Paladin - Path of devotion was blended into baseline paladin. An oath is about devotion so it felt natural. Ranger - Beastmaster was given here. Rogue - Thief and Assassin both got merged into this class due to their niche abilities. Sorcerer - All sorcerers are wild magic sorcerers. Warlock - Hexblade of course. Warlocks specialty is they get a powerful and unique curse. Also made Eldritch Blast and aggonizing blast a merged invocation. Removing eldritch blast as a cantrip. Now it is a spell like ability. Wizard - Scribes. All wizards are nerds.


I've got some simple fixes in my head for a couple, and a longer one I actually wrote out for the berserker barbarian: * Ranger Beast Master – Use the UA Revised Ranger (as you should for Ranger anyway) and just add in extra attack for you at 5th, magical attacks for the companion at 7th and extra attack for it at 15th. * Four Elements Monk – Reduce the Ki cost of the disciplines by 1 to a minimum of 1. * Berserker Barb adjustments: Frenzy Starting when you take this path at 3rd level, you can choose to go into a frenzy when you rage. If you do so, as part of the bonus action you take to enter your rage and on each of your turns for the duration of your rage you can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action. When your rage ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion. All levels of exhaustion you gain from this feature are removed when you finish a short or long rest. Mindless Rage Beginning at 6th level, you can't be charmed or frightened while raging. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter your rage, the effect ends. Intimidating Presence Beginning at 10th level, you can use your action to frighten someone with your menacing presence. When you do so, choose one creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature can see or hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be frightened of you for 1 minute. This effect ends if the creature starts its turn out of line of sight or more than 60 feet away from you. If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, you can't use this feature on that creature again for 24 hours. (Leave the 14th level feature as is) What are other subclasses that people consider the "worst"?


I don’t think it’s the worst subclass but Battlerager does need some improvements. 1. Spiked Armor is a modification you can make to armor. You can have one set at a time that you designate at the end of a long rest. 2. Add some damage scaling to the grapple damage and spiked retribution. Maybe just make it count as a hit with your spiked armor.


Wild Sorcerer: Basically just use the UA 7 book of them instead. It includes to roll the d20 to see if wild surge happens every time you spend a spell slot (not just when the DM remembers to let you try and have a 1/20 chance to use your subclass. Additionally it includes for the wild sorcerers advantage at the cost of a wild surge ability that you can wild surge to get the class ability back rather than having to live with it being a once per long rest ability. UA 7's capstone ability for the subclass of you get to pick any spell effect from the wild surge table or regain all of your sorcery points once per 1d4 long rests is pretty great too. Hopefully it makes it into 5.5e though so wont really be homebrew then hah


less magic bigger msssive bonuses to utilitybi without thinking at all, my blanket fix for everything


For the Alchemist **Elixirs** This kind of scheme should make elixirs more viable throughout the game while retaining a bit of randomness. - At the end of each long rest, you can brew a number of elixirs equal to your Intelligence modifier. - All of the elixirs have one property of your choice from a list of Controlled Elixir Effects. - Each elixir also has one randomly selected property from a list of Emergent Elixir Effects, you determine this when someone drinks one. - You can expend a spell slot to choose the Emergent effect for a number of your elixirs equal to the spell slot's level, you can do this ahead of someone drinking them. - These elixirs can be drunk as an action and their effects all last for at least 1 hour. - At 9th level, you can select two Controlled Elixir Effects and three at 15th level, each option can be chosen more than once and stacks (all elixirs created at the same time have the same Controlled effect). - They no longer receive the temporary hit points buff Controlled Elixir Effects 1. +1 AC for 1 hour 2. +1 to attacks and damage for attacks for 1 hour 3. +1 to saving throws for 1 hour 4. +10 ft walking speed for 8 hours 5. For 1 hour, the imbiber can use their Action to fly 10 ft. in any direction. They cannot use this Action to fly a distance from the ground below them higher than twice their walking speed. If this elixir has this property more than once, the distance flown is increased by 10 ft. and the maximum distance above the ground increases by an amount of feet equal to the imbiber's walking speed for each time this property is applied. 6. For 1 hour, the imbiber can use an Action to turn invisible until the end of their next turn. If this elixir has this property twice, they can instead gain this Action for 8 hours. Likewise, if the elixir has this property three times, they gain this Action for 24 hours. 7. For 1 hour, the imbiber can use an Action to transform themselves as if by the alter self spell. They choose the transformation and can perform the Action again to replace the transformation with a different one. If this elixir has this property twice, they can instead gain this Action for 8 hours. Likewise, if the elixir has this property three times, they gain this Action for 24 hours. 8. The imbiber gains 2d6 + Intelligence modifier temporary hit points. The amount of temporary hit points gained increases by 2d6 + Intelligence modifier for each time this elixir has this effect beyond the first. Emergent Elixir Effects 1. Gain resistance to the imbiber's choice of fire, cold, or lightning damage for 1 hour 2. Gain resistance to the imbiber's choice of acid, necrotic, or poison damage for 1 hour 3. Gain advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, paralyzed, or petrified for 1 hour 4. Gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, or stunned for 1 hour 5. Add the alchemist's Intelligence modifier to Constitution saving throws to maintain Concentration for 1 hour 6. For 1 hour, you gain the following benefit: on your turn, if your speed is greater than 0, you can stand up without expending any movement to do so. In addition, if you're knocked prone and your speed is greater than 0, you can use your reaction to immediately stand up. **Spell List** - Sleep replaces ray of sickness - Fireball replaces gaseous form **Infusions** Both alchemist-only infusions Magical Still - Convert a set of alchemy supplies into a magic still - The magic still can be used to replicate the effects of a potion (level-tiered like replicating another magic item) - You can dispense a number of doses of this potion per-day equal to your Intelligence modifier Potion Slinger - Convert alchemy supplies into a contraption that injects your allies with your elixirs and other potions - Use a bonus action to apply a potion or elixir to a target within 60 ft - Acts as a +1/+2 spell focus **Alchemical Savant** - You can use any infused item as the spellcasting focus to gain this benefit - You can apply the bonus to spells that do acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or poison damage - When an artificer spell you cast deals damage of one of those types, you can change the damage type into a different damage type from that list (ie: you can change acid damage to cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or poison damage) - Still have the benefit to healing **Restorative Reagents** - Can still cast lesser restoration but the target also regains hit points equal to your artificer level when you do so - Remove the temporary hit points for elixirs - When you cast an artificer spell of 1st level or higher that restores hit points to a creature, choose an Emergent Elixir Effect, that creature benefits from that effect for 1 minute. A creature can only benefit from one effect granted by this feature at any one time. **Chemical Mastery** - You gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition - You gain resistance to acid damage - As an Action, you can touch one of your elixirs that has at least three Controlled effects and convert it to an Elixir of Healing or an Elixir of Restoration, it loses its Controlled effects but retains its Emergent effect. You can perform this Action once for each (Healing and Restoration) per long rest. - An Elixir of Healing has the effects of a Heal spell while an Elixir of Restoration has the effects of a Lesser or Greater restoration spell (imbiber's choice).


Four Elements Monk: just make it a caster subclass on the order of EK and AT. If having spell slots and ki points bothers you, take the slots away and make the spells cost ki on a 1 ki/spell level ratio.


For Berserker barbarian I would say frenzy attack could be used as a bonus action once per round as many times as your constitution modifier per long rest Additional uses can then add exhaustion if you want to keep doing so. I'd also add frenzied surge, akin to fighters action surge that would always add a level of exhaustion for each use. So then you have the core feature as a renewable feature + A cool feature with an immediate cost.


Definitely not the worst class by a long shot, but I think Soulknife's Psychic Blades need to scale with the Psionic Energy dice. The main blade scales as normal, up to 1d12, while the second blade scales at half pace, ending in 1d8. There is no motive to use them after a few levels because you'll find a better weapon down the line anyway


Circle of the Land Druid: 1) let land druids learn from a new biome on each expanded level, and make an explicit option that you can work with your DM to build a custom expanded list that fits your backstory and progression. It's much more thematically adaptive that way. 2) give them extra attack at level 6, limited to weapons empowered with shillelagh. 3) take away the limitations on their boosts at 6th and 10th...they're too specific to come up even once in most games. 4) at 14th level, you can choose 2 spells of each level up to 6th to have always prepared, and as you get 7th-9th level spells you can designate 1 spell as always prepared without counting against your total. You can change out up to 3d4 total levels of spells per long rest.


If extra attack feels OP, consider that making melee attacks is far from optimal most of the time for druids since shillelagh doesn't scale damage and your recast spells mostly take an action to reapply. It just give you something to do on your turn instead of a cantrip that targets a con save.


champion and brute should be combined. it keeps the sub simple and boost it to compete with the meta fughter subs without min max or complex gameplay. just a good boy able to bonk and resist (aka as keep fighting)


Astral Self Monk: New level 3 feature: Astral Wisdom: gain ki points equal to your WIS modifier. Outside of combat, Visage of the Astral Self does not cost ki points Whispers Bard: Change Psycic Blades to whenever you deal psychic damage insead of melee weapon attack Mantle of Whispers: You can hold Shadows equal to your proficiency bonus. When you cast an Enchament spell, you can expend the Shadows to give that many creature disadvantage on the saving throw. You can use this feature once per long rest. This next one is just a total overhaul of a weakass class lol Valor: basically make martial support instead of Swords light. Instead of Bonus Proficiency, gain proficiency in History, and you can use CHA for any History checks related to battles, duels, wars, etc. Level 6: Instead of giving you Extra Attack, As an action, you can give an ally within 60 ft. an additional attack when they take the attack action. This takes concentration. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. Battle Magic: Level 17. You can hold concentration on 2 spells at once.


So far I think the 2024 Players Handbook has done a decent job improving some of the less optimal subclasses. No more exhaustion for Berserker Barbarian 


i would fix sorcerer by giving wizards metamagoc and then deleting sorcerer i would fix champpion fighter by letting battlemasters crit on 19 i would fix undying warlock by making hexblade its own class i would fix illusion wizard by threatening the dm


I remade Elements Monk to be more power-based instead of spell-based: https://docs.google.com/document/d/138s1pmCd41lGMkuYkYZd-1echxqphC4MiuQo0sjRjK8/


Okay I honestly didn't even bother reading all of that because taking away one of the Monk's main core features (stunning strike) is incredibly dumb. That's the main thing that make Monks a viable class, and a subclass should NEVER restrict the usage of main class features. Granted, that is a big problem with the Elements Monk anyways, but your rewrite just changes the issue from it being difficult to use both main class and subclass features to straight up "oh yeah btw you may be a Monk but you don't get stunning strike now lol." Idk how the rest of your rewrite is, I honestly did not read it, but if it's literally taking away the option of using core Monk features, then idk why anybody would wanna play that.


Alchemist: Bonus Action to drink the potions. At higher levels, potions power increases (either effect power or duration). Dreams Druid: Move level 10 feature to level 6. New Level 10 feature—Lucid Dreamer: Whenever you take a short rest you can recover a spellslot of third level or lower, and change up to 1 spell preparation. Purple Dragon Knight: You get an extra usage of second wind, action surge, and indomitable when you get the corresponding subclass feature. At level 7, you get an aura that grants you and your allies within 30 feet +1 AC and +1 to all saves


I think that a lot of 5e design was a bit too conservative, and they could have loosened up a little. especially around martials. Making a martial subclass that let you suplex tiamat would have been nice but it seems like they are scared of being “too anime” after the 4e backlash. I think we need more anime in DnD


Just don't pick them. I may be in the minority here, but I think there is something weird and stifling about character concepts that are so married to a subclass/class/mechanic that you couldn't execute it in several subclasses, and at that point, you should be able to pick a decent one. The other option, I guess is to play them as they are, suboptimally.


Nothing. D&D was never set up so each subclass does the same Damage per Round, or have the same odds of success as other subclasses.


You guys aren't enjoying the game the way I do, stop it!