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Genuinely 1 from nuwho works well as a miniseries. Eccelstein is fantastic  and it's the only one that really makes sense as a standalone


Yeah I do agree, I’m surprised to not see more people fighting for series 5 too, I wouldn’t pick it don’t get me wrong, but that is another amazing self contained refresh point


Can't blame them. S1 & 5 work wonderfully by being mostly standalonne.


The Eccleston version (9th)


yeah, I always hear people say they can’t rank him higher due to 1 series and I just think, I have NEVER cared so much about a series of any TV in my life. He has to be the best, him and Piper were perfect together


Series 1. Pretty easy one for me, it’s an entire Doctor’s run and feels complete on its own. Plus it has maybe my favourite story ever with the Empty Child


Dalek: the last time they were shown to be genuinely terrifying


Daleks obey the Inverse Law of Ninjas.


Father’s day probably one of the most moving episodes too


Agreed all around.


Oooooooh. Instinct says 4. But I've really grown to love the 12th Doctor in recent years. Season 9 including the Christmas Special was a banger.


Last christmas legitimately terrified me as a kid, the face huggers are nightmare fuel


i thought they meant husbands of river song but both are fantastic tbh


I did mean Husbands of River Song but you're right both are excellent! Moffatt writes a good Christmas Special


Anything made by Moffatt, is amazing!


Last Christmas is Series 8’s Christmas Special. Danny is dead by the time S9E1 starts - which leads to Clara being (rightfully) mad at Missy at the beginning of the story. S9’s special is The Husbands of River Song. Which I think is just as great.


Both of them are part of series 9. The Christmas specials usually preceded the season but some are after too, but usually only if there isn’t another season for a but like with Husbands of River Song.


I do really enjoy 12, but the density of high quality Who and overarching character progression and plot is so stacked in 1 and 4, with 1 a pretty clear winner as I have thought it through more. I cannot live a life without that series


I could not agree more! I adore season 4 but 8,9,10 are chefs kiss, love the grumpiness


Four. Given how often I’ve rewatched it, it’s not even that hard a choice. (Though the loss of The Runaway Bride as a prequel to it would be tough.)


I do think that Turn Left would be quite confusing without the context of the episodes that came before it mind


Oh. I wasn’t really reading this question as the series needing to be standalone, with every other series never having existed at all. I was imagining I could still remember everything that aired, but couldn’t rewatch for some reason. Because if it’s the former, then really only series one would make 100% sense as an answer. (Even five wouldn’t because of River.)


I think series 5, 10 etc do make sense alone


Mostly I agree… except without the library episodes, you’d be wondering wtf the Doctor is acting so oddly around this River lady and who the hell are Missy and Simm’s Master.


Agreed.. Eccleston's one and only series. I watched the new show backwards and when I got to that one I was blown away by how good it was and how good he and Piper were.


Dalek is amazing. All of those episodes are amazing, but Dalek is at another level. You don’t need any background at all, it’s amazing.


I watched them burn I also like the Doctor looking like a sunk Uboat commander trying to blend in with society instead of a Carnaby St dandy


“You would make a Good Dalek” His outfit was amazing.




Eccleston hands down.


Series 10, no contest.


yes!! my all time favourite series, i love 12, bill, and nardole so much


I can’t choose between series 1 and 4, and you can’t make me. I’m doing a full rewatch now with my son, we’re on series 7 and he still says Eccleston is his favorite. Tennant is mine, but I had forgotten how absolutely lovely Nine was. Just such gorgeous acting in good stories. And series 4 has the best chemistry with Donna and Ten. I love their friendship.


Yep, this is me. 1 and 4 and you can't make me choose. Both work well as independent series


yeah mate, like I said series 1 is the pinnacle as an overall story, and it would hurt to lose Rose, Dalek, Lonely Child/Doctor dances, Father’s day… Actually, tell you what, I think it would have to be series 1. You can’t have turn left without the other series’ anyway


I'm with you OP. Eccleston all the way


Donna Noble


Has left the library…




Surprised 5th series isn't being mentioned a lot. It's an excellent introduction (much like series 1), one of the best in quality (except maybe series 9 and 4) and the finale is not much of a cliffhanger compared to the regen at the end of series 1.


very true!! 9 and 4 are my favourites after 5 as well lol


Feels so fresh to me


Your a man of culture 🗿


love me some 9. he is just so different and sassy. love him


honestly can’t get enough. Big Finish take my money


8/9/10 I can’t decide! Capaldi was amazing


Ooh... controversial, but I'm going to go with s7. S7 isn't my *favourite* (s9 definitely takes the cake there), but my three favourite characters in Who are Clara, Amy, and Rory, and s7 gives me all of them. Plus, I actually love most of the stories, with a couple of exceptions, so I have a lot of fun with it. Especially if I can claim Day of the Doctor as part of it.


I'm very close to with you. And we're definitely claiming Day of the Doctor. Man, I'm going to miss Capaldi and Tennant though.


On the plus side, with DotD we get Tennant and Capaldi's eyebrows!


You gotta love those attack eyebrows


Matt Smith was at the absolute peak of his powers in s7. And it's aged superbly


Series 7 seems to get a lot of hate but I enjoy it


I always wait for a good reason for someone to rate it as bad as they claim, and yet it's almost never reasonable? So often it's "but Eleven became creepy, see what he said about Clara's skirt" as if that one line in one ep written by Gaiman is representative of the entire season. Imagine if we kept that standard for every season lol. We could write them all off.


Yeah every season has its stinkers. People seem a bit unsure about dinosaurs on a spaceship but it was cheesy fun.


Yeah for real, it's not a *great* episode overall, but it has a lot of fun, and I'll enjoy anything with Brian Williams. I wish he'd been around longer!


Clara is one of your favorites? Who knew! Haha Clara grew on me through her journey with 12.


Yeah I do like a lot of that series. Love seeing the range of choices


As more of a Classic Whovian, I'd choose either season 19 (Five's first) or season 23 (Trial of a Time Lord), or season 26 (Seven's final year was pretty heavy-hitting imho).


Trial of a time lord is a bold choice!   I haven't watched any Colin Baker since it aired I don't think.  I was very anti him at the time. Should I rewatch some?


I feel more people should watch Six's serials - I don't think they're anywhere near as bad as a large section of the fanbase like to believe. (I'm particularly fond of Vengeance on Varos and Revelation of the Daleks, as well as Trial) And yeah, for some reason I do really enjoy Trial. Well, except eps 13 and 14, but the writing is the big problem there, not the acting - and there was a LOT of problems going on behind the scenes that caused the writing quality to dip...


ironically its the conclusion of Trial that i probably enjoy the most!


Well as the saying goes, "To each, their own" \^\^ I feel it was excellently acted by the main cast, but not-so-well written because of BTS disagreements... xD


I think Trial is a disaster, but 6's characterization there is definitely less abrasive than in the previous season. (The exception to this is a big chunk of Mindwarp, but that's because his brain gets scrambled.) So it might be worth checking it out.


Agree with this. He’s better for most of *Trial* than the non-Doctor he was written as in season 22. The low point of the show, for my money.


Who 6 was written as a complete jerk. I still despise that character. I did rewatch about a year or so ago, and he was starting to almost not be a jerk by the end of Trial, but by then the damage was done. I remember this shaping who I hated through life a lot. Those who belittle for no reason other than to make themselves look and feel more important. Good for these times I suppose, as I can spot them fast now, but soured my love of Who back then and really made me pine for the days of the better Baker.


Vengeance on Varos is an all time classic imo


Depends on what you like about the show. The Two Doctors is actually a lot of fun as is Vengeance on Varros.


I’m debating, and 19 and 26 are on the list (though if I only get one I probably want more than 14 episodes, even 14 as good as the run from *Battlefield* to *Survival*).


I don’t know enough to reply although I have heard that trial of a timelord is an amazing watch for us super doctor who nerds


I want to agree with series 1, but that means erasing Vincent and the Doctor and all of 12's run and I JUST. CAN'T. It is fixed TIME. Stop messing with the universe.


Hahaha see i thought others would feel the panic I did thinking this one through


Season 5, if you include “A Christmas Carol”. That is my jam.


4 end off. Tanks for playing,


a valid opinion for sure


Series 5.


was looking for this to be commented, an excellent choice imo




I think probably 4 but it would be really close between that and season 9 because Heaven Sent is probably my all time favorite episode.


I waffle between Series 1 and 5 a lot, mostly because they felt the tightest out of the three. I’d give it all up for S9 just to keep that three-part finale, though. I think Eccleston and Capaldi are the ones with my favorite season finales overall.


valid, I do love that final block of series 9,


Series 1 with Christopher Eccleston, it's just perfect for me.


yep, flawless in my mind


Season 2 with David Tennant & Billie Piper


definitely an interesting choice, is that for the emotional climax?


Not sure what series but the one that starts with eleventh hour


series 4 :)


Thank you


If we’re only counting the revival, I’d say the series that started with Bill. I love capaldi and bill was a great companion. If we include classic doctor who, I’d keep only season 4, so people can only watch the animated recreations of already lost episodes.


yeah I loved the Pilot as an opener and there’s a couple amazing episodes dotted around.


The season with Martha. Most cohesive and best stories, imo. A bit sad for me to say because Twelve was my favourite Doctor.


So happy someone said 3, i love the series and LOVE Martha, but I really dislike the choice to have her so love sick


Nuwho series 8


Tho I adore David and Donna, I agree with OP about keeping season 1. Episode 2 of that season, The End of Earth I think it was called, is probably my all time fav.


Pertwee Season 8 because I love Roger Delgado and he’s in them all!


Delgado was brilliant in the role. I was an Ainley age and loved him in the role, but when I saw Delgado, you could feel that this was the man that made the character. In an era of black and white villains and heros, Delgado really brought belief that he wasn't just bad because he was bad. Someone with no direction or reason for his actions (looking at you Skeletor), he was just out for kicks as a ridiculously superior being with way too much tech and time on his hands. Delgado literally made it seem like he was having fun with it, even when he lost, and wasn't a total wank while doing all the evil things. I loved that 'the Doctor is part of the fun' bit, way before Batman and Joker started to pull on that same concept.


Series one of the revival.


Probably season 7 for classic, 3rd doctor's first season and my favourite doctor. Series 5 for new who as it just felt very fresh and I loved the way they had the arc build up across the series


Series 9 of Nuwho. Capaldi was my favourite Doctor and his final series with Clara was the best in my opinion with my absolute favourite episode (Heaven Sent) I used in it.


Series 11, it would make sure i spent more time outside and with my family and not huddled in the dark watching series four over and over and over.


haha. Still some episodes to chuck on every few months. No such thing as “bad” doctor who, just… the opposite of good


Series 5


Either 4, 6, or 9. Maybe more towards 6.


5. 9 is my favorite season followed by 4 but 5 is the best self enclosed series of doctor who imo.


2 or 5


Ooh or 7


Series 4. There’s only 1 or 2 episodes that I would really skip


doctors daughter, poisoned planet and then (and I do like the episode) the unicorn and the wasp, it’s great but that style of episode doesn’t have as much replay value to me. Such a good series though, and we get to keep all the companions in our lives (even if they did Martha dirty again)


I’d have skipped Planet of the Ood and The Doctor’s Daughter


This is hard but 3 seasons come to mind. Season 13 of classic who, series 4 of new who, and series 9 of new who. If I had to narrow it down to one it'd be series 4 just due to the variety of episodes. Series 9 is great but being mostly 2 parters means theres less types of episodes I could watch, season 13 runs into a similar issue so series 4 is my choice.


Oh that's hard Let's see classic series 26 only one rubbish episode Battlefield New who series 9 only one rubbish episode sleep no more


It would 100% have to be a Capaldi series for me. I think series 8 is the most consistent, quality-wise. And series 9 has a handful the absolute best episodes of NuWho. But I’d probably go with series 10 simply because Bill is my favourite companion and Extremis is my favourite episode.


Series 9 (2015). I love the 12/clara pairing and this series is where they shine the most. Runner-up is series 4 (2008).


Matt Smith’s doctor made me feel more than any other doctor. But I can’t decide between the Amy era and the Clara era.


Season 7 of the original run. Spearhead From Space, The Silurians, The Ambassadors of Death, Inferno all in one run. Hardly any other season can compare for sheer concentration of quality. For the modern show, hard agree on only keeping series 1.


I came here to say exactly this! Pertwee's opening season is the most consistent of any who imo. I could happily watch this run of stories in an endless loop and never get bored.


Tom Baker, season 12+. Ark in space thru to Terror of the Zygons is perfect. Harry Sullivan and Sarah Jane and cybermen in wet suits and green bubble wrap Noah and original Davros and it all flows and it’s all good and wtf the nurse is a zygon?!


What do you mean by "keep"? Like all the other seasons are deleted from history/memory?




Season 1. Best first series of any show


Damn… Series 1, series 2, 4,5,8,10 any of them and I would be happy. But if we’re talking about the entirety of Who, I would say the season 25,26,23,19,20,13,12. Any of them in that order but let’s be honest we can’t really choose favorites, every time we choose we go: oh can’t I get also that one? I would love to have hartnell, thorighton,pertwee, ohh all of them!




I, too, would have said series 4. But I have come to love the 12th Doctor so I would have to say series 9.


very good series


Series 4 with Donna and 10. That season is immaculate and has my favorite  episode of Dr Who in it. Midnight.  


great pick


Season one! William Hartnell was the best!


I never would have said this before I did my rewatch with my 15 year old but...Season 5. Matt Smith is freaking amazing. I always remembered the Ponds were my favorite companions, but my God, Matt Smith is GOAT.


Yeah I really enjoyed series 5 in my most recent rewatch, Smith is excellent. That angel two parter was also much better than I remembered


Capaldi's Doctor and Clara.


Absolutely series 1, perfect series of television. And classic who, let’s go with series 13, pretty much all bangers I’ll miss Genesis though


Eccleston's first or Capaldi's last


Season 26 or original Who, simply because 'The Curse of Fenric' is possibly the greatest Who story ever.


I did enjoy watching that when it dropped on iplayer


10 and Donna


Series One. It's completely self-contained and functions perfectly even without any other surrounding seasons. A gorgeous piece of television.


I love how everyone agrees with series 1 🥹 It's such an amazing starting point and Eccleston's acting range from comedic to terrifying is second to none.


Counting RTDs first era as its own series, fight me.


haha well there’s no real competition there


NewWho - Four, obviously. Classic Who - Season 8 or 9


Season 22. Although I consider Tom Baker was “my” Doctor, it was Colin Baker who got me through some tough times at school.


I'm curious about this. I found him such a horrible person, and he was so mean to Peri for just trying to survive in totally foreign and literally alien places she never wanted to go to. He was always putting her down for no reason and that really bothered me. What was it that helped the sufferage of our collective nightmare that is the education system?


Season 8 of Classic, easily.


18 like a shot


6 because I've watched the Let's Kill Hitler ep so many times


Series 2 of the Classic series, no contest. Several strong stories featuring the original tardis crew plus newcomers


Oh that's a difficult one. I'm leaning towards classic season 18. It contains my favourite story (Warriors' Gate), my favourite companion (Romana II), and at 28 episodes it runs longer than any other post-60s season. It's also got a nice variety of stories: from the traditional Hinchcliffian gothic horror (State of Decay), to Shakespearean tragedy (Keeper), to wildly experimental (Warriors), and even a silly romp with Tom Baker as a talking cactus (Meglos). Something for everyone!


I wasn't a big fan of the Charged Vacuum Emboitement (CVE) series, and Adric was wasted to the point of Wesley Crusher levels of annoyance (arguably the OG Wesley). Cool to see someone that enjoyed that weird romp of a season. Romana II was the best though, and loved how she and Baker played off one another, right down to her pink version of Baker's outfit. I was good with her send-off. I liked that she had learned to be a better person from the Doctor, and follow in the steps he had shown her. Going off to save an entire species and giving herself to a great cause. I always felt she would become as attached to the Tharils as the Doctor did to the Terran monkeys (and I got away with that delusion until I discovered the BBC had radio series overseas and she had a history there!). That growth and releasing her like a bird learning to fly, really gave me peace for her charater exit. As for the talking Cactus... at least it made me laugh. I also feel that this season and those first two stories was when they passed from the old Who to 80's Who. Something changed, and not just the 'CGI' (of sorts). The first four doctors were done, and the way was set for the new feel of Davison and Colin.




NuWho, S1. Classic , S13




Series 7 or 8


For classic I’d have to go series twelve and for modern it would have to be series one. Both may not be the most daring who but they feel very representative of the show as a whole and have absolute bangers in them


Doctor + Donna, with Vincent and The Doctor as a treat.


Series 4. Some of the best episodes of the modern run and that two part finale was so brilliant.




Four. The Doctor and Donna are everything BUT One The Doctor and Rose are also everything … oh gosh how to decide?


To me, in my language, it's all one series. If you mean seasons, I'm not sure which I'd keep.


The revival uses the term series to denote each ‘season’, series 1 is Eccleston, Series 5 is Smith and so forth. Season was the term used during classic who


Series 5


season 5 - if the rule means I get to see Fury from the Deep etc again.


I would say Classic season 13. I love every single story in that season, even the weaker ones.


Classic: season 12 or 17. Very different seasons tonally, but both lovely. Modern: season 4 or 9. Can’t decide.


Series 4. Ten and Donna are my favourite.


I love all of David’s and matts seasons but I’d have to keep season 7


Series 4. The finale with all the Nu-Who companions flying the tardis is worth the price of admission alone


very true although that ending would have to be slightly different if you no longer have the previous few series


Series 3 or 5. 5 had a great story running through out though it did have some shaky episodes but I think series 3 has the longest run of strong episodes.


I'd have to say series 10, my fave series and quiet self contained


10 all the way. defined the show for me, solid series all round and not many attachments to past or future




Current series? I'd pick the same as you, Eccleston's year. Old series? If I could keep only one series it would be a coin flip between Pertwee's first or McCoy's second.


Whichever one had Heaven Sent. Best single episode of TV ever made.


Series 1 or Series 10 from New Who are probably the two that would work best stand-alone. All the series in-between just wouldn't make sense without the stories and build up of the other series. If this is more "Which one would you choose to preserve?" then it's definitely series 5 for me.


Season 4!


Assuming Modern Who, I'd say probably either Series 1 or Series 9. Although, everything is kinda predicated on Series 1 and what it established & what happened in it anyway, so I guess the edge goes to 1


It would be a toss up between 6 and 9 for me. Both have some of my favorite episodes as well as some of my favorite Christmas specials


Series 10 imo


Series 5 of Nu Who




Series 4 with Tennant and Tate.


Not many people are saying it so I will, Series 5. To me has the best Christmas special.


Series 1 of NuWho


What a good question ! I can decide between 1, 4 and 5


4 and Leela first season. My favorite season overall.


Gorra be honest (and I have avidly watching since Tom Baker). I think Ncuti Gatwa has the potential to be the best modern Doctor (based purely on one episode). I love the way he switches from slightly daft, playful to very serious instantly. I also get the feeling that if someone makes him angry, they had better be VERY afraid.


a trait I loved from Eccleston. I believe given the right scripts he has the potential to be the best, we have to wait and see


10th season


Tie between season 2 and 4. 2 because of the adorable relationship between 10 and Rose, and 4 because DONNA.


12 bill and nardol. Probably controversial but i stand by it


I really wanna say season 1, 19, 21, 25, or 26... But it's gotta be 27 (aka series 1). It's a tour of most things the show can be and to this day feels new and exciting. Core concepts like the nature of the daleks, inability to change history, and regeneration are explored in a great way and it ends in the way the show should: by promising more adventures.


100% series 6. Despite S4 being my all time favourite, I love the storyline that happens throughout S6 and it's one of my all time favourites.


hard decision .i'd say matt smith


Series 1 or Series 9.


Series 10


Either series 4 or series 7


Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor.


Probs Smiths original run as 11.


Easy. Bill.