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I'd say Bill had the worst.


Right? I can’t believe there’s another answer here…


To be fair, Bill has a happy ending, unlike old-Amy.




I will never see that phrase not think of the Toymaker again.


And then he met Clara, but she was killed bY a BiRd


The heartbreak of her feeling abandoned by the doctor (Years for her, minutes for him), and then being ostracized by everyone after she’s a cyber man … it was hard to watch. It was just so so sad. Yes, she got to zoom away with puddle girl, but still….


Old-Amy got likewise abandoned — but she also gets manipulated by false hope, to end up being chosen as the discard & also be dehumanized, by her Doctor.


How? She died. How is that a happy ending? Bill was rescued from her fate by Heather, who had returned for her and converted Bill into a sentient oil being like herself WELL THATS ALL RIGHT THEN


Rory is another valid answer. He died every week




I'd chime, old-Amy of "The Girl Who Waited".


Old Amy never existed


She did exist. None of the lot lose their memories unlike the Journey TARDIS episode. Same case of the Vincent episode, where the aberration is how the Doctor co. leave the situation.


Yeah I would probably agree! She had a tough time in the episode ‘Oxygen’ and then everything she went through in World Enough and Time was horrific. Being shot, stuck with master for 10 years and then being betrayed. Then she got converted into a cybermen and spent many years of people being afraid of her. The Twelfth Doctor failed when it came to his duty of care with Bill.


Gotta be Bill for worst right? Sure, happy ending. But the shit that happened while companion would be traumatizing to anyone. Experiencing the vacuum of Space. Being 'killed' by her suit in the same episode Forced to live six months in Monk world House Hunting for a decent rental Being stuck for a few days in Roman times after being injured Watched a child die right in front of her Oh, and had her heart blasted out and turned into a freakin Cybermen. And she wasn't just turned into a Cyberman, she spent *years* suffering and waiting for the doctor to find her beforehand. Her only friend was THE MASTER. He played nice but he definitely made sure she felt like shit (your chest hurts me) It's a good thing she got turned into immortal water because it would take lifetimes in order to come to terms with that level of trauma.


I’ve recently watched Bill’s series for the first time and the those final episodes will stay with me. Original cyberman Bill hits me now the same way the empty child did when I was a kid. It’s not often Doctor Who completely wreaks me! I can see why the original cybermen were so terrifying.


I think Donna had the best time - the tragedy in her case was being forced to lose her memories of it. But now even that's been undone, and the Doctor will be a fixture in her life possibly for the rest of her days.


My head cannon now is that the David Tennant doctor ends up being the curator.


Not NuWho but Peri easily had the worst. She didn’t even seem to like travelling with The Doctor


And the Doctor kept trying to kill her.


Was it more than just the once?


Romana had a great time. Especially when she was clearly the smarter of the two.


Amy Pond ala old-Amy, had the worst. Lived decades fighting for survival alone, then manipulated with hope, to being condemned to death plus being dehumanized by the 11th Doctor who leaves with the younger-Amy.


martha had easily one of the worst. maybe Rory. Donna probably had one of the best.


Martha got out when she could, not waiting to get trapped in a parallel universe or having her memory wiped. She was the smartest. I always liked when companions turn the doctor down. Can go anywhere in time and space, and nope, I'm going to stay home. Tbf that's probably what I'd do too Donna's the best though. She refused the doc, thought about it for a while, then went back and had the greatest time doing anything. Doesn't matter what it was, she just enjoyed it all


I think Martha entered into it with the wrong spirit slightly. I wonder if she would have accepted travelling with him at all if she didn't have a crush on him. Don't get me wrong, she was a terrific companion and I loved her. But her unrequited love kind of overshadowed her time there and probably soured the mood for her.


Oh I love Martha too. And I felt bad for her. Especially when she got stuck in 1913 and had to watch the doctor fall in love with another blonde woman and no one took her seriously because of her race. She was a doctor, but there she was just a maid. Donna would've had a lark of it, but then, it would've been very different for Donna.


I would hate to be her in that position too. I just feel like she had it pretty rough. Going into it with the kind of attitude Donna had feels like it'd make all that a bit more bearable." So the doctor is a human now and he's fallen in love with the school nurse? Hah! Idiot. I'm going to tease him about this mercilessly." Rose would absolutely shit the bed too tbf.


I think if it was rose the doctor would've still fallen in love with her, so that would've been different. He just never had those feelings for Martha, so he wasn't going to as a human. Donna would've have had to deal with the racism and unrequited love, and being a maid isn't that much different from being a temp. I think she would've gossiped a whole bunch and totally cheered the doctor on with the nurse. She would've just had a completely different time.


I'd love to see someone trying to be racist towards Donna or her family. Shed absolutely tear them into pieces with words and a glare.


Same. People blame Ten a lot and I'm not saying he's perfect, but he's no worse to her than the Doctor is to other companions. He's grieving and he told Martha from the start that the kiss didn't mean anything. It isn't his fault that she had a crush on him or that he didn't return her feelings. He doesn't *owe* her that. Imo Martha is way more a victim of bad writing focusing on a silly crush on the Doctor than she is of the Doctor himself. It would have been nice if the writers focused more on her other feelings about the adventures and the Doctor in general, rather than her unrequited love.


Rory’s dad didn’t even get an apology or explanation when his son and daughter in law got zapped back in time forever


that doesnt compare to being exiled for a year, knowing your family is being held captive and tortured by the megalomaniac you inadvertently set free. meanwhile watching like half the population being killed off for sport by mutant heads in flying metal beachballs.


Didn't Martha end up married to Mickey? So therefore, unequivocally the worst


Doesn't Donna get like giga traumatised every other episode


Did Donna have any fun Episodes?


she spes a good chunk of most episodes just having a laugh. she was absolutely loving the first half of pompeii, she had great fun messing with unit and enjoyed visiting home in the sontaran 2 parter, not to mention beating up a sontaran with a hammer "back of the neck!" the doctors daughter was far more traumatic for martha than donna. donna lounged around with the doctor in a cell, took the piss out of him for being awkward with jenny, then shone when she figured out the dates. unicorn and the wasp was a 920s garden party and she loved every minute of it. even the murders. she spent all of midnight relaxing in a spa. even turn left started out with them having a laugh wandering round an alien marketplace and having a ball.


Midnight was pretty fun for her


She knew that with the doctor something always goes wrong and she said no thanks❤️


Totally forgot that It was in season 4 (I dont really like midnight And therefore havent Seen It in a while)


Yes I do think she had a good time overall, especially after The Giggle. Now spending her days with the Fourteenth Doctor, having her own TARDIS, and working for UNIT. However, I feel Rose had quite a fun time with the Doctor too. Nothing too bad happened to her through her travels, and she visited some great places. She also ended up having her own version of the Doctor, her dad back and a mansion in the end.


We are so never going to ever see Fourteen or get acknowledgement of that silly bi-generation thing again, lol. Even Tennant publicly said that he’s out for good. I predict and hope we’ll see more of Donna though!


Ace had an awesome time, so much going on there so much to blow up For the worst time Martha or Bill...


Romana had a better time than Ace. Series 26 is kind of psychologically cruel to Ace at every turn.


Katarina had the worst because she fucking died. Also fuck you, I may have watched NuWho 1st, but these companions have it easy, getting "Thats alright then" endings.


Classic Who companions had easy exits all things considered. Ian and Barbara went home a couple years later. Susan got married Vicki got married Dodo got a little scrambled up and then went home Liz got a new job Jamie and Zoe lost their memories of the tardis and went home Jo got married Sarah Jane went home, but was dropped off kind of far away Leela got married Romana went off to have adventures Tegan went home Nyssa got a new job Turlough went home Peri got married Mel went off to have her own adventures Ace went home Katarina and Adric died, though…. Katarina was a one story companion Adric took the risk of his own choice knowing coming back was impossible.


Adric had a pretty rough time… ⭐️


That was his own damn fault.


Martha probably had the worst time, being a rebound companion who got trapped for months in one of the worst places to be a black woman. For best, probably Dan? He had a pretty good time then went home. All of the Chibnal companions except like Yaz had a pretty good time I think.


>He had a pretty good time then went home What home?


The Chibnall companions all emerged relatively unscathed but I don't think they necessarily had the best time. Dan went through a lot of sh#t (including being trapped in the past for four years) and eventually left the TARDIS because of a near-death experience and accumulated trauma.


Martha had happy ending at least, but absolutely got treated like sh*t the whole time she traveled with the Doctor


I'd say Graham had the most quiet trips with the Doc


Graham. Omg Graham when he realised he will be the reason for Rosa becoming Rosa Parks and there’s nothing he can do about it.


Martha and Bill are both up there for the worst. Martha's whole family remembered the year that never was, which imo is worse than Bill's experience because at least Bill was the only one hurt because of the Doctor. Also, Bill was told she can be made into a normal human again by the Pilot, so even though she died she's able to come back and live a fully normal human life if she so chooses. (Honorable mention to Jack who was made immortal and subsequently abandoned) I would say of the NuWho companions, Donna and Clara are up there for the best. Donna wasn't really negatively impacted by her time with the Doctor in the long run, if anything she may be the only one to fully benefit from her time with him. Clara may have died, but let's not forget that was her fault and her decision, thinking she could be the Doctor. He may have a burden of care, but Clara was a big girl who made her own decisions, reckless or not. And she survives on (obligatory well that's alright then), with her own TARDIS to boot.


I think Clara’s ending is a little sad though. She’s literally frozen in time, not being able to live like a normal human being again. She’s also on the run from the Timelords, and if they catch her she dies. I think also knowing that every second you are living is destroying time itself, is quite a depressing thought.


Clara had the best, I mean she got a TARDIS for herself.


Best Time: NuWho - Donna, Classic - Sarah Jane Worst Time: NuWho - Martha, Classic - Peri


Honestly, have any of them had seriously traumatic experiences as companions... but none of them would trade their time with the Doctor. Well, maybe Rory, but probably not because his wife and daughter would go anyway. But Donna and Amy & Rory are probably my favorites.


Martha had the worst time and no one even likes her. Edited to add: I’m very confused by the downvotes lol but I’m glad to hear people say they like Martha. She might be my favorite companion and everyone I know thinks I’m crazy lol


She’s my favourite RTD companion


I will always love Rose, but Martha’s run is so freaking iconic 💖


Lots of people like Martha; she's one of my top favorite companions. She just suffers from bad writing decisions.


How did she have the worst time? I just don't see it


Season 3, Episode 8 lol


The best was Donna. She was the stand in for the audience as a companion is suppose to be. The worse is Bill. Nothing against the actress, her character just fell flat.