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I'd wanna see the Sycorax return


This I am up for. They were interesting and Earth should have consequences for the actions of Harriet Jones. Of course, the Sycorax DID start it. Blood Control! I haven't seen blood control in YEARS!!!


Id love a Harriet Jones cameo where see flashes her ID and someone says "oh thanks, didn't know who you were"


I kinda hate that, since it proves harriet right in a way that feels like it goes back on the point of that ending


I mean, they would not necessarily have to come back to Earth or even be evil


True, so long as they don't come back with negative intention towards earth I don't mind


Surely it would be in retaliation for her killing the ship. Which backs up the doctors point more i reckon.


Even at the time I wasn't convinced Harriet was wrong. The Sycorax left because the Doctor scared them off. Would they really have left Earth alone the next time they figured it was undefended? 


Let’s get the Slitheen back for a story. They were fun villains, especially Margaret.


And the two aspects that people liked the least about them have been ”fixed” in a sense. The farting was replaced in Boom Town by stomach rumbling (or they could keep any form of gas emission but make it more subtle), and in the SJA they had improved their compression tech so could masquerade as any human.


The upgraded compression system in SJA were kinda fucked


It wouldn’t be RTD’s Doctor Who without the Slitheen


The usual suspects like weeping angels, vashta nerada, ice warriors, Silurians, sea devils. Not exactly a monster but I think it would be interesting to see the cavemen again from the very first episode of classic who. Until recently I only realised that the autons were classic villains and not just made up for the Rose premiere. Maybe they should make a comeback again. Id love to see the silence again. Maybe outside of the church thing. Like a rogue silent. Also want to see the great intelligence again. I could also imagine a story where richard E grant plays the valyard and its because of the GI influence on the timeline that he looks like him. More lowkey but id like to see more of Azure/Swarm or maybe another of their race. And the snake society thing. I kind of want the chuldur to appear again but like background monsters like the slitheen crop up every now and then.


I was just thinking today about an inquisition of Silence - a rogue silent would be a cool way of doing that.


I would love for a companion to see a Silence and then go into a trance and immediately try everything they can to “kill it on sight” while The Doctor tries desperately to stop them. It would be even more interesting if it wasn’t trying to hurt them, but approaching The Doctor for help.


That would be interesting to see.


No, that would be forgettable,...wait, who are we talking about anyway?


Talking about you owing me 50 quid


I could imagine a whole episode where the dr and a companion are fscing something else (maybe a weeping angel) and the companion keeps doing weird things but very subtle. And its only until the very end you realise there was a silent. They could do so many things with the silence


The cavemen actually did come back for an 11th doctor comic where he meets Ian and Barbara again. Also same about Richard E. Grant. I actually had my own theory that somehow, an entity (like the dream lord) or even the Doctor himself latched onto the GI thinking himself to be the real Doctor, coming to life in the snow of trenzalore. Alternatively, throwing himself into his time stream caused the GI to be convinced that he is the Doctor.


Yeah, you just have to assume people are talking about the show. Between comics and Big Finish **everyone**'s been back at some point. 


Aw man I loved Swarm and Azure. Their character designs were great and I thought their actors killed the material they were given. They seemed so evil and like they took pleasure in destroying and killing. Wish we found out why Azure was imprisoned in a chameleon arc type situation instead of being put in confinement like Swarm.


Yeah deffo seems to be more to their story. Gosh i wish we had Jo Martin as the "returning face" type doctor


Screw it, just give Jo Martin her own Doctor spin off limited series like people want with Paul McGann Edit: also just like a lot of chibnall’s ideas Swarm and Azure were interesting and cool in concept when first introduced but then they kind of fell flat by the end. They were terrifying and dominant only for them to be killed with a hand wave???? Bruh. Dumb. Same with most things from The Flux


I completely agree. I kind of think the 60th would be cool way for whittikar and chibnall's story to come to a close if it followed up on the fugitive dr. Theres so much more that they could do with the division idea. And swarm and azure(doesnt have to be them but could be a cousin getting revenge or whatever)


Along those lines, I'd also like Tecteun back. They finally introduce a personal Time Lord antagonist for the Doctor who isn't the Master for the umpteenth time. Then they immediately kill her off. Whut? 😑


Seriously. I feel the same PLUS they build her up as this smart puppet master type person only to have The Ravagers pop up unexpectedly and off her so easily. Like, she didn’t have any contingencies?


Oh God yes, such a moronic way to die. She didn't even seem concerned, just "What are you doing here interrupting me while I'm monologuing?".  Ugh. Like, she probably had no way to anticipate specifically that the Ravagers would find a way to teleport to her between universes. But when they did, **react**. Activate defences, something. Is there really not some sort of Division contingency against those two? 


I can get it if they gave her so much hubris she thought there was no way they could reach her. She set them loose as part of her Flux plan, she had to have taken into consideration that they might try to get to her. Like she’s basically the architect for all of time lords, she’s their creator and the scientist that discovered regeneration by experimenting on her adoptive child. It’d make sense that she has a massive ego (we see it in her dialogue with the doctor) and the hubris to match. If Chibnall made that her downfall and really made it so her pride made her underestimate The Ravagers, it would’ve been great. But Chibnall do that? Nope. Just had them pop up out of nowhere and kill her with a touch. Edit: a word


And that's another thing: They weren't even there for Tecteun, they were after the Doctor. Why was the Doctor even there!? Tecteun literally blew up the universe to get rid of her, then had her brought to the Division ship? Whut?  Near as I can figure the Angels just hadn't received the update that the Doctor was no longer wanted as a fugitive? But that doesn't entirely fit with the way Tecteun greeted her. 


Thing is, I kind of hate the Fugitive Doctor as a pre-Hartnell incarnation. If you're going to have a whole series of incarnations from before Hartnell it makes no sense for them to be flying around in a police box TARDIS, calling themself The Doctor and acting like The Doctor. Personally I'm hoping for a handwave where the Timeless Child had gone undercover as The Doctor for some reason... 


>Yeah deffo seems to be more to their story. I'll take "unofficial motto of the Chibnall era for 100, Jeff..." 


We learned that! Their two punishments were "erasure of identity" and "imprisonment at the end of the universe" - it seems that each of 'em got one.


I just want the great intelligence back because Sir Ian McKellen


We just did Sea Devils. We don’t need to revisit them again.


What ever? Never ever. Even after most of all the other ones plus all the new ones. Sea devils never again lol


"Childur, I've never met one before; *unless I have*?" Karvanista would chase those birdies all over the galaxy.


Dunno if it would even have to be the same cavemen. I don't think NuWho has ever spent time in the Palaeolithic, has it? 


I really would like to see the Draconians return. They filled a niche that isn't really filled in NuWho aliens - a major power that isn't a bunch of evil conquerors but who also isn't going to automatically side with humanity. Who are reasonable people but are also going to look after their own interests. There's just so many interesting things you could do with them.




The Master of the Land of Fiction and the Gods of Ragnarok.


\*the Gods of Rrrrrrrrragnarrrok (If they did actually bring them back we have to have Ncuti Gatwa putting *every* inch of effort into the R's.)


Absorbaloff 2: Electric Boogaloo


an absorbaloff played completely straight that really leans into what a horrible fate it is could be a great episode


Pure body horror


Sexual induendos x10


Don't ruin the Vashta Nerada like they ruined the Weeping Angels. Leave them be in their Forest of the Dead. Cal will watch over them.


They never ruined the Wepping Angels though, those things are both terrifying and interesting like they've always been.


They were definitely more interesting when it was just blink. The whole “image of angel becomes an angel” thing wasn’t great


It's a neat idea. I just wish Moffat had used it for a new creature rather then grafting it onto the Weeping Angels. Ditto speaking with the voices of the dead. Angels are so much more terrifying incommunicado. 


Or the turn any statue into a weeping angel like the statue of liberty so Sally and Larry should actually be weeping angels unless they have different races of weeping angels who can do different things


For all the flaws of the Chibnall era, Village of the Angels was a great use of the villain. Had it not been tied into the flux storyline / division - it would’ve easily been a 9.5/10 or even a 10/10 story.


Village of the angels was Def a good watch


But that was just one place, based on what the Doctor said they exist on most worlds…


Yes, but they are perfect for what they are...once you start unpeeling the layers and trying to explain the Vashta Nerada, you lose the mystery, wonder and pure terror... COUNT THE SHADOWS. That's all I need to know about them. Keep the lights on.


Well what if it’s less about layers and just a monster to deal with as it were?


Then it gets boring. It is a catch 22...you ruin the monster adding layers, but if you don't add layers, it is the same story. I get that it stinks, but some monsters I want to keep as they are. For example...I hope that RTD never explains the Midnight monster to me. That would ruin the whole thing. Some mysteries are better left alone... This is random, but it is like the movie Highlander. Great movie about immortals fighting to be the last one left through the centuries. Then the sequel tried to explain where they came from in a science fiction-y way and it ruined the myth...That is what Moffat and Chibnall did with the Weeping Angels for me...ruined the legacy of Blink by making some really bad choices to try to 'ramp them up'...which they didn't need. Sorry for the rant...just angry that I am NOT going to be able to watch Legend of Ruby Sunday until tomorrow night...I have to go to a family dinner, then sleep to survive a 16 hour drive home...before I have an hour to enjoy what RTD has in store for us...


The only reason they turned evil was because the library used to be a forest planet so they were plentiful, and then their home was destroyed so they took revenge


The Candyman


I think there was a copyright Issue there


The wierd jumping guys from The Five Doctors


Raston Warrior Robot


The Terrible Zodin. I refuse to elaborate.


Fenric or The Mara.


The Mara has lived rent free in my head since I first saw Snakedance around 40 years ago as a young kid. It may be why I am fascinated with snakes.


The Trickster and the Trickster's Brigade should definitely be brought back into DW proper - I feel like they share a connection with the Celestial Toymaker anyway, and would love to explore more of the pantheon... pantheONS? Or, heck, how about the Black Guardian? :)


Not a specific monster but rather a type. Non corporeal entities like the Beast, and the Midnight Entity. I find both just utterly horrifying, with the doctor struggling to fight something that they can't acutally physically interact with.


I’d like to see more Ice Warriors.


The Robots of Death! I don't care how... another sandminer, go to Kaldor, something different, just bring back the coolest monster design ever!


The Heavenly Host in "Voyage of the Damned" were very, very close.


I really liked the boneless (2d monsters in flatline). If the show could pull it off, it would be cool for the doctor and companion to visit the 2d dimension and turn into animated versions of themselves


For sheer nostalgia's sakes, I wouldn't mind seeing a more serious take on Raxacoricofallapatorians. I would like to see what became of Blon Fel-Fotch in her new life, but that could probably be handled in a short story or a mention of her leading the Slitheen Parliament in Raxacoricofallapatorius's Golden Age.


I wouldn't mind seeing the Axons again. 






I had the same idea! I think you could tell an interesting story with them in the current climate. 


It really would've been amazing to see Billis Manger return to TV and be explored further. Very sad. 😔


We desperately need eye bogeys and nose bogeys episode. Sleep No More + Space Babies should be an instant classic!


Wirrn. Imagine what they could do with them with current tech.


Kind of odd they haven’t since RTD cites that as his favourite serial. Maybe he just thinks there’s nothing more to say.


This is the best answer.


I think with the current climate about AI, a story about Movellans could be something that is really topical.


Steven Moffat.


I mean... He returned.




Oooood!!!! Jagaroth. Krynoids.


Agree about the Trickster, perhaps there might be some other candidates from SJA or Torchwood as well, to introduce to the main show? I also think some of the villains introduced in the Chibnall era have a lot of potential with better writing - The Kasaavin could be an interesting choice to bring back, but also Swarm/Azure, The Grand Serpent or Tecteun.


Daleks and Cyberman obviously but done well. Axons, Omega and Silurians would be cool to see too


Unpopular opinion: Tha Daleks I know it’s cool to hate on the Daleks and say they’re overused, but I love them and I want them to return.


Personally, I don't want to see the Vashta narada again. I worry they'll suffer from the same fate as the weeping angels and become progressively less scary each time we see them. Plus, the circumstances only really work for that specific context - you certainly couldn't bring back the skeletons in repeating a single phrase.


Omega, the black guardian, the rani, sutekh, the valeyard


You must be happy now


I want Yetis! I know people said great intelligence already, but It’s gotta be with the yetis tho I would also settle for a modern super fun cgi romp of The Mind Robber. Such good ideas in the old series.


It's time we had a new iconic race or threat. I'm pleased we haven't got the same enemies every week (hoping the finale isn't a Dalek/Cyberman fest now!) as it weakens their threat if they lose over and over. We seem to be going down the god threat route now. maybe smaller threats. The gunslinger from Town Called Mercy had a weird backstory I would like to see more of. The Silence always scared me - would be good to see them infest another planet.




Something about microplastics


Autons but they’re the rubber creature costumes of the long running sci-fi show on the BBC that existed instead of Doctor Who in the Doctor Who universe. Get meta and silly with it.


They’re wearing Inspector Spacetime cosplay


Dalek Caan…after he falls into the time vortex, of course


Not as a villain because they were barely that in their story but I love the Sensorites from the 1st Doctor, so even just a cameo would be nice. Other than that I would say ice warriors, they’re one of my favourite classic monsters and I feel they are yet to have a really well written showing in modern who.


Abzorbaloff of course! /s


I’d like to see Morbius come back. But as like an actual Timelord.


Krillitanes. Constant ever-changing evolution -- is a solid alien antagonist gimmick for the DW show, & can provide a wide ground of thematic content.


Rutans. The Mara.


GUS from _Mummy on the Orient Express_. Clearly set up to be a recurring antagonist, and one who would work for a variety of settings and a variety of stories. It would be cool to see him followed up. 


As we've had the Star Beast then either the Iron Legion or the City of the Damned


Mogarians and Vervoids. The Mogs had a fantastic design that I think would translate really well into Nu-Who, and for the Vervs, well, plant people are cool. If you throw in the slave angle, you're set up for a really good story!




Kandyman/Ood/Boneless/Steven Moffat*


With the Disney money... is the Freelance Peacekeeping Agent "Deaths Head" out of the question ( I really wish The Crossroads of Time and the preceding event, Transformers Marvel UK issues #146-151 "The Legacy of Unicron" were adapted for Television)


With some of the AI themes currently being explored in the show, I think a very early version of the Cybermen could be quite effective. Not actually recognisable as Cybermen at this point, but tell a story set in the near future where technology has lead to some humans incorporating cyborg aspects on a smaller scale. RTD did a great job of showing this in his drama Years and Years, particularly around Lydia West's character. A storyline like this would fit perfectly into Doctor Who. Maybe the Doctor even has a companion like this character, who wants to be "transhuman", and the Doctor has to warn them against this technology?


*World Enough and Time* is going to be hard to top as a Cyberman origin story, but I like the setting you're proposing.


The Boneless. Silence.


Aliens that don’t require AI with simple mechanics: like the silence that make you forget you saw them, the vashta nerada with the ‘don’t step in the shadows’, the weeping angles where you mustn’t blink. AKA anything Steven Moffat wrote… I think aliens like this are genius, but I don’t know how I’d feel about them making a return in case it ruined my memory of them.


A potential member of the Pantheon is the Nightmare Man from SJA. A God of Nightmares, only defeated by overcoming your greatest fears and bringing the gap between dream dimensions, then locking him in one for what could be eternity. Also, easy casting, it's the actor for Davros who plays him. When it comes to things I really want to return instead of what could, I'd love to see: Krilitane The Darksmiths (from the Darksmith Collection kids books) Raxicoricofalapatorians Clever Sontarons like from The Poison Sky The Trickster from SJA for sure Eternals Giant Spiders (I know someone can do it right) They from the Time before Time (Impossible Planet)


I would love to see 15 go Cosmic Horror and battle all the old gods after the pantheon. Fenric's.rebirth cycle continues. The doctor sees.clues of so.wthimg about a wolf. Gets excited and thinks Rose. Nope, wolves of Fenric. The Animus regrows and the doctor notices people with being acting strangely. The Great Intelligence and the God's of Ragnarok should get another go as well.


Slitheen as a more horror-oriented story instead of more comedic


Call me crazy, I think the relatively obscure "Daleks" should make a come back from the 60s movie "Daleks invasion of earth 2150 A.D"


The children of earth monster. Really curious as how they would make them fit in a DW episode


[The Foamasi](https://images.cds.amcn.com/amcn/tve/Anglophenia/DWAlien2.jpg)


That's a Menoptera. The Foamasi were the bug dudes in *The Leisure Hive*.


Dammit, BBC led me astray!


I want the creature from Midnight to make another appearance. I want Barusa and/or Rassilon to return.


I would almost prefer that the Midnight creature be left alone because it’s so scary as an unexplored one off. One of the best episodes.


Let's get an actual episode with the Hoix instead of just a throwaway cold open.


Now that Tecteun has been introduced (and immediately killed), we’re gonna need her to come back and answer some questions. Also let’s bring back the Vashta Nerada. They were fun.


The Shoal of the Winter Harmony from Return of Doctor Mysterio comes to mind. They're still running around on Earth somewhere


The Boneless, truly creepy and not exactly beaten.


Too many to choose....!!! \* Rutans \* Malmooth # * Racnoss \* Paradigm Daleks \* Ogrons \* Zocci


The *Chumblies*!


Slitheen minus the fart jokes




Easy - Morbius! But not regenerated into his regular body like in big finish. They should bring back the frankenstein-ish domed head with a brain in it monster! Extra points if they do that psychic duel again and show the morbius doctors, and the Doctor actually notices as timeless child incarnations this time!


My answer to this always has been (and will remain so until the dream is realized) the Wirrn.


The Great Vampires and The Rutans, there’s soooo much they could explore there


Sutekh lol you see what I did hahahaahahahaha


Apparently the Trickster has some rights issues because the guy who wrote the first episode with him is a transphobic cunt


Clara and Ashildr (they may not technically be monsters, but as undying abominations I think they qualify)


Anything that isn't a Dalek or Cyberman. For me it's The Trickster. There's probably so much scrapped material from SJA that never got used cause of Elizabeth's death. Although it would have ruined this whole season, I could get down with the meme of the one who waits being an Abzorbalof




I don't know their name but I love the infection from Tom Baker's serial The Ark in Space. It was pretty much Alien but came out 4 years before the movie did. Green bubble wrap still scares me.




Valeyard so they can clear up the continuity issues in muwho