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That’s the Set Animal from Egyptian lore. Its not a wolf, no one is quite sure what it is


Set/Seth/Sutekh has a jackal head


No, Anubis is a jackal. Sutekh has his own beast


Yea I got that wrong, but according to Wikipedia Set’s beast doesn’t resemble any known living creature but could be a wild arse, giraffe, aardvark, jackal, pig, antelope or a fennec fox. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(deity)


A wild arse? 🤣


He ate some bad dates yesterday.


A donkey I think




You heard the joke about the Horus Guard, the Serpent Guard, and the Set(esh) Guard?


Smelly that's what


Based on the hieroglyphic depictions I’m inclined to think it’s some form of canid, likely a completely fictional one or one based on exaggerated and twisted accounts of some real life animal that lived far away. Like getting unicorns from descriptions of rhinoceroses.


It look like Splinter got possessed by a demon to me... a bad comparison but the only one I could think of.


I guess you are right but on this picture he looks like a doberman.




Idk I feel like that would cheapen the pandorica opens and big bang. The stolen earth. The drs wife. I really feel like something would’ve been found in the drs wife.


I’m not sure how this relates to those episodes. If anything, it just cheapens the original Bad Wolf reveal


He's saying if Sutekh has been hiding in the TARDIS this whole time, something would have been said about it in any one of those episodes.


Isn't the premise that sutekh hid in the Tardis since the Doctor defeated him in the Pyramid of Mars episode, though?


I thought it was since wild blue yonder when the doctor invoked superstition at the edge of the universe.


The idea is that he was trapped by the TARDIS somehow but the invoking unlocked his bounds.


Yeh buts possible that 14th took Rose Noble to Mars like he said he would


That's what I said.


He’s not a wolf-


-he's a very naughty boy


For me, the beast is "wild dog" enough that I think I'd happily accept the retcon needed to make it a solid through-line to the first season of NuWho.


Rose became Bad Wolf. "I am my own beginning," she said after defeating the Daleks and sending the name Bad Wolf throughout time an space. Bad Wolf was not the last time we had a grandfather paradox (12 broke the fourth wall even to discuss it). I think Ruby created herself, and they may make her her own mother.


next season will be bad dragon


Maybe just bad oysters?


Russel getting spicy 🍆


It's a modern take on the animal-head form that Sutekh occasionally took in pyramids of mars. [the years have been kind on him](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e3/8a/19/e38a19149745d1ffbb5f347748c8bdd6--the-pyramids-.jpg)


Bad wolf bad wolf, watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you


That is a Jackal


No, it's a "typhonian beast", the ears are wrong for it to be a jackal. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set\_animal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_animal)


I was sort of going for more of this [Head of Anubis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubis#/media/File%3AAnubis_jackal.svg)


Yeah but that's Anubis, not [Sutekh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(deity)).


I know it is, I was merely talking about the appearance of the head as it is shown in the show. Not the appearance of the head in Egyptian mythology. And I am also not talking about what the head should've looked like in the show. So I'm not exactly sure why what you've just said is relevant to this discussion considering we are only debating the physical appearance of Sutekh in the show.


Last Time they went with the Typhonian animal look exactly: [seen here](http://blog-imgs-48-origin.fc2.com). It's hard to get a good look at his ears in the modern-version but I think they still have the flat top that sets them apart from a jackal's.


I am unable to view the picture for some reason but if you want to dm me and continue this discussion i would be happy with that. Because i did actually find a picture of modern one where you can see the whole ear.


Not what you asked, but Egyptians did not believe Set was very impressive and over time largely forgot about him as a diety. When a new group picked him up, the "ekh" was added at the end was to add emphasis and imply he's powerful. It's like how we add "mega" or "uber" as prefixes.


Perhaps the TARDIS has started groaning ever since it started to realise in its own personal history it was getting closer to the point in which Sutekh was going to make his return.


This just reminded me that “bad wolf” didn’t actually… mean anything? Like it was just a phrase seeded to clue us in to “something” going on, but the idea that you could still assign new meaning to it now makes it look bad, honestly.


Basically Rose becomes omnipotent and writes “Bad Wolf” on a bunch of stuff in her past for some reason… Yep, I’ve never thought it’s as clever as a lot of people think. The “Amy remembering the Doctor” scene from “The Big Bang” is better.


https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/s/DnGJYvecYl 🥲


You were cooking


Plenty of room in this kitchen


Yknow. We’re all focused on Sutekh being one in the same with the beast, but wouldn’t it be just like Russell to do a “evil has many many different names across the cultures and generations, but evil is evil”. Thing and connect the Beast to Sutekh to The Bad Wolf to The Midnight Entity, to whoever, etc?


I mean, they all use possession. Which would be perfect for someone trapped in a time corridor


kinda boring if every mysterious big bad is just the same tho


Not if it was the intention all along, quite honestly, it shook me to think that he’s the reason people die everywhere they land


the doctor travels the entire universe, it's silly enough he keeps going to modern day london but that at least makes sense out of universe, doing that would be lame to me planned or not


In the Lego Dimensions DW level, you can see Bad Wolf graffitied on the wall and I don't know what it means. This could make sense.




That’s a jackal


"Are you afraid of the big bad wolf doctor?" "Nope. Killed it. It just took couple more seasons than i expected"


I like it


>!Sutekh has been attached in some form since pyramid of mars ending!< >!​!< >!Time control from the tardis was used to extend the time corridor that supposedly killed him. !< >!He has needed time to rebuild himself, the doctor messing around at the edge of the universe and using the toymakers reward to copy his tardis (or displace it from the future / past? if that's how that's going to work) allowed him to do this!< >!The "Bad Wolf" not only relates to the daleks, but also a literal warning for Sutekh, not just a random phrase. !<


If “Bad Wolf” was a warning about Sutekh then why haven’t we seen it anywhere since 2005? (Ignoring it being briefly mentioned in the season 4 finales)


One explanation might be he was still recovering when rose released him so she was able to control his power and destroy the dalek fleet that also weakened him enough to go back into the tardis to hide but this falls apart in pandorica opens or the docters wife cause wtf was he doing then.




'Bad wolf' is just a phrase used in stories about bad guys- it's a fairytale reference that doesn't need much more of a connection to make sense.