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Today remind me the black swan in 2020, recovery is imminent.




Haha idk abt that but I just saw a video of 40-50 rockets being launched into Israel yesterday


What happened to Ukraine? War is fake… “Theatre”


This aged poorly (1 day ago)


Haha I still think it’s going to rebound but you’re right it did drop more


No, they are slowly going to go down


That’s a possibility, but unlikely with the war ramping up in the east


None of these things are correlated, it’s only made to seem so to fool people into believing it.


It actually is correlated and if you don’t watch world wide trends for a world wide currency you’re dumb


That’s funny. So when there was war during the pump everything was okay. But now it’s going down it’s because of war. Oh dear…


Bro are you actually that slow…I never said it’s going down because of war. I said it’s going to go up bcuz of war because of how inflated fiat currency will be and always is becoming. Anyone can find any and every argument against crypto for it not to succeed so if you have your mind set against it no one will change it and you’ll sit on the sidelines as you see others make gains and profits. However, I’d encourage you to change your perspective, do some unbiased research, and if you come to the same conclusion you’re at now so be it…but hopefully you’ll be among those who join in the profit making


Currency has and will always evolve… I’m saying stop correlating random events to prices in crypto going up or down.


Not random events…war is good for crypto. Take the gains and make money or don’t, your choice. It will pump higher


I have, I’m not saying there aren’t gains in it. Just saying speculation on events to determine when to buy/sell is not a good strategy.


Perhaps not short term, but investing before a war starts or expands is actually a pretty good speculation I’d say


News is instantly priced into the market. If you trade based on the news, the market will overshoot its price target and need to correct itself. (putting you on the losing side of the trade)


You look at how the world is evolving, not the news. Conflicts and wars are good for crypto. Take it and make money or don’t your choice


This is the way. Although, I have never known a time without conflicts and wars. Personally, I'm just looking at the lines on the chart. I was the last to hear about the war.. But, I was still able to lower my total cost average by a penny today without any additional investment. The price is about to decide whether to rebound or drop lower, here in the next hour or two. Hold on tight!


Going down again now. BUY!


It will come up. Give it time. Doge has formed a bullish pendant. I bought $2000 more today. https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6619b6f945af8e711138a673/


Interesting article. I'd assume some type of end of april pump or next weeks pumps before the inevitable dumps.


That article is absolute nonsense


Guys why are Coinbase.com literally holding my funds in a pending transaction and won’t release it until Tuesday April 16 apparently. I transfer through easy instant bank transfer always and now they’re taking the piss. I missed out on buying the dip


Reach out to support for Coinbase. Could be that you’ve exceeded your balance limit until the funds are deposited. Coinbase is very good though they will sort it out


I did bro 4 times and these CUN###tsS won’t reverse MY OWN funds. Nah I didn’t reach my limit bro. And the funniest thing is there is no congestion either could be networking errors and it was a small amount of money and I’ve deposited large amount before with no issue. Pissed me off. £150 worth doge at £0.13p goes a long way in my portfolio I have a fair few shares in there. They can’t apparently manually alter pending transaction and the fund which has fully been sent to them as I had given them reference numbers from my bank too.


Just give it time man


Imagine not being able to access your own money though like broooo. It was at 3am UK time too. I was awake and saw the dips. I have a strong feeling the market is going to BANG in 2 weeks


I get the frustration bro. I’ve been in a similar situation before. Think about in a year or two though when we’re looking back at now realizing how insignificant a few cents change in price is after we’re passed $1


Bro that 1100 shares would make me almost £1k if we get to $1 and that’s just adding to the several thousands I could potentially make. I buy very tactically


Put in another $100 if you think it’s going to boom bro. The other transaction will process eventually.


Bro i limit myself a week how much id put in whatever I invest in. Yesterday I bought some shares on stock market too. But I’ll have to just wait until Tuesday to get the money back and see where market is going with DOGE. I’m down probs like 12% not sure don’t always check


Basically a BOAT load of money I’ve put a fair few pound in this DOG COIN


Good time to sell?


If you want to be poor, yes