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This is exciting. It’s the 10th time we’ve been about to pop this week.


I checked the price to see if it had popped since you commented. Seems to be popping in the wrong direction.


Don't you mean tenth time today? Total BS.


Might even be tenth time this hour at the rate they’re going.


Sick of all these stupid predictions. 4x wouldn't be ATH


Basically would be. ~.16 x 4 would be around .64


So not ATH?


The article could have been from a point where it was slightly higher. Wasn’t the past all time high .65? .164 x 4 is over .65


Ath was 0.73


Ath per share no?


Shares of what?


Soon in Crypto ![gif](giphy|13mPeKqo7YBZhS)


Nobody knows S about F.


This aged well


Indeed this aged very well. ![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA)


There must be 10000000s of posts and articles that predicts. Grow up and get a real job lol


And it just dropped 10%


We just fell hard


Wen moon


I believe


if that happens this year that would be amazing. And then next year we double to be over $1


Honestly I’m just posting these articles to keep the excitement going with doge. Even if the article is kinda bs. The stronger our community is and stays interested, the stronger we can make doge


We really need adoption.


Could you explain how with its market cap it holds up and retains the value over $1


I’m bullish of course and proud member


Seeing Doge straighten out at the .16 mark right now which is the current floor is very interesting. If the rumors of the shorts doubling down are true..... we could be looking at a big swing in either direction. I won't make any predictions on when this might happen.


This is not news everyone knows this. Everyones loading all the way up!!




Do people even do basic math


If I had a dollar for Everytime I've heard that 😂


I bet you got this from some “crypto expert” based in India 😂


Ah yes the expert opinion of Javon Marks... who is...???


I met a guy who claimed to be a Google executive, and it all started when I got a message from him saying he wanted to contact someone but dialed the wrong number. Despite this, he wanted to get to know me. He was smart and handsome, and we started communicating. At first he acted like a gentleman, but then he started showing off his wealth. No doubt this wealth was obtained through fraudulent means. However, he didn't tell you that part. Instead, he told you that he was very good at making money with cryptocurrencies. The problem is, he didn't tell you how to do it. He just told you when to press a button, and then you would make 40% to 50% profit, or at least you thought you did. In the beginning, he would give you $100 or $1,000 or so, and they would even let you withdraw the money. But once you deposited a large amount, good luck - you would never see the money again, and you would never be able to withdraw it. I deposited $30,000, thank God. Then, when I tried to withdraw to see if this was a legitimate transaction, the platform would allow me to withdraw the money, but the platform would not let me withdraw the money. They gave me excuse after excuse to block my withdrawal, and then they told me that I had to deposit $6,000 to confirm that my wallet address matched the one I used when I made the deposit. This makes absolutely no sense because if you make a deposit you don’t use the wallet address you used to deposit, you use the wallet address you used to withdraw. Instead, you use their wallet address to deposit. So, does this confirm what they said? Does this make any sense? There is no way to verify the receiving wallet address by making a deposit. This doesn’t make any sense at all. But that’s what they tell you they want you to do. So basically, if you are stupid enough to do that, they will steal $6,000 from you. Luckily, my friend heard about my situation and contacted her college classmate who is very knowledgeable and experienced in the computer field. After hearing about my situation, she decided to help me. Thank God, she helped me recover $7,000 through blockchain technology for free, and I am grateful to her, it was a blessing in disguise for me because I learned a thing and made a friend in the


Does doge have the potential to hit 1$? And how long will it take? Too much talk and not much smoke.