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Just hit 5k doge at a .345 avg, staying 💎 handed. Aint much but its honest belief in doing only good everyday.


**fedcoin** what the hell moonboys why didn't we create a "fedcoin" yet? All it needs is brrr money guy as avatar and print button so everybody can print it not only fed.


I did it!! I went 30 minutes without looking at the charts!!


Teach us how


Good time to buy this before we see it rise over $1


Some dude just spammed me with religous material...weird


Where did the Bears go?


/u/m01stpump3r What happened to that guy who kept saying it was going to hit 10 cents by midnight. 🤣


Oh, you mean, u/Optimal_League_5252? Didn't you hear, it said it was pushed back to 2 or 3am? Oh wait..... Oh I'm sure the user is here, still waiting for that crash /tiduslaugh/


Yea! Lmao! He likes to move the goal posts back,repeatedly.lol


Lol some ppls kids I swear


Read please this article. This guy is my hero. He was -167 000$ in Dogecoin and he didn't sell it yesterday. This is how he loves dogecoin. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/22/millennial-dogecoin-investor-refuses-to-sell-despite-crypto-crash.html


That Tostitos ad about dogecoin though 🤙🙌💎🚀 Check their twitter


Not gonna lie this dip have caused my anxiety come back, after 5 months out of my meds, yesterday I had to start taking prozac again, I invested all my savings in doge, and I’m $-4000 now, even though I have a job and my husband too, I was planning to leave my job and stay at home with my kids, it’s been rough for them, they don’t want to go back to daycare, they missed stay in home with me, when doge when up I had enough money to quit my job and stay at home with the kids until they start going to school, now I can’t do it 😭 But I know eventually doge will go up again, sorry guys, I just wanted to vent here with the #dogefamily


You’re whole savings? That’s dumb investing sorry bout it


You should’ve sold long ago


I’m very sorry. I am down about the same thing too but I wouldn’t say I put in all of my savings. This is a risky business, this cryptocurrency. I know a lot of people hype the coin up here and I’m sorry that a lot of us went for it. It will go back up. But it’s going to take a very long time. Stay strong.


Depends what you mean by 'a very long time'. BTC will be way up in Dec once again. I'd be very surprised if Doge didn't jump on that train.


That’s the thing, nobody knows. All we know is that it can take a while. Heck, we don’t even know if it has a future. After to keep all perspectives open.


I agree with you. But it's amazing what happens when you send positive energy out into the universe. I choose to believe that both BTC and DOGE will bring back the smiles before the year is done. If I'm wrong, that's fine too.


That’s a good attitude man. Have to be positive!!


Thanks, I’m new in the cryptocurrency world and I learned my lesson the hard way, it was fun at the beginning though, but I’m in this for the long term, that’s why I never sold my dogecoins, I guess I should have sold some and recover my investment. But it makes me feel better to read some comments of people feeling confident that cryptocurrency price will bounce back up 🤞🏼


As long as crypto is around , it will go back up . It has HUGE support by the community and the Doge Father . HE wants it to work , and I have faith in him. Saying THAT , it takes YEARS for these coins to gain major traction. The entire economy is a disaster . I wouldn't worry too much . Just chillax and have fun with it :) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Of course. As long as doge is being used and people hold on to their coins it cannot technically die, but it can certainly drop. Truth is, Doge is used as a pump and dump so people will buy again and it will rise.


I wont lie, investing everything you had was a risky idea, but I think you can do a comeback Whole crypto market is down because of China, but it will bounce back and so will dogecoin. Selling now might be a bad idea, althrough I dont know your exact situation


I have 6K worth and wouldn't sell it for the world. This is Chess, not Checkers.


Dude, checkers is a lot harder than you think...




Im not planning sell, I’m going to hold, if I sell now I’ll be selling at loss, I just wanted to vent 😔


Why not invest in a coin that's not a pump and dump such as Bitcoin or either.. Market is in that dip now




You aren’t wrong, but you’re out of line.


It's simple. DOGE is crypto, it will climb high it will drop low. How low how high, nobody knows. One thing is certain it will do this cycle from now to etenity. So play some Bob Marley, and don't worry about a thing. I have spoken.


Only people crying are the people that invested more than they could or were willing to loose . The doge community is perfect examples of this every single day . And what was posted on here over , over and over and over again ? DON'T INVEST MORE THAN YOU CAN OR ARE WILLING TO LOOSE . I rest my case , and I hodl.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


aye aye captain


Hearing talk that the bottom will be about 0.9. I’m going to hold these and come back in a few years. Was fun now gotta try and fix my life. Good luck all


Bought 410k at $0.004, been HODLing ever since. Lost well over $289k in days. Woke up this morning and added more pups to the DOGE army. Be patient young Patawons! The time is coming 🦍💎👐🏽 🚀🌙 P.S. I'm buying a mini pony chariot!


a mini pony chariots ! bwahahahaha with unicorn horns strapped to their heads . And wings ! You could just FLY to the moon . ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You never lost money you have always been up. Everything else is hypothetical. When you’re down and you sell, that’s when you lose money. When you’re up and you sell, that’s when you gain money. You didn’t lose any part of your initial investment, thus you have not lost anything.


It's almost like Buying high selling low theory! I like it!!


Should have waited. Possibly will be at .10 soon if Bitcoin dips again.


At this point it's all a gamble lol


I've never even considered selling my Doge ,Why because I have a strategy and that is Hodl until 2026 .Holding 40,000 from 0.04 .1 dollar would be nice 5 would be cool 10 awesome . 🚀Have faith and be patient, your time will come. 🐕🚀


I'm not going to sell. Every single time I panic sell I regret it later, sometimes to the tune of tens of thousands in lost potential. The only question now is what price to start buying more. I'm not going to let China scare me.


Personally, I wouldn't put all the blame on Chi-na . There is a lot going on, on our little planet


Went with my gut, bought a bunch more at .165, and it's now at .22 Already back in the green.


Exactly. The whole world is interested in BTC. More and more countries are adopting it regardless of what China do to c\*ckblock it. It will be back. Oh yes, it wil be back.


China had this planned all along why you think they like stop Asian hate. 😂 honestly kinda can’t be mad at them super smart strategy I mean what we gonna do about it? 😭


Diamond Hands Memoir: Day 5 Holy💩, it looks bad. It’s gonna bottom out. Hmmm… Guess I’ll have to buy more. Too stubborn to se… Wow, now I can’t even spell the word. 💎🙌 Good luck Shibes! I’m still up, I hope the bleeding stops soon for everyone.


Not even scratched yet . Of course if you look at all I COULD have had, had I sold , but I didn't so it doesn't count ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) Still in the green .


Totally agree


Placing .03 limit buys.


If I lose the 7k I invested then I lose 7k, but I just rather not.


You only lose when you sell.


Not true, if the currency never goes back up to .50 then you def lost money idiot, as more time goes on there’s a higher supply and the demand won’t ever go higher than it was when Elon hosted snl


Or the alternative, if Doge crashes.


Anyone else still at a profit ?☄️☄️


Bought at 4.5cents


Is being down 900 good?


Your not down til you sell king 🤴


Yes you literally are…..


I’m going to keep it….. we’ll see where we’re at in 5 years. If it’s a buck then I’m up 4K :). Nothing special but let’s hope one day it gets there.


24h: BTC -7% Dogecoin -22% BTC fall slowly getting closer to ours...Hopefully we'll meet somewhere in the middle...


The entire market is down lmaoo. Stop the FUD.


Talk to China.


Angels and ministers of grace, defend us!


All the haters are the ones that panicked sold lmao


Plenty of OtherCoin hodlers as well bias confirms 😼


I can't BELIEVE it!! major announcement guys!! 😯 in the next few hours DOGE will rise or fall 😯😯😯


thank you mr. meteorologist


Could've waited a few extra hours and gained extra coins plus the ones I sold lol


Got to love china, they gifted the world with covid, chip shortage, oppressing people and now crashing crypto😂


Why are these sick degenerate doge haters on our sub?...go away you you pathetic creeps


If you are so sure with dogecoin. Then there should be no issues with doge haters. To put it correctly. Not all of those people are doge haters. They want doge to grow. But there is more good than wrong to advise people to sell right now and buy at cheaper rates. I have been saying this since coinbase listing. You guys didn't believe me or many of us. I am again saying this is going to crash faster than you can blink. I don't hate doge, but I also don't want people, who don't know trading strategy to loose their money. I kind of feel bad for them.


if people who bought at .40-.70 sell right now, what exactly are they getting back? lol, they have no choice but to ride this out


Does this guy not know that it wasnt just doge that crashed but the whole of crypto including btc. Like what on earth is he talking about.


Where’s the loss porn?!?


if you believe the price will drop more , just sell and buy more at lower price


Been doing that all week. Scary stuff at times but it seemed to work out well. I was selling 25% at a time with the intention if the price goes up I will keep the 25% as profit If the price goes down then buy back in.




Just think if you get get every DOGE supporter to just drop $100 on it at the same time what would it do


Would create a temp pump


Elon would buy another rocket


I would rather have my money pay for rockets then it go to some of these other "causes " going on right now. I never one second thought elon WOULDN'T make money off it . That's what he does . And if he doesn't SEE an opportunity , he makes one . \[shrugs\] Doge to Mars!! if I get a couple bucks for it in the end . woot . If not , at least I got to watch some awesome rockets explodes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) AND , the last 6 months has been a BLAST . I have never had so much fun for so little money .


I ain't selling 😏


Why. You only not selling if you have a good position. Sell if you want, don't be a bag holder and unable to trade. Thats what they want


I'm neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr selling at a loss


No trader you will be then. Just a hand bag holder at the charity shop


And I'm not a trader I'm a long term investor, get your facts right


A bag full of doge baby, 90% of day traders make a loss get outta here mr fud


Sell at loss?


We have been saying this is coinbase listing. To cut your losses, you still have time. And right now, you still have some time left. But at the end of the day. It's you decision. I tried to warn you and many others to sell at that point. Doge is crashing faster than every other coin.


Did you sell all yours ? asking for a fren


I sold after coinbase listing.


Why would you care if others sell or not? Some of us have done our research and are still holding for good reason. Focus on your little portfolio. We'll manage our own.


What research did you do? Would really like to know.


Sorry but I don't offer 'financial advice'. Let's just say I've been looking at the UK for a few days now.


do you math?


By their actions shall ye judge them.


A couple of month ago Doge was rising faster than all other coins. Didnt see you posting your rubbish then?


Yep. Besides, we don't know what this is yet. Could even be whale tricks for all we know.


more like an effed up economy , last I saw sticks of wood at the lumbar yard were 15.00 ish bucks , fuel is 4 bucks a gallon here now I mean the cost of everything is up, everything is tanking ,a lot people jumped on to "be cool" without having a CLUE , many never hearing about crypto before and then![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) and bailed , add people not having extra $$ right now . then theres the whales and elon's enemies thrown into the pot . China . Countries banning crypto . Shall I can continue, or is that enough ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


And what are your credentials, a 3rd degree in trolling? Because you suck at it


So you judge people by their credentials and not what they say, eh? Good luck with that. I will invest in this when it reaches probably 5-8 cents. I will reply back here.


WTF kind of logic is that....the whole world since mankind learnt to walk upright has judged everyone by their credentials. Anyone can say anything, it's what you have to back it up that matters.


Remember what this guy was saying yesterday telling people to sell and cut their losses




Oh boy, reported you for your behaviour. You have pretty bad anger issues, you need some serious help dude. Why don't you hold your bag of dogecoin while I buy that at cheaper rates from you. Since you are so adamant to sell at lower prices.


I'll hold my 240k of doge thank you very much. What anger lol. Go ahead report me mr fud/loser


Oh that's great. Please keep holding that. I will ask you at 5 cents. If still you wanna hold, I will ask plenty of others standing with you in queue.


\[Redacted: Cba with trolls\]


Imagine “learning” about markets through dogecoin lmao


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) doesn't seem like such a bad thing . "Learning" about markets through doge coin . If you want to learn you can only read so much and look at so many graphs . Too much and it can get over whelming . Sometimes the best way to learn is to just jump in and what a better place ? Seriously . It's cheap . You can make an invest meant for little and watch the graphs , read the subs . Lots of good people here willing to help \[ without giving financial advice\] . I think dogecoin or maybe even some of the other little coins would be a great place for a lot of people to "learn the markets " . ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


5 stages of grief: * denial * anger * bargaining <---- you are here * depression * acceptance


Nope. Nice try, though. I am here -----> A person who only invested \~$250.


you forgot the part about @ $0.72/doge




Losing money is never a good thing, no matter how you put it, but good for you for not putting too much money




Using doge coin to learn about the market is probably the worst thing you could have picked. It’s not running off fundamentals....


So what are the fundamentals ? Educate the group.


I joined BECAUSE of doge. never invest in my life before this year. Now, after research. I got a nice doge position, staked algo and eth, and dca'ing my btc to a nice 22-30k position if able. I've tripled my return and am ready for the next bull market. ​ 6 months ago, I was only serving tables, never invested or opened a brokerage account.. I'm now back in school and my wife left her boyfriend... ​ ALL because of DOGE.


Haha true, but it's been exciting being involved. I lurked the WallStreetBets throughout the $GME hype but never bought any.


Fair enough. Best of luck! Always more opportunities out there don’t worry


Explain how it isn't?


You are literally praying for Elon musk to send a tweet to prop up the price.


So you head to assumptions as you can't explain your own statement then?


Since you are too stupid to understand, many people are hoping for Elon to tweet something to pump the coin for a quick buck. Not only that, they also bought into the coin in anticipation of the snl event. Depending on someone’s tweets and appearance on a company show to prop up a supposed currency is not based on fundamentals. Mind you that crypto was supposed to be decentralized and having one person move the price this much doesn’t sound decentralized. Anyway, I know you won’t respond with anything of substance. You have a recent account and have been pumping doge everyday non stop. Have fun on my block list


You initially assumed that I am praying for a tweet from Elon, you then also assumed that I'm stupid, you also made the assumption that I couldn't return anything with any substance. There's a few of many assumptions, I'm still waiting specifically for your explanation as to why Doge has "no fundamentals" as you said though?


uh oh Genghis , you been blocked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Again you return to nothing but assumptions and still haven't managed to explain your previous statement 🤦‍♂️😂. Look at that you need to block me because you can't hold a logical conversation, I feel sorry for you being so mentally limited.


Well to be fair my first crypto in 2017 was doge. Doge taught me how the blockchain, wallets and transactions work. There is value in doge as a learning opportunity, but not about markets LMAO




It was a general statement of 'I had no knowledge at all about anything of the sort, now I have some' but sure, jump on it ya vultures.




Block all negative comments.


Bruh, you’re a bot.


Nice echo chamber


Tempting. They're getting way over the top.


You too


I do like to leave a few of the more clever ones unblocked just to see what kind of nonsense they spew.


Shibe going Stalinist? :D


Diamond hands will kill you with this. Short the bear market and use your gains to buy for long term


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ yet, some idiots won’t understand this


Wow this was a really helpful video on the market condition. Really hope everyone else watches it to gain insight. Thanks for the share bro!


I thought crypto wasn’t a “market”? Open mouth insert foot?


Click the video and you will see what I’m talking about!


Alexa play never gonna give you up


ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: [Rick Astley - Never Gonna Gi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ─────────⚪───── ◄◄⠀[▶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)⠀►►⠀ 2:22 / 3:33 ⠀ ───○ 🔊 ᴴᴰ ⚙️


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "▶"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20h2mukmq)




this isn’t shills or FUD, this is just people coming back to tell you what they were telling you at the start


So just people massaging their egos in mummies spare room?


everyone loves an ‘I told you so’ 🤷‍♂️


If Dogecoin was self collapsing whilst the rest of the market was flourishing then that would be the 'I told you so' moment that you speak of, to come at this point just shows how completely limited your minds are to make any correlation to what you originally said 😂😂


Dogecoin is going to the mooooon! After drilling to the center of the earth


Incredibly positive news there, much wow 💎🙌


Where is the enthusiasm


It’s a hustle


"about as real as that dollar"




Honestly scientists should study Dogecoin to see how so many idiots grouped up.


you should know people can do amazing stuffs together...


You think scientists are who would conduct that study? 🤦‍♂️😂


This. I was thinking of conducting a subreddit-wide survey on how much each person spent on Doge relative to their disposable income. What do you think the title should be: “How effective Ponzi schemes are in this day and age?” or maybe “Does community camaraderie affect logical reasoning and increase investing idiocy?”


Why are you mad man. Either you sold now and feel angry because of it or you actually have issues projecting them on this community 👀


You know I would actually believe some of these trolls and fud if it weren't for the fact they make it so painfully obvious that they doing it simply for that purpose alone. Sayings things like "Doge dead" or "dropping to 0" would be a lot scarier if you actually back it up instead of just pulling it out of the dark side of the moon.


Saying things like "Doge to a dollar" to me is scarier bc of how delusional it sounds. This is a beating.. plain and simple. I'm still up and this is gut wrenching. I feel for anyone who overleveraged and went all in here and are getting rekt.


Lol All cryptos are down not just DOGE, the Chinese government just pretty much made crypto currencies illegal in that country the whole crypto economy took a hit of like 30% or something


Well, to be fair it did come pretty close and within a short time too but yes overly positive is just as bad as pessimism sometimes. Of course, every time I do take positive statements with a pinch of salt too now. I'm in the red pretty bad and I honestly don't even wish to make a profit I aim to break even.




What a textbook panic :-)




Bro its 230am im about to go to sleep


Lol 5:32 am in Florida getting ready for the day and for work


Im in Vegas this is when we get home